
crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:04:49

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Ivan:

Yes Boltar joined SoF this set from KSF and? and yes SOF has a couple of more members in TSO altho im sure half of that list isnt accurate i know a bunch of other tags with members in TSO but we arent bout to sink to PDMs level and send suiciders to hit innocent people

nicely done PDM

So PDM should suffer because of something your members did on another server?

We are both innocent but by the standards of these suiciders you are much more culpable than we are. I am sorry that Boltar was the only other TSO person they had heard of and that pointed them at you. That wasn't our doing though - that was them going after Boltar.

PDM is suffering because a few og your members bragged about what they did with PDM in their signatures. Have you read anything in this thread? Or do you just make if up as you go?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:05:38

LOL none of our members bragged about what they did with PDM in their signature that was PDMs own members

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:05:52

Originally posted by Ivan:

Theres a lot more tags represented in TSO then SOF and PDM im not going to put the blame on any of them nor am i going to post a memberlist even tho I could get one of i wanted to despite not playing team myself

if people want to suicide on us then by all means go a head im not going to be a fluff like pang/detmer and say hit someone else hit someone else

We actually said they shouldn't hit anyone at all. We merely stated that we are among the lowest represented alliances in TSO and that they should keep team server stuff on the team server. You seem to have this strange delusion that we control these people.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 16:09:28

sounds like Ivan aligns more with the suiciders than anyone else... hmm...

which means he should be suiciding on himself!
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:10:09

Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Ivan:

Yes Boltar joined SoF this set from KSF and? and yes SOF has a couple of more members in TSO altho im sure half of that list isnt accurate i know a bunch of other tags with members in TSO but we arent bout to sink to PDMs level and send suiciders to hit innocent people

nicely done PDM

So PDM should suffer because of something your members did on another server?

We are both innocent but by the standards of these suiciders you are much more culpable than we are. I am sorry that Boltar was the only other TSO person they had heard of and that pointed them at you. That wasn't our doing though - that was them going after Boltar.

PDM is suffering because a few og your members bragged about what they did with PDM in their signatures. Have you read anything in this thread? Or do you just make if up as you go?

I think you are confusing elvesrus with "a few"... have you ever fact checked anything or is PP your source of information on this issue? Archaic posted in that big TSO thread but he does not play there... two other PDM heads also posted in that thread complaining about what TSO did, but since they didn't list PDM in their signatures and you had no desire to actually target anyone in alliance who actually victimized you, now you are left back pedaling and trying to spin in a vain attempt to justify your boneheaded actions.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:10:42

Originally posted by Ivan:

LOL none of our members bragged about what they did with PDM in their signature that was PDMs own members

Now you are taking false info from one of the suiciders. You are as dumb as they are.

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:11:11

Its definitely a shame that PDM got suicided on, its always bad when stuff like that happens. ElvesRUS is however one of the most vocal TSO supporters that has posted on the team forum several times that he wants to destroy that whole server. It is easily understandable that his type of childish behaviour will upset people. Suiciding isnt the answer though but that seems to be what happened.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:12:25

Are you talking to me? I got no business with TSO im saying that i think pang is a flufftard for going on here and whining to the suiciders so they hit other innocent people instead of your innocent people so yes heres me justifying my boneheaded actions here ill spell it out for you too

Pang yer a fluff, a troll and a fluffty player

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:14:20

There is too much nerdrage in this thread. I suggest you all step back, take a deep breath and then help me suicide on Flamey.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 16:15:14

ivan, you're only making yourself look stupid by ignoring Detmer's content and just trying to attack me. everything you say about me can be said about you in spades.

i'm sorry that we corrected someone else who said Boltar was in PDM. We don't want that kind of publicity and I understand why you don't either.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:18:46

PDM has 2 players in TSO

turns out one of them is the VP :/ but is his choice and even if I don't agree with what he is doing, but he isn't breaking any rules of neither TEAM or ALLIANCE server.

What Boltar and TSO are doing in Team was bound to happen sooner or later, you can't have such a small player base without lots of resentment building up, and the server mechanics are just not suited to prevent abuse, heck about half of TSO was killed by them in the past, and only decided to join in when everyone else refused to help them fight TSO.

If you can't beat them, you join them.

regarding PDM sending suiciders to SoF, that may have been the end result, but it wasn't our intention, you have to understand that when someone yells they are thrashing your car because your thrashed theirs, and then describe the attacker as your neighbor, you can't help to yell wtf to the winds.

We refused to outright tell them where most TSO played, but someone may have slipped the word somewhere, and if that was the case, i would like to be the first to say sorry for helping the suiciders.

One thing though, this set is a set of killing for me, netting went off the window when I was forced to change strats, and as such I have no desire to stop hitting, I will keep killing these TEAM invaders from space until they are nothing but a memory in these lands, you may stop hitting PDM, but I'll keep hitting you fools till you join an alliance to play legit in our lands, or form your own clan (of with I will keep hitting unless you employ diplomacy to reach a cease of fire).
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:23:50

It proably wasnt your itent Chaoswind but it was definately Pangs intent and SOF was never hidding that boltar joined SOF this set and took on the role as leader of FA unfortunately from what i get from pangs/detmers posting it was definately their intent to get the suiciders to hit another innocent tag instead of their own

Detmer even posted a list of ex/current SOF members i actually know that at least half of that list are inactives but who cares detmers intent was rather clear anyway I could put the blame on the other tags whos represented in TSO but im not going to im not as low as pang is


Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 16:24:01

Ivan, who posted this threads on Team Talk?

can you check out who it was for me?
I can't quite make it out...

the more I look into this, the more I feel that SoF should have definitely been targeted ahead of PDM, based on the retarded reasoning the morons are using to attack.

(and before ivan tries to troll me again, i obviously don't think anyone should be attacked in the first place.)
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:27:32

Originally posted by Ivan:

It proably wasnt your itent Chaoswind but it was definately Pangs intent and SOF was never hidding that boltar joined SOF this set and took on the role as leader of FA unfortunately from what i get from pangs/detmers posting it was definately their intent to get the suiciders to hit another innocent tag instead of their own

Detmer even posted a list of ex/current SOF members i actually know that at least half of that list are inactives but who cares detmers intent was rather clear anyway I could put the blame on the other tags whos represented in TSO but im not going to im not as low as pang is


You are the one who said SoF was as innocent as PDM. You shouldn't have gotten into it with us if you didn't want us to show that if anyone deserves suiciding (between the two of us) it is you.

The problem is your arrogant, retard attitude has gotten SoF in trouble again. I can not understand why anyone plays in SoF anymore with you running things...

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 16:27:45

Originally posted by Ivan:

It proably wasnt your itent Chaoswind but it was definately Pangs intent

thanks for putting words in my mouth again!

my intent was to alert the morons to the fact that two of the ppl they cited in their anger posts (Boltar and Jiman) played in other tags (SoF and SoL, respectively) more for discrediting them than anything else.

You came here and made yourself visible while SoL ignored the thread. I expect that's why they hit you over SoL :p

edit: also, you'll note that they said several times that PDM was the first of many alliances... so... ya... more holes in your argument.

Edited By: Pang on Feb 11th 2012, 16:31:26
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

hanlong Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:32:48

it does look different watching people argue when you aren't in it =)

cross server retal = lame though.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:33:30

I think the suiciders have done an awesome job of trolling you all.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:33:33

lol and take a look on the first page of that thread

Posts: 121
Quote Post
Feb 2nd 2012, 5:06:16
TSO are a bunch of flufftards, thanks for ruining the server for me. kill me quick so I can be done with this server.
I am #41 btw.

Paradigm - Lazy Senate
Unholy Monks - Newbie

Roland is one of the guys that is pretty much MIA on our side, and this set we have 6 of those, 4 with known ties with different team server clans.

Yet PP went full retard and decided to hit with no information on hand, if you are going to suicide on assholes you have to be 200% sure that you are actually targeting an asshole, takes 10 seconds to double check the information you have.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

crest23 Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:44:54

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Ivan:

Yes Boltar joined SoF this set from KSF and? and yes SOF has a couple of more members in TSO altho im sure half of that list isnt accurate i know a bunch of other tags with members in TSO but we arent bout to sink to PDMs level and send suiciders to hit innocent people

nicely done PDM

So PDM should suffer because of something your members did on another server?

We are both innocent but by the standards of these suiciders you are much more culpable than we are. I am sorry that Boltar was the only other TSO person they had heard of and that pointed them at you. That wasn't our doing though - that was them going after Boltar.

PDM is suffering because a few og your members bragged about what they did with PDM in their signatures. Have you read anything in this thread? Or do you just make if up as you go?

I think you are confusing elvesrus with "a few"... have you ever fact checked anything or is PP your source of information on this issue? Archaic posted in that big TSO thread but he does not play there... two other PDM heads also posted in that thread complaining about what TSO did, but since they didn't list PDM in their signatures and you had no desire to actually target anyone in alliance who actually victimized you, now you are left back pedaling and trying to spin in a vain attempt to justify your boneheaded actions.

Wow! A VP in PDM. The doucheness runs real deep in your clan. All the way to the top.

I am willing to be that given the right circumstance, what TSO did in Team could be achieved in Alliance. Just that I have had interaction with TSO members, they aren't the brightest lightbulbs in the house.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Helmet Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:45:36

I guess I'll join the team server. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:49:21

Perhaps he wasnt trying to hit the actual asshats but rather just stir up this whole argument instead?

But really if its suiciding on PDM or suiciding on SOF it matters little really, its all wrong in the first place. Just as much as it is wrong for the TSO people to destroy all other teams on the team server.

Here at worst some countries lose 2-3 days of netting or warring or whatever it is they were bent on doing. On the team server other teams have lost years worth of building up teams and having fun and netting or whatever they were doing.

Cross server retalling is definitely lame and suiciding is also lame, but as Terror pointed out a while back that approving of bullies is also very very lame.

braden Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:51:11

posted by pang

"but as an admin, I REALLY don't like innocent people on another server being targeted because of something they have no interest in. that server should probably just be shut down until we have the time retool it..."

Thank you- Shut down team server. Can I hold you to that?

(i stopped reading half way through the first page!)

Helmet Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 16:54:30

Don't shut it down! The fun just started. There will be more players than ever there now. hahah

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 16:56:54

Originally posted by braden:
posted by pang

"but as an admin, I REALLY don't like innocent people on another server being targeted because of something they have no interest in. that server should probably just be shut down until we have the time retool it..."

Thank you- Shut down team server. Can I hold you to that?

(i stopped reading half way through the first page!)

i haven't been lobbying to keep it open in the first place. i've been in the shut down + retool camp for a long time, i think h4 was still a game mod when we realized it was flawed. but like I said, it's sad this happens now because the changeset that needs to be done before team can be addressed is on deck now that the restart changes are done. there's several pieces that need to be created first before we can implement the changes we wanted to see.... but that's a different discussion for a different board.

this is about killing some idiot suiciders :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:01:19

crest23 stop being tarded, PDM has no pres or VP, we are under a corporate system

Directors and the senate that is pretty much the biggest shareholders of our company :P
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

de1i Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:04:30

Don't do it just yet, I need 6 more kills there first. Then you can set it on fire for all I care!

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:04:35

lol@pang yes you pointed out repeatedly that PDM wasnt the only alliance that has members in TSO, SOF does as well and a lot of others im just gonna do what you did and try to put the blame on another tag because the fact is a lot of tags are represented and most of the ppl being suicided on has nothing to do with the team server

Whats even worse is that you as a game admin/HFA encourages suiciders to hit other tags and detmer as a president is just as retarded for blaming other alliances for this when his own head of war is VP of that clan im not putting the blame on anyone nor am i trying to avoid suiciders on SOF if they wanna hit us go a head we arent scared of them

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:04:48

Well Pang one thing I must say, we all really do appreciate the fact that you are constantly working to improve and change things. It makes this game so much better than anything it has been in the past.

