


Jun 3rd 2016, 16:03:44

You underestimate the addiction of this game.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2016, 16:19:02

completely corrupt and learning from mistakes arnt the same thing

for instance i fluff about the retrospective changes to decay bonus points, but i havnt seen any retrospective changes since

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 16:21:09

What are you even talking about?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2016, 16:24:43

decay bonus was changed during a reset once people had already spent points on it and points wernt refunded

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 16:30:00

What does that have to do with people falsely accusing the mods and admins of being corrupt?

diez Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 16:33:02

sup fagpit

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 17:02:47

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by NukEvil:

Aaahahahaha that was great. Just yanked the rug out from under him. I don't think I was there during that time (or I may have been, but was on my way out and didn't care anymore, don't remember), but I do sorta remember people talking about it later. Reminded me of the good times I had on Evo's alliance site. I was very paranoid about suiciders joining our ranks, so I did whatever I felt needed to be done to ensure that either a suicider didn't join, or I would know exactly who enabled them. Caught about a dozen or so suiciders before they were able to do their thing. For example, I changed the site code to enable me to read everyone's insite messages (instead of having to do the same in the database). Caught my new boss covering for a suicider that way, and also caught the resulting backlash before it actually became the backlash. Good times.

Wait. So you hacked the game and you didn't have a lynch mob after you?

No, I only changed Evo's alliance site, not the game.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 17:45:25

Originally posted by Slagpit:
What does that have to do with people falsely accusing the mods and admins of being corrupt?

It's been a lifetime since my beef with you existed, why still bother to even lie about it anymore it's not like it has any impact on current game play. I know what you did, you know what you did, pang knows what you did, qzjul knows what you did, granted of those only i accused you of using database access to give out my country number and pang admitted you likely did it but wouldn't take any action regardless.

I dont deny knowing about suicides on evo before they happened, i never sponsored them in spite of "proof" being posted that I aided someone by nukevil? (I want to say nuke though it could have been that fluff ex ix then rival guy sanjivaiafsdaf or whatever his name was?) which when proved his math didnt add up simply suggested that I was so good at hiding it that I changed my nw change to 0 (which granted if I did sponsor a suicide I would be that good as to not have a nw change but still could up with a better explanation than that), but when people told me you were going to be suicided I gave 0 fluffs.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 17:51:48

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Pang:

there were always 2 camps in LaF: those who thought SS' ego was overblown in one camp and SS in the other

glad to see he's still doing that whine-bragging thing like I remember!

Ego and choosing not to be modest are two different things. There's an element of truth and an element of trolling to most of what I post on AT, isn't the latter what AT is for?

And for those of us that played long enough to remember when you actually played and quite openly claimed to be gods gift to FR it's really quite amusing to reference my ego. My assertions are based on legitimate understanding of the game and skill in playing it. I wonder if I'd get banned if I posted what things you did back when you did actually play. I assume I would, don't think you'd be able to take the bruise to your ego.
Originally posted by Pang:
haha SS never changes....

Whine-bragging like usual, then answering his own questions about my intentions + threats about outing me for things I'd actually love to talk about :p I don't talk about them as a courtesy to the others that were involved -- you're in that group too, SS. :)

For the record, and as I said last time SS made this threat, I'm more than happy to talk about anything I ever did while playing. From writing bots to market manipulation to special access I honestly don't care. I moved on from playing to leading to hosting admin to game admin over like a 17 year period and my attitude toward the game evolved as my role did. The petty fluff that I used to get so involved over makes me laugh today at how dumb it was. I'm glad you're still able to cling to those accomplishments like a badge of honor.

I'm part of that group? Name anything I ever did that was outside of the games rules, literally anything. I plotted and manipulated the same way that anyone did, but the difference between me and you was I never cheated.

