
wrecking Ball Game profile


Sep 9th 2018, 6:54:18

third set back after a few years away and like you was running a commie/indie having not signed up to GDI (of my 3 sets back only one i haven't!), just noticed did the same to me.

yesterdays thought process...... forgot how much fun this game was!!!

This mornings thought process..... how bloody frustrating is this game!!!

question to experienced players, what proportion of the player base currently in this game do you think are 'these types of players'?

Why would someone run a republic if the sole purpose was to disrupt high netting countries? (just plain dumb is my best guess??)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 22nd 2015, 22:21:09

ha ha fair play, i think i was blinded waiting for stuff to sell. I've got the money to run my turns but im tight with money, worse case scenario have to line someone's pocket to finish the set :-p

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 22nd 2015, 21:57:29

I hope who's got bushels on at that ends up having to sell them on the PM!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 22nd 2015, 19:51:39

Commies have been supplying cheap turrets for practically the whole sets and farmers won't return the favour!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 22nd 2015, 16:39:15

at least when stock just isn't selling on the market and can't run turns can always find something happening on the forum to pass the time :-)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 22nd 2015, 15:52:08

putting stuff on the market at a generous price to get it sold and still see it priced $20 to high with the current market!! going to be a frustrating end to the set!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 15th 2015, 18:56:30

strangely he was potentially on for his best ever finish!!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 15th 2015, 18:35:14

another interesting set for you Ti annichilisco? someone retals you and your very unique code in this game means you must respond heavily? I cannot see you lasting long with that approach...... and please take that as advice because looking at your country this set you probably would have actually done ok.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 15th 2015, 18:16:27

I thought a post would pop up about him this set eventually!! are you #84? he really didn't like your retal did he!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 9th 2015, 14:21:55

True mr ford, i might have to give a landfarm a go, if i get mr Ti parking his clapped out army on my doorstep it would be worth the entertainment value alone!!

What country you play as hammer?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 9th 2015, 13:00:31

hi mr ford, im not trying to jack anyones style. I dont operate as a landfarm, ive used flatland for sometime now even few years ago when last played.

My name is from an episode of big bang theory :-)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 9th 2015, 12:56:54

Mr Ti your moral compass humours me! it doesnt really work calling a country lucky because you are incapable of successfully achieving a retal on retal planned strike. the only luck aspect was the fact it was you and not one of the many players who actually know what they are doing. But they dont tend to try farm countries then throw there dummy out the pram when they get retal'd

It cant be a coincidence you always finish middle of the park can it? I dont claim to know the finer details of this game but manage modest finishes just by understanding how people respond to certain actions in this game. you make me chuckle.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 8th 2015, 7:53:40

too right, looking at his last few sets out of curiosity, do some people in this game just never learn?

Ill give him some credit, he does keep the same country name, doe's that suggest he wants to develop a reputation! some reputation!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 7th 2015, 22:15:20

It must be embarrassing.....
try to farm people early in the set using planned strikes, someone doesn't take kindly to been farmed and decides to take land back with interest.
Then you appear to missile retal the wrong country (no history with #59?), then see your retal on retal planned strike fail..... thanks for making my evening.

2015-03-07 21:47:38 PS Ti Annichilisco (#79) flatland (#106) DH
2015-03-07 21:36:19 EM Ti Annichilisco (#79) New World Order (#59) 48973MU
2015-03-07 21:36:07 EM Ti Annichilisco (#79) New World Order (#59) 49468MU
2015-03-07 21:36:01 EM Ti Annichilisco (#79) New World Order (#59) 49968MU
2015-03-07 21:35:40 NM Ti Annichilisco (#79) New World Order (#59) 509A
2015-03-07 21:20:16 SS flatland (#106) Ti Annichilisco (#79) 673A (923A)
2015-03-07 21:16:32 SS flatland (#106) Ti Annichilisco (#79) 734A (1041A)
2015-03-07 21:14:36 SS flatland (#106) Ti Annichilisco (#79) 777A (1103A)
2015-03-05 22:45:09 PS Ti Annichilisco (#79) flatland (#106) 95A (151A)
2015-03-05 22:44:47 PS Ti Annichilisco (#79) flatland (#106) 108A (184A)
2015-03-05 22:44:24 PS Ti Annichilisco (#79) flatland (#106) 113A (191A)
2015-03-05 22:43:45 PS Ti Annichilisco (#79) flatland (#106) 119A (198A)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 6th 2015, 14:28:38

Can tell I can't recognise bots :-p. Person problem thought I was a bot! Although ton of turns on hand

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 6th 2015, 12:50:00

Please don't retaliate #79 I'm having a bad week and now want to take it out on him. Thank you in advance.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 1st 2015, 19:02:52

Whether it matters or not is a matter of opinion really, just really putting it out there to discuss. Personally the idea of a standing order is to temp sellers that if they sell at a certain price stock will sell, to me it kinda defeats the object of this if a standing order can be registered on the market if the potential buyer has no actual money.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 1st 2015, 12:03:38

But don't they only get cancelled once they actually fail? on a previous set I have had that message about how tried to sell to a standing order but it failed due to the buyer having insufficient funds?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 1st 2015, 10:50:14

funds coming in aren't guaranteed though as they are also dictated by people willing to buy goods at the price set or persons whom standing orders you attempt to satisfy having no funds on hand??

wrecking Ball Game profile


Mar 1st 2015, 9:41:10

Do you not think standing orders should only remain on market if the source country has the funds to back it up.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 21st 2015, 10:45:25

Can one of you please triple tap me or try steal some money again??

I was trying something new this set and it didn't quite go as well as I hoped. As a result my netting will be modest to say the least. So to save me from boredom please someone give me an excuse :-)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 18th 2015, 17:31:03

Well last set I got land grabbed by someone's who's timing was just right as a ton of stock had just sold on the market, as a result they made a ton of money but they didn't push there luck and grab over and over again, so it's fair game. Again someone realising your cash heavy with good SPAL hits a few banks again fair play even if I knew who, been an all explore at time I would leave it. But 20 times, I would happily throw a finish to make a point.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 17th 2015, 23:18:16

OK cool, I suppose my simple question would be does that constitute an asshole but I get the distinct impression it does :-). But yea I had fun ruining his set, just Shame I ran out of turns to kill his set. Why steal off someone with 2 billion in cash and 300 turns in hand, it's obviously going to end badly!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 17th 2015, 23:13:27

I'm curious, how would you experienced EE players react/respond to someone steal money/bomb banks an excessive number of times? It happened to me last set and really fluffed me off! In my opinion if someone gets greedy and tries it 10+ times they know one will eventually fail and give away the culprit so deserves all the consequences.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 15th 2015, 9:50:00

that makes sense, thanks for the advice.

I usually destock as the government I play the set as, next set I will try a switch destock strategy, it sounds interesting.

This set I have been forced into less friendly reasons for my switch, but it's certainly going to be a more entertaining end to the set now.

Lot of options with 70m bushels hidden on the market :-)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 15th 2015, 9:30:32

excellent, thank you mrford that piece of information has put a smile on my face!!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 15th 2015, 9:11:18

When you switch governments and you have stock on the market would you lose 14% of that stock also when changing governments mid game?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 13th 2015, 7:10:17

Oh I agree on the sarcasm front, that is primarily why I try to take part in the forum and additionally enjoy reading all the exchanges between individuals throughout the sets.

My point was merely with regard to when it's accidentally miss guided and could put off someone recently showing an interest in the game.

Having said that just like in life it doesn't hurt to have a little back bone, so it could be argued a game with brilliant mechanisms for creating conflict are not suited to those who can't handle it :-)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 12th 2015, 16:56:58


I think you should read my original post again and ask yourself why you made the assumption I was the Bottom feeding country?

A couple of points:

1. I posted that message after a retal on someone who bottom fed me, I effectively gained 2000 acres net from the exchange, as a result I was curious how likely it would be for the recipient to come grab back some of his land.

2. For a game that is appearing to create "bots" out of necessity due to dwindling numbers, it would be of value to the community and all who enjoy EE for experienced members to avoid miss guided sarcasm, especially to people who are relatively new to the game.

That been said I am happy to recognise that you miss understood my original post and do agree with your points, in fact the last 2 sets I have been on either side of the top/bottom feed scenario which has proved a valuable lesson.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 20:56:07

Expensive 278 acres there :-) first set as commy, really enjoying the learning curve...... Bit sore after last few hours though!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 8th 2015, 14:08:07

would be funny if he just did a market buyout to just put 50,000 barrels back on at that pointless price!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 6th 2015, 23:05:03

thanks for the warning Xninja, I think I will go on a crash diet now :-)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 6th 2015, 14:04:48

What is generally seen as a good ratio of spies to land on express? I'm playing com for first time and as a result have what feels like a rare treat of been able to mass produce spies at a silly rate...... The question is where should I stop!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 2nd 2015, 8:20:24

Was doing a pub quiz last night through the last hour or so of the set, everyone thought I was cheating the quiz, I didn't give darn about it, just wanted to spend spend spend.

I found tech OK this set, easily my best finish as demo/ dict techer, just creeping up behind getafix!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 1st 2015, 14:31:42

I see your point Buttman, I've noticed jet heavy countries through a few spy ops with very few turrets.

I got hit early on for a 100 - 200 acres by someone riding high now with a lot of acres, but my attention was taken away from a retal at the time, now would seem miss placed.

Today is a different matter however, if I get hit, I would much rather respond in kind.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 1st 2015, 14:04:17

Vic, thanks for taking the time to offer a detailed response/opinion on the subject.

I think I have developed a general grasp of the "etiquette" or more accurately how not to act to avoid the risk of getting flattened by someone for breaking there personal code of conduct.

In my case I was happy just all exploring and improving my net gaining tactics this set but the actions of others always dictate how our sets develop (that ultimately what makes the game so enjoyable and unpredictable!).

in the case of my original question/subject, I wasn't sure if gaining net 1800 acres in a 1:1 retal (including ghost acres) would have received retribution. in this particular case I seem to escaped such treatment (this time!!)

wrecking Ball Game profile


Feb 1st 2015, 10:42:28

what is the generally accepted etiquette when it comes to retaliating a land grab by someone with significantly more networth/land? naturally the retaliation is likely to result in significantly greater gains over what was lost.

Who would R the R to balance the loss? or is it just taken as an acceptable risk to bottom feeding?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jan 31st 2015, 14:24:35

Nice, I thought it was just going to be a matter of time looking at his hit history!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jan 30th 2015, 23:20:09

you want to keep trying to farm my land I will quite happily complete the remaining 5 retaliations I am due against you and any further grabs will incure 2x the grabs you commit. Lets have some fun!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jan 30th 2015, 20:34:38

i didnt event want to buy any turrets but $113 is too good to leave on the shelf!!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jan 29th 2015, 16:25:50

Excellent! Just the answer I was hoping for, thanks

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jan 29th 2015, 15:50:18

Having only just returned to EE last set, what's the crack with these bot?
Do bots perform land grabs?

If I got triple tapped I would want to respond in the appropriate way however if it was by a bot, it would seem kinda pointless.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jan 25th 2015, 7:56:35

Hi all, I've only just come back to EE after a couple years away. A little confused by this logic? Is it normal on express for some random country I've had no prior dealings with to attempt about 7 oil raids then attempted a land grab afterwards?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 18:48:20

fair point 133tz, I thought i made a mistake so even re-spy opp'd the guy to be sure and got same result.

Actually got first post wrong his over all expenses were about 0.5m, his jets were only about 170k of that.

12m jets, industrial based economy, no military bases and insignificant amount of military tech and still +0.5m cash flow??

wrecking Ball Game profile


Aug 19th 2012, 19:57:08

is it possible to have almost no military tech, have 12M jets and only $500,000 expenses?? or is the game playing tricks on me!!!!

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jun 2nd 2012, 15:48:50

Superfly,the difference pack you refer still benefits both parties, granted of less use to yourself, but would you accept a defence alliance from someone with ZERO turrets?!

thats the same as someone offering a tech alliance and purchasing it off the public market.

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jun 2nd 2012, 14:33:13

you confuse me rlxdntdt, i start a very valid topic of discussion in a game that I am some what new too and you say 3 words to me that make no sense what so ever. you got a problem dude?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jun 2nd 2012, 14:27:50

when in tech alliance, doe's your ally news report any tech gained?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jun 1st 2012, 20:52:31

please expand, just how "liar"?

wrecking Ball Game profile


Jun 1st 2012, 20:36:44

Didn't imagine it would be against the rules, thats what makes earth so fun most of the rules are un written standards people seem to adhere to and enforce in there own interesting ways!!

what makes this worst is this guy riding high in the set and I've contributed 30k+ of tech to his growth!!!