
guochel Game profile


Jan 4th 2025, 17:39:25

my plan this reset was to do a communist indy with all the stuff that people told me to do at the beginning of the reset, which is get a lot tech as early as possible, and use the profits to get more tech, but i used up my first 100 turns to build cs and then worse yet, i didn't have any money to build industrial complexes so i used even more turns to build CSes to get money (from my 100 farms) to build industrial complexes until i reached 20000 turrets

now, i am sitting at 140 CS and only now do i have enough money to build as many industrial complexes as i want.

well, my intention is to explore to 1900, build industrial complexes all the way, keep making money by selling my turrets on market to buy industrial tech, and make another 60 CSes (and buy more industrial tech) and then batch explore to 3800, build it up with Industrial complexes, and batch explore, and repeat, while buying industrial tech as i can

am i doing this right?

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 5th 2025, 14:55:39

One mistake that’s easy to make and is the most common one I see is building construction sites too fast too early. When you do this, your building costs are so high from growing so fast, that you don’t have enough $$$$ left for military or tech. Somewhere you come up short. Try building your CS up slower in the future. This helps raise production available for you to spend on building and tech.

If you Already are in a spot where you are having issues with $$$, just build 10 CS or cash 10 turns and sell those turrets you produce on the market. It will even out. It’s fine to take a day to cash turns or build CS and pump your tech levels or defense if you are feeling too low on tech or cash or defense.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 5th 2025, 15:00:26

Another method of getting around this is to simply do a tech start. Start as a communist techer. Tech a bunch of Indy tech and then convert to Indy. It works very well from what I see.

This style will allow you to build your CS early too. Since you have high tech levels early it evens out.

Doing a pure Indy start or cash start though I have ran into the same problem with building too many CS too fast and it resulting in low funds available.

Some of the big country that don’t tech start only run like 35-40 bpt even on primary server so you would be surprised at how little you need.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 5th 2025, 15:01:16

Yes communist industrialists particularly benefit from getting multiple market sales over small amounts of turns played. So if you sell max goods, log in when they're sold, play a small number of turns (10 or so) then sell max again, you'll be in much better shape.

ETA - the above advice from Cat is good too.

guochel Game profile


Jan 6th 2025, 18:25:25

will i reach 35 million NW with my current strategy?

i tried at tech start last reset. i reached 29 million NW, whereas i reached 32 million NW the reset before that using a normal build 260 CS and then start batch exploring strategy

i am also already doing exactly the 20 turns and then sell and then 20 turns and sell, in an attempt to tech faster

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 6th 2025, 18:46:24

Yes, you can reach $35M, but it's hard as an all explore. Market prices play a role too. I don't normally build past 200 CS though.

guochel Game profile


Jan 6th 2025, 23:30:18

thanks a lot

guochel Game profile


Jan 11th 2025, 1:19:46

i am so fluffed. all the communists are so fluffed. no one is buying turrets or jets anymore this round. it was a big mistake to go indy

MAVES Game profile


Jan 11th 2025, 22:11:11

think the problem is we are trying to undercut each other and end up selling for way less than we should, but yea this set appears to maybe be cooked for communist, we will see

guochel Game profile


Jan 12th 2025, 1:00:32

how else do i sell my stuff? i have to undercut all the other commies

guochel Game profile


Jan 12th 2025, 5:16:37

Attack Time Attacker Defender Losses
PS Jan 10, 11:37 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 358 A
PS Jan 10, 11:39 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 267 A
PS Jan 10, 12:46 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 172 A
PS Jan 11, 13:03 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 166 A
PS Jan 11, 13:03 Goat (#6) p h i l t r e (#7) 151 A

this idiot is about to get his ass wooped lol

goat only reached 10 million last reset

guochel Game profile


Jan 15th 2025, 1:55:56

this whole reset is ruined for me. not doing anything well. stuff isn't selling well. no industrial tech on the market. i'm so poor, i haven't even started stockpiling

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 15th 2025, 15:30:20

I'm not doing great with my farmer either, feels like a techer set

guochel Game profile


Jan 15th 2025, 22:28:26

yes, there's no tech on the market

guochel Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 2:09:50

so what i think is happening is that somewhere in game b or c, there's two techers going to war with each other, and that's why there is no tech on the market

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 15:28:10

Seems likely. Lots of shenanigans.

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 20:52:13

a well played techer could reach $45M with these high tech prices & these low food prices

guochel Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 6:03:31

could someone please sell industrial tech? like we're starving here; you can make a lot of money if you just tech industrials and sell them at 4000

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 17:17:58

Just set standing orders for $4000 and it will come at some point in the next week. Just have to be patient and wait. I think indies do better on sets with less tech as well as opposed to cashers.

guochel Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 21:12:57

if i set a standing order at 4000, the sellers will just sell their industrial tech at 5000 or 5500. best not to create any high standing orders or the sellers will think demand is ultra high and they'll try to get a "good" price for their tech

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 22:13:50

Originally posted by guochel:
if i set a standing order at 4000, the sellers will just sell their industrial tech at 5000 or 5500. best not to create any high standing orders or the sellers will think demand is ultra high and they'll try to get a "good" price for their tech

29.1 mins ago
You purchased 9732 Military at $3950 for $40,747,884 via standing order.
90,268 Military remain in your order.

56.2 mins ago
You purchased 9860 Agricultural at $3975 for $41,545,110 via standing order.
94,088 Agricultural remain in your order.

1 hours ago
You purchased 1000 Agricultural at $3993 for $4,232,580 via standing order.
103,948 Agricultural remain in your order.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 22:14:59

The highest I would go to incentivize someone right now would be $4200. That extra $200 will most likely get them to do it. I bet you can get it for $4000 if you leave it up. Try $3999 even.

guochel Game profile


Jan 21st 2025, 23:54:33

that's a great idea! i will make those orders right now.

glad we're not competing for industrial tech lol

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 22nd 2025, 12:20:51

Cool I can see your standing order @ 4000 so a techer will too. If they don’t have any it may take a day for it to hit the market but be patient and I bet it comes. You can hold turns if you need to and wait. Prices usually drop the longer you wait too.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 22nd 2025, 12:24:07

With techers the biggest problem is that you get stuck with a lot of tech at the end when prices drop. So if they see there is demand for Indy tech thats in their best interest to try and produce that for you as a techer.

Getting to the end of the set teching and having endless supplies of bus/res and then seeing a demand for Indy tech and not having it is a mistake I have made on more than one occasion.

guochel Game profile


Jan 23rd 2025, 2:02:31

whoever sold me that 20,000 industrial tech, nice doing business with you!

guochel Game profile


Jan 25th 2025, 17:48:55

i think i'm going to reach around 26-28 million NW this reset for my commy, because of how bad the tech market was this reset

i have no bus/res tech because they cost too much

my industrial tech is not really maxed out, because of how high the costs were this round

the low selling price of turrets/jets/tanks/troops didn't help either

my stockpile right now is 1.7 billion, which was around the same amount as what i had last reset at this time of the round, but this time i have no bus/res tech, so the turns will be costly

guochel Game profile


Jan 25th 2025, 18:13:51

to some people 26-28 million NW is very high lol
to some people 26-28 million NW is very low lol

but i don't care. all i aim for is improvement. trying to get better and better each round by trying new things and adjustments

Edited By: guochel on Jan 25th 2025, 18:26:57
See Original Post

Bablo Game profile


Jan 26th 2025, 0:20:37

To some people repeating over and over i messed up is good....
My dog eats ants

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 26th 2025, 0:44:02

Originally posted by guochel:
i think i'm going to reach around 26-28 million NW this reset for my commy, because of how bad the tech market was this reset

i have no bus/res tech because they cost too much

my industrial tech is not really maxed out, because of how high the costs were this round

the low selling price of turrets/jets/tanks/troops didn't help either

my stockpile right now is 1.7 billion, which was around the same amount as what i had last reset at this time of the round, but this time i have no bus/res tech, so the turns will be costly

That’s an awesome finish! The only guys hitting those crazy 40 mil are some of the best players to ever play the game. I would consider the 28 million a great. Especially with the tech being scarce. If you are hitting those scores you aren’t far from the top.