You want to talk about stuff, lets talk about why you were went from head fr to excluded from all leadership discussions when I became don. How many countries were you running in e2025 under singapore ip addresses along with reignz and doll under the guise of safe list? My memory says 17 but I could be out a few.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 17:59:47

Or maybe you'd rather talk about how you hacked the AT archive to get backdoor access into the database and track who ran what country when rival went from an alliance to untagged suiciding.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 18:10:21

Originally posted by archaic:
I realize this has turned into a Laf circle jerk of nerdity, but is a discussion about best ever that does not include dragon really valid? In addition to his abilities as a warroom leader, his walling has literally turned the tides of war back when wars were really wars. Its a two sided coin - excluding 50% of the game play from the discussion seems hollow.

Also, FWIW, if you add up the collective NW of non-laf people that were taught basic netting skills by the likes of En4, DDan, Raheel, NiteL, oldman, etc - you would have an awful lot of NW over the last 15 years.

Realistically the reason I dont rank dragon is because dragon performed against fluff players. Being a breaker against war alliances isnt that hard... If dragon had a standout war performance against people like eug, chun, xin then I would have ranked him higher, but the fact is vs those guys he would never be considered a breaker all he did was wall, which granted his walling was top notch, but as far as wars go you can be a finisher all reset, you're not winning your alliance anything. I think given enough focus and exposure to top tier players he would have matched them, but he just didnt have the exposure to know what to improve in SoL and probably never really cared as he seemed pretty content just being the best of the warmongers.



Jun 3rd 2016, 18:18:05

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by NukEvil:

Aaahahahaha that was great. Just yanked the rug out from under him. I don't think I was there during that time (or I may have been, but was on my way out and didn't care anymore, don't remember), but I do sorta remember people talking about it later. Reminded me of the good times I had on Evo's alliance site. I was very paranoid about suiciders joining our ranks, so I did whatever I felt needed to be done to ensure that either a suicider didn't join, or I would know exactly who enabled them. Caught about a dozen or so suiciders before they were able to do their thing. For example, I changed the site code to enable me to read everyone's insite messages (instead of having to do the same in the database). Caught my new boss covering for a suicider that way, and also caught the resulting backlash before it actually became the backlash. Good times.

Wait. So you hacked the game and you didn't have a lynch mob after you?

No, I only changed Evo's alliance site, not the game.

EVO's hosted on the same server. You hacked the game.

HLW was given access by a former dev, he didn't hack game and got lynched.

You hacked the game server and the admins didn't say anything.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

mrford Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 18:35:56

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 18:42:16

Separate sites, separate databases. And I didn't hack anything.

Also, not sure why you are so uptight about my antics. LaF should probably thank me for helping keep suiciders from hitting them from our tag.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 18:55:59

You're still posting about me. You're still obsessed. You're talking about all of this stuff like I remember it or like it matters. But okay, go ahead. Present your evidence that I leaked your country number or whatever you think I did. Don't post paragraphs of irrelevant bullfluff. Just stick to the evidence.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 19:31:07

Originally posted by Forgotten:

EVO's hosted on the same server. You hacked the game.

HLW was given access by a former dev, he didn't hack game and got lynched.

You hacked the game server and the admins didn't say anything.


Actually, TC stole DB credentials he shouldn't have had access to by crawling a bunch of files that were poorly protected on the server's file system. Hanlong abused it instead of alerting me to it, as someone who professed to be looking out for the best interests of the game wouldn't do. Both are in the fluffbooks for that but we don't need to rehash that again.

I don't care what Evo admins did to their own site. It was theirs to do what they wanted with it. If they ever did it to Boxcar, that would have been tantamount to doing it to the game.

Edited By: Pang on Jun 3rd 2016, 20:04:14
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

archaic Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 20:26:37

Originally posted by Vic:
Hands down best thread on the forum right now

Not anymore . . . between slaggy making an appearance to feed even more of his tears to the game, and SS still denying that he was running a network of suiciders against EVO and PDM, and now we've dragged TC and HLW back out of the cubbard.

The 'History' of netting is all we get to talk about now, because Laf ran every tag that tried to compete with them out of the game either as a deliberate FR policy or by outright blatant cheating. Now they reign supreme over a server of 426 tired grumpy old men. Congrats, GG
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Tissue Vendor


Jun 3rd 2016, 20:34:34

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Vic:
Hands down best thread on the forum right now

Not anymore . . . between slaggy making an appearance to feed even more of his tears to the game, and SS still denying that he was running a network of suiciders against EVO and PDM, and now we've dragged TC and HLW back out of the cubbard.

