
sinistril Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 23:01:43

This is all very confusing.

So Serbia attacked Austria, which caused Germany to invade France, but they had to go through Belgium and that made the Brits mad, so the Brits declared war on Germany but it took them awhile to get there, so France got owned in the meantime. Meanwhile the Russian Tsar's wife, who was German, was sleeping with a Siberian peasant, so he got mad and declared war on Germany. Italy thought this meant that Germany was going to lose so they invaded Austria-Hungary but they were pretty useless, only foreshadowing how useless the Ottoman Empire would be when they decided to fight for Germany because why not. The Canadians finally made it to Europe just in time for the Second Battle of Ypres, the Germans gassed them, then activated their submarines and started sinking American ships. America was pretty angry and Britain, who had been spying on the Americans, showed the Americans a conversation of the Germans talking to the Mexicans. America was like "How'd you get that info?" but Britain shrugged and said "They called the wrong number by accident". So the Americans believed the Brits and declared war on Germany but Russia banned Vodka before America could get there and the Russian peasants revolted and left the war. America finally made it to Europe and Germany is tired so they accept peace terms put forward by America and end the war but France and Britain didn't agree to those terms so they're like "no" and Germany's like "WTF" and America's like "WTF" while Britain and France divide up Germany. Italy meanwhile thinks they deserve a piece of the pie despite being useless and invent fascism to hopefully become less useless which leads to war 20 years later in which Italy is still useless.

Did I about sum this thread up?

Edited By: sinistril on Sep 16th 2017, 23:03:56
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

BladeEWG Game profile


Sep 16th 2017, 23:06:35

Derrick? You're going to tell me why Oma went to laf? Sorry m8 but I think I know best the reasons why. We all know even a quite inactiive Blade is better than a lot of full time leaders we have seen in this game :p
But that's old news now

And Thanks guys for the good wishes and congrats

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 16th 2017, 23:32:32

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Imag is our friends. Galleri is in elderswar as we speak. Shes been there since I've been there.

yeah , but #uno is my new hangout

Grats Blade!

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2017, 1:16:25

Yeah. Gratz blade.

And yes you know better than I. I'm just saying it certainly wasn't for protection. That's a lame thing to say.

major Game profile


Sep 17th 2017, 3:14:39

concrats on the grandaughter BladeEWG !!!!! I mean that, man!!! my oldest grand daughter was over for the night this evening, and having dinner with her was such a great feeling. very happy for you and your addition to the family, Sir.

zygotic Game profile


Sep 17th 2017, 7:04:53

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
PP, you lack any understanding of whats going on. If you want to PM me I would be happy to give some truth to your diatribe.

Current small (less than say 20 members) tags over 4 members:

Omega, evo, rag, imag, rage and LCN.

We've never warred any of them and don't want to. We even have auto renew pacts with 2 or 3 of them. No desire to beat up small netting tags. Though I would happily kill LUST cheaters if they hadn't been purpled

You say that and I believed you but then your resident retard Buch sends me an in-game message threatening Red

Link Game profile


Sep 17th 2017, 15:21:42

Don't pay no mind to him lol

I Am a meat popsicle.


Suicidal Game profile


Sep 17th 2017, 15:59:34

Originally posted by zygotic:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
PP, you lack any understanding of whats going on. If you want to PM me I would be happy to give some truth to your diatribe.

Current small (less than say 20 members) tags over 4 members:

Omega, evo, rag, imag, rage and LCN.

We've never warred any of them and don't want to. We even have auto renew pacts with 2 or 3 of them. No desire to beat up small netting tags. Though I would happily kill LUST cheaters if they hadn't been purpled

You say that and I believed you but then your resident retard Buch sends me an in-game message threatening Red

Obviously you did not know buch's in-game message was meant to be private. Why do you have to broadcast it public?
Snitches get stiches.

zygotic Game profile


Sep 17th 2017, 16:04:10

Because you give it the big un about not bullying small alliances and then threaten a small alliance.
So what is elders official stance?
Do you bully small alliances or not?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2017, 17:01:35

Hahaha. Officially we do not, however as has been said in multiple other fashions, we do have members like Suicidal, buch etc. They completely uncontrollable and basically say whatever pops into their heads at that moment. But buch you dont have to worry about at all lol. You could take him zygo.

