
damondusk Game profile


Jan 25th 2017, 12:08:17

Originally posted by IgnitionCWG:
No kidding, IX wouldnt wait till a couple of weeks before the set is over to ruin someone's day ;-p

That's a fact. LI's got to be performing some incredible mental acrobatics to convince his self that he's some kind of savior of the server by being a sucker punching bully way late in the reset.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 25th 2017, 16:41:32

IX would just have some multis hit along with them :P

Truckanuck Game profile


Jan 25th 2017, 20:49:16

While your intentions of trying to force activity may have been in good faith, you have been told that you will not receive the resistance you seek. Your response to this is was to call every one a "baby". Good on you, that is very mature and a reasonable response.

I loved to war when I first came back to this game a few years ago but at some point it may just not be possible to arrange a time when people can be online together. (Though not a leader the last few attempts at running war chats and arranging an appropriate time was unsuccessful). There just has to come a time when you need to make the decision to put real life before a game.

People have jobs, families and other social obligations. Forgive me for not being as enlightened as you are (LittleItaly) as to what is going on in all the tags within the Alliance server. I mean all the inactives must be in your tag so there cannot possibly be anyone else in any other tag that doesn't have inactives/low activity players and they must bow before your demands to play the game as you fit.

Unfortunately this was also done last set. Probably not for the same reasons but as you can see there were a few people who left and more than likely won't be coming back. I don't understand how this time was supposed to be different regardless of the reason for it.
"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Gamer Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 1:47:05

This is the problem: Every netter wants to just play in his/her own little sandbox and not get touched. If that's what you want then play sim city. This game was much better when there was clans that had some personality, some flavor that would create controversy. Everyone was in their own netting bubble just fighting over who would LG the untaggeds/bots.
SOL Former Head of Internal Affairs
-IRC: #sol
-Skype: wwegamer18

Truckanuck Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 2:08:49

Originally posted by Gamer:
This is the problem: Every netter wants to just play in his/her own little sandbox and not get touched. If that's what you want then play sim city. This game was much better when there was clans that had some personality, some flavor that would create controversy. Everyone was in their own netting bubble just fighting over who would LG the untaggeds/bots.

I have absolutely no problem with land grabbing other players, nor do I have problem with them grabbing me. I will get my retals in and I will expect them to retal any hits I made on them but if you're going to be a jerk about it I personally don't have time for that and I will go play another game.

You want controversy but if people wanted that I'm sure we could just read the news. People play games to get away from crap like that.
"Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

braden Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 2:22:23

With forty six people left, is go play another game really your best arguement?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 26th 2017, 2:29:46

Why is it every time a clan FSs...We get threads like this?
"I quit"
"You asshole or insert another colorful name"
"So and so has lost their mind"
"Thanks to you, everyone is quitting"
"Sucks to your azzmar!"

LI...Next time just contact Soviet....He would of gladly let a battered iMag go to war with ya. He tried to arrange with Sof and elders, but them assholes left iMag out :P i told him to FS them both for it lol
See at least with imag...You can expect a crazy liking to it.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 8:10:35

thats cause imag cant net themselves out of a wet paper bag :P

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 26th 2017, 12:56:45

Originally posted by Ivan:

thats cause imag cant net themselves out of a wet paper bag :P

I cannot even calc a break out a wet paper bag. :P

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Marshal Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 14:16:31

WE TRIED!!!!!!!!
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

damondusk Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 15:10:35

Is it just me or are the only people coming out in defense of this move SOL members?

damondusk Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 15:14:08

Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL declares war on Monsters, RR, Oma, and Omega.

The reason: we want to give these shrinking clans some purpose again.

A thought occurred to me - did anyone ever take a minute to consider that the netgainers have purpose beyond warring in that they drive the economy of the game while you war. Imagine the economics in a situation where EVERYONE is running a war prepped country and actively warring. There would be way less supply, way more the math on that scenario and ask yourself if that improves the game or detracts from it.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 26th 2017, 16:00:10

Originally posted by damondusk:
Is it just me or are the only people coming out in defense of this move SOL members?

I am not SOL. I am a retired iMag player.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Vanderlift Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 20:38:31

This is not a war... it's an extermination.

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 27th 2017, 4:54:52

Originally posted by damondusk:
Is it just me or are the only people coming out in defense of this move SOL members?

Its just you.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2017, 13:23:05

SoL sucks ass specially Amin <3
Catch me on ir c

ninong Game profile


Jan 27th 2017, 14:41:08

Originally posted by Ivan:
IX would just have some multis hit along with them :P

IX is clean, we had alan!
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

damondusk Game profile


Jan 27th 2017, 16:54:39

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by damondusk:
Is it just me or are the only people coming out in defense of this move SOL members?

Its just you.

You're right LI, there are a few non-SOL stragglers on your side. Not many, but a few.
What happened to you? What happened to SOL's integrity? Did you trade it away for your ego? I bet the good Doctor is turning over in his grave.
Again, LI, I beg you: wander into the wilderness, never to be seen again, and leave a note putting Angel, Dragon and TTM or Praetor back in Red so that SOL can be awesome again. Thanks, bud.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2017, 19:28:13

And NorCal, Mickster and Sutler are seriously disappointed, I'm sure. I know that I am. Not that I have played this game for quite some time, but it seems to go against everything that SOL has ever stood for.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2017, 19:36:09

Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL declares war on Monsters, RR, Oma, and Omega.

The reason: we want to give these shrinking clans some purpose again. They have netted there way to almost non existence numbers wise. Netting there way without pacting us too which is silly. I am doing this for the server! To spice it up, and force them to work with each other. We have given them the numbers advantage. They have large stocks! We hope they put up some resistance, for that is what us SOLers look for.

Good luck to Monsters, RR, OMA, and OMEGA!!

Cut the BS
If you were looking for a challenge you would have announced a FS time 72 or 96 hrs in advance.
I would not have liked warring for no reason, that's BS too but with time to pull together the so-called 'resistance' you claim to seek - I would have participated in that.
But blindsiding netters is chickenfluff. You weren't seeking 'resistance'.
Eff ya.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 27th 2017, 20:53:29

I don't run SOL by myself.

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

I talk to Dragon every day :P Praetor is FR red... FYI

Also, you cant speak for the dead.

Like I said before, we will see what these clans do in the future about this.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2017, 21:10:06

What do you think they will do? Stop nettting for SoLs entertainment? More will quit few will suicide and most will simply net again next set
Catch me on ir c



Jan 27th 2017, 21:17:28

So you're justifying things using something that happened 6 years ago?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

braden Game profile


Jan 27th 2017, 21:45:20

Thats still better than him fighting nazis.

Marshal Game profile


Jan 27th 2017, 21:56:36

too bad that he was born couple decades too late for that.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

BladeEWG Game profile


Jan 27th 2017, 22:17:57

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
I don't run SOL by myself.

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

I talk to Dragon every day :P Praetor is FR red... FYI

Also, you cant speak for the dead.

Like I said before, we will see what these clans do in the future about this.

Praetor told me he didn't know anything about it
I tend to believe him over you any day
Funny I didn't see any of these other tags in your fa reference, wonder why that is?
I've lost two so far in the game guess your mighty strategy for helping the game is flawed
Good job there!

Red X Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 2:02:52

best move ever.

keep up the good work SOL
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 28th 2017, 3:18:06

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Praetor told me he didn't know anything about it

Lol blade.... are you a liar or gullible?
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

henrik Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 11:23:00

Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

Reset 65. Sounds like you are refering to that reset where Lcn and imag were waring each other (as usual back then). Sol (Praetor) telling Lcn to cease fire with imag or SoL would FS Lcn. Kindly enough saying it would happen on Sunday.
Imag refused to agree to a cease fire. SoL FSed Lcn and in the middle of said FS omega FSed Sol in defense of Lcn.
Praetor messaging Alicia telling her something in the way of Omega/Alicia having the balls to FS sol in the middle of their FS. *Waves at Praetor". :)
Sol lost.

Meaning I consecutively have been in Omega's leadership for over 40 resets. How depressing.

damondusk Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 14:56:11

mic drop

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 15:11:43

Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

Reset 65. Sounds like you are refering to that reset where Lcn and imag were waring each other (as usual back then). Sol (Praetor) telling Lcn to cease fire with imag or SoL would FS Lcn. Kindly enough saying it would happen on Sunday.
Imag refused to agree to a cease fire. SoL FSed Lcn and in the middle of said FS omega FSed Sol in defense of Lcn.
Praetor messaging Alicia telling her something in the way of Omega/Alicia having the balls to FS sol in the middle of their FS. *Waves at Praetor". :)
Sol lost.

Meaning I consecutively have been in Omega's leadership for over 40 resets. How depressing.

