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Yes, I could have joined GDI. I'm not unused to having my country suicided because I almost never join GDI. I am not newly returned either; I have been here regularly (tho on and off) since the late 1990s, and I've observed the game play changes over time.
The issue isn't that it happens, which is a risk of play, it's the FREQUENCY with which it happens. People are here commenting that this is an ongoing issue. Why are people advocating for a clearly broken system? And why should I continue playing a game that I can't play effectively without using a game tactic I don't like? gdi limits my gameplay options, costs me in game resources, and makes my game experience less fun. Having my country destroyed for no reason after hours and hours of play also makes it less fun. In the time that 5 of my express countries have been (nearly, because frankly I'm a much better player than anyone who's tried to drown me in missiles) destroyed I have 16 sitting in free for all that have avoided even rolling untargetted killing.
So.... what am I left with?
You are left with playing the game and voiceing your concerns to the mods and the admins. The mods, admins and players are split between what this gams should be. I, like you, dislike griefing and think its a bad part of the game that other way way more successful games are working very hard to get rid of.
Take League of Legends for instance, probably the most successful computer game of all times overall. They have a tribunal system where players look through logs of a game and help game admins decide on temporary bans of players who are either abusive in the chat or are playing to destroy for others(griefing) rather than to try and win the game.
It is rather effective. Even though players are very varied and have bad days all the time just like in EE you dont have griefers every match. People often report others out of spite because they are angry they lost and those reports are filtered through the player-driven tribunal system. Also if you get reported by enough individual players in a short time span you get a temporary ban even though it has not gone through the admins or the tribunal to allow you time to cool off. A temporary ban can last 40 minutes or 6 hours or some days depending on how often you get them.
I think its completely idiotic that one can ruin 40 days of hard work in 5 minutes a day. It should be outlawed to do that for fun or whatever. And not only that but the game formulas, specifically the NW modifyers for landgrab returns, seem to work nowadays to make suiciding easier becauese it kinda forces netters to run low defence countries over part of the reset, making them vulnerable.
Thats something the admins could fix. Without changing ABs or BRs they can make it so netters can afford to defend against them, without losing half of their landgrab returns in the process. Because right now landgrabbing returns are more about matching NW than it is about DR, land on target or your Mstrat.