
Glom Game profile

New Member

Sep 4th 2016, 12:38:19

The MISERY tag has declared war on OMA. I understand this is the alliance server and one man tags are discounted.

That is okay with me. I went into this knowing that.

But when a country decides to overretaliate to the degree it did, there is no choice.

I cannot force anyone to put me on DNH while I am at war. I can simply request it.

Either way, I have declared war on OMA.

Glom Game profile

New Member

Sep 4th 2016, 12:44:07

In case anyone is curious, here is what happened:

A landgrab by #255. I held it off, and let it go without a retal figuring all was good.

2016-08-29 12:44 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS Defended

Two days later, he and his defensive ally grab me within a minute of each other. This is coordinated by them.

2016-09-02 19:31 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS 503A (+463A)
2016-09-02 19:30 Eternia (#311) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] PS 913A (+763A)

This time I retal.

2016-09-02 21:24 mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] Free Particle (#255) [OMA] PS 1,957A (+1,068A)

I was going to retal the other country, #311, but before I could do that the following day, #255 responded.

2016-09-03 12:00 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS 423A (+68A)
2016-09-03 11:57 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS 545A (+113A)
2016-09-03 11:55 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS 702A (+185A)
2016-09-03 11:54 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS 907A (+293A)
2016-09-03 11:53 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS Defended
2016-09-03 11:52 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS Defended
2016-09-03 11:51 Free Particle (#255) [OMA] mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] SS 1,299A (+717A)

This is unacceptable, which leads us to where we are now.

GeneralofRome Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 15:10:24

Good luck with that


EE Patron

Sep 4th 2016, 15:19:28

Good Luck

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 4th 2016, 15:24:34

Good luck. You are within your right of that.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 15:36:29

good stuff.

Kat Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 15:40:04

Good Luck. You're well within your rights. Glad to see you're not letting anyone push you around :)

Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 16:03:28

Free Particle #255 is nothing but a childish douche bag that deserves everything that is thrown at him.

OMA should to the honorable thing and leave it as a one man fight between #255 and #361

Glom Game profile

New Member

Sep 4th 2016, 17:39:44

No name calling please. It's just a dispute in a game over some land. I do appreciate the support, but it's nothing personal at all.

BladeEWG from OMA has messaged me as of now.

Auk Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 18:31:07

Originally posted by Glom:
The MISERY tag has declared war on OMA. I understand this is the alliance server and one man tags are discounted.

That is okay with me. I went into this knowing that.

But when a country decides to overretaliate to the degree it did, there is no choice.

I cannot force anyone to put me on DNH while I am at war. I can simply request it.

Either way, I have declared war on OMA.

One man tag severely decreased the chances of you getting hit. (For example, you will not appear on my list.) Of course not everyone plays like me, and good luck. I like how you are handling this.
Yay, new signature:
Discord: HappyTheExceed
Paradigm's Secretary of State/HFA

BladeEWG Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 19:41:26

And you responded to my message with missiles, have it your way then.
So you will be removed and we will watch for your restarts for a few rounds.
that's how it goes and nothing new.
Now, for those posting without a clue. I have returned for a very limited time to post once and done.
Most tags and players that know me and OMA,also know that I regularly recruit the new players.
Always have,always will.
And as expected ,their are headaches involved with new player mistakes.
Recently had one with RR that I took care of as soon as I saw it.
That's how things get done with miessages ,you get the people in charge and work it out.
But for any tag to choose to post on AT rather than even attempt to solve an issue is insulting.
And you declared war on us?
After a series of messages and his claim of not involving other countries ,my country received missiles?
That halarious and I thank you for sending them to me instead of another OMA.
Again, any that know me also know I give a sh@t about my country.
As leader it's all about the tag and the greater good.
That said,now if anyone has a comment to direct to me I extend the invitation to post in my private message mail here.
For at the end of this I shall return to my self imposed exile from the trolls here.
As for Glom,as I said,do not take my attempt at negotiating with you as a sign of weakness.
I routinely offer sanctuary to small tags and untagged players.
Unfortunately, you choose another route.
So now,in the words of Gene Wilder I end with
""Good day,... I said Good day SIR!"

Heston Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 19:57:49

Never allow blade to dictate to you how you do your clans foreign affairs. AT is a tool for you to use as you please. Blade is an emo rosie odonnell. He doesn't get to project power from a weak standing, but he constantly does that anyway.
Kill them all.

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Glom Game profile

New Member

Sep 4th 2016, 20:05:18

"And you responded to my message with missiles, have it your way then."

That is not what happened. I've given you four chances to make an offer for reparations. You instead chose to complain that I posted a war dec on AT each and every time. I did not respond to any message with missiles. To make it sound like you reached out with an offer and were responded to with missiles is completely disingenuous.

"After a series of messages and his claim of not involving other countries ,my country received missiles?"

I specifically told you if your clan continued spy ops on me, I would involve other countries besides the one that attacked me.

In response, you told me you were going to continue spy ops. You continued spy ops and are now complaining you got two little nukes? Seems like things unfolded just like we both said. You contnued spy ops, I missiled you in return.

Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.

I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.

Heston Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 20:05:50

Originally posted by BladeEWG:

For at the end of this I shall return to my self imposed exile from the trolls here.
As for Glom,as I said,do not take my attempt at negotiating with you as a sign of weakness.

Glom never, ever take fluff from a guy that is weak. Blade is weak, but you already know that. Stand firm and blade admits defeat.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Over The Hill Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 22:26:20

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

mrcuban Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 22:29:31

A war OMA can win?

Glom you were within your rights to retaliate whichever way you could as a one man tag. It should stay as 1 v 1 but I don't think it will.

A true one man tag would always be on DNH from LUST.

Good Luck

Vanderlift Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 23:41:36

311 here. My take on the events:
255 and I are both pretty new to the game. So far I'm really digging it, although I'm mildly disturbed at how every established clan automatically feeds on solo/newbie players. But I suppose that's how alliance works. Not sure how a solo tag separates a country from the other food, but I'm new and don't quite understand all the politics yet.

Anyhow - fault was totally ours for not knowing how much is "too much". It's a shame this couldn't be resolved peacefully, but also nice to finally see some action. Personally I hold no ill-will against Glom, but that's easy to say when you haven't been hit yet LOL. And 255 is a pretty chill dude IRL.

End of transmission.

breeze Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 0:58:45

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

Says the troll and leader of the peanut gallery OTH. Pay no attention to this piece of garbage. Im sure OTH has never had a conversation with Blade.

Heston Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 3:24:11

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

Says the troll and leader of the peanut gallery OTH. Pay no attention to this piece of garbage. Im sure OTH has never had a conversation with Blade.

I have had many conversations with blade. He is weak and stands for fluff that makes him weak and an ignoramus . Everybody with two balls or doesnt want to fluff him knows that.
Ordering men to lift up their nutsack and staring at stinkhole brown eyes for cash has clouded your judgment.

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Heston Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 3:26:42

/me eats my zoom zooms and drinks more beer
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

iScode Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 5:41:45

Hi Glom, Welcome to the cesspool that is Alliance Talk.

Have fun!

God of War


Mister Ed Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 13:26:01

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

Says the troll and leader of the peanut gallery OTH. Pay no attention to this piece of garbage. Im sure OTH has never had a conversation with Blade.

I have had many conversations with blade. He is weak and stands for fluff that makes him weak and an ignoramus . Everybody with two balls or doesnt want to fluff him knows that.
Ordering men to lift up their nutsack and staring at stinkhole brown eyes for cash has clouded your judgment.

I guess the moderators of earth empires don't enforce their own rules on the message boards? Here's a section from the rule I'm seeing broken right and left on this thread:
"Ingame behavior
We understand that competition can get fierce and emotions may get heated, but we expect all players to show sportsmanship and to remain civil when dealing with other players. Players should behave appropriately in all areas related to the game, including ingame messages, affiliated websites, the game forums, and irc. Players who send offensive messages ingame will find their countries deleted and players who post offensive messages on the forums will find their forum accounts banned. In extreme cases, such as hacking or breaking other laws, players may find themselves banned from all game related areas. "



Sep 5th 2016, 13:44:49

Blade has always been a fair person if there is a problem. He will work with you

Heston Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 17:38:34

Originally posted by Mister Ed:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

Says the troll and leader of the peanut gallery OTH. Pay no attention to this piece of garbage. Im sure OTH has never had a conversation with Blade.

I have had many conversations with blade. He is weak and stands for fluff that makes him weak and an ignoramus . Everybody with two balls or doesnt want to fluff him knows that.
Ordering men to lift up their nutsack and staring at stinkhole brown eyes for cash has clouded your judgment.

I guess the moderators of earth empires don't enforce their own rules on the message boards? Here's a section from the rule I'm seeing broken right and left on this thread:
"Ingame behavior
We understand that competition can get fierce and emotions may get heated, but we expect all players to show sportsmanship and to remain civil when dealing with other players. Players should behave appropriately in all areas related to the game, including ingame messages, affiliated websites, the game forums, and irc. Players who send offensive messages ingame will find their countries deleted and players who post offensive messages on the forums will find their forum accounts banned. In extreme cases, such as hacking or breaking other laws, players may find themselves banned from all game related areas. "

Shut your nark whore mouth or post under nic coward. Whore cyref is that you?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Scott Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 18:14:04

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Mister Ed:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

Says the troll and leader of the peanut gallery OTH. Pay no attention to this piece of garbage. Im sure OTH has never had a conversation with Blade.

I have had many conversations with blade. He is weak and stands for fluff that makes him weak and an ignoramus . Everybody with two balls or doesnt want to fluff him knows that.
Ordering men to lift up their nutsack and staring at stinkhole brown eyes for cash has clouded your judgment.

I guess the moderators of earth empires don't enforce their own rules on the message boards? Here's a section from the rule I'm seeing broken right and left on this thread:
"Ingame behavior
We understand that competition can get fierce and emotions may get heated, but we expect all players to show sportsmanship and to remain civil when dealing with other players. Players should behave appropriately in all areas related to the game, including ingame messages, affiliated websites, the game forums, and irc. Players who send offensive messages ingame will find their countries deleted and players who post offensive messages on the forums will find their forum accounts banned. In extreme cases, such as hacking or breaking other laws, players may find themselves banned from all game related areas. "

Shut your nark whore mouth or post under nic coward. Whore cyref is that you?

You mean CryRef?

Heston Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 18:21:05

I guess when you creep past 55 or 60 you get blade and cyref in ee. Both carry no stick and a big fluffing tattling mouth.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 5th 2016, 21:47:25

Originally posted by Mister Ed:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

Says the troll and leader of the peanut gallery OTH. Pay no attention to this piece of garbage. Im sure OTH has never had a conversation with Blade.

I have had many conversations with blade. He is weak and stands for fluff that makes him weak and an ignoramus . Everybody with two balls or doesnt want to fluff him knows that.
Ordering men to lift up their nutsack and staring at stinkhole brown eyes for cash has clouded your judgment.

I guess the moderators of earth empires don't enforce their own rules on the message boards? Here's a section from the rule I'm seeing broken right and left on this thread:
"Ingame behavior
We understand that competition can get fierce and emotions may get heated, but we expect all players to show sportsmanship and to remain civil when dealing with other players. Players should behave appropriately in all areas related to the game, including ingame messages, affiliated websites, the game forums, and irc. Players who send offensive messages ingame will find their countries deleted and players who post offensive messages on the forums will find their forum accounts banned. In extreme cases, such as hacking or breaking other laws, players may find themselves banned from all game related areas. "

I don't think it is Cyref.
MrEd if someone has an issue they can point it out to a forum mod or a game mod.

As for the Misery vs OMA issue as HFA of iMag ... I really still don't find this classy and that is why iMag doesn't farm untagged countries except for the bots. But my opinion matters none.

Edited By: galleri on Sep 5th 2016, 21:57:00

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

albob Game profile


Sep 5th 2016, 22:21:35

I havemt had much to do with blade but what little I have he has been easy to deal with.

The issue here is this. The game needs new players, and blade took one in. He would have stressed to him the importance of not hitting any established tags. New member got excited hit a one member tag blah blah blade could easily do a kr on his member, but he'll probably not restart...

Not easy. Misery well within his rights to middle spy op whatever he can to get pay back.

Had oma done this to any other tag, oma member dead...



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

Mister Ed Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 0:13:23

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Mister Ed:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is an emo rosie odonnell.

Originally posted by Heston:
Blade is weak

Originally posted by Glom:
Your attempts to portray one side of things is bad at best.
I will be happy to repost all our ingame messages if you decide to continue this farce of me responding to your offers of reparations with missiles and other attacks.


Glom....everyone knows that Blade is nothing more than a drama queen with zero credibility in this game. Your version of the events and conversations that follow are much more reliable than Blades's attempt at spinning things his way

Says the troll and leader of the peanut gallery OTH. Pay no attention to this piece of garbage. Im sure OTH has never had a conversation with Blade.

I have had many conversations with blade. He is weak and stands for fluff that makes him weak and an ignoramus . Everybody with two balls or doesnt want to fluff him knows that.
Ordering men to lift up their nutsack and staring at stinkhole brown eyes for cash has clouded your judgment.

I guess the moderators of earth empires don't enforce their own rules on the message boards? Here's a section from the rule I'm seeing broken right and left on this thread:
"Ingame behavior
We understand that competition can get fierce and emotions may get heated, but we expect all players to show sportsmanship and to remain civil when dealing with other players. Players should behave appropriately in all areas related to the game, including ingame messages, affiliated websites, the game forums, and irc. Players who send offensive messages ingame will find their countries deleted and players who post offensive messages on the forums will find their forum accounts banned. In extreme cases, such as hacking or breaking other laws, players may find themselves banned from all game related areas. "

Shut your nark whore mouth or post under nic coward. Whore cyref is that you?

I see you have no respect for the rules as clearly posted either.

Glom Game profile

New Member

Sep 6th 2016, 0:16:05

I was right about Blade and his clan. Nothing but a bunch of tools looking to pick a fight they could win.

"Message from Shepard (#41) sent on Sep 05, 22:46
Report this message
As you have noticed we have not struck you further.
Your tag is under our dnfh.
We are done with you unless you continue."

5.2 mins ago
A brigade from SlinKa for A HunkA CheeSe (#218) has invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!

Your military lost:
12,411 Troops
41,371 Turrets
4964 Tanks
Their military lost:
19,949 Jets

Better kill me tonight, Blade. One of your clan's countries is going up in smoke tomorrow again when my jets get back.

Glom Game profile

New Member

Sep 6th 2016, 0:17:05

Oops There was actually three more grabs, not one.

10.8 mins ago
A brigade from SlinKa for A HunkA CheeSe (#218) has invaded your lands!
Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away!

Your military lost:
12,411 Troops
41,371 Turrets
4964 Tanks
Their military lost:
19,949 Jets

10.8 mins ago
A brigade from SlinKa for A HunkA CheeSe (#218) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
736 Acres (1280 Gained)
1113 Buildings (377 Stolen)
28,091 Bushels
6612 Technology Points
Your military lost:
11,517 Troops
38,392 Turrets
4607 Tanks
Their military lost:
140,000 Jets

10.9 mins ago
A brigade from SlinKa for A HunkA CheeSe (#218) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
790 Acres (1364 Gained)
1172 Buildings (402 Stolen)
29,214 Bushels
6801 Technology Points
Your military lost:
11,997 Troops
39,992 Turrets

See you on the battlefield tomorrow.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 6th 2016, 0:17:31

<ee> PS SlinKa for A HunkA CheeS (#218) [OMA] --> mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] -- 790A/1364A
<ee> PS SlinKa for A HunkA CheeS (#218) [OMA] --> mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] -- 736A/1280A
<ee> PS SlinKa for A HunkA CheeS (#218) [OMA] --> mEnTAlLy IlL (#361) [MISERY] -- DEF HELD

Glom - I sent your country a message from mine. :) I am iMag.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Mister Ed Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 0:26:22

I'm part of OMA. Blade did call off the war-even though Mentally Ill never retracted his/her declaration of war. I'm new to the game so I have a question. A lot of what you all claim we should or shouldn't be doing doesn't seemed to be spelled out in any of the rules. Are these just unwritten rules that a lot of you long-time players have come to accept? Again Blade called this thing off. The person doing the attacks is acting alone and I'm not sure what the result of that will be.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 0:38:28

Originally posted by Mister Ed:
. A lot of what you all claim we should or shouldn't be doing doesn't seemed to be spelled out in any of the rules. Are these just unwritten rules that a lot of you long-time players have come to accept?
Let's put it this way. The government has their rules and the streets have their own too.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Glom Game profile

New Member

Sep 6th 2016, 0:57:43

Originally posted by Mister Ed:
I'm part of OMA. Blade did call off the war-even though Mentally Ill never retracted his/her declaration of war. I'm new to the game so I have a question. A lot of what you all claim we should or shouldn't be doing doesn't seemed to be spelled out in any of the rules. Are these just unwritten rules that a lot of you long-time players have come to accept? Again Blade called this thing off. The person doing the attacks is acting alone and I'm not sure what the result of that will be.

Don't worry about it. Save up turns. You're going to need them to help kill me.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 6th 2016, 1:35:52

Originally posted by Mister Ed:
I'm part of OMA. Blade did call off the war-even though Mentally Ill never retracted his/her declaration of war. I'm new to the game so I have a question. A lot of what you all claim we should or shouldn't be doing doesn't seemed to be spelled out in any of the rules. Are these just unwritten rules that a lot of you long-time players have come to accept? Again Blade called this thing off. The person doing the attacks is acting alone and I'm not sure what the result of that will be.

I would have Blade explain this to you.
But first off I am not sure if you are the player that told Blade I was picking on him and that we were gonna war him.....but no...I am not picking on him. Blade and I have been friends since the 90's. And have played in several clans together. I have even been his FA. Second we are allies, so no war.

Ok this game started a very long time ago. It is alliance server. Yes there is many untagged players out there. They get the same respect as allies and non allied clans.
Most of the hits go like this: I will use our retal page posted on the wiki as an example:
Imaginary Numbers doesn't recognize topfeeds. Please contact us before trying to auth L:L or claim a topfeed. If you are the defending clan performing a retal on Imaginary Numbers, we will respect your retal policy if it is posted.
Even though we do not recognize topfeeds, if your clan will not follow your own policy and topfeed us then we will use your retal policy to go ahead and recognize a topfeed and retal as your policy states you would to us.
If there is a hit by the same country on our clan within a 24 hour period retals will escalate. 1:1 first hit, next hit within the 24 hour period will be 2:1 and so on.
Hits within a 48 hour period on a retal is considered RoR.
Imaginary Numbers accepts and retals on a 48 hour time frame.
Here is Evo's :
-Retaliation Policy for Unpacted Alliances/Untaggeds-
- 80% land:land (excluding ghost acres) on grabs or 1:1, 2:1 etc. (whichever yields the greatest return) - All topfeeds* will be retaliated 125% land:land or 2:1, 3:1 etc. (whichever yields the greatest return) - 3:1, 4:1 etc. on all special attacks/spy ops or reparations agreed between FA officials from both alliances - 48hr retal window from the time of the initial grab(s) - Retal on retals (ROR)** will be retalled the greater of 2:1, 3:1 etc. or 200% land:land in a 48 hr window after the ROR hit. - 72 hr tag responsibility - We perform alliance:country retals
A topfeed is defined as the defender having 125% of the attacker's land at the time of grab (i.e. just before the attack is sent)
A ROR is defined as being any grab on the retaller within 24hrs of the completion of his or her retal(s) - the number of retals are dependent upon the aforementioned points
79.50% or higher is considered as being 80%. The same principle goes for any other percentages mentioned in this retal policy (i.e we will round up).

See where it says "Hits within a 48 hour period on a retal is considered RoR." RoR is a Retal on Retal. That is no no. That will get you what you got with Glom. There was no war or dec of war. It was just a ton of RoR's which lead to some crazy action that never should of happened. The result of the RoR is you have a pretty upset guy. And I know Blade has sent messages trying to get it to stop, but when you don't listen to your own leader..... and are making him look bad and this is just more of a mess.
Hope that helped.
P.S. most every major clan out there has retal policies listed on the wiki.
But otherwise ... it is just plain called respect.

Edited By: galleri on Sep 6th 2016, 1:38:09

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Vanderlift Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 1:52:36

The plot thickens.

I'm just gonna say it: Games with heavy street rules have a high turnover rate. If you want people to stay - you start by forgiving newbies instead of nuking them into oblivion. *Tragically remembers last MMO*

(also bonus)

Heston Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 19:37:27

Originally posted by BladeEWG:

That said,now if anyone has a comment to direct to me I extend the invitation to post in my private message mail here.
For at the end of this I shall return to my self imposed exile from the trolls here.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Mister Ed Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 21:16:44

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Mister Ed:
I'm part of OMA. Blade did call off the war-even though Mentally Ill never retracted his/her declaration of war. I'm new to the game so I have a question. A lot of what you all claim we should or shouldn't be doing doesn't seemed to be spelled out in any of the rules. Are these just unwritten rules that a lot of you long-time players have come to accept? Again Blade called this thing off. The person doing the attacks is acting alone and I'm not sure what the result of that will be.

I would have Blade explain this to you.
But first off I am not sure if you are the player that told Blade I was picking on him and that we were gonna war him.....but no...I am not picking on him. Blade and I have been friends since the 90's. And have played in several clans together. I have even been his FA. Second we are allies, so no war.

Ok this game started a very long time ago. It is alliance server. Yes there is many untagged players out there. They get the same respect as allies and non allied clans.
Most of the hits go like this: I will use our retal page posted on the wiki as an example:
Imaginary Numbers doesn't recognize topfeeds. Please contact us before trying to auth L:L or claim a topfeed. If you are the defending clan performing a retal on Imaginary Numbers, we will respect your retal policy if it is posted.
Even though we do not recognize topfeeds, if your clan will not follow your own policy and topfeed us then we will use your retal policy to go ahead and recognize a topfeed and retal as your policy states you would to us.
If there is a hit by the same country on our clan within a 24 hour period retals will escalate. 1:1 first hit, next hit within the 24 hour period will be 2:1 and so on.
Hits within a 48 hour period on a retal is considered RoR.
Imaginary Numbers accepts and retals on a 48 hour time frame.
Here is Evo's :
-Retaliation Policy for Unpacted Alliances/Untaggeds-
- 80% land:land (excluding ghost acres) on grabs or 1:1, 2:1 etc. (whichever yields the greatest return) - All topfeeds* will be retaliated 125% land:land or 2:1, 3:1 etc. (whichever yields the greatest return) - 3:1, 4:1 etc. on all special attacks/spy ops or reparations agreed between FA officials from both alliances - 48hr retal window from the time of the initial grab(s) - Retal on retals (ROR)** will be retalled the greater of 2:1, 3:1 etc. or 200% land:land in a 48 hr window after the ROR hit. - 72 hr tag responsibility - We perform alliance:country retals
A topfeed is defined as the defender having 125% of the attacker's land at the time of grab (i.e. just before the attack is sent)
A ROR is defined as being any grab on the retaller within 24hrs of the completion of his or her retal(s) - the number of retals are dependent upon the aforementioned points
79.50% or higher is considered as being 80%. The same principle goes for any other percentages mentioned in this retal policy (i.e we will round up).

See where it says "Hits within a 48 hour period on a retal is considered RoR." RoR is a Retal on Retal. That is no no. That will get you what you got with Glom. There was no war or dec of war. It was just a ton of RoR's which lead to some crazy action that never should of happened. The result of the RoR is you have a pretty upset guy. And I know Blade has sent messages trying to get it to stop, but when you don't listen to your own leader..... and are making him look bad and this is just more of a mess.
Hope that helped.
P.S. most every major clan out there has retal policies listed on the wiki.
But otherwise ... it is just plain called respect.

Okay you're talking about the stuff on the WIKI but as far as game rules (listed here: that stuff isn't really the rules. The WIKI is just where somebody has recorded the "street rules" or unwritten rules that everyone tends to agree with? Again just trying to learn where this is all coming from-and enjoying the game.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Sep 6th 2016, 22:38:08

Well I posted how it is on alliance and has been that way since the 90s. If you want to play your way it is not gonna be fun.
Good luck!

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Kat Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 22:52:11

First of all... If you're on the forums asking what your clan's rules are or how to play the game when its already mid set, your leadership sucks. They aren't running a tag, they just exist with no direction. You should find a functional clan asap with mentors who will teach you all of this in your first week or so...or you will continue to be lost and you will continue to get in trouble and not know why.

Heston Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 23:03:04

Originally posted by Kat:
First of all... If you're on the forums asking what your clan's rules are or how to play the game when its already mid set, your leadership sucks. They aren't running a tag, they just exist with no direction. You should find a functional clan asap with mentors who will teach you all of this in your first week or so...or you will continue to be lost and you will continue to get in trouble and not know why.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Soviet Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 23:52:05

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Kat:
First of all... If you're on the forums asking what your clan's rules are or how to play the game when its already mid set, your leadership sucks. They aren't running a tag, they just exist with no direction. You should find a functional clan asap with mentors who will teach you all of this in your first week or so...or you will continue to be lost and you will continue to get in trouble and not know why.

Lay off Blade some.. I don't see either of you recruiting these new guys and attempting to teach them the 'right' way to play.
Imaginary Numbers

Scott Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 23:56:17

Originally posted by Kat:
First of all... If you're on the forums asking what your clan's rules are or how to play the game when its already mid set, your leadership sucks. They aren't running a tag, they just exist with no direction. You should find a functional clan asap with mentors who will teach you all of this in your first week or so...or you will continue to be lost and you will continue to get in trouble and not know why.


Link Game profile


Sep 6th 2016, 23:56:42

gotta agree with Sov on this.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Heston Game profile


Sep 7th 2016, 0:12:36

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Kat:
First of all... If you're on the forums asking what your clan's rules are or how to play the game when its already mid set, your leadership sucks. They aren't running a tag, they just exist with no direction. You should find a functional clan asap with mentors who will teach you all of this in your first week or so...or you will continue to be lost and you will continue to get in trouble and not know why.

Lay off Blade some.. I don't see either of you recruiting these new guys and attempting to teach them the 'right' way to play.
Originally posted by Link:
gotta agree with Sov on this.

You have somewhat of a point if they are some random noobs that was fishing for someone to train them. Ill go out on that limb and say its a couple of his folks cause off the street, big gilled fresh fish is a blue moon occurrence here. I'll also point out that i only care because of blades uncontrolled love for my johnson and any reminder i can give him about his lack of masculinity. Which i do as a service for man kind.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Kat Game profile


Sep 7th 2016, 0:14:51

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Kat:
First of all... If you're on the forums asking what your clan's rules are or how to play the game when its already mid set, your leadership sucks. They aren't running a tag, they just exist with no direction. You should find a functional clan asap with mentors who will teach you all of this in your first week or so...or you will continue to be lost and you will continue to get in trouble and not know why.

Lay off Blade some.. I don't see either of you recruiting these new guys and attempting to teach them the 'right' way to play.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with Blade's clan. It's fine to just exist... when you have a bunch of veterans, but with new players that style isn't helpful.

AND... Soviet, NA has taken in 10 NEW members in the last few sets.
So YES. We have been actively recruiting and training. In fact, I took in a new player just yesterday. Go ahead and check tag logs. Probably get information before making accusations. I don't steal people from tags though, if you're saying we should try and train some OMA newbies. :P

Also, there is no "right" way to play, but there are ways to play that help the game function for everyone. These ways have been tweaked and retweaked for years and will probably be tweaked again, but mostly they are based on common sense. Sure. You don't have to use common sense, but it's REALLY helpful when communicating with other people.

Mister Ed Game profile


Sep 7th 2016, 0:41:25

Originally posted by galleri:
Well I posted how it is on alliance and has been that way since the 90s. If you want to play your way it is not gonna be fun.
Good luck!

I'm not going to play any specific way-except try to follow the lead of my FA :) I'm just asking questions so I can get my head wrapped around what's going on in this game and understand what "rules" are coming from where-because it's good to know :)

Mister Ed Game profile


Sep 7th 2016, 0:42:53

Originally posted by Kat:
First of all... If you're on the forums asking what your clan's rules are or how to play the game when its already mid set, your leadership sucks. They aren't running a tag, they just exist with no direction. You should find a functional clan asap with mentors who will teach you all of this in your first week or so...or you will continue to be lost and you will continue to get in trouble and not know why.

I wasn't asking about my "Clans rules" I was talking about the rules of earth empires as posted on the website. May I ask you something? Why are you seemingly hostile against a person asking friendly questions on a message board to try to get a better understanding of the game and get to know other players?

Kat Game profile


Sep 7th 2016, 0:58:53

If you choose to read that as hostile, go ahead. It's simply a statement based on casual observation and past knowledge. Read it as you wish. :P