
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 4th 2019, 23:01:46

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by Neil:
DerrickICN there are reasons no one respects you or elders.

Your side threatens outside the game violence (banks), talks smack about dead people (kanarage) and makes homophobic comments (you) then you want to act like we are childish for having fun in games.

What Kanarage has said to me and others goes beyond the game. Whatever alliance he is in will HAVE to fight because of him.

You got a big mouth, good thing LaF has Elders back and won't be netting anytime soon.

Face it, Kanarage ensured a war this set and you are ensuring a war net set.

I love how people who aren't Elders are considered Elders by you. Neil, you're out of your element.

Yeah neither of those people are in elders and I'm bi so......

I can ask politely if you'd like, but you seemed like a power bottom and im tryna get some. Figured a submissive like you might like the more aggressive touch.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 4th 2019, 23:13:39
See Original Post

Karnage XZ


Jul 4th 2019, 23:02:11

I take full responsibility for what i've said and done. Does anybody else? P.S. I don't think LaF is afraid of beating sof into submission repeatedly. You can't make threats when you have fallen short two resets in a row.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 4th 2019, 23:24:48

Btw. Since you think that is homophobic, something that has run rampant in this game as much as sexism, i have to ask, are you gay and have you ever played this game before?

If the answer to both is yes, A/S/L? Pics?


Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 5th 2019, 0:58:26

Originally posted by Neil:

Face it, Kanarage ensured a war this set and you are ensuring a war net set.

Face it, that was a pathetic lie, no one was fooled by it. You were told by xyle and everyone that you were gonna war LaF this set and for the rest of the year and possibly well into next year. Your leaders have said so on AT and that is what is not something Karny is to blame for and neither can he do anything to prevent it.

50 posts like this before this set and during this set has made your intentions very clear:
Originally posted by Neil:
LaF has Elders back and won't be netting anytime soon.

Further, Karnage made ONE hit, he was not the first or the last, and unlike some other of your members he accepted the retal. If I had had any say in the matter I would have told him not to hit LaF as it wouldn't accomplish anything.
And the first grabs and RORs were the reason we started spying you and seeing that you were gearing for early war. You might have gotten away with it had you not RoRed us and hit us a bunch.



Jul 5th 2019, 1:23:49

Just to be clear, Hardy did NOT pay reps - his country and Boltar’s did lose some land. Hardy WAS prepared to pay reps, but I didn’t pursue it after Gainsy declared war. I now DO expect 500 million bushels from Gains as compensation.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 5th 2019, 1:30:18

They are on the market for you, all at 36 and 37. Just buy them.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 5th 2019, 1:32:17

How to pay reps during warsets:

12.1 hours ago
Blouses 1 Pants 0 (#9) [Elders] sent Foreign Aid to La Furie (#129) [RAGE]! It contained:

Any questions?

Hardy Game profile


Jul 5th 2019, 2:42:43

Originally posted by ZPS:
Just to be clear, Hardy did NOT pay reps - his country and Boltar’s did lose some land. Hardy WAS prepared to pay reps, but I didn’t pursue it after Gainsy declared war. I now DO expect 500 million bushels from Gains as compensation.

Very true my apologies. I believe it was 265m. I’m open to sending it to you next set :)

[quote poster=DerrickICN; 47239; 903231]How to pay reps during warsets:

12.1 hours ago
Blouses 1 Pants 0 (#9) [Elders] sent Foreign Aid to La Furie (#129) [RAGE]! It contained:

Any questions? [/quote]

Am I supposed to be impressed? :p

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 5th 2019, 9:07:05

Honestly neither of us would be paying reps if we didn't smoke so much weed. I think we both smoke an impressive amount.

Red X Game profile


Jul 5th 2019, 12:47:24

Originally posted by Gerdler:
They are on the market for you, all at 36 and 37. Just buy them.

