The person who is playing Revenant (#48) [VILLAINS] is 'vern'.
By being on the leadersboard, all players give away who they are.
The leadersboard is updated once every 24 hrs.
vern went from 4721 missiles (yesterday) to 4732 missiles (today). Totaling 11 missiles.
#48 shot 11 missiles at #110 in one day.
No other player on the TEAM server has shot 11 missiles in the past 24hrs.
[quote poster=Celphi; 41422; 774902]And as I promised...
The person who is playing Revenant (#48) [VILLAINS] is Vernl.
By being on the leadersboard, all players give away who they are.
The leadersboard is updated once every 24 hrs.
Vernl went from 4721 missiles (yesterday) to 4732 missiles (today). Totaling 11 missiles.
#48 shot 11 missiles at #110 in one day.
No other player on the TEAM server has shot 11 missiles in the past 24hrs.
yes i would also like to know who Vern is and how did he surpass Scorba in all time attacks????
Vern if you are outthere I would like to hire you as my personal bodyguard in this server. I am willing to pay you a very nice fee in exchange for your protection.
Celphi - please address the audience on how you came to the logical conclussion that Mr Ford was me. I want to hear how your inability to process common sense led you to be believe Ford was me.
Or you could keep deflecting, which is the only thing you do well - deflect.
It was in IRC - you know that. Stop being retarded.
: )
[19:33:38] <Relaxlah> I'll either be dead in a meeting
[19:33:41] <Relaxlah> Or in my sleep
[19:33:49] <Elders> You were dead long ago
[19:33:57] <Elders> Is this your team chat room?
[19:33:57] <XDarkPrinceX> yep like few hours ago
[19:34:03] <XDarkPrinceX> nope
[19:34:06] <XDarkPrinceX> we use mobile app
[19:34:41] <XDarkPrinceX> have you seen the elders news room?
[19:35:01] <Elders> Yes
[19:35:12] <XDarkPrinceX> its always empty
[19:35:35] <Elders> Seems like
[19:39:36] <XDarkPrinceX> you guys should get kik so we can have an inter tag orgy on it ;)
[19:41:36] <holocaust> Don't listen to that idiot
[19:48:29] <mob> you neer listen to your self anyway DP
[19:48:44] <mob> neer==never
[19:49:25] <Elders> Whats kik?
[19:49:29] <Elders> Sounds gay
[19:50:14] <WeeZy> Gay messenger
[19:50:54] <c3lph1> Now I know who 'Elders' is.
[19:51:06] <Elders> Who?
[19:51:08] <c3lph1> Buch.
[19:51:12] <Elders> Lol
[19:51:34] <c3lph1> Only person that uses the word 'gay' in 2016
[19:51:56] <Elders> Are you gay?
[19:52:01] <XDarkPrinceX> LOL
[19:52:45] <c3lph1> I'm a bot.
[19:53:01] <WeeZy> My money is on azn
[19:53:27] <c3lph1> For what?
[19:54:12] <Elders> Lol
[19:54:24] <Elders> what money on azn?
[19:54:34] <XDarkPrinceX> I think its link
[19:54:57] <Elders> Who else is left?
[19:55:01] <WeeZy> Naw Im stickin with Azn :p
[19:55:03] <c3lph1> He does do lots of "Lol"s
[19:55:16] <Elders> LOL
[19:55:26] <c3lph1> ^^
[19:55:36] <c3lph1> Last 4/5 msgs were LOLs
[19:55:38] <Elders> pewdiepie
[19:55:57] <Elders> Because this is funny fluff
[19:56:33] <Elders> Because... you see, the "elders" on the tt forum is not me
[19:56:48] <Elders> This is my irc name for the highlights
[19:57:21] <WeeZy> Theni take my mony back :p
[19:57:49] <Kat> just as well. you were wrong on both counts
[19:58:37] <Elders> Tbh, even i dont know who holds the elders account on tt
[19:58:47] <XDarkPrinceX> mob
[19:58:52] <XDarkPrinceX> most likely
[19:58:54] <Elders> Its probably azn
[19:58:57] <XDarkPrinceX> he holds all the accounts
[19:59:34] <Elders> I heard celphi is one of azn alts
[20:00:41] <c3lph1> I'm one of Ford's alts too.
[20:01:06] <XDarkPrinceX> makes sense
[20:01:07] <Kat> nah.
[20:03:06] <mrford> keep my name out your mouth, and ill keep my fluff out of yours
[20:04:03] <c3lph1> You know., that statement is a bit old, and sorta homosexual.
[20:04:55] <mrford> you afraid of a little homo?
[20:04:59] <mrford> you a bigot too?
[20:05:22] <Kat> dammit ford. you are getting predictable
[20:05:37] <mrford> that sounds like a you problem
[20:05:41] <c3lph1> Afraid? No. Just uncomfortable when they hit on me. (Like you're doing right now).
[20:05:41] <mrford> not a me problem
[20:05:51] <Kat> possibly
[20:05:54] <mrford> why?
[20:06:10] <mrford> you afraid that the sight og my glorious penis will sway you?
[20:06:21] <mrford> dont make you gay if you lick it
[20:06:48] <c3lph1> Ehm. You like guys to do that to you?
[20:06:59] <mrford> you are the one licking it
[20:07:00] <mrford> not me
[20:07:03] <mrford> i have tried before
[20:07:08] <mrford> i have too many ribs
[20:07:17] <Kat> ew
[20:07:23] <c3lph1> I'm just saying. You like guys to do that to you?
[20:07:41] <mrford> wait
[20:07:43] <mrford> you like guys?
[20:07:47] <mrford> i knew it
[20:07:50] <WeeZy> Lmfao
[20:08:07] <c3lph1> Not about what I like. I'm not offering my penis to another guy.
[20:08:45] <mrford> i think you misunderstand the concept of punishment
[20:08:50] <mrford> is that a gay thing?
[20:09:36] <c3lph1> I don't understand what you're trying to say.
[20:09:48] <Kat> clearly
[20:09:51] <mrford> not suprising
[20:09:56] <mrford> got the fluff fever
[20:10:01] <mrford> all worked up into a tizzy are we?
[20:10:05] <mrford> only one cure
[20:10:41] <mrford> you are going to have to wear a dental dam though
[20:10:43] <mrford> i dont trust you
[20:10:49] <c3lph1> Just because it cures your fantasies, doesn't mean it works for everyone.
[20:11:10] <mrford> lol
[20:11:14] <mrford> how does one cure a fantasy?
[20:11:20] <mrford> i want aware they needed curing
[20:11:34] <mrford> why you so scared of a little gay?
[20:11:38] <mrford> fraid you gon like it?
[20:11:51] <mrford> just the tip bro
[20:12:16] <c3lph1> You're not the real ford.
[20:12:32] mrford is * ...
[20:12:32] mrford is a registered nick
[20:12:32] mrford on #market.ffa #team #alliance #team.heroes #ffa.hop #alliance.Sodium ~#xnax #earthempires
[20:12:32] mrford using Earth Empires IRC Network
[20:12:32] mrford has been idle 41secs, signed on Mon Mar 28 10:10:23 2016
[20:12:32] mrford End of /WHOIS list.
[20:12:38] <mrford> [20:12:32] mrford is a registered nick
[20:12:49] <mrford> deal with it closet guy
[20:12:54] <mrford> im trying to help you here
[20:13:01] <mrford> help me help you
[20:13:07] <c3lph1> Just because you're registered doesn't mean someone else can't use.
[20:13:21] <mrford> lets stick to the gay
[20:13:26] <mrford> and less of the celphi stupid
[20:13:32] <mrford> you were doing so well
[20:13:44] <mrford> fluff is the cure
[20:13:54] <c3lph1> Otherwise the /release command would serve no purpose.
[20:14:17] <mrford> the way your brain works
[20:14:21] <mrford> or should i say doesnt work
[20:14:25] <mrford> ifthe best part
[20:14:27] <mrford> is
[20:14:38] <c3lph1> It's Scott.
[20:14:39] <mrford> back to the fluff gobbling though
[20:15:08] <mrford> are you sure about that?
[20:15:14] <c3lph1> Yeah.
[20:15:20] <mrford> like, willing to make a bet sure?
[20:15:20] <WeeZy> Celphi
[20:15:25] <c3lph1> How many nicks do you have?
[20:15:26] <WeeZy> Why r u even here
[20:15:39] <WeeZy> Honestly why do you keep playing this game
[20:15:45] <mob> hey ford if you was camping with your buddys, and found a condom in your ass would you tell anyone
[20:15:53] <mrford> yell yes
[20:15:57] <mrford> i would brag about that fluff
[20:16:02] <XDarkPrinceX> all this for on celphi love
[20:16:03] <WeeZy> Lmao
[20:16:05] <XDarkPrinceX> ford*
[20:16:14] <c3lph1> Why do you play Weezy?
[20:16:17] <mrford> celphi doesnt believe it is me though
[20:16:24] <mrford> he is scared of my love
[20:16:27] <mrford> but im going to get him
[20:16:39] <Vamps> here is a test for ford to see if it's him
[20:16:42] <WeeZy> I play alliance server and team is just for the luls
[20:16:55] <Vamps> ford: who is the worst player in this game who thinks he's great (besides celphi)
[20:16:59] <WeeZy> But I mean.. More as in dont you get tired of ford diss etc raggin on you
[20:17:13] <WeeZy> Or is that why you play?
[20:17:13] <mrford> that isnt a fair question Vamps
[20:17:18] <mrford> all these minions suck
[20:17:23] <mrford> but i would say cerb
[20:17:32] <Vamps> okay, it's really ford
[20:17:41] <Vamps> the answer is cerb
[20:17:55] <c3lph1> Ford doesn't bother me at all.
[20:17:59] <mrford> he will murder you with his impressive dict techer no sell strat
[20:18:06] <c3lph1> Kinda entertaining actually.
[20:18:08] <mrford> my ock obviously bothers you thouygh
[20:18:08] <Vamps> lol
[20:18:13] <mrford> fluff too
[20:18:24] <Kat> i don't get why celphi didn't think it was ford
[20:18:32] <mrford> because celphi is stupid
[20:18:33] <c3lph1> It's not him.
[20:18:35] <mob> ford like my fluff in his mouth
[20:18:36] <WeeZy> Do you consider ford ur friend?
[20:18:47] <c3lph1> Neutral.
[20:18:49] <mrford> me and celphi arnt friends till the lights go off
[20:18:52] <mrford> dont let him fool you
[20:18:57] <WeeZy> Lmfao ford
[20:19:06] <Kat> enemies with benefits
[20:19:32] <c3lph1> It's not same ford from forums
[20:19:40] <c3lph1> Is my point.
[20:19:41] <Kat> lol what?
[20:19:51] <mrford> celphi's brain doesnt work right
[20:19:53] <Kat> now you're making even less sense
[20:19:57] <mrford> unless he has his daily injection
[20:20:00] <mrford> of penis
[20:20:08] <c3lph1> I can register myself here as Dissident
[20:20:25] <c3lph1> Doesn't mean I'm Dissident on forums.
[20:20:27] <Kat> you're not serious
[20:20:29] <Kat> celphi
[20:20:33] <Kat> tell me this is a troll
[20:20:34] <mrford> i have been registered here, under this nick, for 7 years
[20:20:52] <mrford> my hostmask is all about some chupacabras
[20:20:55] <mrford> it is me brah
[20:20:59] <mrford> stop pushing me away
[20:21:01] <mrford> and let it happen
[20:21:08] <c3lph1> It's not man. You're a wannabe ford.
[20:21:17] <mrford> you wanna be me?
[20:21:22] <XDarkPrinceX> ford wouldn;t let celphi near him at all
[20:21:58] <c3lph1> Seriously man. Quit trying to be someone you wish you could be.
[20:21:59] <mrford> it is fun watching anti social tards squirm
[20:22:01] <mrford> and struggle
[20:22:08] <mrford> it is why i lace them up every day
[20:22:12] <c3lph1> w/e scott.
[20:22:21] <mrford> was that a compliment?
[20:22:28] <mrford> for ford?
[20:22:30] <c3lph1> Scottsewell | Scott || Selfie & now you.
[20:22:37] <mrford> lol
[20:22:40] <mrford> best day ever
[20:22:41] <c3lph1> Ford (irc)
[20:23:10] <c3lph1> You should post on forums then.
[20:23:26] <mrford> i will not give you a fluff pic
[20:23:27] <mrford> stop asking
[20:23:30] <mrford> you can see it in person
[20:23:31] <mrford> any time
[20:23:36] <c3lph1> Post under Mrford on forums.
[20:23:46] <mrford> what would you like me to post?
[20:23:53] <c3lph1> It's me.
[20:23:57] <mrford> where?
[20:24:00] <c3lph1> TT
[20:24:03] <XDarkPrinceX> bugs and suggestions
[20:24:09] <mob> its him
[20:24:09] <XDarkPrinceX> under rules
[20:24:15] <mob> he loves to ban me
[20:24:17] <Vamps> TT, i want to see this
[20:24:51] <c3lph1> Kinda fun getting a minion to do things for you, using reverse psycology.
[20:25:08] <mrford> i dont think 5hat means what you think it means
[20:25:23] <c3lph1> Did you post it yet?
[20:25:33] <mrford> the typos and lack of editing should have been all the evidence you needed
[20:25:37] <mrford> ofc i did
[20:26:04] <c3lph1> The guy who doesn't use grammar is correcting me.
[20:26:21] <c3lph1> Sorta comical.
[20:26:39] <mrford> almost as funny as you actually being correct about something
[20:26:41] <mrford> sometime
[20:26:42] <mrford> ever
[20:26:46] <mrford> wanna touch it?]
[20:26:49] <mrford> come on
[20:26:51] <mrford> i know you wanna
[20:26:58] <mrford> just a little touch
[20:27:02] <Vamps> correcting you on vocab usage requires grammar?
[20:27:34] <c3lph1> Not at all.
[20:27:39] <mrford> i got so many grammys fluff
[20:27:43] <mrford> i dont need grammar
[20:28:04] <mrford> so, now that you know it is me
[20:28:06] <c3lph1> Bad communication kinda go hand and hand-- so I see why.
[20:28:07] <mrford> how about that lick
[20:28:15] <c3lph1> Where's the post?
[20:28:21] <c3lph1> I don't see it.
[20:28:21] <mrford> where you told me to put it
[20:28:24] <mrford> like last night
[20:28:30] <c3lph1> I can't find it.
[20:28:43] <mrford> sucks for your vision
[20:28:54] <mrford> swallowing helps with thst i hear
[20:29:00] <c3lph1> Seriously man. 1 easy task.
[20:29:03] <c3lph1> Post it on TT.
[20:29:33] <Vamps>
[20:29:37] <Vamps> try harder celphi
[20:29:39] <mrford> he can see it
[20:29:43] <mrford> he is trying to be clever
[20:29:53] <c3lph1> lol. Vamps you're no fun.
[20:29:53] <Vamps> i know, it's poor trolling though
[20:29:56] <Vamps> i want entertainment
[20:30:17] <mrford> you should let him think he is that good though
[20:30:20] <mrford> it is all the more entertaining
[20:30:31] <c3lph1> Well it's time to go grocery shopping.
[20:30:49] <Vamps> i'm still on the fence about whether an actual condition is involved, so i try not to be too harsh
[20:30:53] <mrford> buy me some fluff
[20:30:54] <c3lph1> L8z pplz
[20:31:14] <mrford> look at the way he talks
[20:31:20] <mrford> he is definately retarded
[20:31:34] <WeeZy> Lmfao
[20:31:48] <Vamps> <c3lph1> L8z pplz
[20:31:53] <mrford> right?
[20:31:56] <Vamps> he could be an anti social 14 year old girl...
[20:32:03] <mrford> oh, i think he is 30
[20:32:08] <mrford> just never been out of the house
[20:32:16] <Vamps> well, that's a little sad too
[20:32:27] <Kat> that would be a shame
[20:32:32] <Kat> i hope not
[20:32:34] <mrford> my brother is similar
[20:32:43] <mrford> king fluff on the internets, but you put him in a social situation
[20:32:47] <mrford> and he sits in the corner
[20:33:02] <WeeZy> ^
[20:33:04] <mrford> spent middle and high school in his room
[20:33:08] <WeeZy> X2
[20:33:09] <mrford> playing final fantasy and fluff
[20:33:22] <WeeZy> COD
[20:33:41] <Vamps> uhhhh, i spent middle school and highschool playing CS, perfect dark, and golden eye
[20:33:44] <Vamps> so ffffffff u
[20:33:50] <mrford> that isnt final fantasy
[20:33:59] <Kat> i was antisocial in high school
[20:34:12] <Kat> and a pos here, too...
[20:34:18] <mob> i mis XX2 on the forums
[20:34:24] <Kat> but at least i actually was a 14 year old girl
[20:34:32] <mrford> were you though?
[20:34:33] <WeeZy> Shut up and get drunk mob
[20:34:45] <Vamps> i'm about to hit 150 hours on fallout 4, does that make up for the lack of final fantasy? :-P
[20:35:04] <Kat> yep. and proud of it :D
You do understand typing from a phone and not possessing the basic ability to process simple logic and understand basic concepts are two separate issues, correct?
I was having fun with Ford. I wanted him to leave IRC to post on TT. Which he did my bidding.
I don't know if it is more sad that he expects people to believe that bullfluff or the fact that is it doubtful that he has ever been right in his entire life. But atleast it is entertaining.
Edited By: mrford on Aug 5th 2016, 3:03:54
Swagger of a Chupacabra
[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford
We have vastly different definitions of tragic events. Nothing that happens to my lazy all explore team country would be tragic. I just tagged up with a couple returning vets that wanted to see if the game was still worth playing. You know. Support.
Your social skills on the other hand, that is tragic.