guochel Game profile


Jan 26th 2025, 13:35:57

i knew i shouldn't have drank coffee and then watched all that porno

failure failure failure... isn't so bad. i just rather be winning and succeeding

Originally posted by Bablo:
To some people repeating over and over i messed up is good....

i have no idea what you're talking about dude

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by guochel:
i think i'm going to reach around 26-28 million NW this reset for my commy, because of how bad the tech market was this reset

i have no bus/res tech because they cost too much

my industrial tech is not really maxed out, because of how high the costs were this round

the low selling price of turrets/jets/tanks/troops didn't help either

my stockpile right now is 1.7 billion, which was around the same amount as what i had last reset at this time of the round, but this time i have no bus/res tech, so the turns will be costly

That’s an awesome finish! The only guys hitting those crazy 40 mil are some of the best players to ever play the game. I would consider the 28 million a great. Especially with the tech being scarce. If you are hitting those scores you aren’t far from the top.

Thank you so very much. i needed to hear that. even if 28 million NW is very good, i will always aim for improvement! success and failure should be measured by how much you improved over your past iteration! and in the off chance that you are wrong and that 28 million is not so good, i will still aim for improvement over the past reset!
but i don't think you're wrong, tho. so i should be very happy. but i feel like i've been stuck in this 28-32 million NW spam cluster for over 3 years, now, in tournament

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 26th 2025, 13:46:46

In the high scores rankings I am in the top 30; 29th in primary, 21st in tourney, and 9th on express. There’s a select few players right now who can hit higher scores then me so I think I have the credentials to say that. I’ll climb more in that chart. I am sure I can hit 150 mil in primary if I get serious about my sets. Give it time, I’ll be a top 10 player. I’ve just been messing around lately but I may get serious and try and hit some high scores at some point.

guochel Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 3:31:13

Originally posted by Bablo:
To some people repeating over and over i messed up is good....

i didn't mean to sound rude. i just still don't know what you're trying to say

Originally posted by Cathankins:
In the high scores rankings I am in the top 30; 29th in primary, 21st in tourney, and 9th on express. There’s a select few players right now who can hit higher scores then me so I think I have the credentials to say that. I’ll climb more in that chart. I am sure I can hit 150 mil in primary if I get serious about my sets. Give it time, I’ll be a top 10 player. I’ve just been messing around lately but I may get serious and try and hit some high scores at some point.

great job, dude! keep improving. maybe even ask the players who do even better than you for help in order to improve?

AndrewMose Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 17:13:39

There may not be a high scoring techer out there this set (maybe that's the cause of the low tech supply). Sometimes $29M will win the set.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 18:26:49

That’s a good point that’s a winning score in the right sets. I had the same issues you are describing cracking 30 mil. I would try and experiment and tweak the little things. Set your standing orders for tech a few hundred cheaper. Sell your goods for a little more expensive. Try and waste less turns and save every single turn you can and play it as late as possible when tech prices drop. That one helps a lot.

Overall though, that’s part of it. I’m having the same issues now cracking 40 mil. It’s just a puzzle and like the Rubik’s cube you just have to keep trying different combos and take note when you find a good one and add it to the repertoire. Little by little you can claw your way up 100k nw at a time.

I can guide you through a few strats with more tips on how I did it, just send me a message if you wish.

guochel Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 22:12:09

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
There may not be a high scoring techer out there this set (maybe that's the cause of the low tech supply). Sometimes $29M will win the set.

uh, maybe i overestimated my end NW this round. now, i think i'll be happy if i hit 25 million NW

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s a good point that’s a winning score in the right sets. I had the same issues you are describing cracking 30 mil. I would try and experiment and tweak the little things. Set your standing orders for tech a few hundred cheaper. Sell your goods for a little more expensive. Try and waste less turns and save every single turn you can and play it as late as possible when tech prices drop. That one helps a lot.

Overall though, that’s part of it. I’m having the same issues now cracking 40 mil. It’s just a puzzle and like the Rubik’s cube you just have to keep trying different combos and take note when you find a good one and add it to the repertoire. Little by little you can claw your way up 100k nw at a time.

I can guide you through a few strats with more tips on how I did it, just send me a message if you wish.

sent you a pm!

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 22:41:36

Can confirm Cat gave me solid advice when I asked.