
nitroxidus Game profile


Jun 10th 2016, 2:54:08

Edited By: nitroxidus on Jun 11th 2016, 1:21:42
See Original Post

nitroxidus Game profile


Jun 9th 2016, 3:51:52

good to still see some familiar names, hope everyone has been well. =]

nitroxidus Game profile


Dec 21st 2013, 4:31:59

icq: 53250549
can't get in my account. =]

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 27th 2011, 23:04:51

gogo TIE!!

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 27th 2011, 5:11:18


nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 23:16:05


nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 23:15:00

the 1% possess more wealth than the bottom 150 million people combined. or another statistic that's being used, is that the 1% own 40% of the entire nations wealth. the bush tax cuts made that possible, cause they haven't held that much wealth in my life time and perhaps my parents as well. anyone that thinks the 1% hasn't had their bunghole licked the last 12 years by our government is blind cause it hasn't always been this way. and the way it's stacked up and if nothing changes, in a matter of time they will eventually control 50%, then 60%. what comes of things then? they'll own the government and pretty much everyone.

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 12:12:48

wrong again man =/
it gained momentum when police showed up in riot gear and sprayed women peacefully protesting in the face with pepper spray. that is what factually ignited the movement across the country. that was the video that made everyone unable to go to new york want to really get involved.

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 5:00:06

the nba league is over-saturated with teams no one cares about filled with players no one cares about, the majority of ppl don't care about even watching nba until the playoffs cause its really just a waste of time.

they need to have fewer teams and consolidate the real talent among the teams left, in my humble opinion.

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 2:29:41

lol, chevs you sound a lot like me way back when I was dealing with SoF via Martian wayyyy back. I don't remember ever letting things get too personal with him, but I do remember pouring in loads of time to improve relations with SoF, only to have them come in and hit us. i made some good headway, but politics got in the way.

slagpit is a good dude tho and i have a lot of respect for him the same as i do with martian, qz, maki, and the others you mentioned and many you didn't. they all got game and are solid leaders.

-retired fa dude

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 1:53:04

i know you for the troll you are to be specific, i figured your iq wouldn't need to have that explained but i guess that's lower than i remembered.

a significant portion of the occupiers are not union members, unions have been nearly eradicated and unions are not the basis of this movement lmao, i don't know anyone working a union job and i only met 2 people out of 1000 at our rally that openly showed support of their union thru wearing a shirt. however the signs they were toting were specifically against corruption and had nothing to do with their union.

i'm there on the ground in the middle of it all, i can say what i say because i've been there and seen it first hand. you have no idea what occupy is about obviously.

and props to anonymous as well, as they provided most of the logistics and know how to get the live feeds that have informed the rest of the world.

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 23:43:04

lol you don't even know me although i know you, no matter how long i leave this game for and come back, i know you'll always be here trolling these boards. =]

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 23:34:35

probably? do some research, and NO we had only a few union members that even wore a union shirt sprinkled in.

you don't know anything about birmingham. you don't know about how jp morgan lined our city mayor's pockets to invest in illegal derivatives without the city council's approval and guaranteed it to be a triple A investment, only to lose it all and leave Jefferson County $3.2 Billion in debt on the brink of being the largest bankruptcy of any county in the history of the United States. Now, every man woman and child in Jefferson County owes JP Morgan $4000+ despite having never done business with them before. Yes, the city mayor is serving 10 years in prison in KY, but JP Morgan with all their high prices lawyers and political clout got off with nothing.

turn your tv off fox news for a bit, cause if you believe there is truly no corruption between corporations and government AT ALL then you are blind. this isn't at all about class warfare, its about taking back our country.

also, no corporation should be too big to fail. of all the major banks in the past, the number has dwindled down to only 4. and antitrust lawsuits are being filed against them also for working together.

don't give me that crap, "oh unions are involved so that's all this is about". union members are part of the 99% just the same as anyone else, if they want to get out and protest no one is going to tell them they cannot.

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 23:09:04

i'd be on a yacht wiping my arse with hundred dollar bills after a good poo if that were the case instead of coming back to this place.

you must be part of the "53%" happily hating on those that aren't too lazy to take some action?

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 22:59:50

bleh, nba isn't the same as it used to be. it could never come back and i'd be fine as long as there is still college bball around.

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 22:54:10

we had almost 1000 ppl in occupy birmingham =]

nitroxidus Game profile


Oct 18th 2011, 2:20:57

thanks SS for giving me some real incentive to come back to this game, i know you and the rest of the gang missed me. ;]