
kemo Game profile


May 12th 2010, 1:06:25

i know right? lets just go ahead and have the players themselves mod the game

wait fluff...

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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 19:15:44

captain limp wrist has struck again
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 19:13:01

im still hopin for that ignore option
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 19:10:37

thunder likes the braves so he gets me vote
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 19:08:02

kill runs 24/7 would make me orgasm
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 3:59:37

ill allow this
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 2:31:16

as long as anyone beats the yankees though thats just dandy
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 0:30:11

in soviet russia enforcement delegates you
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 0:08:54

thought l:l didnt exist on ffa? maybe i heard wrong
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kemo Game profile


May 11th 2010, 0:02:21

is it wrong to be aroused by that?
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kemo Game profile


May 10th 2010, 3:12:10

it all started goin downhill the day they got rid of david justice
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kemo Game profile


May 10th 2010, 3:06:22

bobby cox said theyll be a contender this year but it dont seem like they will :(
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kemo Game profile


May 10th 2010, 2:42:43

as title states
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 23:13:40

no way. had the germans only opened 1 front and it be against the russians stalin woulda got owned
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 22:08:39

but mr t says its awesome
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 22:00:40

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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 17:25:46

yep thats right. just go on not even tryin to refute your own words. itll just make you look worse
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 17:11:16

even a freakin brick can seem to comprehend this better then your dumbass

well then lets suppose we dont factor in any credibility at all. even after the recent scandal youd want people to just believe you blindly? have you lost your mind? id be more then willing to help you find it
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 16:32:25

where did i say you targeted another individual? that cum in your eyes makin you see half assed?

you been lyin to the server consistently

your the one braggin you have proof of more people cheatin but for some reason that proof hasnt made it into the mods hands for them do decide....

Edited By: kemo on May 9th 2010, 16:32:54
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 16:26:29

i demand better actin for your show
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 16:23:06

Originally posted by Dark Morbid:
Credibility? This is a online text based game where you come in no real contact with someone other then text, who gives a fluff about credibility. You think this is the first time my *Credibility* has been shot down? pffffft. I've been doing this longer than you've been playing earth.


then by your own logic everything you say does in fact mean nothing at all except maybe to please that individual your talkin to at that moment.

yes. yes you probly have been cheating and gettin deleted for it for a long time.
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 16:16:17

all your credibility is pretty much shot dm. not just cause of what just happend. you also tried sayin in another thread you "lost your mod ability cause of what happend awhile ago."

all your bases are deleted...
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 15:54:54

thats pretty damn low. startin a war by killin one of your best players
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 14:19:26


i can see your vagina from here
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kemo Game profile


May 9th 2010, 5:07:57

i wish my voices had call waiting :(
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 23:49:23

i hate when people say you can or cant do some things to the flag. like when someone paints it on his truck. there actually is a flag code against that. to that individual on his truck thats his patriotism. to the people with the code book thats only a place where itll get dirty and theyll try to sue him.

your own version of patriotism aint enough anymore. now you gotta live by rules someone else has set forth.
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 20:00:51

correction sir. obama wins many things by cheating
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 19:55:39

damn i was really hopin for a crime fighter kid someday
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 19:48:49

you sayin its the position the people used?

missnionary = good
doggy = bad
wheel barrow = crime fighter
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 19:39:40

pretty sure we all know the stork brings the kids
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 19:37:23

that stuffs nasty
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 19:25:01

people pull train on you often?
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 17:28:55

i read a news article that a kid got in trouble at school for wearin a shirt with the us flag on it durin cinco de mayo :(
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 16:30:00

as long as the admins take the action they feel is necessary i think thats adequate enough. even if i may not agree with said action. it atleast shows they trying

in this case llaar and co finally got the owning that was comin after all these years

you can argue enough action wasnt taken. to me though just seein his friends who thought he'd never do this and defended him through the years see the light makes me happy
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 16:02:11