Out of curiousity, whatd he say?

Suicidal Game profile


Sep 17th 2017, 17:27:38

Derrick, ever since you left Elders, you keep referring to me and buch. You are just jealous that buch took over as Supreme Leader of Elders.
He got zygo active on AT as we continue our efforts to get lazy netters off their butts and get more active.
We here at Elders were looking to net, and you go off an start a daggon war. Hope you are happy now.

P.S. I have yet to make my decision as to becoming HFA for Elders. Our IA, Gutty, has ask that I follow the Trump Doctrine to which I have agreed. My title, should I accept this esteem position, will be "HA". No more Foreign Affairs when every country hates us.

paladin Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 1:53:02

Originally posted by sinistril:
This is all very confusing.

So Serbia attacked Austria, which caused Germany to invade France, but they had to go through Belgium and that made the Brits mad, so the Brits declared war on Germany but it took them awhile to get there, so France got owned in the meantime. Meanwhile the Russian Tsar's wife, who was German, was sleeping with a Siberian peasant, so he got mad and declared war on Germany. Italy thought this meant that Germany was going to lose so they invaded Austria-Hungary but they were pretty useless, only foreshadowing how useless the Ottoman Empire would be when they decided to fight for Germany because why not. The Canadians finally made it to Europe just in time for the Second Battle of Ypres, the Germans gassed them, then activated their submarines and started sinking American ships. America was pretty angry and Britain, who had been spying on the Americans, showed the Americans a conversation of the Germans talking to the Mexicans. America was like "How'd you get that info?" but Britain shrugged and said "They called the wrong number by accident". So the Americans believed the Brits and declared war on Germany but Russia banned Vodka before America could get there and the Russian peasants revolted and left the war. America finally made it to Europe and Germany is tired so they accept peace terms put forward by America and end the war but France and Britain didn't agree to those terms so they're like "no" and Germany's like "WTF" and America's like "WTF" while Britain and France divide up Germany. Italy meanwhile thinks they deserve a piece of the pie despite being useless and invent fascism to hopefully become less useless which leads to war 20 years later in which Italy is still useless.

Did I about sum this thread up?

This is probably the best brief history of WWI that I have seen, and I am say that as someone that has now spent 3+ years watching The Great War weekly episodes on YouTube.
Why the hell am I here?

Buch Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 13:17:10

Hey zygotic. Maybe you shouldn't fail spy ops on an alliance that is at war. I just told you you keep fluffing with me we will kill you.

zygotic Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 15:49:43

When I spied you I was in LaF you moron.

Buch Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 15:55:32

Even better reason to kill you. Anyways thanks for the land. I am happy and will leave you to net now.

DruncK Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 17:22:22

Originally posted by zygotic:
When I spied you I was in LaF you moron.

Hope you wreck him on retals

Buch Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 19:20:32

He retals me he better invest in tanks and sdi... Im not afraid to ab

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 18th 2017, 20:11:53

Yeah. I'm with drunck on this one.

Buch Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 22:33:14

He can do what he wants...

breeze Game profile


Sep 18th 2017, 23:55:34

Congrats Blade on the new grand daughter



Sep 19th 2017, 0:30:55

Originally posted by Buch:
He retals me he better invest in tanks and sdi... Im not afraid to ab

I'm not afraid to retaliate for you ABing them
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Dissident Game profile


Sep 19th 2017, 3:03:19

im still waiting for laf to give us an amount to pay in reps for this war...

any time you have a ballpark number, lemme know.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 19th 2017, 3:07:12

Yeah. I'm with elves. You RoR I will farm you.

Buch Game profile


Sep 19th 2017, 9:53:21

You have to understand how much I don't care about that

Link Game profile


Sep 19th 2017, 13:02:48

We do

I Am a meat popsicle.
