
bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 2:51:41

Collusion much? Jerks...

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 2:56:11

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 2:56:49

Don't worry. I only spit on it so it goes in easy.

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 2:57:39

Still collusion

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 2:59:22

I don't think you understand what that word means.

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:05:12

Originally posted by DirtySquirrel83:
I don't think you understand what that word means.

I don’t think you know how obvious it is when someone makes a big grab and then you farm them into dr. RD did this years ago... it’s the most obvious delete ever.

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:20:52

It's obvious you have no clue ;)

Keep crying tho. You aren't hot enough for just this to bring me full chub.

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:24:06

Originally posted by DirtySquirrel83:
It's obvious you have no clue ;)

Keep crying tho. You aren't hot enough for just this to bring me full chub.

Not crying, but I bet you get deleted.

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:27:55

<3 you could always retal instead of whining to mods someone grabbed you.

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:29:59

/me at the bar explaining to my girlfriend that I’m bummed that I lost land I won’t ever get back.

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:30:16

Originally posted by DirtySquirrel83:
<3 you could always retal instead of whining to mods someone grabbed you.

6dr- cute

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:32:25

Originally posted by bug03:
/me at the bar explaining to my girlfriend that I’m bummed that I lost land I won’t ever get back.

Lesson learned. Don't fail spy ops.

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:34:30

Originally posted by DirtySquirrel83:
Originally posted by bug03:
/me at the bar explaining to my girlfriend that I’m bummed that I lost land I won’t ever get back.

Lesson learned. Don't fail spy ops.

The fact that you aren’t at all concerned with the land you lost to the other guy doesn’t make collusion look less likely

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:35:48

100% expecting you to gs the other guy to keep his land

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:38:39

You're more likely to drown in a puddle.

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:45:12

lol.. this just looks like a big grab against the wrong target that turned into a massive retal....

there was more collusion between trump and russia

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 3:52:41

look at the news.. last two hits were DH .. why would you have DH if it was collusion?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2019, 3:58:15

No collusion, 24 got incredibly butthurt he got raped on a grab.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bizzy Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:02:15

land for land plus a bit seems realistic response.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2019, 4:03:50

Not if you want to net in peace..this is not alliance.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:04:29

Originally posted by Hessman123:
look at the news.. last two hits were DH .. why would you have DH if it was collusion?
to create more dr

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:05:01

Originally posted by bizzy:
land for land plus a bit seems realistic response.


bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:06:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
No collusion, 24 got incredibly butthurt he got raped on a grab.

Right, and 13 is gonna wreck 24 and I’ll never get the land back from either. #more defense than all but 4 countries on the server

bizzy Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:07:22

He probably should have picked a better target, is all I am saying. Don't want you to get all butthurt bug03, you seem triggered.

trumpoz Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:07:38

Originally posted by bug03:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
No collusion, 24 got incredibly butthurt he got raped on a grab.

Right, and 13 is gonna wreck 24 and I’ll never get the land back from either. #more defense than all but 4 countries on the server

It sucks but you have to just wear it.

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:09:24

I doubt 13 is gonna wreck 24.. 24 is largest country in the game and looks like commie indy

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2019, 4:09:42

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by bug03:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
No collusion, 24 got incredibly butthurt he got raped on a grab.

Right, and 13 is gonna wreck 24 and I’ll never get the land back from either. #more defense than all but 4 countries on the server

It sucks but you have to just wear it.

Yes, survival of the fittest.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 4:09:44

Originally posted by bizzy:
He probably should have picked a better target, is all I am saying. Don't want you to get all butthurt bug03, you seem triggered.

That’s cool new member.

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by bug03:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
No collusion, 24 got incredibly butthurt he got raped on a grab.

Right, and 13 is gonna wreck 24 and I’ll never get the land back from either. #more defense than all but 4 countries on the server

It sucks but you have to just wear it.

Yeah. I’m fluffing. Still gonna have a good set

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 5:58:01

Originally posted by Hessman123:
I doubt 13 is gonna wreck 24.. 24 is largest country in the game and looks like commie indy

Wishful thinking.

trumpoz Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 6:35:09

Originally posted by Hessman123:
I doubt 13 is gonna wreck 24.. 24 is largest country in the game and looks like commie indy

DS83 may act like a douchbag but he can certainly play this game. I assume he is #13 and if so, will have been stocking for 24 hours or so. It doesnt matter how many turrets #24 has, he/she will lose this exchange. If DS83 goes nuts on Saturday evening watch out as 10-12 mil jets is realistic.

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 7:16:09

I already see what’s happening. It would be great drama if I hadn’t lost the land in the process.

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 7:47:38

bug03 I'm assuming you are Winning (#67)?

bug03 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2019, 9:03:46

Originally posted by Hessman123:
bug03 I'm assuming you are Winning (#67)?

Assumption well placed

Hessman123 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 4:44:47

So much for the collusion.. lol

trumpoz Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 5:23:19

#24 is an idiot.

Just given #13 free dr for rest of the reset ...... look for a lot of big grabs

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 5:25:35

A lot more* ;)

st0ny Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 7:25:40

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by Hessman123:
I doubt 13 is gonna wreck 24.. 24 is largest country in the game and looks like commie indy

DS83 may act like a douchbag but he can certainly play this game. I assume he is #13 and if so, will have been stocking for 24 hours or so. It doesnt matter how many turrets #24 has, he/she will lose this exchange. If DS83 goes nuts on Saturday evening watch out as 10-12 mil jets is realistic.

he (#13) most certainly can play this game like anyone else that created an acc but he just ain't really very good at it. anyone can build a all jetter tyr techer with 15-20m jets. heck, i get that amount in turrets every set to fend off the all jetters and still finish ok.

also, top commies finish the set with way more than 20m jets. thats with 15-20m turrets as well. they dont go hitting all the top countries because they can. they understand that anyone who really wants to can but it wont do themselves any good in terms of winning the set.

i call you good when you need to balance everything including the morons and still finish tops consistently.

btw, if he acts like a douche, he most likely is a douche. leave these types be and they'll just go away on their own just like the other moron from a few sets back. all they want is to get attention here because they probably cant get it anywhere else.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

trumpoz Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 9:40:54

St0ny check out DSs profile.

When DS nets he plays this game better than you. He still acts like as douchebag.

The top commies finish with 20+ mil jets/turrets but most of their reset is less than half of that. Look at how CX, Assassin, Ashe et all play - they play from behind then make a big jump at the end running 300 turns. Slightly different way of stocking as an indy, but carrying 20mil jets/turrets hinders growth.

st0ny Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 10:04:00

heh... i cant deny he has a couple of good finishes, but like i said... 'consistently'.

also... these records are for the sets with bots. i played during times when there were no bots. a 30m nett was a big deal and a guaranteed win then.

as you said, doesn't make a douche, not a douche even IF they are good:D

yes trumpoz, commies stock on turns instead of food or cash. yes, they have anywhere between 3-7m jets throughout the set until they jump. yes, having 20m jets/turrets hinders growth.

question, can a commie use some of the turns he stocked up to pump jets and start topfeeding every single top 25? that was my point. a commie can produce way more units to topfeed if they wanted.

only reason why tyr techer is always chosen to do these topfeed is because they cause the most dmg and extremely easy to pull off. as long as you're not a rainbow player, you'll be able to do it.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2019, 13:39:21

Nobody can finish consistently. Too many "variables" :)

All it takes is one RoR, and your finish is most certainly compromised, b/c you are obliged to spend 100s of turns educating the transgressor.

st0ny Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 13:49:54

true... but there are a few that stands out though.

players like CX, erbert, LATC, mountain yeti... etc.
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2019, 14:26:10

Aye, when they get chance to finish, they finish well. Im 2nd rate at best, but then I always was ;) Probably does me no favours that I am trivially identifiable reset after reset heheh

Perhaps it's time for a change. See if I can actually net in peace as an unknown...

bizzy Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 14:39:49

It is easy to get all jets and top feed/troll. There is no skill to it.

Helmut Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 15:08:26

The collusion, is between #13 and #47...Its Obvious, Dr abuse & no Purple..

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 15:53:40

Originally posted by bizzy:
It is easy to get all jets and top feed/troll. There is no skill to it.

Try it. See how long you can last.

bizzy Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 16:08:14

I've done it, and I do it if I need to, there is no skill. But whatever little light you need to feel good about yourself, go for it. Same for all trolls, if it makes you feel better about yourself give er. I can give you a hug.

Helmut Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 16:20:42

You can learn a lot more about people, and their personalities, by being the antagonist..

Originally posted by DirtySquirrel83:
Originally posted by bizzy:
It is easy to get all jets and top feed/troll. There is no skill to it.

Try it. See how long you can last.

Yea its hard to finish even top 25, when everybody is trying to kill you.

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 16:38:29

Originally posted by bizzy:
I've done it, and I do it if I need to, there is no skill. But whatever little light you need to feel good about yourself, go for it. Same for all trolls, if it makes you feel better about yourself give er. I can give you a hug.

I'll take a hug. You will be the light in my empty, sad life.

Originally posted by Helmut:
You can learn a lot more about people, and their personalities, by being the antagonist..

Originally posted by DirtySquirrel83:
Originally posted by bizzy:
It is easy to get all jets and top feed/troll. There is no skill to it.

Try it. See how long you can last.

Yea its hard to finish even top 25, when everybody is trying to kill you.

No kr attempts this time, but I haven't had production based cash flow for about 24 hrs.

CX LaE Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 17:43:51

Running an indy is different because you automatically produce military and holding instead of selling really boxes your expenses.

Indy, oddly enough, have to run low-mil to minimize expenses and maximize building/growth/tech purchases. So it is a balance between running jet-heavy to grab, running turret-heavy to deter LGs. The latter makes it harder to gain land. You end up like #59 this round SSing everything and wasting turns grabbing.

Frankly, if there's a topfeeder afoot, there's no point in even attempting to def-up. You'll get grabbed if they want the land. End of story.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

DirtySquirrel83 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 17:47:56

Truth. People are only now getting out of my range.