
SuperFly Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 4:21:23

I see your country name on various servers but I guess I am too dumb to notice who you are, so who are you?

Also my brother, are you nuts? You hit me and than you ask me for a favor?

1.2 days ago
A brigade from Ti Annichilisco (#18) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
429 Acres (755 Gained)
588 Buildings (208 Stolen)
2750 Bushels
810 Technology Points

Message from Ti Annichilisco (#18) sent on Jun 19, 15:07
Report this message
Are you attacking more 1101 ? If yes, can you leave him alone one more day and accumulate turns. I want to do a LG on him and by tomorrow he should be out of DR and I should be able to make a decent grab.

Then you can go back and see if you can kill him

How about I retal you first?

Your forces invaded Ti Annichilisco (#18)!
They broke through the defender's defences!
They took:
1444 Acres (2059 Gained)
2059 Buildings (615 Stolen)
41,709 Bushels
4472 Technology Points

Like I mentioned in my message, sorry that my retal was big but I just dont understand why people attack players that are less than 10 ranks below them especially when they can see that news on the big retals that I have made and how I AB people who ROR me...

Anyways you might as well farm the guy who I AB'ed cuz he quit and he is going to be my LG target for the rest of the set so I can share with you....

Edited By: SuperFly on Jun 20th 2016, 16:17:41
See Original Post

Ti annichilisco Game profile


Jun 20th 2016, 13:53:54

Actually, I didn't ask you any favor. If you're at war with 1101 is helps you if I LG him whilst you store turns. So my offer was convenient for both.

That doesn't mean I'm not expecting a retal from you, which you're free to do. I couldn't connect late last night to bring my turrets up to 7m as I wanted, though luck as it cost me dearly. Yes it's a large differential but don't worry I'm not going to RoR you as I still have a shot at top finish if military market prices improve.

BTW, please don't post these infos on a forum.

1.It can get your country actually deleted
2.If 1101 reads this he's not going to like it, right ?
3.It helps other players know what I have in terms of defense, $, tech.

PM me and I'll gladly tell you my real name.