Love it
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Hardy Game profile


Jul 5th 2019, 14:06:23

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Honestly neither of us would be paying reps if we didn't smoke so much weed. I think we both smoke an impressive amount.

Since legalization here in Canada I’m big on the tinctures, oils and capsules.. lasts longer than smoking :)

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 5th 2019, 21:35:15

Originally posted by Hardy:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Honestly neither of us would be paying reps if we didn't smoke so much weed. I think we both smoke an impressive amount.

Since legalization here in Canada I’m big on the tinctures, oils and capsules.. lasts longer than smoking :)

Im from Michigan originally and it went the same. I went hard on wax and oil and stuff when it first came out but i found myself missing doobies and just went back to buying flower a year or so ago. Plus whenever i had one of those pen things i used to just stay high as fluff at work and make mistakes because i didn't have to hide to smoke. For my own ability to work without being completely rekt i think flower is the right decision lol.

DruncK Game profile


Jul 6th 2019, 18:09:00


Karnage XZ


Jul 6th 2019, 19:03:12

Originally posted by DruncK:
What is?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 6th 2019, 19:08:47

look at the keyboard karnage.. the g is in the vicinity of the n

Karnage XZ


Jul 6th 2019, 19:19:33

Originally posted by Boltar:
look at the keyboard karnage.. the g is in the vicinity of the n
Care to join LaF?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 6th 2019, 19:30:58

nope been there done that, got asked to leave quietly so i did

Karnage XZ


Jul 6th 2019, 19:32:41

Sounds like SoF needs to vote for a new leader soon.
Do as I say, not as I do.

bizzy Game profile


Jul 6th 2019, 19:47:17

Originally posted by Hardy:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Honestly neither of us would be paying reps if we didn't smoke so much weed. I think we both smoke an impressive amount.

Since legalization here in Canada I’m big on the tinctures, oils and capsules.. lasts longer than smoking :)

Legal is Canada is not good, product is garbage.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 6th 2019, 19:50:25

Really? BC always had dank buds. Back before they closed the border, us southeast michigan kids would go drink in windsor or st thomas or elsewhere in ontatio when we were 19-20. I felt like BC always had the kindest of kinds from what friends would share. Then again everything has gotten waaaaay better in the last 10 years.

bizzy Game profile


Jul 6th 2019, 20:03:26

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Really? BC always had dank buds. Back before they closed the border, us southeast michigan kids would go drink in windsor or st thomas or elsewhere in ontatio when we were 19-20. I felt like BC always had the kindest of kinds from what friends would share. Then again everything has gotten waaaaay better in the last 10 years.

Ya just the legal is garbage :)
The legal American is far better imo.

Neil Game profile


Jul 7th 2019, 20:11:22

Gerdler you guys knew when kanarage started to say racist stuff and christian stuff and personal stuff and no one in laf put a muzzle on him and then he was all 'haha I retire' that laf was going to have problems. everyone here has been around awhile and can win or lose wars.

You were asking about if sof has blame in making at toxic, honestly I love the trash talking, its the racism homphobia personal attacks and threats of violence outside of the game that really annoy me.

derrick you being bi makes it worse you fluffing uncle tom.

sinistril Game profile


Jul 7th 2019, 20:53:24

Originally posted by Neil:
Gerdler you guys knew when kanarage started to say racist stuff and christian stuff and personal stuff and no one in laf put a muzzle on him and then he was all 'haha I retire' that laf was going to have problems. everyone here has been around awhile and can win or lose wars.

You were asking about if sof has blame in making at toxic, honestly I love the trash talking, its the racism homphobia personal attacks and threats of violence outside of the game that really annoy me.

derrick you being bi makes it worse you fluffing uncle tom.

Stop melting snowflake
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Hardy Game profile


Jul 7th 2019, 21:38:48

Im glad my stonerism managed to derail this thread.

I wouldnt say the quality is garbage. Expensive but legal is their selling point... some stuff are good :)

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 7th 2019, 21:43:55

I like how this guy thinks me telling him to suck my johnson is somehow homophobic.

