Ok how about these points.
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i assure you i am well informed on this and there is no reason to not get vaccinated unless you are either selfish or ignorant. they DO NOT cause autism. period. not getting vaccinated endangers a community. these are facts. your beliefs and opinions do not change these facts.
WRONG. There are several reasons why one should not. Something that given your stated how well informed you are, I am surprised you dont know.
Fact. Like most medications, there are normally side affects associated with it. If such a side affect is harmful for you, you should NOT get vaccinated. For example if one side affect causes pneumonia and abdominal pain (like one of earlier measles vaccine), many people with certain conditions should not do it. Quite often it is recommended that people who are pregnant should not take certain medications or vaccinations due exactly to these side affects.
Fact. When certain disease is more than 90% eradicated, re-introducing the vaccine actually causes more harm than it helps. The CDC has found this out a couple of times, when trying to reintroduce certain vaccines like measles, etc.
Fact. Vaccines are made by pharmaceutical companies, and quite often do not let it be known what all the side affects of their products are. Just look up any number of law suites against some of the bigger pharmaceuticals. Do you put anything into your body foolishly without knowing what it is? As Juice already mentioned, quite often they relabel or make up new words to hide what certain ingredients are. Sorry but anyone making it difficult to know what all the ingredients actually are, should give anyone reason to wonder why and question taking such products.
Fact. Except for smallpox (and even that could be argued with the likes of monkeypox, chickenpox) can you name another vaccine that has eradicated a disease. If a vaccine can not totally eradicate the disease, than why should we bother.
Fact. Vaccines are NOT a cure, they are a temporary measure to try and deal with a certain disease until they find out what the real cause is and then come up with a solution to cure it. So I guess following your train of thought, you always should apply temp measures to a problem instead of actually FIXING the problem.
Fact. Vaccines along with anti-biotics and tons of other medications that are used as temp stop gaps, are weakening our own immune systems.
Non-fact. Which I would feel remiss in leaving out. It is debatable on whether they actually cause more harm than good. And debatable on how much our immune systems are being weakened by this. Imho that is a case by case scenario. Imho, smallpox yes, measles .. maybe (by time it was introduced it was well on the decline). Flu .. HELL NO, with exception of limited high risk, like maybe elderly etc.
However, there are several reasons why not to vaccinate. I only listed some.