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I doubt 13 is gonna wreck 24.. 24 is largest country in the game and looks like commie indy
DS83 may act like a douchbag but he can certainly play this game. I assume he is #13 and if so, will have been stocking for 24 hours or so. It doesnt matter how many turrets #24 has, he/she will lose this exchange. If DS83 goes nuts on Saturday evening watch out as 10-12 mil jets is realistic.
he (#13) most certainly can play this game like anyone else that created an acc but he just ain't really very good at it. anyone can build a all jetter tyr techer with 15-20m jets. heck, i get that amount in turrets every set to fend off the all jetters and still finish ok.
also, top commies finish the set with way more than 20m jets. thats with 15-20m turrets as well. they dont go hitting all the top countries because they can. they understand that anyone who really wants to can but it wont do themselves any good in terms of winning the set.
i call you good when you need to balance everything including the morons and still finish tops consistently.
btw, if he acts like a douche, he most likely is a douche. leave these types be and they'll just go away on their own just like the other moron from a few sets back. all they want is to get attention here because they probably cant get it anywhere else.