
Rasp Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 14:07:51

Price skyrocketing. I wonder what's going on there...
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Boltar Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 14:41:27

im gunna speculate buyout by LaF to catch up with the Evo guy who got lucky from hitting scode during that mini suicide

bstrong86 Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 14:49:45

Heh, we already know...
The Death Knights


bstrong86 Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 14:50:42

Originally posted by Boltar:
im gunna speculate buyout by LaF to catch up with the Evo guy who got lucky from hitting scode during that mini suicide

I suppose the same.could be said that it was lucky hit by scode aswell, and recieve double the land lost plus ghosts
The Death Knights


Atryn Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 15:07:20

Originally posted by bstrong86:
could be said that it was lucky hit by scode aswell, and recieve double the land lost plus ghosts

Praise iScode!

archaic Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 15:09:29

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by bstrong86:
could be said that it was lucky hit by scode aswell, and recieve double the land lost plus ghosts

Praise iScode!

A friend to land traders everywhere, peace be upon him.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Jun 4th 2014, 15:14:05

We shall see what accusation is made by whom first.

Edited By: Symac on Jun 4th 2014, 15:24:13
See Original Post

tellarion Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 15:27:42


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2014, 16:05:03

Buy my teh!!!!!!!!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

euglaf Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 17:14:10

the only thing laf ever tries to do is stop buyouts by having people place blocks. the blocks are hardly ever succesful because anyone determined to do a buyout will burn up their alliances money regardless of how much it costs.


EE Patron

Jun 4th 2014, 18:33:12

LaF hasn't ever done market buyouts EVER

iScode Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 19:08:22

God of War


SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 20:13:34

Oh deer, there go Evo, embarrassing themselves and putting their foot it in... again. Some people are just beyond helping.

I could tell you who is running the buy outs, but it's much more entertaining watching you run your mouths in an attempt to get your alliance killed and farmed, again.



Jun 4th 2014, 20:14:44

Don't be a fluff Tella or who ever owns #76.
Make the accusation.
I can guarantee I sold more med tech than him, so I guess you believe LaF organized a med tech buyout for one of their top 3 worst netters?

Which LaF countries bought it? LaF risked a tight ANW race that we are currently losing to do a buyout for a country we were already pretty sure was going to win?

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 20:39:42

Well, actually osso will win, only way he doesn't is if he's hyper fluff (as in more than I already think he is, and I think he's pretty fluffing fluff).
Scode suiciding me and feeding him land took me from easily beating him by a good 50m + to being about 100m behind, the only reason I even got close is because he's not any good.

archaic Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 21:05:27

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Well, actually osso will win, only way he doesn't is if he's hyper fluff (as in more than I already think he is, and I think he's pretty fluffing fluff).

Game Profile for Osso on the Alliance Server
Networth $2,967,303,869 #4
Top 100 15 #11
Top 10 7 #3
Best 3 $302,139,972 #5

Game Profile for SolidSnake on the Alliance Server
Networth $1,602,124,934 #44
Top 100 6 #104
Top 10 4 #12
Best 3 $263,535,648 #10

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Osso Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 21:39:49

Well, for what it's worth, I don't think LaF are doing any buyouts, though they might be profiting from them a bit as a result of putting up blocks (which is just good play, really).

As far as me being fluff... Well, I definitely have alot of room for improvement. ;)

I'm pretty happy with my finishes though, especially since I am one of the newest players in the game compared to all you old fogies. I've been here a mere 4 years! =P

Objectively, if you analyzed and compared our specific skills, there is definitely a good possibility that SS is a better player than I am (Regardless, he's a damn good player, and definitely has way more experience than I do in a variety of strats, though perhaps his attitude could use some improvement.)

My main advantage I think is that I am always looking for ways to improve at anything I do, and have enough humility to know that there is always room for improvement. It's an attitude that has served me well, and I would recommend it to anyone. =)

Edited By: Osso on Jun 4th 2014, 21:45:26
See Original Post
Evo FA
icq: 635091356
skype: crgilkison

En4cer Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 22:11:03

We need like and dislike buttons added to this forum lol!

Well put osso.

euglaf Game profile


Jun 4th 2014, 22:12:36

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Scode suiciding me and feeding him land took me from easily beating him by a good 50m + to being about 100m behind, the only reason I even got close is because he's not any good.

well, i'm pretty sure i would have beat both of you had that not happened, given what im finishing

sad life for people who don't trade.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 1:51:33

Tbh I probably shouldn't have gone off on you osso, I lump you with the Evo I do know despite not knowing you other than as that guy that always landtrades.

Tella and rasp if you seriously thought I was having buyouts run (which everyone with the smallest ounce of sense knows who is actually running bit outs and it's someone I dislike almost as much as the two of you) then drop the pact with laf, let your stupidity and ignorance destroy you again. We both know you won't.

I may not be modest, but why sugar coat the truth, the game is being tailored to help people play fluff strats like land trading and still none of you can compete with anyone that actually plays at top tier level. All that's happened is you've succeeded in making good players bored of playing to the point average players win every now and again since no one good is netgaining.

iScode Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 4:50:45

Originally posted by euglaf:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Scode suiciding me and feeding him land took me from easily beating him by a good 50m + to being about 100m behind, the only reason I even got close is because he's not any good.

well, i'm pretty sure i would have beat both of you had that not happened, given what im finishing

sad life for people who don't trade.

Did I hit you in my suicide??? My bad :(

Guess you wont accept my app to laf this set then :(
God of War


Boltar Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 5:50:54

what would any netting clan do, if their allies were the ones doing the buyouts? i mean like for example.. didnt laf hit PDM over a FA to the top or top10 country while pacted? curiousity

iScode Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 5:52:52

God of War


iScode Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 5:52:58

God of War


h2orich Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 8:47:02

I'm doing the buy-outs for LaF.

Alin Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 10:48:00

freaking tree-hugers ...

tellarion Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 14:39:33

Rasp made the post mentioning med tech being bought out and never said anything about who. I said 'Meh', and sent a note to Req. That's it. You're the one being ultra defensive about it as if we are stomping around calling you out for cheating. Market stuff is pretty damn tough to prove, even in the best of cases, so there's no point leveling accusations. So whatever, get pissy if you want, take the troll bait I sent you and enjoy it.

I don't think you guys engineered the buyout, but you definitely profited from it.

But none of this matters. If Osso is such a fluffty player, why are you letting him beat you? Step up your game!

KriSatZ Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 16:38:42

I spied a few countries and saw mass med for 10k+ on the market.

Surely any active and decent clan is also spying countries end of set to see if they can make quick gains?

Either way landtrading sucks big donkey balls.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

Trife Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 17:20:02

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Well, actually osso will win, only way he doesn't is if he's hyper fluff (as in more than I already think he is, and I think he's pretty fluffing fluff).

Game Profile for Osso on the Alliance Server
Networth $2,967,303,869 #4
Top 100 15 #11
Top 10 7 #3
Best 3 $302,139,972 #5

Game Profile for SolidSnake on the Alliance Server
Networth $1,602,124,934 #44
Top 100 6 #104
Top 10 4 #12
Best 3 $263,535,648 #10



FailDiegoFail Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 21:54:26

new strat: produce something that otherwise has no end of set use, watch someone try a buyout, fluff up the buyout, profit

Rasp Game profile


Jun 6th 2014, 16:54:36

Originally posted by SolidSnake:

Tella and rasp if you seriously thought I was having buyouts run (which everyone with the smallest ounce of sense knows who is actually running bit outs and it's someone I dislike almost as much as the two of you) then drop the pact with laf, let your stupidity and ignorance destroy you again. We both know you won't.

SS, I can't recall having any prior communication with you nor have mentioned you in any way ever, and you dislike me for some reason. Talk about defensive.

Techer was a strong strat this set. I was killed by an untag (Nuk) early on and still managed to pull a 175m finish as a techer. I noticed the tech buyout and mentioned it on AT to start a discussion (tech buyout instead of the common good buyout). Honestly, I'm not against buyouts as I think they create an interesting dynamic of the game. The fact that LaF profited off of much of the buyout is something jealous netters will get over. I recall years ago that NA and llaar had oil buyouts at the end of the set. Sure other netters will complain, but the act still needs to be executed correctly in order to profit.

Good luck on your finish. Hope Osso wins. :)

Edited By: Rasp on Jun 6th 2014, 18:28:20. Reason: clarified the buyout being tech instead of good (oil/bushel/etc)
See Original Post
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much

Oceana Game profile


Jun 7th 2014, 21:24:16

and a low supply probably helped



Jun 8th 2014, 13:22:55

This and land jobbing each other. Is much more tainted then attacking as a uncanny.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!



Jun 8th 2014, 14:08:35

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
This and land jobbing each other. Is much more tainted then attacking as a unclanned
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

DJBeif Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 19:53:11

Always comes down to SS whining about something, I about throwing out accusations and being a fluff in general. You're spouting off all this hatred.."dislike almost as much as the two of you"..."I think he's pretty fluffing fluff". Sure, go ahead and backpedal if you want, but WOW the ignorance you must have to run YOUR mouth off in the first friggin place.

You have no position of authority to judge people blindly or to make baseless threats. You don't run this server and get to decide what strats prove who's a pro and who's not. You play the game as it is or leave, enough of this whining about things that aren't actually the way *you* think they are.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 8th 2014, 20:09:18

Originally posted by DJBeif:
You have no position of authority to judge people blindly or to make baseless threats. You don't run this server and get to decide what strats prove who's a pro and who's not. You play the game as it is or leave, enough of this whining about things that aren't actually the way *you* think they are.

Hope Evo already has a pact with LaF; otherwise, they may just not let you have a pact with them. Or, they may just break the pact they do have, just to prove a point. Has it been over two years since the last time they did that?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.