Originally posted by gregg:
i only play one country

i know u LaE guys will need a minute to absorb this

i only play one country
no multis for me, no land farms, no slave allies
if i got deleted ten countries would not drop off this server
i dont play 7% of the active countires in this server myself

i am one of these anachronistic guys who think that cheating even at a puter game is immoral

i know u guys r saying lighten up, immoral?

the LaE position is clear
cheating is now and always will be part of this game
u can not get a bunch of puter gamers together and not expect some of them to cheat
for many puter gamers the thrill is in the cheat
the game itself is secondary to the hack, the cheat the bad boy rush of breaking the rules
businesses sell cheats to all puter games
twenty somethings have been using cheats at puter games their whole lives

so when somebody says that cheating is inappropriate
they clearly have no idea what the person is talking about
its a head scratcher

cheating at puter games is a multi million dollar industry
cheating at puter games is expected condoned and not the least bit immoral
LaE has built its clan on this philosophy
you dont get too big to fail by being overly honest
LaE has spread that philosophy to all the servers
first deleted off ffa, then deleted off alliance and now express

innocent bystanders like kemo raised on cheating at puter games honestly can not understand why i care or even how it is any of my business that LaE cheats

If u can not grasp why cheating is bad
or why everyone should oppose it
then this is not the forum for the philosophical explanation
this forum routinely degenerates into ADD grunts and insults

so suffice it to say i understand why LaE has cheated and will continue to joyfully openly brazenly cheat in the future

I am thrilled that our game has administrators who understand that cheating is bad for the game and have acted with courage to stop the miscreants

I fear that LaE will continue to cheat because it is their innate character but for now they have been slowed

LaE and even Kemo seem to think my objection is outcome based, that is they think i object because it makes it harder for me to win
that assumption is in error

i just have this anachronistic aversion to lying and cheating

so go ahead LaE insult my mother now

you DID play multiple countries earlier in the set member? you had a beef with lae even before this deletion thing

im not gonna read your book of a post later on

your mom sucks!!!

im not lae

name one damn time ive ever cheated on earth

i did in no way defend them. i simply stated, and ill put it plainly for you again, its not our business
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 4:05:23

shes gonna nuke us :(
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kemo Game profile


May 8th 2010, 3:13:24

im not sure i see how this is in any way shape or form your business gregg? i admit i laughed hard and am curious as all hell. i dont bug nobody though cause i have honestly not a damn reason to know what happened. they dont owe either one of us an explanation or apology and im ok with that.

apparently you have this over whelming desire for the world to owe you things when it was in fact here first. put your tampon back in. tough it up and play your countries (if you have any left).
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kemo Game profile


May 7th 2010, 19:08:31

you dont know it but this is about me. now stop bein selfish and think about kemo for the rest of your life
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kemo Game profile


May 7th 2010, 2:49:03

sprint allows it but you gotta pay extra
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kemo Game profile


May 6th 2010, 20:52:17

its pretty simple buddy. if you want to be like the guys on the top you gotta learn from them. your insane to think of changing the game mechanics thatve been in place for atleast a decade just cause you cant or wont compete with the current elites
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kemo Game profile


May 6th 2010, 20:42:58

confirmed joe is my multi in lae
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kemo Game profile


May 6th 2010, 4:42:07

people who dont take the time and effort the greats do will always want the makers to lower the bar
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kemo Game profile


May 6th 2010, 2:45:03

nice fs

*awaits na cs*
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kemo Game profile


May 6th 2010, 2:35:16

or you could just message the country?
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kemo Game profile


May 6th 2010, 1:54:42

well ya know many people supported obama at first too...
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kemo Game profile


May 6th 2010, 1:12:21

its legal in ohio for women to walk in public naked
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kemo Game profile


May 5th 2010, 20:37:26

heres the real saying from bush himself

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
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kemo Game profile


May 5th 2010, 19:36:57

wouldnt 1 and 3 contradict?
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kemo Game profile


May 5th 2010, 18:15:32

when you have a clue how much even 4 ounce explosives can do then come back and talk
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kemo Game profile


May 5th 2010, 17:59:00

wonder if magdeline ever used leather skin condoms
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