Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2460
Currently Logged in: 192

Game Profile for sinistril on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10030#348
Top 1010#147
Best 3$35,283,233#111
Attack Success92.48%#506

Countries on this server

490 1 (#110) 30,134$32,108,497 CG
489 101 Slab City (#93) 5088$1,250,085 HG
488 108 Basis of a subspace (#108) 120$5617 M
482 113 This isnt even my final form (#112) 100$4717 M
472 108 This isnt even my final form (#67) 140$6517 M
465 117 This isnt even my final form (#83) 100$4717 M
445 118 Dwarf Tossing (#108) 160$7417 M
439 93 Off to see the wizard (#5) 7218$1,407,584 TG
438 5 Off to see the wizard (#3) 30,449$31,619,611 CG
437 3 Off to see the wizard (#55) 13,941$41,037,673 HG
428 70 Infinite Slope (#106) 12,239$3,788,151 HG
420 101 RatZillas Excellent Adventure (#3) 180$8317 M
419 3 More RatZilla Than RatZilla (#28) 29,409$32,703,529 CG
418 22 Luke RatZillawalker (#7) 37,246$8,602,262 I
417 9 Rat Rat Skinks (#8) 666$19,348,332 DG
416 81 R L M (#116) 6266$1,970,392 I
415 111 Republic of Fear (#123) 1593$199,437 T
415 100 Republic of Fear (#3) 2456$850,629 T
414 6 Crab People (#9) 16,525$20,011,733 CG
413 105 Richard Thaler (#116) 5406$1,008,618 TG
412 8 Fredrick the Great (#98) 94$22,160,372 HG
406 jj (#98) 0$266 M
404 12 Dons Lemons (#97) 14,494$14,361,074 CG
403 76 Ulysses Grant (#32) 5907$2,281,668 TG
401 98 Cant Win Dont Try (#50) 7313$1,169,072 C
400 66 Not Magnanimous (#29) 6897$2,525,329 T
399 77 Soviet Farm Strategy (#100) 6292$2,605,813 TG
398 111 Struggle and Famine (#113) 1587$142,924 T
398 106 Dennis Rodman Saved The World (#12) 0$385,438 T
397 4 NIKOLA Tesla (#28) 15,864$28,759,569 HG
396 9 In Soviet Russia (#107) 13,033$19,292,766 HG
390 107 Henry Hazlitt (#104) 120$5617 M
389 21 Douglas MacArthur (#103) 12,316$12,917,335 DG
380 76 Thomas Hobbes (#54) 6678$2,075,614 HG
379 12 Michael Faraday (#59) 1645$18,459,502 D
378 13 Friedrich Hayek (#54) 21,564$16,985,817 CG
376 9 Ludwig von Mises (#57) 9759$19,958,572 CG
375 98 John Maynard Keynes (#90) 2628$659,925 R
374 12 Paper mache (#74) 17,058$19,306,722 DG
373 13 projectveritas (#14) 11,705$10,702,404 HG
372 12 projectpigeon (#80) 11,767$13,706,693 RG
371 104 lol (#109) 100$4717 M
370 50 The Real Donald Trump (#102) 9490$4,051,729 H
369 107 rage (#115) 100$4717 M
368 61 The Real Donald Trump (#21) 9817$4,862,113 FG

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism