
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 25th 2014, 14:44:35

Hey tellarion, we've had good relations this set maybe you and your friends should set this discussion out?
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 14:46:21

I'm telling you Sov, that will learn ya! The only reason LaF offered us a pact is because it was the end of the set when ppl start stocking and they were done using us. Three LG's on one of our guys who was for sure to get a top ten spot, yeah you better believe were pissed, he was most likely going to get #1 spot, LaF ruined that, and now we ruined alot of there top spots. An eye for an eye.
Do as I say, not as I do.



Jan 25th 2014, 15:19:59

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
I'm telling you Sov, that will learn ya! The only reason LaF offered us a pact is because it was the end of the set when ppl start stocking and they were done using us. Three LG's on one of our guys who was for sure to get a top ten spot, yeah you better believe were pissed, he was most likely going to get #1 spot, LaF ruined that, and now we ruined alot of there top spots. An eye for an eye.

LaF had maybe two T10 candidates, NeoFed had more. It was really multiple eyes for two eyes.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 15:28:01

^Whatevers clever
Do as I say, not as I do.

Kalick Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 15:30:34

Go Omega!

tellarion Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 15:41:26

Originally posted by Requiem:
Hey tellarion, we've had good relations this set maybe you and your friends should set this discussion out?

I've told my members to stay away from this discussion, not sure which friends you're talking about. I'm the only loudmouthed idiot from Evo involved in this, and I don't think I'm saying anything that would ruin relationships here :/



Jan 25th 2014, 15:47:51

Originally posted by tellarion:
I don't think I'm saying anything that would ruin relationships here :/

I can't wait till next set to explore this question.
I think LaF has enough targets now for a lovely and entertaining war set.

Pride Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 15:58:43

Lol stop being brats and threatening Tella.

Pride Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 16:02:43

CandyMan - fluff move

Neo - should've asked for reps first (of course I don't know the whole story)

Red X Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 16:19:37

Originally posted by Pride:
Lol stop being brats and threatening Tella.

Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.


EE Patron

Jan 25th 2014, 16:20:27

Originally posted by Sov:
I'm not going to get into the details of this one except to say that unless the pact specifically has a clause saying that no attacks are to be exchanged between Alliances then no matter how many landgrabs are made then there is no basis to break a UNAP.

LAF's actions do not constitute a breaking of a UNAP unless they refuse or fail to pay reps as per the pact.

I see no justification for Neofed to break a UNAP based on present evidence provided. I believe this is the first time since LAF got gangbanged after the Hanlong affair that I have seen a UNAP broken in this game without the activation (to some degree or other) of a clause written into the pact.

Pacts in this game are a point of honor between Alliances and they need to be adhered to per the terms that are signed. It is like signing a contract IRL. No matter what the principle is or the perceived reasoning, it is unacceptable for a UNAP to be broken unless it is done so within the terms of the pact.
Lmao you're a weasel and what you're doing here is supporting weasel actions, endorsing alliance's abuse of the language of pacts to the fullest extent possible because the pact is 'sacred.' how sacred is it really if it's just a vehicle for weasels

Originally posted by iScode:
regardless of that Sov, its the HFA, they know the intentions of the pact, and to triple tap goes against the intentions of the pact, therefor breaking the pact, trying to defend that is insulting.
scode is 100% right and reading sov's weasel responses is seriously annoying

Originally posted by Sov:
I disagree. The intention of the pact is in the terms of the pact. If it is not in the terms, then there is no reason to break it.

In Earth2025 the original NAPs were being broken at will by Alliances. By 2002 NAPs were basically superseded by "UNAPs" as the main pact of choice between amicable Alliances, with a key component differing from a NAP - The word "Unbreakable". There is a reason why it was called Unbreakable, because they were not meant to be broken. Unless specific terms of the pact are violated and not adhered to then there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for breaking the pact.

If it is to be that "the spirit" or "the intention" of the pact are the determining factors of whether a pact should be broken then UNAPs are therefore useless and basically any Alliance would break them at will because that reasoning can be used so broadly that it is easily exploitable by anyone.

For example - I could break a UNAP with Omega because they looked at me in an unfriendly manner which was against the "intentions" of the pact which was that we are to be friends.

If it is not in the terms then there is no basis for breaking it. Any breaking of a pact is really inexcusable.

Whilst Neofed might have genuine disagreements with LAF, they are bound by the unwritten code under which Alliances operate which are that pact terms are to be followed and pacts are not to be broken.
Does anyone else get a whiff of like autism/aspergers from this? seriously jfc.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jan 25th 2014, 16:22:10

Originally posted by Sov:
Harsh feelings have nothing to do with it. You can have all the harsh feelings you want Syko. Unless specific terms of the pact are violated and not adhered to then there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for breaking the pact.
Okay, forget the "whiff of autism," this guy is full-blown autistic lmao
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Home Turf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 16:30:22

blah blah blah blah blah

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 16:33:56

Originally posted by Home Turf:
blah blah blah blah blah

Can I hear a Wah somewhere in there?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Cable Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 17:02:24

Sov is partially right, perhaps it was an over reaction. But Sov has no idea what went on in the early weeks of the set where there was NO PACT and LaF was looking to use Neo as farm land.

But lets be real here, LaF refuses to pay reps then what? They all jump out of range and destock before anything can be done about it then what? Neo FSes LaF at half there size, I don't think its an over reaction at all. As I said before LaFs actions speak loud and clear over the last year. DK hit RD when they were pacted and no one came to help them and no one fluffed either. LaF abandoned Sof and Rival by pacting MD just to keep themselves. Rumor was some LaFers where ready to war but the majority of fluffy bunny netters weren't.

I feel bad for the good players in LaF who didn't deserve their sets wrecked, and you can all defend your leadership and condem Neo but like the little brother who breaks his older brothers nose after being bullied this is the same thing.

Cable Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 17:06:26

Side note Req you should probably not talk about "relations" in this thread with anyone accept NEO. threatening players just emphasizes exactly what LaF is all about, "Being ranked 1" and we will bully others into playing the game our way. That's all your doing by saying fluff about ruining relationships.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 17:13:48

Good let them say whatever they want cable, there are other small alliances who want a piece of LaF, they could have their chance next set.
Do as I say, not as I do.

bstrong86 Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 17:39:06

Originally posted by Cable:
Sov is partially right, perhaps it was an over reaction. But Sov has no idea what went on in the early weeks of the set where there was NO PACT and LaF was looking to use Neo as farm land.

But lets be real here, LaF refuses to pay reps then what? They all jump out of range and destock before anything can be done about it then what? Neo FSes LaF at half there size, I don't think its an over reaction at all. As I said before LaFs actions speak loud and clear over the last year. DK hit RD when they were pacted and no one came to help them and no one fluffed either. LaF abandoned Sof and Rival by pacting MD just to keep themselves. Rumor was some LaFers where ready to war but the majority of fluffy bunny netters weren't.

I feel bad for the good players in LaF who didn't deserve their sets wrecked, and you can all defend your leadership and condem Neo but like the little brother who breaks his older brothers nose after being bullied this is the same thing.

Once again, bringing Deathknights into this conversation. We have 0 to do with this mess, stop dragging our name through this fluff. This situation is between neo/laf. Keep it that!

Also, no one fluffed because we had outs in our unap. Just to set the record straight for ya!
The Death Knights


ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 17:40:14

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by Cable:
Sov is partially right, perhaps it was an over reaction. But Sov has no idea what went on in the early weeks of the set where there was NO PACT and LaF was looking to use Neo as farm land.

But lets be real here, LaF refuses to pay reps then what? They all jump out of range and destock before anything can be done about it then what? Neo FSes LaF at half there size, I don't think its an over reaction at all. As I said before LaFs actions speak loud and clear over the last year. DK hit RD when they were pacted and no one came to help them and no one fluffed either. LaF abandoned Sof and Rival by pacting MD just to keep themselves. Rumor was some LaFers where ready to war but the majority of fluffy bunny netters weren't.

I feel bad for the good players in LaF who didn't deserve their sets wrecked, and you can all defend your leadership and condem Neo but like the little brother who breaks his older brothers nose after being bullied this is the same thing.

Once again, bringing Deathknights into this conversation. We have 0 to do with this mess, stop dragging our name through this fluff. This situation is between neo/laf. Keep it that!

Also, no one fluffed because we had outs in our unap. Just to set the record straight for ya!

Yeah and we murdered you quickly... So no biggy bruh. :P

AzNiZe Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:05:49

too much is what it is

i also agreed with have nothing to do with this. please dont bring them up

dannydk Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:06:29

So it seems like Neo is now saying Laf is unable or won't pay even tho Laf ceo said they would have paid it, but Neo didn't believe it so just went to suicide instead

Just curious though, its probably a lot of NW lost but how much NW was this anyways was lost by the Laf attack that would have been hard to get back?

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:10:07

dk I thought you wanted to stay out of it? what happened? stay out of it than! ;) Don't ask anymore questions.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Home Turf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:31:25

No waahhing here. It will all b sorted out. Laf will win, and the rest, well I reckin yall get to die. That about sums up how this is going to go down.

Personally, I would have kicked whomever out, as they obviously only think of themselves. Laf wouldn't have this problem, if they had.

Neo, I don't know what crack they were smoking when they decided to hit Laf, but they need to put the pipe down. In what world do you actually think suiciding on Laf was going to get you anything other than grief. No comprende here. Oh and next reset and next reset, and next reset. Getting the picture?

Viceroy Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:35:47

Did Candyman actually negotiate the original UNAP?
Was Candyman, as per his responsibilities as HFA, going to be the one negotiating the Reps, or was he going to recuse himself?
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 25th 2014, 18:40:43

Who Can Take A Rainbow And Sprinkle With Poo?
Make It Show Up High All Over The Sky?
Well, The Candy Man Can.

i should probably read the thread...
Dibs Ludicrous was here.



Jan 25th 2014, 18:47:48

Time Frame, NeoFed's FS happened about 3 Hours after the Triple Tap, in an incident like this, that allegedly involved an FR, shouldn't the discussion be between both Alliance's Leader?

Was there discussion within that 3 hour time frame??

We don't know. It really doesn't matter who did what, when, or why. Both sides agreed to a uNAP. One member decided to violate the terms with a triple tap, the other alliance decided to break the pact and FS.

More pointless reasons have been used to go to war, but let's face it, those 3 hits would not have been enough reasons 99% of the time since Tag was introduced into the game.

Viceroy Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:51:03

"One Member" did not violate the terms of the uNAP. The HFA violated the terms of the uNAP. The other alliance then decided breaking the pact to FS was warranted.
And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:57:08

Wheres all my RBW followers?! Assemble and message me if your going in with me next set;) See you at the party!
Do as I say, not as I do.

ebola Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 18:59:27

So, to summarize, total d--- move by Candy, total overreaction (ruining many more finishes) by Neo?

DFA Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:00:45

Just wondering, some mention that Neo has FS'd, is there a War Dec I missed on AT? Or is that not required when declaring war these days?

Cable Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:02:57

Azns right theres no more debating this, if LaF is going to war anyone I will be among the people going to war vs LaF.

Justify it however you all want, the time for trolling is over. Theres alot going on that most of the people here have 0 clue about when it comes down to players from the early 2000's.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:08:06

Hey DFA, another sighting! come join us next set, all ex CIA are welcome.
Do as I say, not as I do.

dannydk Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:21:57

Originally posted by Jelly:
Time Frame, NeoFed's FS happened about 3 Hours after the Triple Tap, in an incident like this, that allegedly involved an FR, shouldn't the discussion be between both Alliance's Leader?

Was there discussion within that 3 hour time frame??

We don't know. It really doesn't matter who did what, when, or why. Both sides agreed to a uNAP. One member decided to violate the terms with a triple tap, the other alliance decided to break the pact and FS.

More pointless reasons have been used to go to war, but let's face it, those 3 hits would not have been enough reasons 99% of the time since Tag was introduced into the game.

Ah, didn't realize it was 3hrs after that #335 went boom. Since it was that soon, then most likely that he went nuts on his own? and Neo heads couldn't do anything, like try to negotiate. So it seems like two individual members dragged their own clans into a war. Heh, one is a head FA, the other is some kind of head in Neo as well i would presume.

I was just a bit confused earlier, because I thought LaF pres Eugene says he was going to pay it, but Neo is saying they won't. So from what Neo is saying and implying, it seems that Eugene declined the rep request, then Neo decided to suicide as a group on LaF? I would agree with Neo's actions on this then.
Or being naughty, it seems someone isn't revealing everything!

Should be good for warfare techs for many sets to come though!

I'm not bringing DK into this, it was Cable who is the only one so far that has brought DK into this from his post about RD and DK going at it.

Edited By: dannydk on Jan 25th 2014, 19:24:18

euglaf Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:30:10

There were no rep negotiations. Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense. Neo frs ignored him and deliberately stated they wanted war

What's really stupid is that I would have agreed to pay reps. Perhaps not as much as neo would demand but we would have restored his country at the least (and perhaps more just to spite candy's stupidity). Considering laf has about 6 billion projected total networth it's not hard to assume we can pay.

Neo wants to break a unap without discussing anything and drag a war that's their call. All I'm really getting from this is that neo have unstable and irrational leaders.

Viceroy Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:44:41

Originally posted by euglaf:
Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense.

And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:46:36

Originally posted by euglaf:
There were no rep negotiations. Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense. Neo frs ignored him and deliberately stated they wanted war

What's really stupid is that I would have agreed to pay reps. Perhaps not as much as neo would demand but we would have restored his country at the least (and perhaps more just to spite candy's stupidity). Considering laf has about 6 billion projected total networth it's not hard to assume we can pay.

Neo wants to break a unap without discussing anything and drag a war that's their call. All I'm really getting from this is that neo have unstable and irrational leaders.

So perhaps Candy Man should have made a post on AT saying hey...Neo...Please contact me I triple tapped one of your members cause I wanted more land for my greedy self, and I want to know how my clan can pay you back for my indiscretions. It's your responsibility to contact us when your HFA triple taps someone who you have a uNAP with, you guys were totally asking for it. LaF's Leaders should have stepped up to the plate and asked to speak to Neo Leaders for the stupid move on your members part, maybe in the future you guys will be more responsible about who you promote to handle your affairs. You guys are trying to play the victim card here like there was some other way in hell to handle it, but I have seen you guys pull this crap set after set on small tags who are going to take your crowns, Every alliance knows this and so do you guys, so just quit with all this nonsense. Let's just get down to business, let's all put on our big boy pants and hash it out in silence, i've had enough talking.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Red X Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:57:03

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Hey DFA, another sighting! come join us next set, all ex CIA are welcome.

Come join DFA in TIE =]
Originally posted by Leto:
I thought it was a Strategy based war game.

I am playing chinese checkers while y'all are playing chess, so i'm not sure.

DFA Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:57:17

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Hey DFA, another sighting! come join us next set, all ex CIA are welcome.

I get around ;)

I'm more than happy at TIE :) But thanks for the offer :)

iScode Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 19:58:56

Originally posted by euglaf:
There were no rep negotiations. Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense. Neo frs ignored him and deliberately stated they wanted war

What's really stupid is that I would have agreed to pay reps. Perhaps not as much as neo would demand but we would have restored his country at the least (and perhaps more just to spite candy's stupidity). Considering laf has about 6 billion projected total networth it's not hard to assume we can pay.

Neo wants to break a unap without discussing anything and drag a war that's their call. All I'm really getting from this is that neo have unstable and irrational leaders.

ok first of all why would you send the person who started the conflict to resolve it? That is just you saying 'fluff you neo we will do what we want haha'.

second of all, and once again, laf broke the pact here, candy man's triple tap is a break of the pact, be it a grabbing pact or not, I have seen no grabbing pact that allows for triple taps.

Do not try to claim neo is breaking a pact here when your HFA has broken the pact.

Have you even punished Candy Man? surely when a HFA pulls this sort of stunt a demotion is automatic. (I know this would normally be an internal matter, you can try to claim that defence, but it will just prove to everyone that candymans actions were ordered by you, you are in a tough spot here because you are contridicting yourself. If you say you would of payed reps you need to start proving that by taking action against candy. otherwise its clear you wanted this to happen.)

Without doing so you are condoning his actions and condoning laf breaking the pact, if you truly wanted to resolve this like you keep claiming you would of, you would stop defending the actions of your 'stupid member' and start damning them.

I mean i want to be serious here Eugene, are you even in control of your alliance or is hanlong still in charge, i know he is playing there, be honest, is he the one realy making the decisions?
God of War


locket Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 20:25:46

Originally posted by Osso:
Damn, this is brutal. I was looking forward to seeing where everyone's countries would end up. =(

Well it would have been nice to see where you and I finished indeed :P

Cable Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 20:30:57

we all know lockets country wouldn't have done well at all...

iScode Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 20:36:12

Originally posted by Sov:
Harsh feelings have nothing to do with it. You can have all the harsh feelings you want Syko. Unless specific terms of the pact are violated and not adhered to then there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for breaking the pact.

I know your my alliance leader but are you fluffing retarded? Where in any grabbing pact does it say triple taps are ok??? A triple tap by an HFA of all things is a blatant breaking of a pact.

You are simply defending your allies blindly here, look at things from a neutral point of view.

If when I was fa of sof would you simply allow me to triple tap laf or would you of demoted me for doing so?

Yes i agree neo should of tried diplomacy with eugene (not candyman, he is a useless fa...) first however from what i see in this thread they have been sent a clear message from laf all set. But its obvious by eugenes actions in this thread he supports the actions of his HFA otherwise he would take actual action against him and not defend him.
God of War


locket Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 20:37:03

hah I was on pace for half a billion more than you Cable! ;)



Jan 25th 2014, 20:41:36

Originally posted by euglaf:
There were no rep negotiations. Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense. Neo frs ignored him and deliberately stated they wanted war

What's really stupid is that I would have agreed to pay reps. Perhaps not as much as neo would demand but we would have restored his country at the least (and perhaps more just to spite candy's stupidity). Considering laf has about 6 billion projected total networth it's not hard to assume we can pay.

Neo wants to break a unap without discussing anything and drag a war that's their call. All I'm really getting from this is that neo have unstable and irrational leaders.

"Irrational unstable leadership" we need look no further then Laf, your Head FA is the person who committed the acts of hostility and you now expect Neo to interact with him an allow him to negotiate the reps?

Laf still hasn't learnt, you don't run this server anymore, your threats of WAR are just that. Laf can't take out single man suicider's you expect people to believe you can beat a coordinated alliance?

locket Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 20:42:24

I do find Sov's defense of this funny. And other's as well. If it was the case that the always hated Evo triple tapped Laf like this I fully expect retaliations would have happened.

A triple tap by a hFA on the top country in the game with this amount of time left is an act of war. It would be seen as such by many people.

Things maybe could have been avoided with some political work by people but that didnt happen.

Why didnt it happen? Some people acted impulsively I suspect. Some people saw that it was the hFA of Laf and that it was clearly more than just a simple triple tap and the fact that one of the top leaders in Laf was doing it meant the chances of a resolution were far smaller than otherwise.

Add to the fact that I almost 100% guarantee that CM talked about this to someone or in irc before doing it and the chance is even half decent that he spoke to Eugene, at least in jest while fluffing that someone was going to beat him... I think it less likely that he spoke to Eugene in particular but it is what it is.

Nothing has been said about CM being booted and I never expected anything else.

@Erian the reactions of the opposing group should have no basis on what is said or thought about the member in question. Those reactions should be how you go forward with that other group. Not whether you choose to go forward with a scumbag liar :)

Cable Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 20:52:49

Originally posted by locket:
hah I was on pace for half a billion more than you Cable! ;)

This is true enough, an unexpected selling of bushels at 48 by downsay and lafers fluffed up my destock plan. I only had 800 million bushels and 2 billion cash on hand but that's nothing in the scheme of things, woulda been top25 at best.

Hopeless Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 21:04:58

...and this is the reason why you'll see more suiciders coming for LAF.

dannydk Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 21:07:17

Originally posted by Hopeless:
...and this is the reason why you'll see more suiciders coming for LAF.

I agree
Laf has been doing the same crap for a long long time
probably like 10yrs+
They probably finally got what is coming to them
This is going to be epic



Jan 25th 2014, 21:14:23

Originally posted by Hopeless:
...and this is the reason why you'll see more suiciders coming for LAF.


H Game profile


Jan 25th 2014, 21:17:50

Originally posted by euglaf:
There were no rep negotiations. Immediately after 335 started his suicide I told candy to talk to neo frs to end the nonsense. Neo frs ignored him and deliberately stated they wanted war

Wow, I actually read this whole thing.

The quote above surprised me. Looks like Lafs prez had 3 hours to react, and did nothing. I wonder how tactful candyman was when he contacted neo about *cough* his own actions. Did you beg for forgiveness after hitting the attack button?

I might even have a shot at top10 now.... yay.