
trout Game profile

New Member

Feb 28th 2011, 0:06:48


trout Game profile

New Member

Jan 14th 2011, 6:42:48

Hey Diez, it's eric :D

Heya Sky and Tiers ^_^

trout Game profile

New Member

Sep 12th 2010, 3:55:06

pimpthang can you be anymore of an imbecile? Your comments are so immature and moronic that I believe you are the only one that's still in secondary school around here. Most of us have degrees and post grads and real lives, whilst you sit here and bag off another alliance that is far more superior than whatever alliance you are in.

Shut ur fluffing mouth u dum noob. Stupid kids with no respect these days. Your incompetence at life is being presented by every single post you make.