How do you think gay dudes get laid bro?

What's honestly homophobic is your response to talking about gay sex. You're clearly very offended just hearing about it. That is the very essence of homophobia. It's a fear. Hence phobia. Gay men talk about sex more openly than straight couples. I'm sorry you're afraid of that but those are just your own deep seeded bigoted opinions coming out in a form of projection right now, because you can't stand the thought of homosexuality. Not the first time I've dealt with that but certainly the first time here. Your insecurities are very public. It's odd. But people do tend to project their insecurities (i.e. the cheating wife who always says their husband is cheating).

Also an uncle tom is a black man who is servile to white people. I'm white af.....

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 7th 2019, 22:02:58
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 7th 2019, 22:15:32

Originally posted by Neil:
Gerdler you guys knew when kanarage started to say racist stuff and christian stuff and personal stuff and no one in laf put a muzzle on him and then he was all 'haha I retire' that laf was going to have problems. everyone here has been around awhile and can win or lose wars.

You were asking about if sof has blame in making at toxic, honestly I love the trash talking, its the racism homphobia personal attacks and threats of violence outside of the game that really annoy me.

derrick you being bi makes it worse you fluffing uncle tom.

First off Karnage doesnt speak for LaF in any capacity on his political or religious views and neither do I. LaF doesn't have a religious or political stance IRL. Obviously.

Secondly, long long before Karnage said anything about any of that your leader Xyle promised us 4 sets to perhaps more than a year of wars and his members backed him up. Karnage did nothing to cause that.
Thirdly, you have members(in plural) just as toxic or worse who you didn't put a muzzle on. The only thing that did was the humiliating beatdown you are recieving this set.

If I could tell Karnage to not say stupid crap I would. And the short ban on him was warranted, but I'm also not OK with the personal attacks he recieved prior to that which in my mind lead to the outburst that got him banned. Karnage is more emotional than most people and will act on those emotions, comments on his health were clearly over the line and meant to
invoke an emotional response which was achieved in how K responded.
Also, while I don't agree with Karnage's veiw on religion I don't see why it has any bearing on the AT politics.

Karnage is not leadership, he is membership sometimes, and he never spoke on behalf of LaF. He sometimes speaks truth, sometimes he says things we agree with him on and sometimes its the opposite. Oftentimes LaF has adopted an AT ban, but I dont see a reason to do that now and honestly it's never worked in the past. You would be hitting us with or without Karnage next set too and you are really good at making up excuses for why to hit us.

Karnage can't threaten any alliance on the behalf of LaF, tho I can and so can Gains, but neither of us have. Xyle can also make threats on the behalf of SoF, which he did in no unclear terms, and which he never backed down from but rather regurgitated on several occasions that he will keep making SoF hit LaF. So the standing policy of SoF publicised on AT is that LaF will be hit no matter what, Karnage or no Karnage, as has been stated and restated by Xyle, several other heads and members. All of that is very clear, what is not clear is how you are meant to win wars, or if the plan was to just suicide a couple more times then leave?

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 7th 2019, 22:18:39

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 7th 2019, 23:20:55

Even the racism appears to be a projection which is wild to me. I think the current plight toward political correctness amongst millennials has reached so far that it has begun to give itself the reach around.

Talking about gay sex is not homophobic, yelling at people for talking about it is.

Talking about people's cultures is not racist, but calling someone an uncle tom has widely been considered racist for hundreds of years.

Some millennials get so wound up telling other people how to walk and talk, they become blind to their own obvious bigotry and begin projecting it.

I dont want to live in a world where gay men cant talk about giving/getting head and white people think its somehow ok to call someone an uncle tom. Get your fluff together and stop projecting bigotry on this community. It's disgusting. Or at least educate yourself on what homophobia and racism are before you start thowing around accusations because you're currently being more racist and homophobic than anyone here. If you truly believe that stuff is toxic, then you need to stop. NOW.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 7th 2019, 23:36:46
See Original Post

tfm0m0 Game profile


Jul 8th 2019, 0:23:42

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Even the racism appears to be a projection which is wild to me. Blah blah blah blah

Maybe they should create a board just for yourself since you reply to your own replies without anyone talking to you anyway

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jul 8th 2019, 0:29:30

Originally posted by tfm0m0:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Even the racism appears to be a projection which is wild to me. Blah blah blah blah

Maybe they should create a board just for yourself since you reply to your own replies without anyone talking to you anyway

Imagine the textwalls of unnecessary rants

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2019, 0:38:31

Originally posted by Primeval:
Originally posted by tfm0m0:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Even the racism appears to be a projection which is wild to me. Blah blah blah blah

Maybe they should create a board just for yourself since you reply to your own replies without anyone talking to you anyway

Imagine the textwalls of unnecessary rants

I wouldda back to backed that but you know. Incomplete thoughts. It would mostly be prose/poetry and songs and stuff im actually working on writing at the moment. It's easier to write walls of text in emotional response. Storytelling is a bit'd probably be disappointed.

That and like the only 5 people here that actually have a higher education even read the fluff i say. Most people here are intimidated by whole paragraphs. I blame the american education system.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 8th 2019, 0:41:15
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2019, 0:51:01

Out of plain curiosity, is that guy always doing those self-defeating accusations because he's truly that ignorant or is he trolling?

If so it's like the lamest troll ever. Just comes across as whining.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2019, 1:25:51

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by Neil:
Gerdler you guys knew when kanarage started to say racist stuff and christian stuff and personal stuff and no one in laf put a muzzle on him and then he was all 'haha I retire' that laf was going to have problems. everyone here has been around awhile and can win or lose wars.

You were asking about if sof has blame in making at toxic, honestly I love the trash talking, its the racism homphobia personal attacks and threats of violence outside of the game that really annoy me.

derrick you being bi makes it worse you fluffing uncle tom.

First off Karnage doesnt speak for LaF in any capacity on his political or religious views and neither do I. LaF doesn't have a religious or political stance IRL. Obviously.

Secondly, long long before Karnage said anything about any of that your leader Xyle promised us 4 sets to perhaps more than a year of wars and his members backed him up. Karnage did nothing to cause that.
Thirdly, you have members(in plural) just as toxic or worse who you didn't put a muzzle on. The only thing that did was the humiliating beatdown you are recieving this set.

If I could tell Karnage to not say stupid crap I would. And the short ban on him was warranted, but I'm also not OK with the personal attacks he recieved prior to that which in my mind lead to the outburst that got him banned. Karnage is more emotional than most people and will act on those emotions, comments on his health were clearly over the line and meant to
invoke an emotional response which was achieved in how K responded.
Also, while I don't agree with Karnage's veiw on religion I don't see why it has any bearing on the AT politics.

Karnage is not leadership, he is membership sometimes, and he never spoke on behalf of LaF. He sometimes speaks truth, sometimes he says things we agree with him on and sometimes its the opposite. Oftentimes LaF has adopted an AT ban, but I dont see a reason to do that now and honestly it's never worked in the past. You would be hitting us with or without Karnage next set too and you are really good at making up excuses for why to hit us.

Karnage can't threaten any alliance on the behalf of LaF, tho I can and so can Gains, but neither of us have. Xyle can also make threats on the behalf of SoF, which he did in no unclear terms, and which he never backed down from but rather regurgitated on several occasions that he will keep making SoF hit LaF. So the standing policy of SoF publicised on AT is that LaF will be hit no matter what, Karnage or no Karnage, as has been stated and restated by Xyle, several other heads and members. All of that is very clear, what is not clear is how you are meant to win wars, or if the plan was to just suicide a couple more times then leave?

All of this yes.
- Premium Patron Member