

New Member

Apr 18th 2011, 18:44:45

i will borrow this thread to post .... to get the bonus turn. is it ok ?


New Member

Oct 26th 2010, 5:25:22

<Samxz> !8ball will LaFizWIN win?
<&LaFbot> Why you asked ?
<Samxz> !8ball let me ask one more time. WILL LaFizWin WIN ????
<&LaFbot> What ?
<Samxz> !8ball Now, this is getting really annoying. WILL LAFIZWIN WIN THE WAR ?????
<&LaFbot> war?
<Samxz> !8ball ...................
<&LaFbot> Oh yes !!! Definetly. Don't forget to wear a condom.


New Member

Oct 26th 2010, 5:17:32

one lesson all of us has learn ........., even in the sack with GF, we should bring a smartphone.

The good thing is ..... .... we are lasting longer, if in the middle of honky panky, we take a break, and play the country for a while.


New Member

Oct 25th 2010, 4:57:29

Lot of spin and dance talk in AT , in which .. i don't really care :P
Also not really care about the reason for both side.

As for this war, i will try to learn SOL's war preparation strat, and what SOL will do in a war............, same as i learn how to netgain and win the set.

Yes, SOL is our enemies in these 2 sets, but i have to said,... you guys did great recently. CS with more kill than FS , also CS in about less than half hours from the FS , also the targets choosen from the CS. I learn something from it already, and honestly,... sol is NOT rank too high , at least in the last 2 sets.

If i'm a chef, I do want to make a Maki Sushi , but founds out, this little fish still alive, and run away from the blade :P :P :P

Good luck for both side, expecially SOL. You are pretty impressive.
I hope i could get and learn these sushi recipe, before next week :)


New Member

Sep 15th 2010, 19:42:45

LaF lose the war ...... so ??


New Member

Aug 31st 2010, 18:06:26

tik tok tik tok

I demand SOL to surrender, so i could focus on my starcraft2 again :P


New Member

Jun 3rd 2010, 2:50:42

The REAL winner should be Son Goku , got suicided twice and lost half the lands , and who knows how many stock lost when suicide happened, ........... and yet ............. still finish T10 with 132m NW .... ... congratz Son Goku :)

Edited By: samxz1269 on Jun 3rd 2010, 2:51:22


New Member

Jun 1st 2010, 9:56:52

Hei gibbbberrr :P