
pyroprincessashley Game profile


May 8th 2014, 3:51:07

I never said I wanted to play alone. I joined this game with very little knowledge to go off of (a couple of things spoken of in the wiki for the rules). I did play Kamikazegames' DOMINION before they shut down, so that's how I had ANY kind of knowledge of what I was doing because I took my knowledge from that game and implemented it here. It only worked for a very short while though. I never rejected clan offers, I said I am going to wait until the new round to do it because if I went back into the game now, I would just be destroyed again. There's no reason for me to get into the game when there's hundreds of countries over 10m networth by now. It just doesn't make sense to me. My country would just be a feeding ground to strike after strike because I am just starting to build whereas everyone else is ready to attack. Oh, and for your information, I AM BLONDE. So I don't know where you're trying to go with that. <_<

pyroprincessashley Game profile


May 7th 2014, 7:18:29

I am very sorry for my multiple days of absence. I have been having computer troubles, but it all seems to be fixed finally. I've read some of your posts to catch up, and though I did raise my eyebrows a few times, I am thankful to those who have given some advice to me. I'll try and do better next time I create a country. If I created a country now this far into the game, it'd just get eaten alive, so I might just wait for the new round.

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 29th 2014, 4:26:43

That wasn't the purpose, Dragon. People were saying I was just hiding behind a feminine user name for this game, so I just proved who I was, is all. I don't mind showing who I am, even if people don't care. The purpose of me showing who I am wasn't to get hormones flowing, it was just to put to bed any lingering doubts about me. At least now there's just nothing left to doubt except my playing ability, which I do admit myself, my play style is complete trash. I will, however, stay, and try to learn how to play better. I made 4,000,000 networth on my own. I consider that an achievement for my first time. But I only used my tactics I learned from Dominion to get that high. This game has a hundred different ways to kill my country. So, all I can do is try again. I'll create a country in the morning and then take the person up on his offer to learn how to play this game better.
Goodnight and see you all tomorrow. :)

Edited By: pyroprincessashley on Apr 29th 2014, 4:32:40

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 29th 2014, 3:28:51

I was. I just had to silence the naysayers who have the "there are no girls on the internet" mentality. Sorry, Iceman.

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 29th 2014, 3:22:50

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 29th 2014, 2:40:53

I can provide proof if it'll set your mind at ease?
On another note, call me what you want. It doesn't matter any more. It's obvious I am intruding on your game. I think I am just going to move on and find another game. Thank you for your time and the couple of people who offered to help me.

Edited By: pyroprincessashley on Apr 29th 2014, 2:43:12

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 28th 2014, 19:37:57

I'll take him up on the offer. I will ask to join in a couple of hours. I have to run some errands. I need a dress for a social gathering. I will see you all soon and post back when I return.

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 28th 2014, 16:14:06

Originally posted by kemo:

you can sign up if you want and well teach you. problem is im not honestly buyin your a noob. your more then welcome to prove me wrong

I honestly am. I played Kamikazegames' "DOMINION" [Created by Ross] for a long time and have been looking for other strategy games like it since Dominion shut down, and Earth Empires came up on the list. So I decided to give it a try. Although I liked it at first, the fact that there are clans out there with over 100 members and each one can have 16 countries means I could potentially have 1600 countries bearing down on my single country. There's just absolutely no way to survive in this game unless you are an immediate elite player. New players can't adapt to that kind of siege against you.

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 28th 2014, 16:10:40

What's the use of having a missile if you're going to use one and be attacked 250 times? What's the point of hitting back if all they're going to do is hit you again? I had to smash him to the point he would be too small to hit me again. The other guy declared war on me and that's why I smashed him a bunch of times for the war declaration, so those attacks were justified.
Not only this, but the missiles are so ridiculously vulnerable, it's not even funny. For the hundreds of turns it takes to build a single one, all it takes is 1 turn to have it destroyed, which, again, isn't fair. They should have a huge anti-sabotage bonus against Spies (15-20% defense bonus would suffice).

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 28th 2014, 14:09:50

Yeah, it seems when you attack just one person, they go on like 500 others and just destroy you. I worked hard to try and defend my country but there are too many ways to kill you in this game to the point there is not one bit of balance in this game. If you train troops, they just use something else. Train turrets, they just use something else. Have ample military, they just use spies to completely destroy you. Train spies, their military just wipes you out. There is absolutely no balance in this game for a defender. I tried to be friendly and it seems like you people just do not like new players coming to this game. I do not associate where I am not liked. So this game is not for me. Goodbye everyone.

Edited By: pyroprincessashley on Apr 28th 2014, 14:15:29

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 28th 2014, 9:18:59

I have one country. Country #322. I joined late last round and this is the first official round I have joined for its entirety. I felt that as a new player with very little knowledge, one country was all I could handle right away. :)
The issue at hand was I was hit by someone pretty severely, so I smashed him back pretty heavily, then another declared war on me but he had very little to hit me with, so I took the initiative first to send a warning about warring with me for no reason. I sent a couple of messages to them, hopefully which will quell the tension.
Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you all. :)

Edited By: pyroprincessashley on Apr 28th 2014, 9:26:15

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 28th 2014, 4:52:40

I may not be the best player on this server, but I do like to think I have been doing all right for myself. I got into a little bit of an issue with a couple of countries but I hope to get it settled before heavy damage is done. I do try my best and am very active in this game. If anyone would like to perhaps give me a chance for their clan, I would love to try out.


pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 26th 2014, 12:04:46

Amazing. I thought it'd die out just like Kamikazegames' Dominion did. Must be more resilient than I thought. :)

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 19:27:21

Wow, Utopia is still running to this day?

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 8th 2014, 4:57:51

Now if only Kamikazegames' Dominion would come back just as Earth 2025 did, we would have two of the greatest browser strategy games back online again! But for now, Earth 2025 is still my favorite. :)

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 4th 2014, 2:55:58

Thank you guys. <3

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 4th 2014, 2:36:27

The round ended so abruptly, I wanted to see what place I finished at. Is there a way to check?

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Apr 1st 2014, 4:11:48

I think in the 8 days we had left I did pretty good for myself. So far, I am at 600k Networth. It isn't too bad. ^-^

Edited By: pyroprincessashley on Apr 2nd 2014, 13:26:56

pyroprincessashley Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 8:28:40

My name is Ashley, and I really like text-based strategy games such as these. It's so nice that a game like this still exists. I hope to do well here, and any tips or anything for me would be appreciated. Thank you. ^^