
Karnage XZ


Jun 30th 2019, 14:52:49

Solve your own problems SoF. If you want me dead, do your own dirty work. Besides SoF hit me first and so did PDM, but this is how selfish SoF is, they ask netters to involve themselves in a war even though they don't want too. Anyways, it was my pleasure seeing what it was like to be in the "greatest warring alliance in earth" again. Thanks for having me. πŸ˜‚
Do as I say, not as I do.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 30th 2019, 15:07:36

They said that? Greatest warring alliance in Earth?

They are below Imag, Merc, SOL and LaF in HPM, three of whom have warred for a significantly shorter time. And they shouldn't complain about the FS from LaF because according to them it was "the joke of the server" and "weak as piss":
Originally posted by TaSk1:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I like the SoFt attempt to turn this into a server war in order to shift the attention from us whooping their ass at their own game..


LOL your FS was the joke of the server mate!

We were 5 kills a piece before the end of the day!

Weak as piss.

Karnage XZ


Jun 30th 2019, 19:19:29

Hey..I'm Just repeating what I've heard.

Also Going to post this here:

Message from Earth Gone Wild (#65) sent on Jun 29, 22:50
Report this message
hey mate,

Why you deflect from SOF? Here at PDM we don't like meddling with any drama and would of hoped that the war kept clean so we didn't need to do any policing... SOL/SOF have asked us to actually do some policing and you're country name has been mentioned.

I hope you understand,
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Jun 30th 2019, 19:20:56

weak as piss huh?!
Do as I say, not as I do.

Neil Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 20:42:04

Why dont you rejoin LaF?


is a friend
It stays true until the end
When all else frays away,
is here to stay.
Loyalty is the essence of your goals
it has a mind of it's own,
it embeds itself in your soul.
When all else fails,
and life get's tough,
Loyalty is there,
to pick you up.
When you speak of value,
of virtue and strength.
There is no other characteristic than loyalty
that you could hope to take
To possess such a flawless trait,
is something that is worth the wait.
We should all hope to obtain...Loyalty.

Neil Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 20:43:08

Just fyi since you dont know, that wasnt a pun, a pun is a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings.

Karnage XZ


Jun 30th 2019, 20:52:51

Sounds like you guys won't bother to do anything. Thanks for the poem. Lovely!
Do as I say, not as I do.

Neil Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 20:52:54

You know, its 20 years of playing this game and you are the first person I honestly truly dislike.

If I could choose to remove you or captcha from the game I would choose you.

I hope you never find happiness and your wishes and dreams remain unfulfilled.

Karnage XZ


Jun 30th 2019, 20:55:00

Originally posted by Neil:
You know, its 20 years of playing this game and you are the first person I honestly truly dislike.

If I could choose to remove you or captcha from the game I would choose you.

I hope you never find happiness and your wishes and dreams remain unfulfilled.
You know with that poem, if you didn't write it, you should cite your sources otherwise it's plagiarism.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Jun 30th 2019, 20:56:13

Originally posted by Neil:
You know, its 20 years of playing this game and you are the first person I honestly truly dislike.

If I could choose to remove you or captcha from the game I would choose you.

I hope you never find happiness and your wishes and dreams remain unfulfilled.
I hope you have lived a full life.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2019, 21:08:02

Does this mean he secretly likes me?

Neil Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 21:09:38

dunning kruger, you are literally too stupid to understand your own hypocrisy.

Neil Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 21:10:22

It means its just a game and i dont dislike you.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2019, 21:18:10

I'll take that as a yes. I like you too, Neil. You look very nice today...

Neil Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 21:38:57

Seriously Derrick you don't find what Kanarage did to be fluffed up? Did Gerdler and the other LaFers know?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 30th 2019, 22:13:59

What are you even referring to?

I didn't know Karnage was in SoF from the start I bugged him to make a country several times.

Meanwhile, Xyle and another SoFer has been in the LaF boxcar site stealing information looking up country owners and I don't know what else last set. And even right before the FS you pulled last set Xyle logged in and thought he would get some info but instead got the information from one of his other TWO informants within LaF at the time.
That flow of information has now ceased as accesses were revoked but IΒ΄m sure Xyle has either already planted new spies in LaF or has tried to do so.

When Xyle left LaF after the mutually agreed server war two sets ago did he have information from the LaF site or not with him? Did he copy strategies, practices or such?
What about Chevs who was in SOL at that time?
What about other SoF leaders/vets who were using aliases and playing from within LaF and SOL two sets ago and also last to feed information to you?

This has always been the name of the game, Sov aka Xyle Aka Mr whatever color has always been on the top of that game. I take your post as a compliment for thinking I'm ALSO that clever. I have never been. I am not even clever enough to know the color of Xyle/Sov in RD.

I'm clever with numbers, I'm very clever with strategy, Im very active and some say Im a decent waller and a decent warchat leader. Thats what I bring to the table, and its why I dont need to be so sneaky as Xyle to beat him twice over since he goes inactive whenever he has a setback and he dies so easily ingame plus he creates far inferior strategies for SoFers.

Edited By: Gerdler on Jun 30th 2019, 22:33:36

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2019, 22:17:02

What? Detagged from some clan and hit them with the other side? I actually did sort of the same thing this set on teams tbh.

I'll join tags and if i find their agenda to be purely malicious to other tags, such as sof rn or tso on team, I typically detag and fight with the other side. There's a decided difference between building good wars (as sol intended this set) and just sabotaging other players (which public statements lead me to believe is SoF's intention). I find myself to only be a fan of the former, and i don't think I'm an oddity in that. It's actually super common for wardogs who fought in 100+ wars to decide late with their heart, being that they've been in this community the whole time and have real firends everywhere. It's usually difficult for police to kill players like us so they eventually give up and we get back in the war. I think if SoF had the intention of providing parity and fun wars, syko probably would have stayed.

It's just that one track mindedness of destroying the netters for no reason (maybe to run off longtime players?) that sucks. I've seen players in laf.war this set that i havent ever seen play in laf. The reason they are there is because they are fighting for netting to be competitive again instead of the best player in monsters gets an automatic win. The end of the set last set was dead silent everywhere which is wholly disappointing to even wardogs like myself.

I think if sof had pure intentions of reestablishing itself and providing some good wars, that would be legit. If i was in his shoes, i probably would have reacted the same. Especially when i saw you topfeeding and RoR'ing laf before the war even started.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2019, 22:40:27

Try to imagine fighting with and against every clan in this game over the years like me and syko have. If you peeked at the memorial forum, you'd get a better idea of how the community actually feels about people, clanmate or not. We've all become really close.

I want good wars as much as the next guy and sometimes i do dumb fluff to get them, but i actually know a large number of people that play even in sof but also everywhere. People like gutty and ironx are people i consider personal friends. I know what they do for a living and for leisure. We've pinged each other repeatedly at 3am and theres walls people remember from years ago when i dropped my phone in my own vomit walling ironx lol. We have a ton of memories together. And if people no one knew came here with the intention of eliminating them from the game, I'd back them up 100%.

When people come here with no knowledge of us or how we feel about each other, and seem to just have the blantant intention of making the game so toxic that i never see those people again, it's frustrating. I've never liked xyle so i wasnt going to ever do sof reunion even tho i played there a handful of sets. I think syko did the right thing though, in supporting the interests of keeping the community together.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jun 30th 2019, 22:49:43
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jun 30th 2019, 22:47:13

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It's just that one track mindedness of destroying the netters for no reason (maybe to run off longtime players?) that sucks. I've seen players in laf.war this set that i havent ever seen play in laf. The reason they are there is because they are fighting for netting to be competitive again instead of the best player in monsters gets an automatic win. The end of the set last set was dead silent everywhere which is wholly disappointing to even wardogs like myself.

I think if sof had pure intentions of reestablishing itself and providing some good wars, that would be legit. If i was in his shoes, i probably would have reacted the same. Especially when i saw you topfeeding and RoR'ing laf before the war even started.

Not only LaF but they also went off on Monsters last set with no reps payed and they attacked PS and Omega this set before the war. A netter who left his home alliance to come to LaF this set for the first time in almost two decades said it best and I'm paraphrasing but as accuratly as I can from memory; "First they came for LaF, and I did nothing... now I dont want that to be how it ends for me."

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 22:50:24

This game needs a reset

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2019, 22:51:39

Edited By: Jayr on Jul 2nd 2019, 0:23:15
wasn't me...

Boltar Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 1:22:48

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
It's just that one track mindedness of destroying the netters for no reason (maybe to run off longtime players?) that sucks. I've seen players in laf.war this set that i havent ever seen play in laf. The reason they are there is because they are fighting for netting to be competitive again instead of the best player in monsters gets an automatic win. The end of the set last set was dead silent everywhere which is wholly disappointing to even wardogs like myself.

I think if sof had pure intentions of reestablishing itself and providing some good wars, that would be legit. If i was in his shoes, i probably would have reacted the same. Especially when i saw you topfeeding and RoR'ing laf before the war even started.

Not only LaF but they also went off on Monsters last set with no reps payed and they attacked PS and Omega this set before the war. A netter who left his home alliance to come to LaF this set for the first time in almost two decades said it best and I'm paraphrasing but as accuratly as I can from memory; "First they came for LaF, and I did nothing... now I dont want that to be how it ends for me."

i cant speak for the monsters thing, but the PS and Omega was a accident and PS was getting paid back before the FS, i know cause i personally gave up acres to help pay PS and said omega country that was hit was a 20k gs that blindly went thru

mrcuban Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 1:58:13

TBH if a 20k Gs goes through then it says more about the country owner then it does about the accidental gs...

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 1st 2019, 2:37:28

Yeah I know and those ppl who die in mass shootings really get what they deserve for not wearing kevlar.
I'm not sure you are getting the point any other way. The offender is never right. Women dont deserve to be raped because they are showing a certain amount of skin or whatever.
The offender is never right and pact terms and 20+ years of precedent has established a certain standard of etiquette between alliances, a standard of play that the SoF of old was part of establishing. Its part their legacy, as well as LaF, PDM, RED, Evo, SOL, MD, Omega, Rage, IX etc etc.

It was in everyones best interest and it was the honorable thing to do, and not only that it was practical too to have a framework that the offender pays reps for suiciders, stray hits etc. And so just like in express or primary but for other reasons we can run 0 troops if we want in 1a, team and FFA.

Also, if his break was higher than 20k, how high would it need to be to make him safe to someone who wanted to break through?
I got people with 200-300 raw spal and 1-2m troops. You mean to tell me that you are netting with the defence/spal to be safe from that?

daspheebsie Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 2:42:26

Current SoLer
Retired LaF
One time at band camp Evo

sinistril Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 3:02:54

Originally posted by mrcuban:
TBH if a 20k Gs goes through then it says more about the country owner then it does about the accidental gs...

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

mrcuban Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 3:32:55

We've all had the discussion about defence and every country is breakable. But with the amount of toxicity in this game surely your MMR is to keep above 10k troops? Regardless of etiquette Its far to easy for someone who has spent the entire set trying to better their finish, to have it all destroyed by some toxic fluffwit within a few minutes.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 1st 2019, 4:02:25

If I keep adequate defence it doesn't matter how much time I spend I still wont beat someone who does not so I would have destroyed my finish all by myself.
Because someone can drop a netter in 6 different ways; GS, Spies, BR, AB, SS/PS and/or missiles, and that means I have to have defence that challenges a suiciders ability to break me in all those 6 areas at all times of the reset.

Right now that would look like 60 spal, 5m troops, 4m turrets, 600k tanks, 75% SDI. Something like this? Is anyone of the top netters on the server near that? is there any country on the server that has this? If not I could waste its chances at a top 50 and I have been wasting resources at war for nearly a week.

sinistril Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 4:14:31

Originally posted by mrcuban:
We've all had the discussion about defence and every country is breakable. But with the amount of toxicity in this game surely your MMR is to keep above 10k troops? Regardless of etiquette Its far to easy for someone who has spent the entire set trying to better their finish, to have it all destroyed by some toxic fluffwit within a few minutes.

It's about percentages. Unless you're specifically targetted, there's a minimal chance you get suicided. Probably less than 1-2%. If you get suicided, being gsed is the best case scenario. An "accidental" gs by a war clan happens almost never. Its even rarer than being suicided. If you keep 0 troops, then it pays for itself over and over again for everytime you get suicided. If you have enemies then it might make sense but if someone wants to ruin your reset, keeping enough defense to prevent it won't matter unless you get to the point where you ruin your own reset by keeping too much defense out of paranoia. Just set alerts and take a bit of a risk.

Edited By: sinistril on Jul 1st 2019, 4:43:17
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 1st 2019, 4:42:09

^^Well said and we should remember that the GS run and the missile run by SoF on Omega and PS respectively was prior to the war between LaF and SoF. It was just a SoF head who picked two netters either at random or targeted them for some reason and messed with them just like bayrock did last set. It's what they are fighting for, to suicide people at random and not pay up.


EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 5:28:48

just putting this here

2019-06-18 05:18:29 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 99A (129A)
2019-06-18 05:18:23 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 125A (172A)
2019-06-18 05:18:19 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 163A (233A)
2019-06-18 05:18:15 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 223A (331A)
2019-06-18 05:18:05 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega DH
2019-06-18 05:17:43 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 295A (418A)


2019-06-18 06:28:59 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 192A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:21:45 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 185A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:20:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 225A (312A)
2019-06-18 06:19:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 280A (401A)


2019-06-18 12:45:18 PS All Eyez On Me (#253) SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF 485A (683A)


2019-06-18 13:07:17 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 363A (437A)

then on 2019-06-20 01:58:01
All Eyez On Me (#253)
Clan: SoF

Could be some hella friendly recruitment, i'm sure that's the story
Could also be a planned two-step with a followup crappy landtrade for show

Sucks for Omega



Jul 1st 2019, 6:41:10

For what it’s worth, SoF was easy to work with for reps for the accidental hits on PS.

-Z (Post Script)

Boltar Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 14:15:40

Originally posted by Gerdler:
^^Well said and we should remember that the GS run and the missile run by SoF on Omega and PS respectively was prior to the war between LaF and SoF. It was just a SoF head who picked two netters either at random or targeted them for some reason and messed with them just like bayrock did last set. It's what they are fighting for, to suicide people at random and not pay up.

those countries he hit, was team server targets and he hit the wrong server, hes still hearing crap about it

Originally posted by ZoSo:
just putting this here

2019-06-18 05:18:29 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 99A (129A)
2019-06-18 05:18:23 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 125A (172A)
2019-06-18 05:18:19 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 163A (233A)
2019-06-18 05:18:15 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 223A (331A)
2019-06-18 05:18:05 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega DH
2019-06-18 05:17:43 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 295A (418A)


2019-06-18 06:28:59 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 192A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:21:45 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 185A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:20:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 225A (312A)
2019-06-18 06:19:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 280A (401A)


2019-06-18 12:45:18 PS All Eyez On Me (#253) SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF 485A (683A)


2019-06-18 13:07:17 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 363A (437A)

then on 2019-06-20 01:58:01
All Eyez On Me (#253)
Clan: SoF

Could be some hella friendly recruitment, i'm sure that's the story
Could also be a planned two-step with a followup crappy landtrade for show

Sucks for Omega

hes a recruit, dont know how or why he would join after being farmed, but he chose to

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 14:31:06

Still a two step. Omega got screwed. Two stepping has been unacceptable for 20 years. If you wanted to give him tag protection from the retals suddenly you should have paid reps back.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 1st 2019, 14:36:31
See Original Post

Boltar Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 14:47:39

in reality omega should have come to us, and this should be there business not elders or lafs or sols or anyone elses had they come to me, they would have gotten reps

Red X Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 14:48:12

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Still a two step. Omega got screwed. Two stepping has been unacceptable for 20 years. If you wanted to give him tag protection from the retals suddenly you should have paid reps back.

As much as I love omega getting hit I do agree with this.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 15:00:18


Probably could get the land back cheaper from bots anyways, and not have to deal with some negotiations. Easy road is just saying whatever and chalking it up.

I dont think people want you to pay reps. They want the two-stepping to stop. They want the bayrocks to stop etc.

Aside from that i dont think it would even be possible to pay monsters reps if your entire tag FAd them everyday for the rest of the set.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 1st 2019, 15:14:30

well not now... but last set they could have, sof was what, 1.3m acres? They would totally have been able to pay it in a few days if they wanted to, and I'm sure Monsters would have agreed to reps that only payed back a third of what was lost, just to see that SoF is serious about not condoning what Bayrock did.

It would not have been a popular decision within the SoF camp tho, and since Xyle is a weak leader he doesn't dare to do that or create a fun mutually agreed war that would be even and all sides enjoyed.

So in conclusion Xyle has messed with Monsters, LaF, Omega and PS. Dunno if Evo is next or is spared for some reason. But he has messed with those and he has stated that he hates netters and his members has said as much as well. They just want that part of the game to end. The scoresheet is netters 2 - SoF 0.

Neil Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 16:32:48

Originally posted by Gerdler:
What are you even referring to?

I didn't know Karnage was in SoF from the start I bugged him to make a country several times.

You know what I am referring to. If he wasn't a spy why would he join SoF under a fake name? What purpose would it serve? It makes no sense....

Neil Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 16:35:38

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I think syko did the right thing though, in supporting the interests of keeping the community together.

Joining under a fake name an alliance he was banned from is the right thing to do in the interest of keeping the community together? This is the type of stuff that makes wars go on, alliances disband, people suicide......

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 17:11:36

I didnt know all that. What was his nick there? If it was syko or karnage it was not a fake alias. He's used both interchangeably for a loooong long time. Several sofers know that im sure.

All i heard is that he was there and then chose to not be anymore. He and xyle seemed tight enough to me when they played together in laf...

Not only that but i thought your goal was for wars to go on and alliances to worst you're one in the same....

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 1st 2019, 17:30:08
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2019, 17:35:33

Perhaps I've misread your intentions from the dozens of messages you guys left saying that was your intention.....

/me shrugs

Neil Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 17:36:06

He joined under a different name.....

Karnage XZ


Jul 1st 2019, 17:38:16

A fake name? if I chose it than it must be my name. I have a whole list of aliases in this game but two commonly known ones. This has become a bashing thread on both me and sof, apparently some people are unsure of who deserves the bashing more.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Jul 1st 2019, 17:43:43

Also neil most of us dont use our real government names in this game. We use fake ones, if you chose to tell everyone your real name thats a personal problem. Derrick uses his real name too, I'm one of the many who chooses aliases over my real name to protect myself from online exploitation.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Karnage XZ


Jul 1st 2019, 17:49:44

Originally posted by mrcuban:
TBH if a 20k Gs goes through then it says more about the country owner then it does about the accidental gs...
or like when you're asked to police in a war, start attacking one country in a disorganized fashion with low defenses and your a 220k BR and get wrecked for over 11k buildings to an inferior country when you have an alliance of 6 people.
Do as I say, not as I do.

mrford Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 17:57:50

He joined under the nick "crazylegs"

never understood why people change nicks all the time. Guess it's because I have never been banned from the forums or any tag.that I k ow of. Weird.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

xWarchiefx Game profile

New Member

Jul 1st 2019, 18:12:27

Originally posted by mrford:
He joined under the nick "crazylegs"

never understood why people change nicks all the time. Guess it's because I have never been banned from the forums or any tag.that I k ow of. Weird.

Right! You have only been banned from being a mod... because you couldn’t handle the responsibilities.

You were also thought to have cheated years ago by many but somehow did it without being detected.

Edited By: xWarchiefx on Jul 1st 2019, 18:39:50

ChEEsEMaN_OG Game profile

New Member

Jul 1st 2019, 18:43:36

Lol just so you know it wasn't a land trade the fellow apologized after making the wrong hit so i just left it alone! I used to play in SoF once upon a time in history and after all, it's Earth 2025. A game. :)

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
^^Well said and we should remember that the GS run and the missile run by SoF on Omega and PS respectively was prior to the war between LaF and SoF. It was just a SoF head who picked two netters either at random or targeted them for some reason and messed with them just like bayrock did last set. It's what they are fighting for, to suicide people at random and not pay up.

those countries he hit, was team server targets and he hit the wrong server, hes still hearing crap about it

Originally posted by ZoSo:
just putting this here

2019-06-18 05:18:29 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 99A (129A)
2019-06-18 05:18:23 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 125A (172A)
2019-06-18 05:18:19 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 163A (233A)
2019-06-18 05:18:15 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 223A (331A)
2019-06-18 05:18:05 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega DH
2019-06-18 05:17:43 SS All Eyez On Me (#253) STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#6) TheOmega 295A (418A)


2019-06-18 06:28:59 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 192A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:21:45 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 185A (248A)
2019-06-18 06:20:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 225A (312A)
2019-06-18 06:19:53 SS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 280A (401A)


2019-06-18 12:45:18 PS All Eyez On Me (#253) SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF 485A (683A)


2019-06-18 13:07:17 PS SoFt Boiled Eggs (#139) SoF All Eyez On Me (#253) 363A (437A)

then on 2019-06-20 01:58:01
All Eyez On Me (#253)
Clan: SoF

Could be some hella friendly recruitment, i'm sure that's the story
Could also be a planned two-step with a followup crappy landtrade for show

Sucks for Omega

hes a recruit, dont know how or why he would join after being farmed, but he chose to

mrford Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 19:07:21

Originally posted by xWarchiefx:
Originally posted by mrford:
He joined under the nick "crazylegs"

never understood why people change nicks all the time. Guess it's because I have never been banned from the forums or any tag.that I k ow of. Weird.

Right! You have only been banned from being a mod... because you couldn’t handle the responsibilities.

You were also thought to have cheated years ago by many but somehow did it without being detected.

I was the wikipedia's mod, and emopit rage demoted me for trolling him. I was not banned as far as I know, I just didnt see the point in asking for it back since half my job was fixing bogus edits. Who needs that headache? Especially since I was just doing it as a favor to help expand the wiki to help new players. And that was like, a decade ago lol. No powers were ever abused. I never had ingame perms.

And I never cheated. I dont know who you are but feel free to prove otherwise. Or atleast provide context lol.

Edited By: mrford on Jul 1st 2019, 19:16:48
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford