Feb 18th 2012, 9:13:03
CC made me a suicidier, someone else said it best above, you are just adding to what you are tryin to stop, my intentions on this server was to netgain, i have lots of other servers to netgain on, CC turned my countries on this server into suiciders, it had nothing to do with IMP, it was CC killing small tags because they are bigger and they can...no other reason...they can make up whatever excuses they want but fact is they killed an innocent person and not 1 country, 14, how you expect me to get them all back?
and let me get this straight mrford....instead of joining IMP I should of joined C...take a second and think about that in real life, someone attacks another country and kills them, unless its a fluff ass country they truely want nothing to do with the country that invaded....hence look at afgahnista and iraq.....DUR I would never join the team the just killed because they said sorry LOL what a joke, I'm going to join the side that hopefully one day might kill them since they are running around like chickens with there heads cut off killing every joe blow there is on the street, you remind me of the USA, killing innocent people in there wars and taking no reponsibilities and then trying to talk the people of a country into liking you after you killed entire families of innocent people, doesnt work like that G, you tell others to think but you need to stop and do some yourself....for reall.....