
Lord Onim

New Member

Aug 16th 2014, 18:53:44

Since GDI doesn't let me attack smaller countries, I suppose I have to declare war on them to be able to attack them?


deezyboy Game profile


Aug 16th 2014, 18:59:17

works good. farm them and hope you don't get missiled later.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 16th 2014, 19:00:31

It costs $10 an acre while you are at war, lasts a minimum of 48 hours and you can only be at war with one country at a time. Your small target is unlikely to yield much to set against the cost.

Doubt it is a good idea.

Lord Onim

New Member

Aug 16th 2014, 20:12:12

Furious999: who else should I attack then? Risky attacking other players around my own ranking.

deezyboy Game profile


Aug 16th 2014, 21:43:02

i watched crest farm small countries and have a 25k acres (probally got missiled) rep casher, and still ended up finishing 30 mil after losing like 10k acres to missiles.

I tried it and had an 18k acre casher first time attempting it. It definitely works.

llamky Game profile


Aug 17th 2014, 0:34:45

Yeah you farmed me deezy, and I just didn't retal you because it would have cost me more in the end to farm you back. Most people hold grudges better than I..

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 17th 2014, 1:22:03

Well, finding targets is one of the skills of the game. And I do not pretend to be great at it. You weigh risk against gain.

So you gather what information is available. That comes from the scores list and from the news - then from your spies.

Start working on spies straight out of protecton.

On the scores list you look for countries which are fat - that is those which have more acres than the countries round them. Acres contribute to networth, so a country with more acres but similar networth has fewer units (the other main component of networth).

In the news you look for countries which have made big attacks recently (search for PS and focus on the big acre gains). These countries have possibly gone jet heavy so as to make their big attacks. More jets = less turrets.

Now try to find targets who have already been attacked once or twice (but not multiple times). The point of this is that they have other people to be pissed off with as well as you (after you grab I mean). So you reduce the likelihood of missiles and other harmful things coming your way.

I could go on about this (even more than I have already) but the fact is that it is an art not a science. Pick out some of the successful countries on your server and look at their history. Maybe that will give you some insights.

Anyway, good luck. A good grab is one of the pleasures the game offers. :)

deezyboy Game profile


Aug 17th 2014, 18:12:55

lol sorry about that llamky

furious it's actually pretty easy to find targets, just go 75 percent turrets 25 jets and find countries just enough above the humanitarian cutoff so that hopefully after 3 days of farming them they won't be able to hit back.

things to look for would be stockpiled turns, money or food that could be used go go all jetter, commies are always dangerous as they can go all jetter quickly, dictactor with high BPT also come back to retal later on.

if you go all-x long enough you'll be able to get a feel for who is gonna be able to retal and who isn't and once a country is 4k+ acres 5-6 200 acre grabs a day for 3 days straight add up. and getting sdi up isn't too hard in tourney.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 17th 2014, 19:22:55

The bottomfeeding technique. Which is fine for a Commie Indy but is no good for a techer (although I have noticed one or two of the better known current techers do seem content to do a bit of it). The traditional view was that the techer could only afford a few turns spent grabbing and hence should seek more substantial gains from each hit.

I agree with you that, having got a Spy report, it pays to look at the potential target to check out the risk of getting crushed in retaliation. I always check out cash on hand first. Someone with a whole bunch of cash is a very dangerous target to hit. But, as you say, a lot of turns is also a danger sign. Ideally you want to hit at a time when you have turns in hand and the target has just finished using up all their available turns. This gives you time to develop the grabbed land, to make use of it and, sometimes, you will move so far forward that you outrun the target's ability to catch you up and hit back. My Spy reports show zero turns quite suspiciously often so I am not 100% sure there may not be a glitch.

Another thing I look at is the configuration of the country. If it is a mess I am encouraged; if it is a neat looking country closely following the player's strat then I may well be up against a veteran.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 18th 2014, 2:46:07

Also don't hit people with lots of tanks. That is a bad idea.

Furious999 Game profile


Aug 18th 2014, 7:56:40

For myself I don't get put off by a pile of tanks or missiles. You can be pretty sure that opponent is weak at netgaining and will disappear into the lower reaches of the scores list at some point. I do rather like them to have a choice of targets, though.

Arkuss Game profile


Aug 18th 2014, 9:36:38

Attack people your own rank but don't double tap anyone

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 18th 2014, 12:44:18

Originally posted by Furious999:
For myself I don't get put off by a pile of tanks or missiles. You can be pretty sure that opponent is weak at netgaining and will disappear into the lower reaches of the scores list at some point. I do rather like them to have a choice of targets, though.

Lolwut? Ok.

freehee Game profile

New Member

Aug 25th 2014, 11:14:50
