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"Ultimately, most of these changes don't really affect most people's day to day lives. I'd love to hear how any policy Pres. Obama has implemented during his 3 1/2 years so far has had a tangible effect on your freedom. "
Have you been hiding in a closet? Obama care for one. That one is easy. He has also chosen to not enforce immigration laws that help take away jobs legal citizens WOULD do. His immigration policy rewards illegals and punishes LEGAL American. This has had a great impact on my family. See, my brother had to leave the country for YEARS because his Filipino fiance could not legally enter the US until just recently. He had to wait YEARS and it cost thousands of dollars for her to finally be brought here for him to marry. Meanwhile, Obama refuses to apply the same enforcement to illegals.
Obama has also allowed Mexican truck drivers to enter and drive in the USA. My pop is a truck driver and this will affect him. Not only is that taking away our jobs but consider this, they are not required to meet the same safety and emissions that our drivers have to meet. How can US guys compete with that when we have limits on drive time and our vehicles have all kinds of safety and emissions to pay for?
Thats 3 things that have directly affected me and my family that are all Anti- American and wrong. I could bring up how Obama has armed Mexican drug lords through fast and fourious. How he used back door crooked "Chiago style" ways to get anything passed. I could also remind everyone here about how Black Panthers with clubs were allowed to stand outside voting placed but were not prosecuted because they were not white. How he is planning to sell us out to the Russians with our missile defense systems. Yes, there are tonz of things i could say about Obama. None of them are good. I hope real soon i will be able to say one good thing about him. That will be "thanks God he is gone!". I look forward to the day he is no longer president and hope and believe Romney will do the job.
Twain, i challenge you to name something GOOD he has done. You cannot say he "got Bin Laddin". The military did that just as it did while Bush was in office and they got Saddam. You could say Obama has weakened the military by allowing openly gays to serve, thus weakening our troop cohesiveness. Yes, i would agree he has been very pro gay, but is there not other issues that need addressing here in America? Cause his economic policies, health care and military cuts Have ALL been bad for America.
I know you will respond by name calling. Call me racist or say im anti gay for me not believing in gay marriage (for religious reasons). You will probably also say i dont like obama cause he is black. What you will not do is admit that i am right and everything Obama has done has hurt America and not helped. BTW- what president has increased the national debt more than any other? He did it in just 4 years- OBAMA!
1) Farming --- American's do not/ will not/ care not to work on the brutal life off farm work, illegals do it. They go, you now have food prices through the roof, as Americans will want to get paid at least 12/hour to do all the back breaking 12-18 hour a day work. So they go, so do your low cost farm products lol
2) Landscaping --- Think Americans want to do that brutal work out in the 100 + degree heat? No, I don't see white, black, asian, guys out there, I see Latino, they go, so do all your landscapping
3) The market --- all the illegals go, so all your cheap products. Do you guys that hate the illegals here thing about the repercussions? No, you just hate them because they are hear illegally.
4) Stopping the Illegal Immigrants--- You want the illegals here to stop? Then we have to go into Mexico, war the cartels, and make Mexico a safe place to work again. They come here because of our huge drug habits. Sorry that is not Obama's fault, Americans were using drugs long before Obama lol. If Mexico was a safe place to work, offered decent wages, all these families would disappear. Sorry, but if I lived in Mexico, I should would not continue living there. Mexicans are doing the very basic human nature, and that is finding a way to survive
5-- What will Romney do? I have been having thie debate with a heavy Republican Co-Worker of mine, in his 40's, about what will happen if Romney gets elected. We both came to the same conclusion, nothing will happen. Your deep Republican states are electing more and more very hard line, no compromise Tea Partiers into Congress. They in turn do NOT like Romney. So what happens when you have a President and Congress that do not like each other? Statemate.
6-- What will happen? I predict, that if Romney is elected, that it will cost the Republicans big in 2014. They will have all the power again, House Tea Party, and other Republicans will not work with Romney on most issues, and they will fall apart in 2014 as nothing, once again gets done. It is in the polling data, many Republicans do not like Romney, but only want to vote him in to defeat Obama.....
is that REALLY the best reason to vote in the most powerful Representative Leader in the world? If the House (and Senate if it falls into Republicans hands which I doubt) vote to repeal National Health Care, will Romney sign and repeal it? Something based mostly off of his own legislation? Do you want to have that going into 2016? I repealed legislation that I fought for and signed into law as Gov?
Being President sucks... He will make promises that he will almost certainly not keep (based on knowledge he learns on becoming president, a non functioning Congress, or other factors), he will be secretive, he will do things in the grey area, the Supreme Court make up won't change, if he is elected president, 1 maybe 2 Republican leaning Justices might retire, but no librals.
The economy will be all on his hands, everyone will be looking at him to make "the magic" happen, to give the economy that elixer that is has been looking for, it will most likely not happen as everyone thinks, after a HUGE recession, that the economy will just magically come back to life, he will further get blamed, further hurting republicans.
This is my take, the President has a lot of powers, but he is not almighty, he can't just create that elixer to fix the economy, either the economy has to fix itself, with help from the federal government, but mostly, it has to fix itself.
7 Europe --- Romney will have very little control over what happens in Europe. He can meet, discuss, plan with the European Leaders and the Euro banks, but if they fail, to improve European Markets, Romeny will further get blamed (just as Obama is now when he has no control over how Europe does its things)
There are many factors that are in play right now, many of them Obams's fault, many of them not.