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Flamey: it's SoF side calling it a gangbang. the 200 side also had ~15% of their numbers wait until the 180 were heavily worn down before jumping in.
I'm not calling it a gangbang, and until that extra alliance was called in, the war was decent, and it was genuinely all about tactics. Admittedly at that stage of the war, our side was starting to lose some momentum, and SoF/LaF was catching up, but it was a war where everone was getting their grievances out and off their chest. if our side had lost, we'd have had no excuse, beyond getting out-warred.
That said, this time we got out-politicked.
It happens, but I suspect the result is detrimental for the game as a whole. SoF/LaF/RD have demonstrated that they can and will dictate the rules of the server to everyone else, and that they can and will pick on whoever they want, whenever they want, and that this will most definitely be whoever decides NOT to play by SOF/LaF's rules.
Remember all the fluffing about tyhe stuff going on in the team server? SoF/LaF is doing the same here.
It was our side that offered genuine peacetalks sets back, which were undermined by SoL/Evo/MD.
It was your side who chose the arbitary period of 6 months to drop LaF and planned to kill them until they were less relevent to the server (plenty of logs exist).
It was also your alliance that choose to FS SoF 2/3 sets.
It was your alliance who chose to ally SoL, the biggest bullier of alliances in the game, despite previously refusing to on principle. Sacraficing your principles because you felt wronged that we didn't stand for your policy, which some alliances on your side also disagreed with. I don't know if you saw our pacting conversations, but we went a long way to offer compramises for a policy which we have with every pacted alliance in the game. PDM was too high and mighty to compramise, whilst we were even able to work our differences with RD via the diplomatic route.
And even this set, it was only our recruitment and LaF retaining their size that kept us from being slaughted by an offensive from your side. You fail to see our motivation, this was a war for our survival, highligted by the fact an alliance on your side threated to FS us oop for multiple sets at the beginning of the war.
You need to wake up and expand your horizons from the SoF/LaF is evil narrative.