
Drow Game profile


Jun 12th 2011, 3:33:24

Mods can we have these disrespectful posts in this thread deleted?

Dibs: maybe its difficult for you to comprehend that this young man, Laurent, was an extremely valued member not just of paradigm, but also a member of this game's community. His father discovered us by chance, and came to us to get some insight into this aspect of his sons life. Simple respect and decency suggest that if you cannot add positively to this discussion, then dont post.
I dont mind you in general dibs, but this was disgusting, and coming back dooming and throwing a tantrum for being handed a temp ban is pathetic.

Edited By: Drow on Jun 12th 2011, 21:12:36
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Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie