
anoniem Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 11:19:54

Why are you still replying? How do you know my "novels" are addressed to you if you haven't read them?

It's like speaking to a child with their fingers in their ears when mommy and daddy put the kid in its place.

You haven't read any posts, yet you've deemed them as whining? Grow up, unless you want to call me a "fluff" or "angry" again?

Flamey Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 11:37:11

LOL @ backing PDM into a corner. Refusing to accept a pact, where the other party wouldn’t compromise and then doing topfeeds on countries using methods we don't like... is really vile bullying... Earth has never seen anyone put someone up against a wall like that before.

Then, oh wait, SoF is evil for planning how to deal with PDM after that said alliance threatened revenge and 'ways to get back' at us using the unconventional (or through our allies). SoF is evil for defensively preparing for potential oop war and then a week 2 at the latest, so that we can take them out quickly and be on standby for a potential gangbang.

Also, that Evo war was my idea and executed by me. I had plenty of grievances for it and one of them is that you talk big and hard on AT every time you have a NAP with us, then suddenly quiet down when it goes to re-pacting. As you are coming out mouth blazing again, I'm assuming you decided to war again next set as is the usual pattern of your flaming.

The war was poorly executed at a time SoF was at its weakest for a year. The strategy was wrong, we spent way too long in protection, unaware that everything had been leaked. We thought you might have suspicions, but not that it had actually been fully leaked (and yes I know how). The strategy battle was also an interesting one... ABed Commies vs Tyranies that were growing. The majority of our countries did not grow enough, but in the end it was number of hits coming from the Evo that was decisive; the 10 members we had lost from the prior set made it too a uphill task.

It was all humiliating. We could have asked LaF to enter to finish things off, but that would have been embarrassing also; the aid idea was to even it up a bit, but the problem was numbers and we would have eventually had to call LaF in anyway. This is why Evo asking for a cf out the blue wasn't too much of a surprise. We always had that card in our pocket and surprising enough Evo finally offered us a pact that removed the vast majority of our grievances (aka: two-stepping - fair defensive clause). But then again, everything else about that set was a political success:

We denied Evo the opportunity to hit LaF oop, which is what they really wanted to do (Against LaF's wishes - who wanted to take them on as well as SoL).

We got SoL in a position where they were isolated enough to end their coalition/aggressive policy against the server and Evo in a position where they had enough war for a good while and was willing to join in the long term talks.

We got revenge against TIE for the gangbang.

That could have been the end of a chapter, but we know how history goes. Those long term peace discussion were only genuine on one side. SoL/Evo were in another chat making new plans and the whole cf thing was a ruse to get SoF neutral during the next coalition. Evo ended that reset with 7 members and SoF finished that reset exacting revenge and on the up... I guess that must have happened because we are bullies ;) Though... if you want to see what we are really like when being bullies, then continue with your flaming and it can be arranged.



Apr 26th 2012, 11:52:31

^ More SoF threats... *acts surprised*

Flamey Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 11:58:22

Indeed and one that isn't a joke like Sov wanting to kill ICN.

Alin Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 12:12:10

"the aid idea was to even it up a bit"

Lmao - IX+Delitez style.

Rest of it - interesting recent earth history.

dagga Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 12:15:42

"We got SoL in a position where they were isolated enough to end their coalition/aggressive policy against the server"

I laughed
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Sov Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 12:20:49


NukEvil Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 12:23:11

"the 10 members we had lost from the prior set made it too a uphill task."

You DO remember that EVO and SoF had the same number of countries in their tags when the SoF FS came around, right?

Oh, and I kinda doubt the logs in this thread had been leaked before that time, as I would more than likely have seen them by then (but I wouldn't put it past certain people to keep stuff like that from me). I remember going to KJ and telling him that SoF's country builds suggested they were hitting someone OOP, and that that someone was more than likely to be EVO, and KJ was like "hmm, you might be right about that". Next day, SoF FSed EVO.

But none of that matters now; as long as LaF and SoF can keep doing what they're doing, then no amount of posting on AT will change anything.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Devestation Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 13:15:46



Flamey Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 13:33:02

Originally posted by dagga:
"We got SoL in a position where they were isolated enough to end their coalition/aggressive policy against the server"

I laughed

Yea, I was stupid to think SoL would put the game in front wanting revenge for their failed coalition policies.

Originally posted by NukEvil:
"the 10 members we had lost from the prior set made it too a uphill task."

You DO remember that EVO and SoF had the same number of countries in their tags when the SoF FS came around, right?

Oh, and I kinda doubt the logs in this thread had been leaked before that time, as I would more than likely have seen them by then (but I wouldn't put it past certain people to keep stuff like that from me). I remember going to KJ and telling him that SoF's country builds suggested they were hitting someone OOP, and that that someone was more than likely to be EVO, and KJ was like "hmm, you might be right about that". Next day, SoF FSed EVO.

But none of that matters now; as long as LaF and SoF can keep doing what they're doing, then no amount of posting on AT will change anything.

At the very start of the war it was about 3-4 difference I believe, but with late taggers and a few evo mass e-mails and a few SoFers going inactive it became 10 and hits/kill per day started to reflect that.

The logs in this thread have been seen by most of the 'leak's' fdp for 2 weeks. I guess Evo was way down on the list =)

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 13:42:56

Yep, wouldn't be the first time Evo had low priority when it came to server politics.

Anyways, I was quite surprised when I noticed Evo was starting to actually "win" the war with SoF. However, I too wasn't surprised when Evo asked for a cf right before the holidays.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 14:44:29


anoniem Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 18:16:52

Originally posted by Flamey:
LOL @ backing PDM into a corner. Refusing to accept a pact, where the other party wouldn’t compromise and then doing topfeeds on countries using methods we don't like... is really vile bullying... Earth has never seen anyone put someone up against a wall like that before.

Then, oh wait, SoF is evil for planning how to deal with PDM after that said alliance threatened revenge and 'ways to get back' at us using the unconventional (or through our allies). SoF is evil for defensively preparing for potential oop war and then a week 2 at the latest, so that we can take them out quickly and be on standby for a potential gangbang.

Also, that Evo war was my idea and executed by me. I had plenty of grievances for it and one of them is that you talk big and hard on AT every time you have a NAP with us, then suddenly quiet down when it goes to re-pacting. As you are coming out mouth blazing again, I'm assuming you decided to war again next set as is the usual pattern of your flaming.

The war was poorly executed at a time SoF was at its weakest for a year. The strategy was wrong, we spent way too long in protection, unaware that everything had been leaked. We thought you might have suspicions, but not that it had actually been fully leaked (and yes I know how). The strategy battle was also an interesting one... ABed Commies vs Tyranies that were growing. The majority of our countries did not grow enough, but in the end it was number of hits coming from the Evo that was decisive; the 10 members we had lost from the prior set made it too a uphill task.

It was all humiliating. We could have asked LaF to enter to finish things off, but that would have been embarrassing also; the aid idea was to even it up a bit, but the problem was numbers and we would have eventually had to call LaF in anyway. This is why Evo asking for a cf out the blue wasn't too much of a surprise. We always had that card in our pocket and surprising enough Evo finally offered us a pact that removed the vast majority of our grievances (aka: two-stepping - fair defensive clause). But then again, everything else about that set was a political success:

We denied Evo the opportunity to hit LaF oop, which is what they really wanted to do (Against LaF's wishes - who wanted to take them on as well as SoL).

We got SoL in a position where they were isolated enough to end their coalition/aggressive policy against the server and Evo in a position where they had enough war for a good while and was willing to join in the long term talks.

We got revenge against TIE for the gangbang.

That could have been the end of a chapter, but we know how history goes. Those long term peace discussion were only genuine on one side. SoL/Evo were in another chat making new plans and the whole cf thing was a ruse to get SoF neutral during the next coalition. Evo ended that reset with 7 members and SoF finished that reset exacting revenge and on the up... I guess that must have happened because we are bullies ;) Though... if you want to see what we are really like when being bullies, then continue with your flaming and it can be arranged.

You planned the EVO war? Well, it was my plan to go all indies in case LaF or SoF FSed OOP, clever clogs. Who won the battle of the wits? The "fluff" netgainer or the war head from the most feared war alliance (I almost wet myself typing that)?
It being leaked? If I remember correctly every Evo country at the time had either 100 troops or 0, so you trying to play it off as if Evo had some divine intervention that saved up from your piss poor tactics then you're wrong. Our announcements were "Yellow Alert keep 40 turns on hand at times", yet you still couldn't beat us?

After switching to tyrannies we started to outgrow you, and then after demolishing almost every single one of your decent countries you ran off your master and begged for FA. A real valiant effort from a "war alliance". No idea why you're trying to say you wanted to "even" it up a bit. From what I hear the only reason KJ offered a CF pact with you guys is because you were having problems internally and we didn't want to drive away any of your members by continuing the war for the whole set.

Unlike you we have scruples. You may think I want to destroy SoF/LaF, but you're wrong. I don't want to destroy any alliance. I dislike your alliance's and everything you stand for, but I would never go out of my way to war a clan in the hopes of their membership dropping or "DEMORALISING" them. So everything I stand against is everything you stand for.

And, from what I remember. It was chevs offering me free land to keep me sweet, so that I wouldn't pact SOL. So, you tell me who has done the most grovelling or hushed up the most during pacting time? I don't remember offering SoF deals to keep you as uNAP allies. You've only ever served as being an unwelcome topfeeding annoyance to me.

Please, tell me why EVO then signed a UNAP with LaF? Even though we were apparently plotting our revenge? Please, tell me why we offered you a CF and signed a 1 year pact if we were secretly plotting to kill you off? Do you even understand what you're saying? It doesn't make a blind bit of sense.

Flamey if you're in-charge of the SoF war plan, then I'm sure every alliance in this game is just quaking at the boots.

Anyway, cheers for proving that you are indeed an arrogant bully. An arrogant bully who got beat down by a netting alliance even though you got the FS. LaF are practically carrying you.

P.S. ECM war - is another case of you not liking "fairer" encounters. You said that our side would get an advantage due to us being from 3 different alliances, and the fact that Monsters had never worked with EVO/SANCT before. Then you cry when you get beat and claim it was unfair due to our numerical advantage.

If you just come out with it and say: SoF don't like fair wars, because we can't win unless we blindside and have at least 1/3rd more members than you.

Falsehood is cowardice, the truth courage.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 18:29:43

Nobody cares what you say dumbass. lol

Flamey Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 21:05:58

I did plan the war, but my miscalculation of our numbers is what lost it; I'm not afraid to admit that. I don't potray myself as some flawless warleader, I learn from every war I engage in. After the first week Evo's activity picked up significantly, while SoF's dropped and as a result the NW difference started to grow and this was BEFORE Evo even went Tyranny (as they planned). It was only Evo's restarts that went Tyranny. SoF was at our absolute weakest that set and the end of that war was a turning point of sorts. But sure, instead, keep believing you're a tactical genuis, I'm sure we'll see the next time we meet. Given your alliance's fortunes in the last year, directly as a result of your political tactics I am hardly quaking in my boots.

Also regarding the ECM war, the advantage of having 3 smaller/mid-sized alliances, hence less inactive is a bigger advantage than not having worked with an alliance before (with weeks to prep). That was another war where numbers/activity was key and I thought SoF's excellent peformance that war kept us in it for much longer than Evo expected.

A lot of your post is rubbish though and is directly contradicted by the leaked logs if you bothered to read them... Like the part where KJ tells Arsenal that he told me that it was MD, which put pressure on them to CF, while it was actually misdirection to keep SoF neutral. Or like how Evo included that clause, which was designed to be a last resort if LaF somehow beat off MD/SoL... or how you made it so it only lasted 3 sets and not 4 sets like our pact, so you could hit LaF without SoF being able to help after LaF had been smashed 3x and Evo had 3 easy netgaining sets. And in those chats "beating LaF down until their irrelevent and go back and net" was the objective of the coalition...

The part about preparing for a SoF/LaF FS is rubbish too, as KJ came out and told LaF, that you were hitting you oop/week 1 unless they arranged a war on your terms...

But you are right about one thing; falsehood is cowardice. As is only flaming on AT when you either planning to war us, or have a solid uNap in place.

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 21:34:33

I have no intention of trolling SoF. As of current I am feeling no ill will towards SoF at all. I don't believe there is a reason for SoF to dislike us at present either despite these series of posts directed at each other.

There are a few inaccuracies in both (sof+anon) of your arguements. But I really don't feel the need to point them out. We fought, we ceasefired, we signed a pact and have had no serious problems since.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 21:38:18


anoniem Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 21:47:49

Wrong. It was not only EVO's restarts that went tyranny. If you're too ignorant to realise that then there's no wonder you lost that war.

Cowardice is flaming on AT while preparing to FS you? Wait, isn't that what you did with PDM this set? You see that hole over there... keep digging.

Cowardice is what you're good at. Blindsiding alliances. We didn't pact LaF because:
1) They didn't deserve a pact.
2) + Yes, we were planning on warring them, but chose to go out prepared in case we got FSed first, as Ivan was stalling with a pact, and SoF clearly had form for FSing Evo.



Apr 26th 2012, 21:55:44

"And, from what I remember. It was chevs offering me free land to keep me sweet, so that I wouldn't pact SOL. So, you tell me who has done the most grovelling or hushed up the most during pacting time? I don't remember offering SoF deals to keep you as uNAP allies. You've only ever served as being an unwelcome topfeeding annoyance to me."

I'm pretty sure I just gave you free land for lulz...why would I care if you pacted SOL? I guess thats the last time I do nice things for you just because
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Flamey Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 21:59:24

Cowardice is flaming on AT while preparing to FS you?

No what I said is its cowardly only to bring up these issues when you think you are untouchable and keep quiet when you don't want to offend us.

Taveren Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 22:03:11

Bully and coward are the new terrorist and socialism are the new communist and USSR.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

anoniem Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 22:04:31

Fri 29 Jul 2011 (Before I even pacted SOL)
[01:10] Don_Hanlong: yeh ok
[01:10] Don_Hanlong: so i talked to SoF and co
[01:10] Don_Hanlong: they at first thought u jumped to the SOL ship
[01:10] Don_Hanlong: i told them no
[01:10] Don_Hanlong: and told them all to pact you guys
[01:10] Don_Hanlong: im hoping that's what's happening?
[01:11] Don_Hanlong: i'm assuming that was your biggest worry from not netting next reset
[01:11] Don_Hanlong: because of your 2 reset uNAP expiring
[01:11] anoniem: lol the sof side were a bit silly. being extra nice to me all because they thought i had signed a DP with sol
[01:11] anoniem: i pointed out to chevs that ivan signed a 4 reset long unap
[01:11] Don_Hanlong: yeh
[01:11] anoniem: that doesnt expire until the end of the next reset
[01:11] Don_Hanlong: i thought it was 2
[01:11] anoniem: so we couldnt war sof even if we wanted to
[01:11] anoniem: which we dont
[01:12] Don_Hanlong: you guys dont want to war anyone
[01:12] Don_Hanlong: lol
[01:12] Don_Hanlong: what did SOL want from you
[01:12] Don_Hanlong: i heard makinso gave you a proposal
[01:12] Don_Hanlong: like he gave everyone tho
[01:12] anoniem: [17:59:18] it spans over 4 sets
[01:12] anoniem: he wants to be FDPs
[01:13] anoniem: but evo wouldnt have to help sol in war
[01:13] anoniem: it would be a one-way FDP where they help us
[01:13] Don_Hanlong: and you are taking that?
[01:13] Don_Hanlong: well if its one way
[01:13] Don_Hanlong: why not i guess
[01:13] anoniem: no we havent taken it
[01:13] Don_Hanlong: he just doesnt want you to hit them potentially



Apr 26th 2012, 22:19:01

i still dont get what you were saying?

I let you farm me like 4x a day for like 3 days straight one random set when you were running a commie, and it was definitely for no reason.

I was in #earthempires saying WHO wants my land or something and u msg'd me first.

i was just going to drop land/nw anyway to get in range to keep killing whoever we were still warring at that point
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

anoniem Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 23:24:27

I didn't message you. I have logs on the EVO site where an evo leader posted on the head's board that you were looking for me. When I found you the next day you offered me land.

If you weren't sucking up to me fine. I'll leave it at that. Not that it's really relevant.

Sov Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 23:40:00

In future sets when you blame us for ruining the game I will tell you to take responsibility for your own actions. And note I said sets.

anoniem Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 0:07:24

As Sheriff Woody once said: "There's a snake in my (quaking) boot!"

mrford Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 0:33:31

shut the fluff up anoniem
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Pride Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 0:35:25

So much anger ? Lol

anoniem Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 0:39:42

They call me angry when my alliance gets blindsided, but when you call them out on their in-game indiscretions look how angry and evasive they get.

I guess I must have struck a chord.
Anoniem/Braveheart/Family Guy -> Message to SOF/LAF

Sov Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 0:45:08


Flamey Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 0:46:29


Sov Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 0:47:28

Originally posted by anoniem:

Jul 18th, 2006 3:25
I hope you from now on realize that you represent your whole alliance whilst in a leadership position such as FA.

Pride Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 1:05:09

Don't worry Ivan hasnt posted yet. When he does the FS is coming :p

(trying to lighten things up)

anoniem Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 1:10:52

Sov, why are you still posting? Do you think anybody in EVO is afraid of SOF?

Keep quiet, unless you want to apologise. You've been back playing Earth for all of 5 minutes and think you are running IX or something. People won't tolerate your rubbish here.

Sov Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 1:30:15




Apr 27th 2012, 2:07:08

so one day i walk into the club and i walk up to this blonde and im all like to my friends, yo lets see if this works, probably not but totally worth it.

I walk up to her and I say


ill post the ending of the story if everyone shuts their mouths
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Helmet Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 2:30:25

You're not going to bully me in to shutting up. fluff you!

Pride Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 2:50:56

Originally posted by Chevs:
so one day i walk into the club and i walk up to this blonde and im all like to my friends, yo lets see if this works, probably not but totally worth it.

I walk up to her and I say


ill post the ending of the story if everyone shuts their mouths

I'm ready for the ending !!

dagga Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 2:56:40

I listen to Helmet only because he got botted in 2003. I still feel sorry for him.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22



Apr 27th 2012, 3:09:04

So is EVO wanting a war? Kinda sounds like it

Helmet Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 4:07:45

Originally posted by dagga:
I listen to Helmet only because I botted him in 2003. I still feel sorry for him.



Apr 27th 2012, 4:08:54

if this thread isn't on page 9 when i wake up i will post the hilariousness that followed in my story
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m



Apr 27th 2012, 4:09:17

so everyone shut up and go watch some porn
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

iScode Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 5:45:31

/me spams thread so we dont hear the story.

God of War


anoniem Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 7:31:28

Originally posted by Helmet:
You're not going to bully me in to shutting up. fluff you!

If what you said on IRC is true, then I'd (personally) keep quiet, otherwise I'll just think you lied to give yourself some credibility and used two idiots as the fall-guys. And, I mean you must have wanted me to believe your story, or you wouldn't have messaged me on IRC.

ArsenalMD Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 10:19:43

Originally posted by Atryn:
I rarely comment in substance on AT... First, IMHO, this is important:

18:15 OmegaAngel1 Basically, MD is our most long term ally ever.
18:16 LCNTrife same here angel1 (referring to FDP, I believe)
18:30 Son_Goku md is obsessed about their image
18:30 Son_Goku can't see them breaking a pact
18:30 LCNTrife if MD has a pact with someone, i doubt they'd break it

LaF flipped out when we went from FDP to no pact and pacted out everyone else for a 1v1 war. The point is that we did it the only way anyone considers honorable. We ended up losing any "surprise" advantage by doing it the honorable way. We also lost that war doing it the honorable way -- and, of course, being simply outmatched by well-played LaF countries.

So we learn and move on. But we aren't breaking pacts or picking on smaller alliances just because we need more farmland as other alliances have done. We took on a larger and better opponent -- how many other alliances have done that lately? Who else is actually willing to risk a likely loss to provide their membership with a real challenge?

I'm certainly frustrated that we had several allies in this chat, including FDP's, and they continue to let certain personalities dominate the conversations and speculate on MD versus just looking at our actions in-game. But thanks to those above who stuck up for us. I hope you meant those statements in earnest because we are sometimes "obsessive" about our image (although I would prefer reputation/honor).

I hope our long-term allies value that about us, especially versus others who have only proven good friends "recently".

Great post.

ArsenalMD Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 10:21:28

I got to page 6 and gave up.

SMz Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 10:39:09

lol Arsenal same here... WTF with the long posts lmao , Ano go spend your time on other stuff ~_~

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 10:43:02

SMz lives with his Mum!


SMz Game profile


Apr 27th 2012, 10:45:08

actually I live with Dutch gf nowdays , in a small place :/