
Detmer Game profile


Sep 15th 2010, 15:49:00

is not Alliance Jr.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2010, 15:54:38

Sure isn't. Shouldn't be treated like it either.

Detmer Game profile


Sep 15th 2010, 16:08:10

I think people come here with false expectations and are disappointed to discover that this server is more lawless than they are used to.



Sep 15th 2010, 16:27:16

lawless = fun

Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

gwagers Game profile


Sep 15th 2010, 20:14:36

RELATIVE lawlessness isn't a problem. Complete anarchy might be.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 0:38:39

If you don't want anarchy maybe you need to find a sheriff... the problem is these bandits keep spawning in caves far beyond the borders of your land and for each you kill another encroaches!

Dragonlance Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 0:51:31

who am i supposed to be farming?

Devestation Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 1:21:34

I can put up with lawlessness.

archaic Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 2:18:56

This server is more like the last 100 rats on the sinking ship having a circle jerk while they wait on the sharks.

Pang, pull the plug.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 3:03:51

What is wrong with a circle jerk? Sounds like everyone is having fun. I think the real issue at play is that most people play this game for alliance or FFA and that they try to project that onto this server rather than letting it be an entity unto itself. I anticipate the day that five random friends find this game and start a team.

Navisis Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 4:08:37

you are smart Detmer. I like you because you are right.

archaic Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 15:46:56

Originally posted by Detmer:
I anticipate the day that five random friends find this game and start a team.

One of the five random friends would grab RD and get killed. Better yet, one of them would grab FBI and get all five noobs farmed and missiled - they would be driven off before they even got passed the rainbow phase. The Team Server accentuates the WORST elements of Primary and Alliance, not the best.

Its just like a bunch crabs in a bucket. Any one of them COULD climb out and escape at any time, but everytime one of them starts to make it over the top - the other crabs pull it back down and they all end up getting cooked.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 16th 2010, 16:35:40

Archaic, I rarely disagree with you. But I think you have it wrong.

A good test would be, no RD and because you lump us together in multiple posts. No FBI for one round.

You will get a DEAD server.


Detmer Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 17:16:46

Originally posted by ZEN:
Archaic, I rarely disagree with you. But I think you have it wrong.

A good test would be, no RD and because you lump us together in multiple posts. No FBI for one round.

You will get a DEAD server.


I agreed with archaic until I spoke to ZEN. I think the problem here is deception, not reason.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 18:52:56

Yup - ZEN is right. Although in all fairness, this server is on the south end of a swirly ride down the hole in the bottom of the fluffter anyways imo. RD just provided a brief aside from the mediocrity.

archaic Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 19:27:16

I think ZEN is just jealous that his crabs won't fit in a bucket.

OK, so what do you guys propose we do? I like the idea of team, but I do not want to get stuck with random people in my team/

329 - set 1
272 - set 2
236 - set 3
203 - set 4
189 - set 5
168 - set 6
141 - set 7
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 19:34:24

I think we need to provide a different environment than alliance so people aren't just playing a weaker version of something else.

archaic Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 20:06:18

Man, we need to do this on one thread, lol.

Perhaps Team should be set up like tourney, with a ladder-promotion system that rewards teams staying together and playing well. This would discourage a lot of the randomness that is happening now. It would also tend to split up coalitions as individual teams moved up and down the ladder. We would need a lot larger player base for it to work though.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 20:07:55

Originally posted by archaic:
Man, we need to do this on one thread, lol.

Perhaps Team should be set up like tourney, with a ladder-promotion system that rewards teams staying together and playing well. This would discourage a lot of the randomness that is happening now. It would also tend to split up coalitions as individual teams moved up and down the ladder. We would need a lot larger player base for it to work though.

Team ladder would be cool and would definitely cut down on the alliancesizedness of teams.

Hobo Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 20:15:22

Originally posted by Detmer:
If you don't want anarchy maybe you need to find a sheriff... the problem is these bandits keep spawning in caves far beyond the borders of your land and for each you kill another encroaches!