The 'History' of netting is all we get to talk about now, because Laf ran every tag that tried to compete with them out of the game either as a deliberate FR policy or by outright blatant cheating. Now they reign supreme over a server of 426 tired grumpy old men. Congrats, GG

Need a tissue? Hug? Prostate exam?

m4z Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 21:05:41

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Vic:
Hands down best thread on the forum right now

Not anymore . . . between slaggy making an appearance to feed even more of his tears to the game, and SS still denying that he was running a network of suiciders against EVO and PDM, and now we've dragged TC and HLW back out of the cubbard.

The 'History' of netting is all we get to talk about now, because Laf ran every tag that tried to compete with them out of the game either as a deliberate FR policy or by outright blatant cheating. Now they reign supreme over a server of 426 tired grumpy old men. Congrats, GG

Laf was always friendly to tehclub->umonks->ska. Evo on the other hand, not so much.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 21:07:33


Reignz and Doll were cheating? That changes my perspective and how I rank them.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 3rd 2016, 21:36:46

archaic, are you feeling okay?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 3rd 2016, 22:20:23

Literally the only thing I remember about slagpit is he finished top 10 as a commie indy or something like that. Meh
- Premium Patron Member

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 23:29:56

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:

Reignz and Doll were cheating? That changes my perspective and how I rank them.

To be fair to doll, im not certain he was, but reignz yes.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 23:38:38

Originally posted by Slagpit:
You're still posting about me. You're still obsessed. You're talking about all of this stuff like I remember it or like it matters. But okay, go ahead. Present your evidence that I leaked your country number or whatever you think I did. Don't post paragraphs of irrelevant bullfluff. Just stick to the evidence.

It doesn't matter, my whole post stated it doesn't matter anymore hence why i asked why you bother lying about it anymore. I'm more than open about how i messed with evo and essentially turned you from neutral to enemy because i didn't like your leaders and to avoid more damaging wars with ix, wog, sol and sof. It's been what 8-9 years since I was don? They are just funny stories now rather than having any impact on the game.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 3rd 2016, 23:56:57

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Vic:
Hands down best thread on the forum right now

Not anymore . . . between slaggy making an appearance to feed even more of his tears to the game, and SS still denying that he was running a network of suiciders against EVO and PDM, and now we've dragged TC and HLW back out of the cubbard.

The 'History' of netting is all we get to talk about now, because Laf ran every tag that tried to compete with them out of the game either as a deliberate FR policy or by outright blatant cheating. Now they reign supreme over a server of 426 tired grumpy old men. Congrats, GG

Still denying I ran a network of suiciders? I was never even accused of that before, but for what it's worth I never ran a network of suiciders against pdm or evo. Dont get me wrong I was told of the odd suicider hitting before they did but I assume thats just because people knew I didnt like you so it was a way to brag.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 0:00:06

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Forgotten:

EVO's hosted on the same server. You hacked the game.

HLW was given access by a former dev, he didn't hack game and got lynched.

You hacked the game server and the admins didn't say anything.


Actually, TC stole DB credentials he shouldn't have had access to by crawling a bunch of files that were poorly protected on the server's file system. Hanlong abused it instead of alerting me to it, as someone who professed to be looking out for the best interests of the game wouldn't do. Both are in the fluffbooks for that but we don't need to rehash that again.

I don't care what Evo admins did to their own site. It was theirs to do what they wanted with it. If they ever did it to Boxcar, that would have been tantamount to doing it to the game.

If fairness I probably owe you an apology over that seeing as I went off on you in defense of them for what turned out to be true.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 4th 2016, 5:35:48

Apology accepted. But let's just leave that saga in the past where it belongs.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

amy winehouse


Jun 4th 2016, 5:39:02

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by Forgotten:

EVO's hosted on the same server. You hacked the game.

HLW was given access by a former dev, he didn't hack game and got lynched.

You hacked the game server and the admins didn't say anything.


Actually, TC stole DB credentials he shouldn't have had access to by crawling a bunch of files that were poorly protected on the server's file system. Hanlong abused it instead of alerting me to it, as someone who professed to be looking out for the best interests of the game wouldn't do. Both are in the fluffbooks for that but we don't need to rehash that again.

I don't care what Evo admins did to their own site. It was theirs to do what they wanted with it. If they ever did it to Boxcar, that would have been tantamount to doing it to the game.

If fairness I probably owe you an apology over that seeing as I went off on you in defense of them for what turned out to be true.

Im sorry-- that is an aplogy?

Kat Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 6:36:57

Originally posted by archaic:
because Laf ran every tag that tried to compete with them out of the game either as a deliberate FR policy or by outright blatant cheating. Now they reign supreme over a server of 426 tired grumpy old men. Congrats, GG

Nope... NA still dares to challange Laf... who knows for how long though since we don't follow their clan policies :P



Jun 4th 2016, 7:19:43

LaF hasn't killed anyone in a few years and everything still thinks we are the bully.

If bots crashed and all PCI kill themselves, people would blame LaF.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2016, 7:36:54

as far as i recall i was the first one complaining about bots self deleting maybe last set or the one before then someone corrected me that they were pci killing themselves instead



Jun 4th 2016, 7:48:43

So it is LaF's fault.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Rockman Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 14:42:23

You mean I'm not supposed to do bioterrorism on the bot countries? But it's so much fun giving viruses to bots!

Kat Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 16:07:53

Generally, though, no one really says much about Laf UNTIL Laf decides to point fingers first. Remember, this all started because of the other thread. Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. :P

Syko_Killa Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 16:34:58

Originally posted by SolidSnake:

If fairness I probably owe you an apology

It's alright fella, I forgive you. Apology Accepted... now if you really wanna show everyone your sorry though. Set up a camcorder and I want you to drop to your knees and say "I'm Not The Best" tell it too the camcorder buddy.
Do as I say, not as I do.



Jun 4th 2016, 16:45:16

At least we have SS's attention, maybe he'll play next set.

Its a win for LaF!
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

IgnitionCWG Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 17:07:24


Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 4th 2016, 17:19:42

It's not a funny story. You just made it up. Since you want to hear funny stories I'll tell you one. Back when the game was still new a certain alliance accused the admins of changing the game rules to penalize them and to benefit someone else. We were still trying to be good game stewards back then so we did a full investigation. It turned out that the game functioned exactly how the alliance thought it used to work. Nothing was changed. The guy who failed a grab just did the math wrong. At the time I didn't realize that was the first in a string of hundreds of similarly baseless accusations from a loud-mouthed, destructive group of players.

A lot of the conspiracy theories thrown out really are quite mundane. I don't think that people understand what having full access to the game's code and database actually means. Who gives a fluff about a country number? If I was out to get a player and I didn't care about ethical boundaries I could have done something like edit the IP of a country that got grabbed a lot to match the IP of the player. The player would then get deleted for cheating. Since it's impossible to prove that a player isn't cheating that player would have been screwed. The players who think the admins are out to get them should think about why that never happened.

On the subject of cheating, some players seem to have the idea that as long as you don't run multies anything that you do in the game or on the forums is okay. Not running multies is the bare minimum. There are many different types of cheating in this game. Some range from extremely destructive to arguably beneficial. There are also many different ways that players can interact with the community. Some of them are extremely destructive. It used to be disappointing to see the pride that some players take in being so destructive.

Heston Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 20:13:31

❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 20:28:43

Originally posted by Slagpit:
It's not a funny story. You just made it up. Since you want to hear funny stories I'll tell you one. Back when the game was still new a certain alliance accused the admins of changing the game rules to penalize them and to benefit someone else. We were still trying to be good game stewards back then so we did a full investigation. It turned out that the game functioned exactly how the alliance thought it used to work. Nothing was changed. The guy who failed a grab just did the math wrong. At the time I didn't realize that was the first in a string of hundreds of similarly baseless accusations from a loud-mouthed, destructive group of players.

On the subject of cheating, some players seem to have the idea that as long as you don't run multies anything that you do in the game or on the forums is okay. Not running multies is the bare minimum. There are many different types of cheating in this game. Some range from extremely destructive to arguably beneficial. There are also many different ways that players can interact with the community. Some of them are extremely destructive. It used to be disappointing to see the pride that some players take in being so destructive.

Um ok? I don't remember ever suggesting anything about attack formulas that was wrong, dr formulas were wrong which I told you and provided evidence of but you know... why would you listen to me it's not like I knew anything about the game or anything.

There aren't really many different types of cheating, there are things within the game rules and things outside the game rules. There is unethical gameplay i.e. sending spies into other alliances, and things of that sort granted that was once common place again it was something I never did. If you think my time playing the game was destructive by positioning laf to the in the best possible place then I'd say you and me have differing views on what the game is.

My douchyness was political and grew my alliance (we went from what 4-5th? best alliance to the top alliance in the game both netgaining and warring, without anyone really close)
Your (and anon/kj can get grouped into this as well) douchyness was out of being sour with no thought to the impact it would have on your alliance, and took evo from a 70 odd member alliance with a relatively high standard to a tag that I wouldn't trust to beat a spam tag in a war.

You really want to argue I was destructive by warring you once and then giving you a three reset pact? Granted I ran a few more wars after that, but they were wars you got yourselves in while I was completely away from politics, that was just for the enjoyment of hearing your whine.

The people that destroyed the game were the ones thrust into leadership due to a lack of alternatives that didn't know how to run an alliance, and those that while capable were too bull headed to compromise for the benefit of their alliances. At least from when I last played LaF/SoF was the last power coalition, the fact that they ran the game for so long without much competition reflects badly on the people leading the rest of the server rather than the policies laf/sof undertook.

Edited By: SolidSnake on Jun 4th 2016, 20:33:57
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 4th 2016, 22:05:34

Not everything is about you. I thought we were having an honest discussion here. Instead you replied to what you hoped I wrote instead of what I actually wrote. You even edited out the paragraph that you don't want to respond to in the quoted text. That's cute.

Let me try to steer you in the right direction. In no part of my post was I saying anything about Evo. I'm sure that your political maneuvers 10 years ago were just sublime but who gives a fluff? I don't even remember the stuff that you're talking about. It's not important to me.

Want to try again? If all you're interested in is self promotion instead of an honest discussion that's fine. Just say so.

SolidSnake Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 23:18:03

You say you want an honest discussion but continue to lie hence why I edited out a paragraph I'm not even going to reply to anymore since what's the point? You literally haven't spoken of any real events except to deny ones that actually took place. Real honest discussion...

You're replying to a thread that is quite literally about me, if your referencing other people, say so. Or just keep slandering me behind the cover of referring to groups of players.

Vic Game profile


Jun 4th 2016, 23:35:29

hey scagpit, just a heads up... this thread is titled "solid snake the best player of all time?" ...

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2016, 1:09:56

Elliot was better than SS.
- Premium Patron Member

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 5th 2016, 1:47:25

Running away with your tail between your legs is fine too. You brought me into this thread by talking fluff and dropping my name, but now you're whining because I'm asking you hypothetical questions? Poor baby. Go back to your echo chamber where you can relive your "glory days". Much more comfortable than doing any critical thinking, I'm sure.

mrford Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 1:52:31

emopit crying about someone else crying?

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 5th 2016, 1:56:34

Content-free post #19326 by mrford. Will there be a 19327th? Stay tuned.

EDIT: Yes!

Edited By: Slagpit on Jun 5th 2016, 2:25:41
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:16:02

embellishment is another form of crying emopit. let it all out!
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:16:13

That's why Evo failed, mrford

It was full of emo losers like fagpit, kj and nukevil who would rather whine and cry foul than actually try to be competitive at literally anything

An alliance consisting of members with such a loser attitude was bound to fail sooner or later

mrford Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 2:17:50

remember that time someone posted his picture and he raged out hard?

that was entertaining as fugg.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford