
Taveren Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:24:12

Worst trend equation ever.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:30:38

First of all, the initiator of this thread is a gun addicted redneck.

Second, Sof had 80 tag jumpers last time they warred. I guess 2 restarts getting FA and a tag-jumper is not even close to that.

Murf Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:31:31

Alin 80 tagjumpers? Hahaha your an idiot

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:33:44

yea Murf - they call it "Laf".

KriSatZ Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:38:54

You guy's can argue argue about whats fair from last set and whats fair from this set until you are blue in the face.

But the bottom line is he IS a tag jumper, and he will be dealt with as such. For MD to say otherwise they are either trolling, being naive or they are idiots.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

Flamey Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:39:52

Originally posted by Taveren:
Worst trend equation ever.

Trend equation?

It's a curvy line.

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:43:05

You know what is pathetic about Sof?

Besides the fact that you have at least 10 Rival and Laf vets ( mercenaries ) playing in Sof this reset you are whining like hell.

Last set when MD fsed Sof ( and won the war in like 48 hours ) you had 80 "tag jumpers" ( Laf ). After that, all your leadership board came on AT and posted the " Whine us a river !" fluff.

This set - Sof Fsed MD and MD gave Sof a good fight. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? Md had 2-3 FA packages and one tag-jumper and there are 5 or 6 threads on AT about that. Sof members are basically sucking each other in those threads about 1 FA package or a tag jumper.

Aren't you pathetic enough? Does your IX leadership think they will gain any moral high ground because of that? - lol.
You are not in position to do that AT fluffy propaganda - you started with Hanlong and ended with fighthing a 2.4 / 1 ratio war.

Edited By: Alin on Mar 5th 2013, 6:46:34
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:44:18


mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:48:29

what reality do you live in....
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:49:30

Sorry i ain't speaking with cheaters this reset!

Flamey Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:50:22

LOL, first 'Market manipulation'... now 'mercaneries'.

Sov Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:52:24

We have 10 Rival and LAF vets? No one told me. Maybe we should ask for some!

LadyJess Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:55:40

But that's coz Alin is a cheater :)

ninong Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:55:54

Originally posted by Alin:
You know what is pathetic about Sof?

Besides the fact that you have at least 10 Rival and Laf vets ( mercenaries ) playing in Sof this reset you are whining like hell.

Last set when MD fsed Sof ( and won the war in like 48 hours ) you had 80 "tag jumpers" ( Laf ). After that, all your leadership board came on AT and posted the " Whine us a river !" fluff.

This set - Sof Fsed MD and MD gave Sof a good fight. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? Md had 2-3 FA packages and one tag-jumper and there are 5 or 6 threads on AT about that. Sof members are basically sucking each other in those threads about 1 FA package or a tag jumper.

Aren't you pathetic enough? Does your IX leadership think they will gain any moral high ground because of that? - lol.
You are not in position to do that AT fluffy propaganda - you started with Hanlong and ended with fighthing a 2.4 / 1 ratio war.
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

Sov Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 6:59:34

Alin has not been in a winning war for a very very long time. Every war he has fought in has ended in defeat. Maybe MD should kick Alin to try and turn things around.

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:03:25

Yea that is because i look for competition not for 2.4 / 1 ratio wars. I always choose the weaker side in order to make it even.

You know what is the difference btw players like me and players like you?

I play this game and try to bring in some competition. YOU plot/ plan/ even cheat to win wars.

Sov Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:08:35

Are you now officially adding liar to your resume?

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:09:56

Originally posted by Atryn:
Not a SOL tag jumper. Hasn't been in SOL for over 72 hours. Get some education on server tradition. Show some respect.

But he new the rules that no tag is responsible for their former member after 72 hrs. . still the jumper meant to do it all along!
Do as I say, not as I do.

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:12:52

Originally posted by Sov:
Are you now officially adding liar to your resume?

Oh well - i had low expectation from the alliance leader that harbored Hanlong in Sof 1st set after he got caught cheating - anyway.

So long fluffer !!!

euglaf Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:14:24


KaiN Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:14:45

Originally posted by Alin:
I always choose the weaker side in order to make it even.

LOL at the weaker side having 18 more members and something like 40 mil TNW advantage at the beginning of the war
m0m0 > you

Syko_Killa Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:15:24

I bet MD planned this out knowing that we may have it killed so they could use this fiasco later on to say we got help from LaF. Even though it's okay for them to break the rules, it's definately a sin for SoF to break the rules. Because MD thinks that their gods gift to earth empires.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:25:31

Originally posted by KaiN:
Originally posted by Alin:
I always choose the weaker side in order to make it even.

LOL at the weaker side having 18 more members and something like 40 mil TNW advantage at the beginning of the war

Md looked weaker than Sof after the 2.4 / 1 ratio war and being farmed for 40 days. It is only MDs leadership merit that they managed to came back strongest than ever - and could take a "Sof size" FS to put up a good fight.

However i made my choice before the starting of the reset and Md was not the strong side anyway - they just had the numbers but totally unprepared for Sofs FS.

P.S: who could take MD FS this reset and still put up a good fight? (gang-banging MD after the FS not included).

Edited By: Alin on Mar 5th 2013, 7:32:20
See Original Post

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:51:10

Originally posted by Flamey:
LOL, first 'Market manipulation'... now 'mercaneries'.


1st was you admitting that you got "cheating" info from Hanlong and used them in your alliance interest.

only after that you can count 2nd 3rd ... 4th and so on.

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 7:58:42

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mdevol Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 8:53:21

Originally posted by Alin:
You know what is pathetic about Sof?

Besides the fact that you have at least 10 Rival and Laf vets ( mercenaries ) playing in Sof this reset you are whining like hell.

Last set when MD fsed Sof ( and won the war in like 48 hours ) you had 80 "tag jumpers" ( Laf ). After that, all your leadership board came on AT and posted the " Whine us a river !" fluff.

This set - Sof Fsed MD and MD gave Sof a good fight. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? Md had 2-3 FA packages and one tag-jumper and there are 5 or 6 threads on AT about that. Sof members are basically sucking each other in those threads about 1 FA package or a tag jumper.

Aren't you pathetic enough? Does your IX leadership think they will gain any moral high ground because of that? - lol.
You are not in position to do that AT fluffy propaganda - you started with Hanlong and ended with fighthing a 2.4 / 1 ratio war.

slow down a min, take a breath. stop posting. you are not helping MD by doing such.

The server knows SoF history. We do not need it thrown at us daily. Some of it is questionable at best. That said, How many iMagers and PDMers does MD have this set? We know they have at least 1 SoLer...No need to flame about numbers either, we all know where both sides boost in members are from. They DID leave our clans after all.

You mention the moral high ground...MD had that in the bag coming into this reset, especially after last sets fiasco but they keep shooting themselves in the foot with questionable decision making.

some of last set and most of this set its all "well SoF did it last reset". How does that make it right for MD to do it this reset? If it was wrong then, it is still wrong.

I have been impressed with MDs growth and development, but they need to stick to their principles and morals if they want to win in the long run. I just hope that this kind of stuff isn't what we can expect to see in future MD wars. They really dropped the ball on this one.

And for crying out loud, you techers suck! Why the panic?
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

bertz Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 9:04:18

What does MD stands for?
Moral Decay
You can't stick to a decaying moral. j/k

Yeah Alin needs to shut up.

Darakna Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 9:12:26

Every internet forum needs an 'Alin', it just makes it so damn interesting!

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 9:58:11

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Alin:
You know what is pathetic about Sof?

Besides the fact that you have at least 10 Rival and Laf vets ( mercenaries ) playing in Sof this reset you are whining like hell.

Last set when MD fsed Sof ( and won the war in like 48 hours ) you had 80 "tag jumpers" ( Laf ). After that, all your leadership board came on AT and posted the " Whine us a river !" fluff.

This set - Sof Fsed MD and MD gave Sof a good fight. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? Md had 2-3 FA packages and one tag-jumper and there are 5 or 6 threads on AT about that. Sof members are basically sucking each other in those threads about 1 FA package or a tag jumper.

Aren't you pathetic enough? Does your IX leadership think they will gain any moral high ground because of that? - lol.
You are not in position to do that AT fluffy propaganda - you started with Hanlong and ended with fighthing a 2.4 / 1 ratio war.

slow down a min, take a breath. stop posting. you are not helping MD by doing such.

The server knows SoF history. We do not need it thrown at us daily. Some of it is questionable at best. That said, How many iMagers and PDMers does MD have this set? We know they have at least 1 SoLer...No need to flame about numbers either, we all know where both sides boost in members are from. They DID leave our clans after all.

You mention the moral high ground...MD had that in the bag coming into this reset, especially after last sets fiasco but they keep shooting themselves in the foot with questionable decision making.

some of last set and most of this set its all "well SoF did it last reset". How does that make it right for MD to do it this reset? If it was wrong then, it is still wrong.

I have been impressed with MDs growth and development, but they need to stick to their principles and morals if they want to win in the long run. I just hope that this kind of stuff isn't what we can expect to see in future MD wars. They really dropped the ball on this one.

And for crying out loud, you techers suck! Why the panic?

MD FS Sof ( Sof calls in 80 FDPS)
Sof FS MD ( MD restarts get 3 fa packages and 1 tag jumper ).

Are we talking the same unit of measure here ? Because it seems to me you are counting apples and i am counting birds.

You know what - i don`t like it either. I don`t know why MD needs 3 FA packages because our restarts are outgrowing theirs and we are pretty much outhitting them in the last couple of days.

And i didn't even wanted to go "boom" on AT this reset, but i can`t stand seeing 15 sofers + some of their "friends" making thread after thread about so "little" in comparison with their recent history.

locket Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 10:20:55

Can't everyone agree that no one is a winner in the moral arguments?

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 10:22:19

[04:04] <Tav> Those requests produced the following results:
[04:04] <Tav> 2.6 days ago
[04:04] <Tav> it takes a real man 2 b a WIZARD (#348) [Paradigm] sent Foreign Aid to Gonna take 75 SoFers to break me (#545) [MD75]! It contained:
[04:04] <Tav> $21,841,551
[04:04] <Tav> 3.8 days ago
[04:04] <Tav> Ravens Really (#363) [LCNostra] sent Foreign Aid to TNCR TheDragonReborn MD (#119) [MD75]! It contained:
[04:04] <Tav> 64,906 Troops
[04:04] <Tav> 266,877 Jets
[04:04] <Tav> 50,099 Turrets
[04:04] <Tav> 10,021 Tanks
[04:04] <Tav> 5957 Bushels
[04:04] <Tav> $30,057,122
[04:04] <Tav> 2.2 days ago
[04:04] <Tav> Sir Belly (#97) [Knights] sent Foreign Aid to 75 FDPs vs MD (#399) [MD75]! It contained:
[04:04] <Tav> 150,000 Jets
[04:04] <Tav> 50,000 Turrets
[04:04] <Tav> 50,000 Bushels
[04:04] <Tav> $1,000,000
[04:04] <Tav> 1.6 days ago
[04:04] <Tav> Lord Death Knight (#37) [Knights] sent Foreign Aid to TNCR TheDragonReborn MD (#119) [MD75]! It contained:
[04:04] <Tav> 6500 Troops
[04:04] <Tav> 62,000 Jets
[04:04] <Tav> 67,000 Turrets
[04:04] <Tav> 313,000 Bushels
[04:04] <Tav> $587,101
[04:04] <Tav> 7.7 hours ago
[04:04] <Tav> Little Miss Pebkac (#143) [Knights] sent Foreign Aid to 75 (#14) [MD75]! It contained:
[04:04] <Tav> 150,000 Troops
[04:04] <Tav> 100,000 Jets
[04:04] <Tav> 40,000 Turrets
[04:04] <Tav> 15,000 Tanks
[04:04] <Tav> 1,396,894 Bushels
[04:04] <Tav> $6,275,834
[04:04] <Tav> 8.4 hours ago
[04:04] <Tav> Sir Dirt McGirt (#276) [Knights] sent Foreign Aid to Gonna take 75 SoFers to break me (#545) [MD75]! It contained:
[04:04] <Tav> 27,636 Troops
[04:04] <Tav> 4638 Jets
[04:04] <Tav> 65,756 Turrets
[04:04] <Tav> $890,663
[04:04] <Tav> 5.8 hours ago
[04:04] <Tav> Dark Knight (#186) [Knights] sent Foreign Aid to 75problemsbutSoFisnt1 (#349) [MD75]! It contained:
[04:04] <Tav> 48,425 Troops
[04:04] <Tav> 82,198 Jets
[04:04] <Tav> 1,200,000 Bushels
[04:04] <Tav> $1,555,704
[04:05] <Tav> This data was compiled 24.6 hours ago. No other external FA has been recieved since.

at least 7 packages were admitted to by your very leaders. in addition they wernt to all restarts.

i might be a stupid redneck, but you are just stupid.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

iScode Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 10:44:00

Originally posted by Alin:
YOU plot/ plan/ even cheat to win wars.

You just describes MD's leadership (not including actually cheating at the game.)

Didnt you know, MD now stands for 'manipulate and Deceive'...
God of War


Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 10:44:27

I ain`t living in this game, MrGun! Make those 20 ok ? 20 fa packages. Not enough? - make those 50.

Still doesn't cover!
@Locket - nope. In this world there are people that steal 1 bread to feed their-self and people that steal billions using different methods.

Well MD stole a candy from a market and Sof did several bank-jobs (altough MrGunny up there miss-read IT, and did numerous blow-jobs instead).

Edited By: Alin on Mar 5th 2013, 11:12:24
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 10:49:16

you are an entertaining village idiot.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 10:52:34

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Alin:
YOU plot/ plan/ even cheat to win wars.

You just describes MD's leadership (not including actually cheating at the game.)

Didnt you know, MD now stands for 'manipulate and Deceive'...

You know that say : " The Enemy of my enemy is my friend"?

In your particular case, you were the friend of their enemy. So you shouldn't expect trust and a health FDP there. You can`t really blame MD.

bertz Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 11:13:34

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Alin:
YOU plot/ plan/ even cheat to win wars.

You just describes MD's leadership (not including actually cheating at the game.)

Didnt you know, MD now stands for 'manipulate and Deceive'...

They're just playing the same game you always play.
What's wrong with that?
The only bad thing MD does is saying they're not playing dirty tactics.
But SOF claims being not dirty too I guess?
Maybe people should stop complaining cause both are now playing the same tactics. SOF last set, MD this set.
Though I might agree with Alin that the magnitude is not the same.

But I still blame the power of FS!!

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 11:25:47

i like this thread
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 11:29:09

i dont believe the magnitude is the issue here, it is the deception. that and the claim of honor and integrity that is just a front. the tag jumper actually came to SoF first. SoF leadership declined based on the fact that it WOULD be a tag jumper. MD didnt seem to have those moral restrictions.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

locket Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 11:45:58

If Sof wanted a fair war with rules then they should have set it up with MD for an agreed upon FS date and rules about this fluff beforehand. Otherwise it isn't much different than last set when Laf helped out. Sof did play it fairly straight and MD obviously didn't and can't claim a moral highground as far as war decorum goes but it isn't against the rules of the game and there were no war rules agreed upon between the two.... so yah... Either side could win this and if Sof does they can feel good about not taking FA. If MD wins then they can feel good about winning but will know they got a bit of help. If it is a close loss for Sof most would say it is probably their win anyways. Just chillax redneck ;)

Just pick a date and fight it out next set. Have rules agreed upon by both clans and have someone like Imag enforce them on both clans. They kill any offenders. Bam. That is about as close to a fair war as you can get.

Darakna Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 11:49:00

Originally posted by mrford:

i might be a stupid redneck, but you are just stupid.

and.... MrFord hits a home run! wooohooo the crowd goes nuts

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 11:51:11

like i said, i could care less a bout the tag jumper. it will be killed. and as long as he dont break me, whatever.

the issue is the way MD bends its morals to the situation. as long as everyone sees this, then i consider it a job well done.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2013, 12:05:16

Alin why are you even trying to defend this?
MD took in a tagjumper and whatever happened X sets ago doesnt matter.
Don of LaF

torment Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 12:06:19

you is all stfus and dais!

locket Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 12:19:35

Originally posted by mrford:
like i said, i could care less a bout the tag jumper. it will be killed. and as long as he dont break me, whatever.

the issue is the way MD bends its morals to the situation. as long as everyone sees this, then i consider it a job well done.

Every single tag that does anything political at all does this. MD would be lying if they said otherwise.

Edited By: locket on Mar 5th 2013, 12:26:16
See Original Post

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Mar 5th 2013, 12:24:04

I have some questions:
1) Did Alin Play in IX?
2) Where is the llama?
3) Would y'all like some cheese?
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Atryn Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 12:24:16

Originally posted by mrford:
breaking 2 origs in 30 second kills in a close war, most would say a difference was made. but MD will still die. it shows desperation imo.

From what I see in the news, the country in question broke #608 but he didn't break #673???

Which two countries are you crying about?

mrford Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 12:34:38

oh fluff, my bad. he only broke one and only mid hit/finished the other!

i take back everything i said. the tagjumper is tots legit now. YOLO!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Atryn Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 12:41:00

Originally posted by mdevol:
I have been impressed with MDs growth and development, but they need to stick to their principles and morals if they want to win in the long run.

Wait, what??? Since when has sticking to their principles and morals won MD anything? They've tried that for years and they've always been behind alliances with much lower ethical boundaries...

Sov Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 12:45:11

To be fair he did only attack one target and launched missiles at another. But that is not the real point. The point is we did not seek outside help to keep it relatively fair but MD (despite pleading to every almost Alliance leader beforehand to keep things fair) see things differently to us.

I have spoken to the person in question though and he now owes it to me to join SoF soon :)

Atryn Game profile


Mar 5th 2013, 12:46:18

Originally posted by mrford:
<Tav> Those requests produced the following results:
<Tav> This data was compiled 24.6 hours ago. No other external FA has been recieved since.

at least 7 packages were admitted to by your very leaders. in addition they wernt to all restarts.

WAIT... I'm trying to line up all 7 of those FA packages with Flamey's graphs of MD getting FA all reset every time their nw changed... Damn, I cannot get this to work... Someone help out?