
manoz Game profile

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Apr 25th 2014, 20:14:34


manoz Game profile

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Apr 6th 2014, 23:56:26


manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 30th 2014, 18:40:21

ok cable i will believe you.....and i apologize if it wasnt you! but 1 thing is 100% sure and that is that if you read the message send to me with all the "fluff and fluffing" its for sure its one of the forum.....people who love this game and are active behind the scenes in this forum. are the same fluffing people who are destroying this. thats the fckin problem.

Enjoy 2025..... there are X countries in express, yeah runned by alot less people. this game is dead

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 30th 2014, 17:22:38

if i could ill show it to you...... the only evidence i have is that the "talk" in the message is the same as #gangsters paradise last set. and that country belonged to mr.cable. now this set some stupid nerdcountry of 300k suicides on me and deletes itself.....but sended me a message with the same "fluff" talk as cable.
now tell me, if cable is an active player he would have done so much better than 300k and this was clearly a retal from #gangsters paradise. so in this way my conclusion is: #gangsters paradise and #27 chilli are the same. and gangsters paradise was cable so #27 chili also. so if cable is still playing his BIG country in express he ran another country to suicide an delete it.<---- tellarion look into it

anyway i played this game for years at swirve. ill try one more set and if there anymore morons like this ill remember to never come back. love this game but this is just fcked.

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 30th 2014, 16:04:56

"go ahead now fluff hit someone hard. what a flufftard fluff you are. go fluff yourself tulip." this was the message send

i ran into you cable last set and you spoke the same "fluff" .....and that "tulip" is clearly a hint to my name last set hit this country last set and posted the newsreport on the forum!

so if it isnt you cable (i give in and im not sure it was you, but still think you are) who recognize this.

if anyone does.....this dude is a running multies and only makes countries to grow up to 300k and then uses them to retal. if this happens again ill too make alot of multies and suicide the top ten next set just in the hope this dude is there, and i wont mind the collateral damage

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 29th 2014, 20:16:19

im used to the good old swirve times and had lots of fun with all my alliances warring but still be sort of civilized. not this stuff.....or sometimes it happend. damn i did it too :P ok lets try the more aggressive way next time.

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 29th 2014, 17:26:22

i wanted to join gdi yesterday but forgot

i know its him...he did the same last set and in the forum i found out it was (one of) cables country,

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 29th 2014, 16:13:35

hey chili thanx alot made your (double) country all the way to 300K and stuffed with missiles and then suicide on me.
in your PM i see the same bull as last set with #gangsters paradise/cable you retal me for last set ?

i havent played this game in ten years but if this is the "new style"

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 28th 2014, 17:15:11

happens to me too.....they let me grow big an fat and then come to harvest me

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 28th 2014, 13:50:21

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Yup, and we need them to keep this dinosaur game going :p

i love this dinosaur game....just recently found out it was still alive after swirve. now playing again =P

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 28th 2014, 13:44:09

at the tournament server the commies are suiciding....prices are way too low.

im selling my ass of at the express server. everything i put on the market gets sold in no time for good prices

btw for rats.....just put 1.5 mil troops on the market, they will arrive after 20 minutes. for a good price =D

manoz Game profile

New Member

Mar 25th 2014, 10:44:32

so its cable who whas the psycho.....i ran into you #gangsters paradise this set and you went completely beserk on me for one grab. like i said in the ingame message; i hope your not this fked in the head in real life..... you have a bad attitude