
sinistril Game profile


Sep 20th 2017, 7:24:49

Pretty sure it's not a matter of not being able to kill them. Not anyone else's fault than their own for using multies.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 20th 2017, 9:09:07

Ahh yeah. Or swearing lol

Link Game profile


Sep 20th 2017, 11:23:09

Originally posted by Hellrush:
Purple is the new red. If you can't kill them you delete them.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Link Game profile


Sep 20th 2017, 11:24:32

Reporting messages is literally an activity for the biggest type of loser... Didn't your mother tell you not to tattle? Go eat some fluffin cheese

I Am a meat popsicle.


Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 20th 2017, 11:48:01

Derrick keeps saying the elders connection with the suiciders is only FA after negotiations with LaF broke down, yet:
1. #11 detagged from Elders to suicide LaF within minutes.
2. #235 was Vamps, a long-time Elder member. (though he played untagged all set so it only implicates them, it doesn't actually make them responsible like #11 does)
3. FA was given long before talks with LaF over reps for #11's suicide even begun.

Elders are the only alliance directly(albeit partially) responsible for the RD suiciders with #11s involvement. Elders were only the only alliance massively FAing the RD suiciders. These are some things Derrick keep leaving out as he pukes his propaganda all over AT. He suggests LaF are changing the story though we hardly post about it, not nearly as much as Derrick has anyway. With every post the story changes and already several days ago we were the aggressors this set and all sets in the past.

Derrick takes a hard stance against cheaters here. But he supports cheating to further his interests:
<Derrick> If I see one of the red cheaters hitting LaF I'll fa him too

That is a direct quote from #alliance and all that are lingering there can search the logs and see that it has not been changed in any way.

TL;DR Derrick is obsessed by LaF. He didn't take care of his GF because of this obsession so she cheated on him with someone who perhaps was more attentive. This only furthered his anger towards LaF. It's so far been more harmful to him than anyone else and it will probably stay that way.


New Member

Sep 20th 2017, 12:52:57

Laf you just don't get it. No one on the server likes you. You are the Hillary Clinton of the server, you have no clue

Vamps Game profile


Sep 20th 2017, 13:52:24

Originally posted by Gerdler:

2. #235 was Vamps, a long-time Elder member. (though he played untagged all set so it only implicates them, it doesn't actually make them responsible like #11 does).

I played in LaF for far more sets than I have played in elders. Not that it matters - I've never been loyal to alliances, only to people.

I tagged RD because LaF screwed with some of my friends and then tried to push ridiculous policies on AT. If you want to blame anyone for my involvement, blame your leaders.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Sep 20th 2017, 14:05:06

Originally posted by New_Member:
Laf you just don't get it. No one on the server likes you. You are the Hillary Clinton of the server, you have no clue

LaF is Hillary Clinton, in the sense that most people passively dislike them and that they have had some scandals
Elders is Donald Trump, in the sense that most people actively hate them and that they go out and piss everyone off. They also treat AT like their personal Twitter account
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF



Sep 20th 2017, 14:23:27

109 total tweets, mostly giveaway retweets.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

sinistril Game profile


Sep 20th 2017, 19:42:11

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by New_Member:
Laf you just don't get it. No one on the server likes you. You are the Hillary Clinton of the server, you have no clue

LaF is Hillary Clinton, in the sense that most people passively dislike them and that they have had some scandals
Elders is Donald Trump, in the sense that most people actively hate them and that they go out and piss everyone off. They also treat AT like their personal Twitter account

Not equating this to LaF, just Clinton, but just because people laugh at how pathetic and irrelevant Clinton is, does not mean they hate her less.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 20th 2017, 21:06:03

So if scode is an untagged suicider next set I'll be sure and hold LaF responsible. Apparently thats how the politics work these days.

Also, a handful of earthers actually know my ex so I would at least like to clear up that she's a good person and wouldn't ever have cheated on me. Different directions and that. Things were mutual and we remained friends. Really a completely classless low blow and a lie from a completely classless liar. But you know. Nothing surprises me from these clowns anymore. For those of you that did know Gillian we are still really solid friends and I still get my tattoos for free haha. Frankly that sort of talk is chauvistic, emasculated and completely uncalled for but I'll let it slide as anger that you died in 18 seconds.

FA was sent before the reps demands but after the demands of retals for a certain hit I did not approve and after the demands of 200% on future hits. And either way I likely would have FA'd them anyways. You aren't wrong there. There is no reason I shouldn't. As I've pointed out before, LaF has sent friends in elders FA during conflicts such as our last war with SOL/Stones. Ironic because I'm willing to bet your pacts with them disallowed that. I don't feel its even worth pointing out that many friends FA each other. But since you feel it necessary, you may want to pay reps for your FA's to us in previous sets.

Again I'd like to point out the absolute lack of taste and candor in Gerdler's post. I can only hope it doesn't represent the general sentiment of LaF and its members.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 20th 2017, 21:58:15

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
So if scode is an untagged suicider next set I'll be sure and hold LaF responsible. Apparently thats how the politics work these days.

There you go completely misrepresenting what was said yet again. Is it a sport for you?

This is what I wrote:
Originally posted by Gerdler:

2. #235 was Vamps, a long-time Elder member. (though he played untagged all set so it only implicates them, it doesn't actually make them responsible like #11 does).

I never said you were responsible for #235, in fact i said you are not, as you can clearly see.
I'm pretty sure your reading comprehension is better than what you are showing here. Giving you the benefit of the doubt. But that also means you are actively working to misrepresent what is being said. And you call me a liar... haha

Edited By: Gerdler on Sep 20th 2017, 22:02:41

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 20th 2017, 22:54:00

OK, let me amend. So if scode runs an untagged suicider it then implicates LaF?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 20th 2017, 23:52:14

Also. The only difference between us, Omega and SOL is 72 hours in terms of responsibility.

The fa was by choice on an individual member basis. Such as the FA received by Elders from LaF during the sol/stones conflict. Just turns out there were a handful of members willing to send.

I did go back thru my clan news just to see and symbolic received FA from 4 Elders. Its funny. SC had no less than 8 sol pacts because that was the tag he was a part of originally. To imply every pact was FAing is contrary to the truth. I will own that I did send some as did guys that were in the chat at that time. LaF has done the same in opposition of uNAPs and even FDPs. If you guys were cleaner in that regard perhaps your complaints would be more understandable. You cannot deny it. Its been mentioned by said LaF member in #alliance as recently as yesterday. People FA their friends. Big whoop.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 20th 2017, 23:56:11
See Original Post

DruncK Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 0:05:52

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
They also treat AT like their personal Twitter account

^^this, so much this

Link Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 0:13:39

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by New_Member:
Laf you just don't get it. No one on the server likes you. You are the Hillary Clinton of the server, you have no clue

LaF is Hillary Clinton, in the sense that most people passively dislike them and that they have had some scandals
Elders is Donald Trump, in the sense that most people actively hate them and that they go out and piss everyone off. They also treat AT like their personal Twitter account


I Am a meat popsicle.


Symbolic Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 0:15:58

Gerdler, you really need too take it back a notch man. Talking about peoples real life in a text based game that's not cool man, its sick. You are sick in the head.

PS. I didn't plan within minutes to suicide. I waited 3 days to get 120/120 and full military. Also derrick had no idea I was doing it either.



Sep 21st 2017, 0:18:34

And they wonder why ppl hate LaF

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2017, 0:51:15

Appreciate the support guys. I've frankly never had my personal life so disrespected ever. I understand that I align myself in this game with people who are pretty rude at times but that fluff actually hurt. Like in my heart. I hope karma blesses this sociopath with several lifetimes of loneliness. He's genuinely an awful person.

Dissident Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 0:58:16

for the record, i was a little annoyed when symbolic detagged to join the RD tag... but then i heard it was a bunch of MDers and I was less annoyed about that.

thats what you got in elders... if there's no war happening or on the horizon, they just go to where they get to mess with some people to have fun. i know you don't believe me, but it's the truth. unless you can actually PROVE that Elders orchestrated the whole thing, then it's hearsay and worth nothing as an argument.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 3:25:50

Originally posted by Dissident:
for the record, i was a little annoyed when symbolic detagged to join the RD tag... but then i heard it was a bunch of MDers and I was less annoyed about that.

thats what you got in elders... if there's no war happening or on the horizon, they just go to where they get to mess with some people to have fun. i know you don't believe me, but it's the truth. unless you can actually PROVE that Elders orchestrated the whole thing, then it's hearsay and worth nothing as an argument.
You had a scheduled war against with SoL. How did you not have war or on the horizon? You just keep making yourselves sound stupider and stupider. Launch some more nukes at me and shut it up.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2017, 5:21:47

This isn't about that to me anymore. This is plainly personal. Kick that fluffhead out of your tag or expect at least me. I've got a one track mind. fluff him. And fluff anyone who associates with him. He's scum. You can expect me to find him on every server until that fluff apologizes to me. And he better fluffing mean it. Kay? This isn't about earth. If that fluff was American id drive across the country to beat his ass. He doesn't deserve to have fun in this game and won't as long as I play.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 13:25:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
This isn't about that to me anymore. This is plainly personal. Kick that fluffhead out of your tag or expect at least me. I've got a one track mind. fluff him. And fluff anyone who associates with him. He's scum. You can expect me to find him on every server until that fluff apologizes to me. And he better fluffing mean it. Kay? This isn't about earth. If that fluff was American id drive across the country to beat his ass. He doesn't deserve to have fun in this game and won't as long as I play.
who me? U want my address?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 13:27:52

You wanna start making physical violence threats?
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2017, 15:59:57

Not you syko. Gerdler. Calling me out for fluff going on in rl that was told in confidence to my clan members on ffa is completely uncalled for. And that isn't a threat. Thats a fact. If I ever see him hes getting one right on the chin

Suncrusher Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 16:06:42

talk fluff, get hit

drkprinc Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 17:20:41

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Not you syko. Gerdler. Calling me out for fluff going on in rl that was told in confidence to my clan members on ffa is completely uncalled for. And that isn't a threat. Thats a fact. If I ever see him hes getting one right on the chin

should check sunwing they should have deals on this time of year to most places.
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Dissident Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 19:03:30

derrick, start a gofundme page for your trip to Gerdler's house... also for purchasing a shiny weapon. what do elders use? prolly a cane or something like that.

Ivan Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 19:44:08

Come on guys, theres people behind the screens and nicks here I thought we all got like 20 years older if yer good deed of the day is to suicide someone, threaten someone or write personal fluff about them in an online game with 150 players you really need to find better things and more useful things to do with your life its not like the world we live in lacks problems to deal with.


zygotic Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 20:48:05

Fair play

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 21st 2017, 21:46:49

Awe. Y'all are willing to help me pay? How sweet. Yo Gerdy, whats your address boo. You man enough to throw down or you just a fluff hiding behind a screen talking fluff to people because you are actually a lonely old man. Them's fighting words. That is, if you're man enough. I'll fly out to give you a kiss tomorrow.

iScode Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 22:11:50

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
OK, let me amend. So if scode runs an untagged suicider it then implicates LaF?

When i suicided laf from MD, SOF was held responsible from the set before by the whole server, so yes, the standard has been set...
God of War


iScode Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 22:15:24

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
This isn't about that to me anymore. This is plainly personal. Kick that fluffhead out of your tag or expect at least me. I've got a one track mind. fluff him. And fluff anyone who associates with him. He's scum. You can expect me to find him on every server until that fluff apologizes to me. And he better fluffing mean it. Kay? This isn't about earth. If that fluff was American id drive across the country to beat his ass. He doesn't deserve to have fun in this game and won't as long as I play.

This coming from the alliance that harbours real life criminal scum in its tags, fluff you are a hypocrite, and lol at the keyboard warrior. Come to New Zealand, ill give you my address and ill fluff your pansy american arse up more than any fluff could...
God of War


iScode Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 22:16:13

Originally posted by Dissident:
derrick, start a gofundme page for your trip to Gerdler's house... also for purchasing a shiny weapon. what do elders use? prolly a cane or something like that.

ill contribute $100 if he comes to New Zealand first, what a fluffing fluff
God of War


iScode Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 22:17:22

Hey bring your ex, I got a few guys keen for a gang bang and she sounds like a dirty fluff so she will be keen, ill pay for her flight
God of War


iScode Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 22:25:21

*waits for the elders biased mods to ban me*

Wouldnt be suprised if they can give it but not take it...
God of War


zygotic Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 23:05:12

Iscode that's out of order kid

AtomicHellFire Game profile


Sep 21st 2017, 23:21:26

Daymnnnnn girls! Cheaters and online abuse?! This old games got it all! *Grabs salted Popcorn*

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2017, 0:14:29

See, ignorant comments are funnier to me. Elders has not one felon in tag. We actually checked last time he said that and sure enough. No criminal scum here. This is just a crazy guy spouting crazy fluff. Gerd was in a unique spot of actually hearing me talk about these things and he abused that fact. To me its much worse.

In any case, this is the sort of trash we've taken aim to eliminate. Its a whole conglomerate of people with no respect and years of history cheating, manipulating and just being downright trashy people. IMO, if you support them with DP's you are condoning this sort of trash and should be ashamed of yourself.

iScode Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 0:21:50

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

In any case, this is the sort of trash we've taken aim to eliminate. Its a whole conglomerate of people with no respect and years of history cheating, manipulating and just being downright trashy people. IMO, if you support them with DP's you are condoning this sort of trash and should be ashamed of yourself.

Sounds like Elders

And Zygotic, once a line is crossed, which Derrick crossed, them I am no holds barred, I will be as ruthless as I want to be with people who threaten physical violence against my alliance mates...
God of War


Gutty Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 0:29:14


Symbolic Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 0:39:03

IScode, what are you going to do about? It seems like LAF is in ashes again and you can't seem to even kill a simple waller the last couple days? I think you gotta re check your self.

PS. You are also sick in the head man. Keep talking out your fuffer

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 22nd 2017, 0:48:02

Not giving my adress lol but i'll meet you in Copenhagen for sure, just say a time and a place.

As always, I'm not looking for a fight. I have seen your picture though and while looks can be decieving, I'm quite confident that I will not be injured either way. (That's in no way an insult, just a neutral statement.)

I truly think that AT and the other discussion forums connected to EE would be much better had they been less toxic. A vast(yes VAST) majority of the toxicity comes from you and yours(read: Elders) though, if you can't see that you are blind. A portion has been directed towards me personally, from you and from other Elders.

Symbolic has poked me with Hitler as a stick very recently yet he tells me to take it down a notch. Little does he know if I have holocaust survivors in my familiy(in fact I do, but that is almost beside the point). What if I took offence to that? I could take proper offence to such comments, it's not uncommon. It could stir up real terror in me. What would it be worth to you? My best guess, based on my experience with a few of you, is that some Elders would use it against me all the time if it did truly bother me.
You swing and you miss, I swing and I hit. That is the only difference here. You can't claim moral high ground to me Symbolic. You are part of the reason for why I felt so inclined.

That said I'm truly sorry that the bar is so low on AT and I really hope I'm never provoked to making such a comment again. This was the first time for me though as opposed to the column metres of crap flung from you guys. I have had hundreds of low blows flung at me and my immediate family from various Elders since I started EE in February (again you swing and you miss, yet your intentions are clear). So you guys take it down a notch or two if you can't take it when it is reciprocated. In fact even if you can, you should. You have my word I won't go that far til I have had at least a few dozen more Elder low blows at me, not including the ones I recieved today from Derrick, who swung and missed. That might take a full month at this rate.

You guys made this personal long ago, and when reciprocated you claim it's all too much. The hipocricy is unreal. Yet that's not even enough for you, immediately you go one step further with threats of physical violence. You always gotta be one step lower. Well good luck with that, considering iScode matched you there as well.

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2017, 1:18:30

C'mon guys. All these displays of public affection toward one another might give people the wrong ideas. Tone it down a bit please.
Just shut up and have another beer

DruncK Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 1:25:09

Gobble gobble Gerdy McTurd, gobbbbble gobble

AtomicHellFire Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 1:34:07

*Eating popcorn intensifies*

And I'll bring all of RED to prove we are real and drink some nice foreign beer! Woooooo

Me and zygotic are trying to work but this is intense...

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 22nd 2017, 1:43:42

Originally posted by DruncK:
Gobble gobble Gerdy McTurd, gobbbbble gobble

Case in point, ty. :))

Mini Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 3:18:16

Threads like this show what was fundamentally wrong with EE/2025 - games on the other hand....

drkprinc Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 3:24:55

It's the toxic community that holds the last few toxic players together, what is an epoxy without a hardening resin?
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

Dissident Game profile


Sep 22nd 2017, 3:51:29

yall are acting like AT was pristine til elders came along.

selective and short term memories is what you have.