Sounds like me, thanks for the throwback :)
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 28th 2017, 15:32:23

Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

Reset 65. Sounds like you are refering to that reset where Lcn and imag were waring each other (as usual back then). Sol (Praetor) telling Lcn to cease fire with imag or SoL would FS Lcn. Kindly enough saying it would happen on Sunday.
Imag refused to agree to a cease fire. SoL FSed Lcn and in the middle of said FS omega FSed Sol in defense of Lcn.
Praetor messaging Alicia telling her something in the way of Omega/Alicia having the balls to FS sol in the middle of their FS. *Waves at Praetor". :)
Sol lost.

Meaning I consecutively have been in Omega's leadership for over 40 resets. How depressing.

fluff....i cannot remember this...:(

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 16:02:21

Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

Reset 65. Sounds like you are refering to that reset where Lcn and imag were waring each other (as usual back then). Sol (Praetor) telling Lcn to cease fire with imag or SoL would FS Lcn. Kindly enough saying it would happen on Sunday.
Imag refused to agree to a cease fire. SoL FSed Lcn and in the middle of said FS omega FSed Sol in defense of Lcn.
Praetor messaging Alicia telling her something in the way of Omega/Alicia having the balls to FS sol in the middle of their FS. *Waves at Praetor". :)
Sol lost.

Meaning I consecutively have been in Omega's leadership for over 40 resets. How depressing.

Sounds like me, thanks for the throwback :)

in other words......STFU don't have a clue what you're talking about

LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 28th 2017, 18:24:36

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

Reset 65. Sounds like you are refering to that reset where Lcn and imag were waring each other (as usual back then). Sol (Praetor) telling Lcn to cease fire with imag or SoL would FS Lcn. Kindly enough saying it would happen on Sunday.
Imag refused to agree to a cease fire. SoL FSed Lcn and in the middle of said FS omega FSed Sol in defense of Lcn.
Praetor messaging Alicia telling her something in the way of Omega/Alicia having the balls to FS sol in the middle of their FS. *Waves at Praetor". :)
Sol lost.

Meaning I consecutively have been in Omega's leadership for over 40 resets. How depressing.

Sounds like me, thanks for the throwback :)

in other words......STFU don't have a clue what you're talking about

? I didnt type all the details. I figured you guys would know already. So thanks. Also, all i said was Omega FSed SOL. Which is true. SOL was netting but got called on by IMAG to hit LCN. SOL didnt just tuck there tail in and die when Omega FSed SOL.

*mic drop

Edited By: LittleItaly on Jan 28th 2017, 18:35:32
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 28th 2017, 19:31:58

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

Reset 65. Sounds like you are refering to that reset where Lcn and imag were waring each other (as usual back then). Sol (Praetor) telling Lcn to cease fire with imag or SoL would FS Lcn. Kindly enough saying it would happen on Sunday.
Imag refused to agree to a cease fire. SoL FSed Lcn and in the middle of said FS omega FSed Sol in defense of Lcn.
Praetor messaging Alicia telling her something in the way of Omega/Alicia having the balls to FS sol in the middle of their FS. *Waves at Praetor". :)
Sol lost.

Meaning I consecutively have been in Omega's leadership for over 40 resets. How depressing.

Sounds like me, thanks for the throwback :)

in other words......STFU don't have a clue what you're talking about

? I didnt type all the details. I figured you guys would know already. So thanks. Also, all i said was Omega FSed SOL. Which is true. SOL was netting but got called on by IMAG to hit LCN. SOL didnt just tuck there tail in and die when Omega FSed SOL.

*mic drop

Wait wut? I don't remember during soviet's reign that Sol and imag liked each other.....Oh wait. Lol that was the time he had this plan. Hahaha nvm. Move along. He is still proud of that mess. Now it is coming back to me.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

braden Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 20:44:44

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by PraetorNLS:
Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by LittleItaly:

SOL has been FSed blindly many times. Here's something funny. Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

Reset 65. Sounds like you are refering to that reset where Lcn and imag were waring each other (as usual back then). Sol (Praetor) telling Lcn to cease fire with imag or SoL would FS Lcn. Kindly enough saying it would happen on Sunday.
Imag refused to agree to a cease fire. SoL FSed Lcn and in the middle of said FS omega FSed Sol in defense of Lcn.
Praetor messaging Alicia telling her something in the way of Omega/Alicia having the balls to FS sol in the middle of their FS. *Waves at Praetor". :)
Sol lost.

Meaning I consecutively have been in Omega's leadership for over 40 resets. How depressing.

Sounds like me, thanks for the throwback :)

in other words......STFU don't have a clue what you're talking about

? I didnt type all the details. I figured you guys would know already. So thanks. Also, all i said was Omega FSed SOL. Which is true. SOL was netting but got called on by IMAG to hit LCN. SOL didnt just tuck there tail in and die when Omega FSed SOL.

*mic drop

and nobody helped when vintghor deci fluffing mated ya'll.. oh, wait, i'm sorry, what does a decade ago- or half a decade- have to do with today?

braden Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 20:45:41

what was it? honour. glory. sol?

Over The Hill Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 21:03:07

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
all i said was Omega FSed SOL. Which is true.

actually this is what you said....
Originally posted by LittleItaly:
Reset #65 - OMEGA FS'd SOL during a netting set! LoL

you were trying to bullchitt the earth community into thinking that Omega once did to SOL what you just did to Omega.

actually braden couldn't sum up your actions any better than this...
Originally posted by braden:
and if you want a challenge in your war, then you should strategically plan with people to get a challenging war.
if your end game was blindsiding, then you nailed it. but don't pretend like you're in the right.

i did it for years in rd. you don't need to explain yourself. you just need to own up to playing the fluffbag, thats all.

Red X Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 22:55:17

I'm curious if Omega and co will organize something next set.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Marshal Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 22:58:59

sol ~30 members, omega ~6 members so unlikely even if those other alliances li decced would join (my guess is that they will lose some members too) unless there would be coalition of all alliances under 10 members (that could get coalition small member advantage but main problem would be getting most of those players into warroom at fs time) and hardly sol wouldn't notice that half a dozen alliances (most of them which they decced last set) are prepping for war so sol would quite likely do another war dec against those alliances.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Red X Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 23:05:35

SOL is hoping they do something back to them I would guess. From my view LittleItaly was really trying to get them to work together to have a war. I don't think he figured SOL would have killed so many in the FS, or that they would not have really tried to CS back...They could all get together and war SOL next set, but then again these people don't like to war; however, not doing anything will make their tag not really have any protection in my opinion. Even if they FSed back and lost next set, it would show they are willing to try.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Marshal Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 23:16:30

not a chance after so many lost members.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

braden Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 23:33:33

you don't have to lead sol to know that nothing would amount as far as any cohesive counter attack, they would not work together, if he didn't know sol would kill so many zero spies zero defense zero sdi zero prepped targets in fs then he is in no position to be leading the third largest tag on the server. i feel sorry for the rank and file sol member who had no idea, if there were any, because now they look like terrible people in the eyes of the server.

braden Game profile


Jan 28th 2017, 23:34:43

and you know it's bad when i get to take a moral high ground, so..

Alin Game profile


Jan 29th 2017, 1:08:52

I would build a wall, around you all. (You go circles anyway)

And place mrford and his sniper rifle, on top of it, to guard.

braden Game profile


Jan 29th 2017, 1:11:49

wow, how god damned crude. leave it to you, though, to be inconsiderate and unmannered.

Alin Game profile


Jan 29th 2017, 1:20:57 guard... and braden inside, to sell his crack.

braden Game profile


Jan 29th 2017, 1:32:36

um, obama has been president and drug addicts are a minority, they get their own washrooms in federal buildings. stop being a racist.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 29th 2017, 1:39:43

Originally posted by Red X:
SOL is hoping they do something back to them I would guess. From my view LittleItaly was really trying to get them to work together to have a war. I don't think he figured SOL would have killed so many in the FS, or that they would not have really tried to CS back...They could all get together and war SOL next set, but then again these people don't like to war; however, not doing anything will make their tag not really have any protection in my opinion. Even if they FSed back and lost next set, it would show they are willing to try.

There was no possibility of the small netting alliances doing anything. Sol spent 45 days building crappy countries who's only strength was having huge SPAL's with like 5m spies. Even with days of notice we couldn't have caught up on spies. Sol could run 40 or 50 "Cause Dissensions" in a row and destroy about 5% of a country's troops per turn. The spy power is so skewed that "war-prepped" countries with SPAL that high can slaughter any netter. That's all this was, a meaningless slaughter, kicking over our sandcastles and wasting our effort. Any talk of a possible counterattack is a lie.

Red X Game profile


Jan 29th 2017, 2:01:11

I'm talking about next set, this set is done.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin