
Goorp Game profile

New Member

May 24th 2011, 1:53:47


I am Laurent Stebbins' (a.k.a. Goorp) father. My name is John Stebbins. Someone named "Detmer" (I am told a PDM leader) made a post on May 2nd of this year (seven years to the day that my son Laurent Stebbins, died). Detmer's post indicated that Laurent died May 12, 2003. In the interest of accuracy, my son died of a massive seizure on May 2, 2004.

The reason I am posting this message is because I am trying to piece together what my son's online life consisted of at the time of his death. According to Dave at Earth Empires, my son played a game named Earth:2025, his screen name was Goorp and he was a leader in Paradigm.

I would like to hear anything at all about my son, Laurent. In particular, I would like to hear from Detmer. Detmer started the prayer request thread on the day my son died. In addition, I would like to hear from the following: Will, Beefhawk, New Horizon, Erado, theFloyd, Brett, TheSundevil, Spyder, LHI, Crimzon and any others who may have known him.

I would also like to thank all who took the time to write their thoughts on the prayer thread. Your comments mean quite a lot to me. I am sorry it's taken me seven years to figure this out, but hopefully some of you are still in this community and can help me know Goorp better.

If any of you would like to communicate with me privately, please send e-mail to: jgsteb at yahoo.

Thank you.

Take care,
John Stebbins

Mr Charcoal Game profile


May 24th 2011, 1:59:08

Good luck Mr. Stebbins, hope you find what you're looking for.
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

Reckless Game profile


May 24th 2011, 2:01:27

I wish you the best of luck sir.

Detmer Game profile


May 24th 2011, 3:32:04

Hello John,
I am about to head to bed however I have already updated Goorp's wiki page (when Pang informed me of my mistake). I'll get in touch with you tomorrow. I should be able to get a hold of most (if not all) of the people you listed and let them know you're interested.

de1i Game profile


May 24th 2011, 3:44:59

I sent floyd a message.

Drow Game profile


May 24th 2011, 5:03:46

Hi Mr Stebbins.
I am able to contact a few of the people on your list. Goorp did indeed play in paradigm, and was a leader there for a long time. He passed away before my time, but we always had a memorial thread on our earthstats site for him. I have spoken to Happy Chicken, someone who was a close friend IRL from what he has said. I will pass a message around for you and se what responses I get. Spyder is a fellow australian, so I can get hold of him the easiest, but I will contact whomever I can. My impression of goorp was that he was a shining example of a paradigm member back in the day, and a sense of reverence surrounds the words of all who speak of him, even to this day.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


May 24th 2011, 5:21:39

I have sent a message to Spyder, Brett, New Horizon, and Crimzon. I also messaged Ausspeedy, who, whilst he didn't know Goorp so well himself, is going to pass on the message to Skythe, another member who would possibly have known Goorp also.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


May 24th 2011, 5:46:38

I have also sent messages to all and sundry pdm members I can think of who may have known him that I have in my phone list.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Jiman Game profile


May 24th 2011, 6:22:37

Good Luck.


New Member

May 24th 2011, 6:58:21

I quit playing this game quite a while ago so that my memorys of my time here could be good ones, and memorys of Goorp certainly qualify. I considered him a good friend and will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

I don't know how many of the people on your list still play, but can forward this message on to many of the people on your list

Drow Game profile


May 24th 2011, 7:01:41

thanks spyder :)

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

TAN Game profile


May 24th 2011, 7:40:03

I've made SunDevil aware of this thread, so hopefully he'll pop by sometime.

I didn't know your son very well - just saw him around here and there, but I do know that EVERYONE respected him.

Skythe Game profile


May 24th 2011, 8:59:52

Hi John,

I was a leader in Paradigm at the time Goorp was a member, and at that time we were a 100-150 member alliance in this game.
From what I can remember of Goorp, he was a highly dedicated member of Paradigm who was quickly raising through the "ranks" in the alliance. He was very active on the forums, and not afraid to share his opinions and as mentioned above, was in line for a promotion, in which he would have been perfect for.

The news of his passing affected everyone in the alliance, and efforts were made to pass on our condolences to his family - mostly by Happy Chicken and Comwood (the President at that time).

I believe he may have had a "biography" thread in the old website for the Paradigm alliance in Earth Stats, which was being kept as a memorial. Unfortunately, the old website is no longer accessible, and with it went a lot of the old posts and history in Paradigm. As Comwood was the admin of that site, maybe if anybody was able to contact him, he may be able to retrieve some of it.

I also remember that we had a dedication reset, where we had goorps name in our "country" names, and possibly the "tag" as well. However, as the game itself has gone through multiple owners, and even been re-imagined as Earth Empires (originally Earth 2025) I'm not sure if we have / they have these old records.

Sorry, I wish I had more to offer. Knowing that people in this community are still posting about and praying for your son today, shows how much value he was to people who knew him in this game.

Wishing you all the best.


New Member

May 24th 2011, 9:19:05

I have sent you a rather lengthy e-mail describing Goorp's time in Paradigm and the friendship I had with him. Please don't hesitate to reply to it if you have questions. Asside from the people on this list you might want to speak to Death (he has been informed of this thread). Although Crimson might have been before Goorps time.

archaic Game profile


May 24th 2011, 14:02:47

Every once in a while, this nutty little community is still able to pleasantly surprise me.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Erado Game profile

New Member

May 24th 2011, 15:42:17

I just noticed i recieved an email from Drow about this thread, thanks for that!

I will send an email with what i remember, but i can say here that i will not soon forget that day when Daryl (HC) told me what happened...

Your son was a very dedicated member, and a good friend to many of us.

Take care,

Shinigami Game profile


May 24th 2011, 18:35:33

A name I thought never to see again...

I can offer you no insight since I only knew him by reputation, most of it from after his death, but I wish you the best of luck.

Maybe this will be enough to get Comwood to respond and provide backups of the old ES forums.

Detmer Game profile


May 24th 2011, 19:08:29

I have gotten in contact with Beefhawk and LHI.

trainboy Game profile


May 24th 2011, 22:34:28

this thread has been a revelation of what humanity should be about.
i hope you get the asnwers your looking for

Drow Game profile


May 25th 2011, 2:12:14

More a case of proof we aren't complete bastards.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie


New Member

May 25th 2011, 3:35:12

A lot of awesome members past and present here providing reminders about why I dedicated such a large potion of my life to PDM


New Member

May 25th 2011, 6:10:05

Well now... thanx Detmer for bringing me back to many wonderful people I had the privilage to get to know. Laurent was one of the people I was really getting to know in the six months before he was taken from us too soon. I remember how he reacted to a joke I was playing on Paradigm with another member (Melody) about us getting married. He was all excited and was going to send us a wedding gift of a cutting board he had. No matter how much persuading he insisted on trying to send this to me. So I had to let him in on the joke. We had never met face to face, but he showed a big heart in reaching out like that with a small gift. After his passing I tracked down New Horizon, and 2 other Paradigm members who lived in Edmonton to send a condolance card. I can't remember if it made it.. I like to think it did and helped ease the pain in some small way at the time.
I am now actually married and have a 7 week old daughter... what an eye opener that is. Laurent would be amonthe first to say congrats.

Anyhow, that is my two bits on an awesome person I would have liked to get to know better. :)

llaar Game profile


May 25th 2011, 19:30:30

The netting set in his honor in Paradigm is what inspired me to first learn how to really net in this game, which then led me to being actually active in the game. For those of you that knew me back then, the goorp set is why I stopped running commie indy strats.

I'd only ever exchanged a couple messages with goorp myself, so unfortunately never really got to know him well. That next set that honored him, really brought Paradigm together, and gave the clan a real sense of family to me.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2011, 22:59:11

I remember his name; I was in RED (or Evo) pretty continually, but I followed AT & the tragedies always stuck out, especially in how the Earth community came together for them.

Perhaps AT archive or if somebody could bug Comwood to release an ES db dump...

Also I started trying to make a somewhat better memorial pages for the earthers who died, in the wiki, it'd be nice if others could continue along with that.
Finally did the signature thing.



May 26th 2011, 21:42:01

I dont remember his name...
I was either on a break from the game or i joined too soon before 2k4 (it might be that since records show i was here first around 2k2).

Even so, Goorp was surely a wonderful human. It was probably a wonderful leader, a wonderful person in real life. It can't be otherwise since all that's keeping us here is ... us. This game isn't about being the best in "gaming" it's actually more like a brotherly race to some invisible prize. He already won the prize already since he's in so many people's mind.

Shinigami Game profile


May 27th 2011, 17:00:16

Originally posted by qzjul:

Also I started trying to make a somewhat better memorial pages for the earthers who died, in the wiki, it'd be nice if others could continue along with that.

That's just damned depressing.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 27th 2011, 18:21:41

Yeah it is. We are missing gibsgirl hubby on that list, I think? He played 2025.
Mr.Stebbins: I did not know Goorp. Although I had heard of his name, I was pretty incognito then. I am sure and heard he was an awesome person. Sorry for your loss, and good luck on your quest here.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Goorp Game profile

New Member

May 28th 2011, 19:08:32

Hi All-

It's Laurent's dad, again.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has posted and especially to those of you who have sent me private e-mails. It really means a lot and allows me to have some sense of closure, although that will always remain allusive.

Several of you have mentioned someone called Comwood who might have access to the old PDM archives. Also mentioned is a memorial that was once up on the PDM site. If there is any way someone could send me a link (if possible) I would be most greatful.

I can certainly see why Laurent spent the time he did with Paradigm. You all seem like a lively bunch with a collective expansive sense of humor, along with a good healthy dose of humility and understanding of that which matters.

June 5th would be Laurent's 28th birthday. I will be visiting him high up in the Sangre de Cristo mountains outside of Taos, New Mexico, USA (the state of his birth). That is where I buried some of his remains, along with some of his personal artifacts, many years ago. I make an annual pilgrimage to Laurent's sacred place. This year, I will bring with me this thread and the private e-mails some of you have sent, and share them all with Goorp.

Warm Regards to all of you,
John Stebbins

Drow Game profile


May 29th 2011, 4:28:21

Comwood was the president of paradigm and the earthstats hosting site, where our boards used to reside were owned by him. Unfortunately, these were taken down, and whilst we have made many efforts to contact comwood, so far we have had no success.
Basically, close to the end of the original earth:2025 game, before OMAC shut it down, Comwood had a major server crash in ES. he got it up and running somewhat, but it never worked quite right again, and we had a sdhort period of activity from him. awhile after EE was started, es went down again, this time for good, and many alliances got caught short and had to change to boxcar. Comwood had become less and less active as time had gone by in paradigm, due to his real life activities, and also the birth of his children.

Edited By: Drow on May 29th 2011, 21:24:34
See Original Post

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie


New Member

May 30th 2011, 4:07:20

Comwoods a dad?

That explains all the earthquakes then

Detmer Game profile


May 30th 2011, 4:52:30

Originally posted by AusSpyder:
Comwoods a dad?

That explains all the earthquakes then

Confirmed. The timing actually works out very nicely.

Drow Game profile


May 30th 2011, 5:20:15

Actually I think he and Daria have 3 now.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

dagga Game profile


Jun 1st 2011, 9:25:54

While this community can be a little infuriating and stupidly biased and near sighted at times - it is threads like these that have that ability to make you smile without realising it and think that the world is not such a bad place after all.

Thanks for stopping by John, my alliance has 3 people that have passed away and their family feel comfort in stopping by and leaving messages on our message boards. We celebrate their lives annually and their passing serves as a reminder that life is short, cherish it and appreciate it - the small things dont really matter in the grand scheme.

I hope you have found the answers you are seeking in this slightly disjointed but at the end of the day, close-knit community.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Wu Game profile


Jun 1st 2011, 9:36:13

My sincerest condolences Mr Stebbins.

- SOL leader-type


New Member

Jun 3rd 2011, 10:43:34

Hey Mr. Stebbins,

I have sent you a private message.

Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you.


Drow Game profile


Jun 3rd 2011, 11:14:51

good to see you SD :)

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Peanut Game profile


Jun 6th 2011, 7:01:41

A day after his 28th birthday and I'm on the verge of tears. There are countless terrible things going on in the world today and it's stories like this make it alright. A person, a son, and a friend was taken from a community and no matter how long it has been we remember them. We've lost a lot of great people through the years, but no matter what those we met along the way will always be apart of our lives. Even after a tragic untimely death. We all know in our hearts no matter where we play or who play with we will never forget Goorp. I was honestly moved by the responses in this thread and I know I wasn't someone he was very close to, but I wish his family all the best and I hope you may have found what you were looking for. You had and will have always the greatest son.

Edited By: Peanut on Jun 6th 2011, 7:05:02
See Original Post

ClayQ Game profile


Jun 7th 2011, 14:17:19

And yet more proof of why I still play this game. Of all of the games I've ever played, overall this one still has the best community.


New Member

Jun 8th 2011, 23:25:33

Sorry for the very late post.

I was one of the heads of Paradigm many years ago, I haven't played the game for a long time ago but have never forgotten Laurent. I remember I used to chat to him quite regularly on icq and he was a part of my ULTRA division within Paradigm. He was respected by everyone within the alliance and was one of our most important members, I was shocked and terribly upset when I heard the news of his tragic death.

We held a commemorative reset and I named my country "ULTRA Remembers Goorp" which placed in the top 100 along with several other countries dedicated to Goorp. I was upset to find out recently that the old earth site no longer exists and all the countries in his honour aren't listed there any more.

Laurent was an extremely generous person. I remember that he was close friends with a mate of mine KB2010 who used to play earth. Laurent was telling KB about a book he had read and KB said he would go out and purchase it to read. Laurent insisted that instead he would mail the book all the way to Australia so that KB could read it also. I cannot think of many people who would do something like that for someone who they had never met in real life and it is a testiment to the great nature of Laurent/Goorp.

A bunch of us from Australia wrote some messages on a card when we heard the news and mailed it to Canada so I hope you receieved it.


NukEvil Game profile


Jun 9th 2011, 2:27:30

Originally posted by Brett:
...We held a commemorative reset and I named my country "ULTRA Remembers Goorp" which placed in the top 100 along with several other countries dedicated to Goorp. I was upset to find out recently that the old earth site no longer exists and all the countries in his honour aren't listed there any more. ...

April-June 2008

Paradigm's tag: PDMGoorp

List of countries with Goorp in the name:

Goorplefthismark (#81)
GoorpLivesOn (#110)
Goorp awaits in Valhall (#126)
This ones for goorp (#143)
GOORP rides again (#158)
GoorpsPimpSlapper (#180)
LettuceIsULTRAGoorpy (#183)
Im having Goorps baby (#191)
Nuke me for Goorp (#214)
We Remember GOORP (#233)
Zod x Goorp (#250)
StrawberriesAndGoorp (#294)
Goorp FTW (#392)
SOD 4 Goorp (#450)
Goorpapalooza (#461)
I kill for Goorp (#464)
GOORP on the Horizon (#523)
goorpNORRIS (#579)
In Goorps Memorial (#584)
goorp Feared Killer (#625)
DevestationMissesGoorp (#719)
nuke drow for goorp (#729)
IDidntKnowGoorp (#786)
The Tower of Goorp (#804)
Goorp Lusters (#957)
GoorpYouDown (#1088)
IrememberGoorp (#1130)
Goorp (#1291)
ULTRA Remembers Goorp (#1357)
Goorpalicious (#1439)
InGoorpWeTrust (#1450)
Peace For Goorp (#1507)
VIVAgoorpPDM (#1522)
Dance around the GOORP (#1540)
Goorp spin (#1561)
Goorp we salute you (#1595)
Goorp missing (#1593)
Goorp does not give up (#1594)
Goorp Fear Killer 2 (#1609)
Goorp Lives On (#1618)
Goorp was Here (#1645)
Goorps master of SR (#1651)
The Goorp Reaper II (#1664)
goorp says you fail (#1673)
Goorp Reload (#1750)
Goorp PoWER (#1802)
I hunt with Goorp (#1804)
Goorpapalooza2 (#1815)
Goorpville (#1831)
Goorptown (#1834)
Goorp Lusts Again (#1859)
The Kingdom of Goorp (#1882)
4Goorp (#1884)
IGoorpedYourMom (#1905)
Peace For Goorp II (#1907)
goorp not harry song (#1944)
Goorp for life (#2025)
Goorps poog (#2130)
goorp james goorp (#2150)
Goorp Smiling (#2111)
Revenge 4 Goorp (#2176)
EmpireGoorp (#2181)
What the crap is goorp (#2195)
goorp fear killer 3 (#2311)
Whos Goorps Daddy (#2395)
ready set GOORP (#2404)
In honor of Goorp (#2462)
GoorpLives On (#2457)
goorp doesnt have crab (#2441)
Goorp Fear Killer 4 (#2525)
CherryFlavoredGoorp (#2526)
Goorp Again (#2550)
Goorping out on Bigmac (#2583)
SugarCoatedGoorp (#2634)
JuicyFruitGoorp (#2749)

Unfortunately, I'm sorry to report that ULTRA Remembers Goorp (#1357) did not place in the top 100, as it was destroyed by IX on May/13/08 2:33:46, about 9 days after it was created. In fact, most of PDM was destroyed by IX that reset. You must be talking about another reset. Alliances usually have multiple resets where they honor their fallen.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.


New Member

Jun 9th 2011, 10:48:05

NukEvil that is awesome that you were able to retrieve all the country names dedicated to goorp for that reset. The original reset held in His honour was in 2004, I don't suppose you would be able to retrieve all the country names from then by any chance?

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 9th 2011, 12:01:45

Evolution's database only goes back to the March-April 2008 reset, I'm afraid. In fact, Evolution itself only began its existence in December 2004, when we were using GamersTown.

GHQnet has been around for far longer. I'm not sure if they save past reset data like we do, but you can try contacting someone in SOL. I only mention SOL because their history board has records dating back to before ROCK's existence.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 9th 2011, 12:28:32

However, after checking the Internet Archive, I was able to find a small list of PDMgoorp countries from the top 100 list for the Jul 30-Sep 29 2004 reset. You can find the top 100 list here:

Rank Country Land Networth Tag

13 im lovin it tm (#1811) 24,173 $58,029,985 PDMgoorp
17 Prayed 4 Goorp (#4242) 19,352 $54,450,783 PDMgoorp
28 That Poseidon Guy (#3545) 20,323 $51,194,546 PDMgoorp
30 In Memory of Goorp (#1853) 18,024 $50,473,623 PDMgoorp
35 Goorp loves licking (#1642) 21,762 $48,651,998 PDMgoorp
36 Niflheim (#1818) 17,443 $48,353,489 PDMgoorp
39 Goorps PDM heaven (#1314) 15,246 $47,106,470 PDMgoorp
59 ULTRA Bored (#2910) 18,212 $42,943,708 PDMgoorp
62 ULTRA Remembers Goorp (#3668) 14,602 $42,265,061 PDMgoorp
74 I forgot how to play (#1954) 19,395 $39,894,894 PDMgoorp
76 SumthingWickedThisWayC (#1000) 15,518 $39,475,364 PDMgoorp
93 Ultima Cactuar Ceberus (#1371) 16,101 $37,568,962 PDMgoorp
94 Indis Culnamo (#3875) 9458 $37,434,953 PDMgoorp
98 Razor Winged Pegasus (#2782) 15,957 $36,770,593 PDMgoorp
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

TGD Game profile


Jun 11th 2011, 4:39:21

I was never able to talk to Goorp as I was staring to go inactive during that time due to burn out of the game. Wish I could of talk to him and gotten to know him. Everyone in PDM at the time thought highly of him. Hope his dad is having luck getting some of what he is looking for :)

dixiechick Game profile


Jun 12th 2011, 0:44:20

This is a big reason I still play too. My extended family are here. It is truly post like this that prove what a great game community we are. I hope this has brought some peace to this young man's father and posibly other family.

Drow Game profile


Jun 12th 2011, 3:33:24

Edit: Thanks guys.

Dibs: maybe its difficult for you to comprehend that this young man, Laurent, was an extremely valued member not just of paradigm, but also a member of this game's community. His father discovered us by chance, and came to us to get some insight into this aspect of his sons life. Simple respect and decency suggest that if you cannot add positively to this discussion, then dont post.
I dont mind you in general dibs, but this was disgusting, and coming back dooming and throwing a tantrum for being handed a temp ban is pathetic.

Edited By: Drow on Jun 12th 2011, 21:12:36
See Original Post

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

tyug Game profile


Jun 13th 2011, 8:36:21

Great community =) and effort guys!

It's great that Mr. Stebbins managed to find out about us here! I hope people will inform you of even more great online news.

Acheron Game profile


Jun 14th 2011, 19:43:57

I emailed Comwood's wife, trying to get a hold of him.

Goorp Game profile

New Member

Jun 21st 2011, 22:58:08

Hi Everyone-

Laurent's, dad checking in...

Thank you ALL so much for your posts and wonderful comments. They mean so much to me. As you all know, I visited Laurent in the Sangre de Cristo mountains just outside Taos, New Mexico, on his 28th birthday (June 5th). Although the forest road leading to the actual site was closed due to fire danger, we still had a small reunion, with all of you there with us. This year's visit was all the more meaningful, thanks in large part to all of you.

I have a few comments and questions:

NukEvil: Thank you for listing the country names that were created in Goorp's honor. Very cool. Also, I appreciate the link you provided. I am still sifting through that information.

Brett: Thank you for mentioning the card that the Australian members sent to Canada around the time of Laurent's death. Although I did not see it, just knowing that it was sent means a lot. Also, thank you for sharing "ULTRA Remembers Goorp" and letting me know about KB2010.

KB2010: I'd like to hear from you. And, curious to know what the name of the book is that Laurent sent to you.

Acheron: Thank you for sending an e-mail to Comwood's wife. Please let them know that I am happy for them and their new family. Please let Comwood know that I'd like to hear from him.

Detmer: Did you hear from HappyChicken? I'd like to hear from him, too.

Question for all: Does anyone know what the word "Goorp" means or why Laurent chose it?

You have all been so kind and generous with your time. Thank you!

I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Warmest Regards,
John Stebbins (a.k.a. Goorp's Dad)

Patience Game profile


Jun 22nd 2011, 19:34:55

Glad you keep making your way back here, John... obviously you raised a pretty special son. I hope hearing from his friends here gives you some level of comfort. As for his name, I really have no idea - I only knew him from the forums. I can tell you that I googled the word and found absolutely no clues there... but someone here may know the story. Take care!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.