Sounds like terrorism.

gwagers Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 20:35:48

Hmm... consider this. Back in the beginning, this was the Alliance server, the junior version of Council. Back then, according to Archaic's stats, we had 329 countries. Then the rule changes came, the wars came from those rule changes, and mass emigration ensued. My suggested solution? Make this what it used to be, and the people that left might come back.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

archaic Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 20:42:25

That ship has sailed, there are not enough players to support two alliance servers (barely enough for one).

Team is a neat idea, but it is terribly unfriendly towards netters.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 21:41:30

Originally posted by Hobo:
Originally posted by Detmer:
If you don't want anarchy maybe you need to find a sheriff... the problem is these bandits keep spawning in caves far beyond the borders of your land and for each you kill another encroaches!

Sounds like terrorism.

That is because you have no idea what terrorism is...

Detmer Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 21:43:42

Originally posted by archaic:
That ship has sailed, there are not enough players to support two alliance servers (barely enough for one).

Team is a neat idea, but it is terribly unfriendly towards netters.

Just because netting isn't farming untags and never getting hit in this server doesn't mean it is unfriendly towards it. People do not go out of their way to actively destroy netters. The reaction to various aggressions are more strong here than in other servers. Some people have become so accustomed to a certain political regime that they refuse to have fun any other way.

archaic Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 3:23:14

I don't really consider all-x to be serious netting, definately not enjoyable netting. MKR got wacked for a single hit last set, RD is doing one grab:kill retals, landgrabbing has all but disappeared from the server except as a weapon of war.

Just because a few anonymous tags are able to slip through the cracks with all-x cashers each set does not mean that Team is not netter friendly.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 3:26:43

Originally posted by archaic:
I don't really consider all-x to be serious netting, definately not enjoyable netting. MKR got wacked for a single hit last set, RD is doing one grab:kill retals, landgrabbing has all but disappeared from the server except as a weapon of war.

Just because a few anonymous tags are able to slip through the cracks with all-x cashers each set does not mean that Team is not netter friendly.

Then if you want to do something so lucrative as grabbing then carry better defense. There is no reason knocking your competition down can't be as effective a netting tactic as building yourself up.

de1i Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 3:31:36

Not sure what server you're playing on where the landgrabbing is good, but if you could let me know I'd appreciate it immensely.

archaic Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 3:33:55

Everybody on team already carries pretty high def - its not the retals that are the problem. The game mechanics actually encourage the LG/Retal cycle.

The problem is the lack of steps between a landgrab and all out war. Everybody in team plays like old school Primary noobs.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 3:44:44

Originally posted by archaic:
Everybody on team already carries pretty high def - its not the retals that are the problem. The game mechanics actually encourage the LG/Retal cycle.

The problem is the lack of steps between a landgrab and all out war. Everybody in team plays like old school Primary noobs.

Oh, they play like when this game was fun... shocking... why should there be any steps between land grab and war? If Canada land grabs the US you have war immediately. In this server you fight for your land. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe the problem is you don't AB your competition before they AB you...

You would not fit into FBI or PDM. If you ever shed your need for these political structures you are encouraged to apply.

Dragonlance Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 4:24:24

old school primary kicked ass

machwell Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 7:29:40

Killing off a whole tag for a land exchange between two countries, with mixed opinions on retal windows and what were RoRs or not, is also fun stuff.

gwagers Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 11:06:01

If every country that grabs is going to be killed, then the admins should just turn off landgrabbing and make this an all-x game. Would you be happy then, Detmer?
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 12:56:10

Originally posted by gwagers:
If every country that grabs is going to be killed, then the admins should just turn off landgrabbing and make this an all-x game. Would you be happy then, Detmer?

That is not a logical conclusion. There is nothing wrong with people fighting for land. You just have your head stuck so far up your political dogma that you can not separate it from other fair, fun, forms of gameplay.

gwagers Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 14:12:51

What politics? I'm just pointing out a flaw: If a single land grab turns into a war or a kill, people aren't going to bother grabbing unless they want to fight to the finish--meaning, of course, that the point behind the grab (NW increase) is completely ruined because the war will eat their NW away.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 14:26:27

The response of war to landgrabs (which btw is not even the standard FBI response) is a political issue.

Maybe the problem is the scale of grabbing. If there was a lot more grabbing going in all directions then war would be impractical and the hits would have to be more distributed.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2010, 15:37:42

Originally posted by archaic:
Man, we need to do this on one thread, lol.

Perhaps Team should be set up like tourney, with a ladder-promotion system that rewards teams staying together and playing well. This would discourage a lot of the randomness that is happening now. It would also tend to split up coalitions as individual teams moved up and down the ladder. We would need a lot larger player base for it to work though.

This idea really is genius btw.

de1i Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 15:52:18

I've been fortunate to have played the last 4 or so resets with only 5 different people. So I agree it could/would be fun, however if a balance could be found that included rewarding the teams that despite not finishing with a high networth 'warred' well that would be amazing.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2010, 16:14:40

There could always be multiple brackets. I mean, this would have to be established after we have a thousand people in the game.

But you could have them split in two different brackets. One for warring and one for netting.

Mr Lemon Chiffon Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 18:56:39

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
who am i supposed to be farming?

Team server is for farming new/small tags and untagged until they are so pissed off they suicide and quit. That would help player retention the most.

New Kids show - Thomas the Pank Engine.
Your kids can follow Thomas around the trailer park seeking meth heads.

locket Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 19:33:15

Killing anyone who landgrabs even one time any of 30+ countries sure helps player retention to hypocrite.

de1i Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 19:55:56

No one in RD is claiming theyare promoting player retention with a 1:kill, but that is definitely not the biggest/only reason this server has been steadily dying. Key word steadily there.

As a member of LaF you lose any and all right to judge others concerning land grabbing policies.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 17th 2010, 23:54:04

It's a failed experiment, it happens. No one in particular to blame, the formula was just bad to start with.

It isn't any sort of indication of the mods' skills/dedication either - they tried to think outside the box, and it just didn't work out.

snawdog Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 0:14:18

Everyone can play this off and say what they want,but RD has ruined the spirit of this server and you all know it.
We can say that folks were leaving before they got here,and that is somewhat true.
There was a battle about x retals for 2 sets,and it was for the most part settled.
There WAS a small exodus of players from the results of those 2 sets.
Enter RD with their 25 or 30 members and the server has declined much more exponentially since..
The wars that were fought before were over the x-retals,not fought for the entertainment of 30 people that are worthless as a 5 man team as spelled out in the 'Spirit of the rules'..So i don't play any more..blow me..
[edit for Now3p]
I disagree..i think the admins have blown it..They alone can fix this server

Edited By: snawdog on Sep 18th 2010, 0:16:38
See Original Post
ICQ 364553524

archaic Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 2:43:29

Originally posted by Mr Lemon Chiffon:
Team server is for farming new/small tags and untagged until they are so pissed off they suicide and quit. That would help player retention the most.

I think you have team confused with alliance.

Originally posted by NOW3P:
It's a failed experiment, it happens. No one in particular to blame, the formula was just bad to start with.

+1 Nailed it.

Originally posted by snawdog:

I disagree..i think the admins have blown it..They alone can fix this server

It's too far gone now. We don't even know how to fix it.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

locket Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 2:49:31

As a member of RD who publicly cheated and ruined the game for years, you are insulting me for running all explores in laf? I landgrabbed for one set when we warred ely and thats it so far. So yah... pot meet kettle?

de1i Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 16:41:47

LaF, an alliance that has been farming small alliances (and untagged players) out of existance for how long now? Who also has numerous RD members not only just playing but leading as well.

So yes I am, nice to meet you kettle.

NOW3P Game profile


Sep 18th 2010, 22:39:16

Sorry snaw, this server was boned long before RD showed up - you just didn't see the signs of it then, but they're much more apparent now. Placing blame for it is rather petty at this point.



Sep 19th 2010, 3:28:54

Originally posted by de1i:
LaF, an alliance that has been farming small alliances (and untagged players) out of existance for how long now? Who also has numerous RD members not only just playing but leading as well.

So yes I am, nice to meet you kettle.

Speaking of Laf and RD, isnt TC an admin or developer of this game?
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Marshal Game profile


Sep 19th 2010, 17:37:30

TC's job is keep boxcar running.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 19th 2010, 18:26:04

Being on a small team here my first set back, I know two new players who stopped playing EE entirely after being killed by Rag and then later by RD. Saying that team server is dying is no excuse for causing more people to leave.