Just kill the suiciders and get on with playing as normal. Then if you at some point can improve the game thats great. At the moment the team server can just as well be shut down but if you watn to keep it running that is also ok. It will just be TSO sitting there on their own until something changes though. I played there for years and enjoyed it up until they showed up.

Helmet Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:07:46

When Ivan and Pang are done fighting over the Tonka Truck maybe we can start doing joint chats.

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:09:35

Helmet can we do joint killruns with PDM on Flamey?

Terror Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:11:15

I rather like NukEvil's suggestion to just set the rules that there will be no cooperative efforts to kill a country from the same team. Killing might still be possible if there were teams in cooperation which of course there always would be, but it would no longer be the dominating influence in the game.

I still prefer to not modify rules in preference to having players be more socially responsible, but setting down rules is probably easier and has a better chance of actually working.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 11th 2012, 17:12:02

Originally posted by Helmet:
When Ivan and Pang are done fighting over the Tonka Truck maybe we can start doing joint chats.

detmer already reached out to flamey.

we're taking the "bypass ivan" approach to SoF now-a-days.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Terror Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:36:47

Out of respect, I would also like to thank Pang for his hard work as a game developer. It's a shame you can't rewrite the code for human behavior. I suspect you could introduce some improvements.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:39:22

Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Ivan:

Yes Boltar joined SoF this set from KSF and? and yes SOF has a couple of more members in TSO altho im sure half of that list isnt accurate i know a bunch of other tags with members in TSO but we arent bout to sink to PDMs level and send suiciders to hit innocent people

nicely done PDM

So PDM should suffer because of something your members did on another server?

We are both innocent but by the standards of these suiciders you are much more culpable than we are. I am sorry that Boltar was the only other TSO person they had heard of and that pointed them at you. That wasn't our doing though - that was them going after Boltar.

PDM is suffering because a few og your members bragged about what they did with PDM in their signatures. Have you read anything in this thread? Or do you just make if up as you go?

I think you are confusing elvesrus with "a few"... have you ever fact checked anything or is PP your source of information on this issue? Archaic posted in that big TSO thread but he does not play there... two other PDM heads also posted in that thread complaining about what TSO did, but since they didn't list PDM in their signatures and you had no desire to actually target anyone in alliance who actually victimized you, now you are left back pedaling and trying to spin in a vain attempt to justify your boneheaded actions.

Wow! A VP in PDM. The doucheness runs real deep in your clan. All the way to the top.

I am willing to be that given the right circumstance, what TSO did in Team could be achieved in Alliance. Just that I have had interaction with TSO members, they aren't the brightest lightbulbs in the house.

Your insults are meaningless when they don't have fact to back them up... what you are doing is just name calling.

Helmet Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:39:44

Originally posted by Terror:
Out of respect, I would also like to thank Pang for his hard work as a game developer. It's a shame you can't rewrite the code for human behavior. I suspect you could introduce some improvements.

It's unfortunate, but this game is full of selfish, whiny, cry babies and it's always been that way. They have made a fantastic game, much better than lazy Mehul would have ever done and it's the bad attitudes that cause all of these issues.

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:40:24

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Helmet:
When Ivan and Pang are done fighting over the Tonka Truck maybe we can start doing joint chats.

detmer already reached out to flamey.

we're taking the "bypass ivan" approach to SoF now-a-days.

Actually, for my suggestion of joint chats... that went out to Ivan =P

He was more focused on trying to pass the suicider blame to us though...

Sov Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:41:40

Why dont you talk to me anymore Detmer? Is it because of the last time I took advantage of you? I have changed I swear...

Detmer Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 17:44:20

Originally posted by Sov:
Why dont you talk to me anymore Detmer? Is it because of the last time I took advantage of you? I have changed I swear...


Sadly I pretty much don't get on messengers anymore. I get on PDM chat as much as I can but real life keeps my too busy for much other than boards now a days.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 18:05:49

Well pang yer pretty delusional if you think theres an around ivan approach in SOF but PDM is welcome to join our krs

Boltar Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 18:32:07

This would have been so far worse if pang or qz gave us limited server rules with no homotarians or no Dr's on grabbing would happened sooner. But I love the hornets I stirred up. Seeing my name so often its a cross between having a convo with someone who stutters and someone who has torrets

Edited By: Boltar on Feb 11th 2012, 19:59:28
See Original Post

Helmet Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 18:34:30

Time to restart cry babies. :)

Terror Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 19:02:20

The new restart rules are quite friendly. Crying is a thing of the past.

dLpLow Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 20:23:34

Originally posted by Chaoswind:
Originally posted by Terror:
I find all the people calling PP a moron rather amusing. You say he didn't address the issue, but he hit where people noticed.

A couple powerful and influential people in PDM went and did abusive things with disregard for the consequences for their community and now they are crying because some of those abused people lashed back in a way that might lead to change.

I fluffing hate it when people claim to be a different person on this server or that or in game or out of game like the rules of right and wrong change. Hi, my name is Mike Bartlett and I don't pretend for anyone. It's too bad for those in PDM who do not recognize what they did wrong, but they deserve to know: They kept company with people who behaved badly and took no responsibility their people.

PP didn't lash out at all the people who deserved it, but 4% isn't blameless. What he did do was lash out at people who have the power to lead trends and set standards for behavior. That was smart PP.

So PDM doesn't tell its members how to behave? Well maybe they should start. You reap what you sew.

a newly appointed HoW (love him!!!) and a silly drunkard porn star member are prominent members? if you mean Archaic he isn't in TSO, he just finds the situation in that server hilarious and so do I.

Also behave? Team server is ABOUT coalitions gang banging others, tell me of a time in with this has never happened in team server?

Team server has always been broken, is like you suddenly saying Alliance server has unfair wars and going to ruin the sets of people on other servers because of it.

News flash

Primary is slow paced boring and a small pond for players to fell big.
Tourney requires skill.
Express is fast phased and broken
Alliance is full of redtape and revenge
FFA is full of revenge and randomness
Team server is full of fluff

yes a drunk porn star (myself)and an elf for HoW and somehow PDM is behind TSO? hahahaha i find it commical but like i said before i was in LoT with alot of pdmers trying to fight off TSO DBD and WoG FBI didnt want to help rid the server of them so next set after getting killed repatedly i joined them :P TSO TOP 100 this set all of us :D
poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

dLpLow Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 20:42:25

and wait were hiding boltar in PDM? wow boltar get at me we can techallys!!!!!
poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

locket Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 21:16:52

Originally posted by Boltar:
This would have been so far worse if pang or qz gave us limited server rules with no homotarians or no Dr's on grabbing would happened sooner. But I love the hornets I stirred up. Seeing my name so often its a cross between having a convo with someone who stutters and someone who has torrets

You are pretty childish dude

archaic Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 21:19:03

PDM want Boltar

lol at the bypass Ivan policy - I'm pretty sure that Sof actually originated that policy

Ivan, I'm impressed by your ability to continuously lower the bar in a thread where the standards have already been set so low.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 21:21:48


your a bitter old man, if you keep this up you'll be more bitter then mickster soon

Ivan Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 21:27:00

I played with PDM for awhile a couple of years ago, actually loved being there but when PDM is being represented publically by people like Pang and Archaic who even on their best days are poor trollers and players its very sad :(



Feb 11th 2012, 21:29:46

Wtf is this I don't even...

archaic Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 21:29:47


/me waits for chevs or helmet to come along and confirm that I'm a bitter old man
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov