
macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 3:14:40

[quote poster=mrford; 46642; 889020]
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by mrford:
Message from j (#3150) sent on Mar 21, 2:58
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hit me with your best shot fluff


you wall like old people fluff

lol i had nothing to wall with. they are third and fourth generation countries. I had about 200 m with no spal and no turns to work with

you suck balls mrford.. you are real big killing a bunch of restarts. that's nothing to brag about..

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 3:09:25

Originally posted by mrford:
Message from j (#3150) sent on Mar 21, 2:58
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hit me with your best shot fluff


you wall like old people fluff

lol i had nothing to wall with. they are third and fourth generation countries. I had about 200 m with no spal and no turns to work with

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 21st 2019, 3:11:54
See Original Post

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 2:39:24

i had well over a trillion in cash, food and existing tech.... and i still had about a month and a half left of play to go with my main country having about 85 k research labs built up.. my other countries had about 50 k research labs and i was just starting to self farm..

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 21st 2019, 2:49:13

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 1:48:30

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ikr. Kinda funny to see him saying he could outnet someone on the top 25 in best 3. Pretty bold. You really think you're top 25 all time netter mac? Impressive to say the least!

*walks out giggling*

I don't net, anyone with half a brain can net.. I tried to net once and I had trillions and trillions of dollars at my disposal. sinistril even admitted that I could take number 1 when he spied me but then IMP sideswiped me. so yes.. I believe I could take number 1.

For the record, I faintly remember that set, and looked at my posts to jog my memory. It was a war set (and everyone knows how I feel about the advantages you get from netting in a war set), and you didn't quite have trillions and trillions at your disposal. However, since it was a war set, and everyone else undershot for first place, I do believe you could have taken first place that set. Would it have been an impressive set to finish in first? Not really, but I agree with you when you say you could finish with 2-3 billion nw. I think you deserve a lot of the flak you get, but I did not, and still do not, believe you deserved it in that particular set (and I'm on the record for protesting the actions against you at the time as well).

Well. Thank you for your integrity Sinistril.. I think you may be one of the very few people on this site who has that.

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 1:32:15

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ikr. Kinda funny to see him saying he could outnet someone on the top 25 in best 3. Pretty bold. You really think you're top 25 all time netter mac? Impressive to say the least!

*walks out giggling*

I don't net, anyone with half a brain can net.. I tried to net once and I had trillions and trillions of dollars at my disposal. sinistril even admitted that I could take number 1 when he spied me but then IMP sideswiped me. so yes.. I believe I could take number 1.

I believe I could fluff Scarlett Johansson but that dont mean I actually could.

Don't get me wrong.. I know there are a lot of good netters out there.. Like you,, sinistril, mrford, raz, crippler, Donny, Swedish viper, etc.. and im sure they know things that I don't.. But I feel if I had the proper protection I could pump out a 2-3 billion country.

Then put yourself in that position and show us. Diplomacy is probably 90% of this game. If you want to net in ffa you need good relation with people. People skills are just as important as gameplay. It seems you are only trying to make enemies.

I have tried that... I made IMP my enemy on the first set I ever played... And since then they have hunted me every set even though there has been sets where I have completely stayed off the forums and minded my own business....

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 21st 2019, 1:34:51

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 1:30:57

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
One of the two of you did that in their 3rd set here. I'll give you two guesses

lol well do you think that would had happened if IMP launched a FS against him like they do to me every set??? like come on....

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 1:20:22

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ikr. Kinda funny to see him saying he could outnet someone on the top 25 in best 3. Pretty bold. You really think you're top 25 all time netter mac? Impressive to say the least!

*walks out giggling*

I don't net, anyone with half a brain can net.. I tried to net once and I had trillions and trillions of dollars at my disposal. sinistril even admitted that I could take number 1 when he spied me but then IMP sideswiped me. so yes.. I believe I could take number 1.

I believe I could fluff Scarlett Johansson but that dont mean I actually could.

Don't get me wrong.. I know there are a lot of good netters out there.. Like you,, sinistril, mrford, raz, crippler, Donny, Swedish viper, etc.. and im sure they know things that I don't.. But I feel if I had the proper protection I could pump out a 2-3 billion country.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 21st 2019, 1:26:39

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 1:02:13

Originally posted by sinistril:
Why you hating on rainbows macdaddy?

lol, well if anyone could pull it off it would be you Sinistril

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 0:54:41

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Ikr. Kinda funny to see him saying he could outnet someone on the top 25 in best 3. Pretty bold. You really think you're top 25 all time netter mac? Impressive to say the least!

*walks out giggling*

I don't net, anyone with half a brain can net.. I tried to net once and I had trillions and trillions of dollars at my disposal. sinistril even admitted that I could take number 1 when he spied me but then IMP sideswiped me. so yes.. I believe I could take number 1.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 21st 2019, 0:56:46
See Original Post

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 0:40:04

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Sorry i just checked with Sherita, you have nothing in range of me, begone with you peasant, my multiple top 10's across multiple servers speaks for it's self. at least i learnt how to play the game, what's your excuse? :)

is this kid really this thick? lol

I was warring and suiciding all set you fluff.. All my countries are third generation countries.. You probably don't even know how to stock.. yet alone kill.. I could out net you and out war you..

anyways your countries are jokes.. you're a joke.. My first set I ever played I managed to build a country of 35 million nw when I don't have much of a clue... but I guess I had one thing you didn't have. a fluffing brain.. im done with you until next set. see you then.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 21st 2019, 0:52:09

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 21st 2019, 0:21:33

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by Rokkie:

um heres one of them rainbows???? are you smoking crack or something ? are you even on about the same set/countries? or just spouting random fluff again?

57 Constructin sites... man that's garbage You are even more stupid than I thought

anyone who knows anything about this game can tell you that is a fluff country

Sure, it was a crappy country, it was my first set back in over 10 years i was unaware of any changes and very out of touch with the game, anyone that knows anything about this game will tell you i soon changed that around, next insult please? :)

you posted this because for some strange reason you were proud of this joke country. I don't care how long of a break you had.. There is no reason to create such a piece of fluff country.. Like 60 construction sites? only 7 million networth finish?? I remember my first set. If I netted I could net into the billions NW..

what this link clearly illustrates is that you simply do not know how to play this game nor you have any inkling on what the hell you are doing. Whether you hate me or not, anyone who knows my countries knows that I create strong countries.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 21st 2019, 0:26:05
See Original Post

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 20th 2019, 22:09:52

Originally posted by Rokkie:

um heres one of them rainbows???? are you smoking crack or something ? are you even on about the same set/countries? or just spouting random fluff again?

57 Constructin sites... man that's garbage You are even more stupid than I thought

anyone who knows anything about this game can tell you that is a fluff country

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 20th 2019, 22:12:39
See Original Post

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 20th 2019, 21:59:41

Originally posted by Rokkie:
um alright chump, listen up, i been nice to you uptil now, but you only gone and proved what a waste of space you are, begging for help to fund your pathetic strike on imp, shall i screenshot the messages? and the one where you said no one would know about it, luckily for me, i have a few brains cells i rub together and know better than to break a pact..

As for being on a leash? wtf no leash here mate, if i decide to hit you, have least 3 more killers in loc ready to pounce to, you are actually nothing to us, you could never compete with any of our members either in war or netting, you just outright suck. you mistyped, what you mean is YOUR countries are no match for mine, not now, next set, not ever. as for you spying my countries, when was this? when i returned a year ago midset and wasn't aware of any of the new changes, yeah sure i was a noob then, look where i am now every set. top 10, look where you are, dead. *cackles manically hahahahah*

Now im going for gold macmoron, you know which string is mine, if you think your countries are that wack then bring it, i actually need a good laugh and so do the fam on discord.

i see you messaged me on irc, i closed the chat without even opening it and added you to my ignore list, you want to talk do it here publicly where everyone can have a good laugh, what you fail to realise is, i am liked in this game, you are not.

Have a nice day, please don't get to angry in your next reply. :)

hahahaha... I only asked you because your stupid little spal force failed when you did a spy op on me you pathetic piece of fluff.. So I retaliated and spied you countries. I could have totally fluffed you up with my spy force alone.. You rainbow loving fluff.. Are you going to deny it??? what little fluff boxes they were...

Im used to fighting and playing with far more superior players than you.. My dog gary the pug could put together better countries than you had.. So run back to your master.. Oh and btw, you will need another 3 strings like yours in order to stand any chance against me little boy.

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 20th 2019, 21:34:53

Originally posted by Rokkie:
I totally understand now why people were bit cautious of me at first to when i returned....

Makes even more sense why IMP killed 2 of my countries out of mistake thinking i was someone else, no new player stands a chance with actions like this.

douche of the day award goes to macdaddy.

Right now i have offended you, you plan to suicide loc? i only ask because we have members just itching to kill, and how embarrassing that would be, getting owned by ratski, the master of rainbows!

Please, i urge you to just give it a rest with these aliases you keep resurrecting, you're not smart enough to do it properly so don't do it!

Have a swirvey day!

I love when air headed degenerates like this fluff get mouthy esp when you couldn't even touch me if it came to netting or warring.. i spied your countries when IMP killed you because i was curious. They were complete garbage and im surprised LOC would accept an imbecile like you.. My countries were out of your league. Right now I am cool with Derrick and LOC but I have no problem cherry picking your degenerate ass out of the group if you keep on chirping..

Not smart of you to announce what clan you are in.. Because unlike you I am not like a dog on a leash. So keep your fluffing mouth shut and run back to your master before I decide I just may target you next set.

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 20th 2019, 20:35:48

were you 96 last set mob?

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 19th 2019, 18:02:12

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Awesome, guys, we're 6 strong :-)


if my ban is over ill be In

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 19th 2019, 17:17:37

if you join them you will die as they are plagued with suiciders. check out the Yiff post.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 19th 2019, 17:21:10

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 19th 2019, 12:39:42

actually it looks more like the mongrel race that IMP makes up..

They got their ass kicked if it wasn't for Yiffs sideswipe. I was hammering on them so bad this set.. I had to sell off military to attack because I was growing out of orbit.. I killed more IMP countries than they killed of mine. And when you counter In my spy ops... there was no comparison.. I fluffed you losers up.

it takes 3 imp string for every MacDaddy string

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 19th 2019, 11:38:28

Apparently Marshal doesn't know the difference between a billion and a trillion.. Not surprised though..

Dumb fluff

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 18th 2019, 16:58:51

Originally posted by jcatron:
I do not think a single player in this game respects you or thinks that you are a real threat.

Sorry to disappoint you on the 1v1 but I dont play with the special kids...they are sticky and smell funny.

Well I believe you when you say you know what that is like. As im sure you were raised by them and surrounded by them in your special ed class your entire school years.. . The apple doesn't fall far from the tree,, does it?

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 18th 2019, 17:08:04

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 18th 2019, 16:46:50

Originally posted by jcatron:
Thats funny coming from you. Love how you talk a big game but can never back it up. Keep chirping little one is listening.

Me and Syko slapped IMP around like a little fluff this set.. Something that you were never ever able to do..

Oh and ive challenged your disabled-ass so many times on express to a 1 on 1... But that single brain cell bouncing around in that dead head of yours at least knows what the outcome of that would be..


Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 19th 2019, 1:27:24

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 18th 2019, 16:09:34

Well, its been about a week and I see the string is still alive, well and thriving.. They couldn't even kill 1 country of his.

I didn't think ICD could address a real threat even after yiff wiped out the entire string one of their best netters.. Maybe the current members should consider migrating to LOC. At least they will get protection there..

This is the protection that ICD offers its members? Even after Raz gets a headssup that he is going to get attacked?? They just let him die and don't avenge his death???? lol lol lol too funny.. but rather pathetic.

Nice job Hawk, you made ICD look really weak.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 18th 2019, 16:31:48

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 16th 2019, 18:25:34

nope not me.. I only have 2 purples this set