
CX LaE Game profile


Oct 18th 2019, 21:40:17

If you're running a fluffty, tech-lean Tyr Techer w/ no Strat OR Weps OR Warfare, maybe you shouldn't ROR indies with 350 turns on hand.

I guess TANKZILLA didn't get that memo. Maybe he can't read.

Have fun with that parking lot, n00bski.

LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2019, 21:42:55

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 18th 2019, 21:55:37

As much as it would be great to finish one of these damn sets without running into some tiny-penised, halfwit Trump-supporter who thinks they can run a decent country, it's fun when they do stupid stuff and I can hammer them for it.

Although, a 60m+ indy would be sweet, too.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 0:02:48

F’em up bro

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 0:12:46

Lmao why am I not surprised I thought it would be you or skywise. Youre just mad mine was bigger than yours.
PS Oct 18, 20:57 WNm06 Ak53 (#55) TANKZILLA (#100) 942 A
PS Oct 18, 21:12 TANKZILLA (#100) WNm06 Ak53 (#55) 1453 A
You know what they say about guys that drive big cars.

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 0:17:29

Size doesnt matter to me. You RORd. Interesting you didn't post the piddly size of your first grab on here. My legit retal was huge by comparison.

Maybe size does matter to you. You embarrassed? I would have been. Hell, if I ran a techer like you do, I wouldn't show my face around here.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 1:02:14

Anyways that first grab was like the first day early grabbing type of hit pretty sure mine woulda yielded bigger returns if you hit back right then and there and nothing wrong with my country you just attacked after I hit you twice its not like it was a full blown war between you and me. Or else am pretty confident I would have cremated you, you're just good at hiding behind gdi is all and make posts on here pretending to have accomplished something. When all you have done is equivalent to sucker punching someone that would wreck that lil commie of yours otherwise.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 19th 2019, 1:03:29


Grab bots.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 1:14:29

KoH's right. Grabbing humans is a big risk.

And suckerpunching? Interesting. Playing the victim, I see, when you started this by grabbing me first. A risk, and I promised a retal. I delivered. You upped the risk by RORing.

You made your bed, bud. You should accept the consequences. You broke GDI. End of story.

At the end of the day, you started this and you're the parking lot.

You have a lot to learn before you can run your mouth, little Kahuna.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 2:33:05

CX, express is my favorite server.. And I enjoy it so much more when I do not create a country.

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 2:42:18

Im not playing the victim am speaking facts. Toe to toe you cant get at me. Youre the one that made a whole thread when you didnt even kill me, just ABed me and I knew the risk when I grabbed humans true. Am not even making a big deal about it, but its kind of funny how you act the way you do. Its just a game for you to try and act like you're a big man trying to talk down to ppl when in real life you probably dont even carry yourself the same way am just saying am not even mad. It just bothers me that some of you guys act this way toward ppl.
KoH stop picking up lot lizards.

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 2:43:20

And I fkn love express, they should do a 10 day set.

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 2:52:14

Kahuna -- youve got the levelled country and I wasnt trying to kill you. I didnt have to. I levlled 80% of your country, killed 80% of its people, and it works bc you lack the tech base to sell and quickly rebuild. You also had no turns or cash on hand. Easy peasy.

AR -- Yeah, sometimes I agree w you on that. Lowest common denominator server.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 4:34:46

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Im not playing the victim am speaking facts. Toe to toe you cant get at me. Youre the one that made a whole thread when you didnt even kill me, just ABed me and I knew the risk when I grabbed humans true. Am not even making a big deal about it, but its kind of funny how you act the way you do. Its just a game for you to try and act like you're a big man trying to talk down to ppl when in real life you probably dont even carry yourself the same way am just saying am not even mad. It just bothers me that some of you guys act this way toward ppl.

Passive aggressive tough guys get throated in game and irl. Remember to look him in the eye the next time you gag.

ebert00 Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 4:40:41

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Anyways that first grab was like the first day early grabbing type of hit pretty sure mine woulda yielded bigger returns if you hit back right then and there and nothing wrong with my country you just attacked after I hit you twice its not like it was a full blown war between you and me. Or else am pretty confident I would have cremated you, you're just good at hiding behind gdi is all and make posts on here pretending to have accomplished something. When all you have done is equivalent to sucker punching someone that would wreck that lil commie of yours otherwise.

cx has more wins here than you have top 10 finishes. he has my respect alone of the best express players ever. you are a noob kahuna. dont whine about how gdi works, use it to your advantage. stop being stupid by land grabbing people, stick to bots. or keep hitting people and wonder why you never finish above 30 mill nw if you are lucky.

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 16:12:21

Again GDI and what not but I guess, I hate using gdi all am really saying..Also ebert no one cares about who you respect get off CXs nuts.. AR shut your soft ass up. I know for a fact lil sht talking faggets like you are scary as fk you prolly have 911 on speed dial. Act like youre not lil man, I ll break your sht in the world. Get some

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 18:05:39

You sound like a bottom that wishes he could top.

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 18:46:39

Kahuna -- I can respect people who choose not to use GDI because they dislike the mechanism. The mechanism, however, has always been a part of the game so its use is a strategy in itself. Those who use GDI do so to avoid random suiciders and special attacks, usually because they are trying to net. Grabbing a GDI country that appears to be netting is a risk. Maybe they retal, maybe they don't. RORing is the same thing. Maybe they retal or missile/AB/GS/kill you, maybe they choose to leave it alone.

Essentially, it's understanding the strategy of GDI and weighing the pros and cons of attacking a human country in GDI instead of saying nonsense like people hide behind GDI, etc.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 20:38:44

CXLaE you're getting no where in this sucker punched me and then unloaded attacks on me blah blah a lil biatch(lol). Its a fkn game you win some, you lose some. Unlike AR who just showed up to lose and still thinks hes a big shot. Get your mediocre ass outta here.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 19th 2019, 20:43:12

You should look up the definition of sucker punched, the fact that you provoked him discards the sucker punch argument, perhaps you should use the ignorance argument, "I provoked him and had no idea he would hit me" see, that fits better as an argument ;-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 21:05:25

Case in point. Ya can't reason with stupid.

Originally posted by Kahuna:

CXLaE you're getting no where in this sucker punched me and then unloaded attacks on me blah blah a lil biatch(lol). Its a fkn game you win some, you lose some. Unlike AR who just showed up to lose and still thinks hes a big shot. Get your mediocre ass outta here.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 22:52:54

Ya what KoH said, and that he would try n make a thread braggin how he ABed me after a ROR. CX is just petty af, thats why he continues talking fluff.. KoH you know what I mean idk why youre trying to get all technical about shid. Are you guys related or something? friends? Neighbors? You guys are up CXs az. Who else wants some?

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 19th 2019, 22:55:00

Rebuild that land first before you go seeing if others want a piece. ;)
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2019, 0:13:41

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Ya what KoH said, and that he would try n make a thread braggin how he ABed me after a ROR. CX is just petty af, thats why he continues talking fluff.. KoH you know what I mean idk why youre trying to get all technical about shid. Are you guys related or something? friends? Neighbors? You guys are up CXs az. Who else wants some?

Did I hurt your feewings? All I did was corrected you, no need to get all butthurt bro, and yeah CX and I are related, its an earth brotherhood from playing this game for decades 👍
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 0:22:12

All you did was give you unwanted opinion really, stop pretending KoH ..Wow petty CX, play with out gdi next set CX I challenge you to war toe to toe for bragging rights see if you talk this much with out FS. He won't do it, cause he doesnt know how to play with out gdi.

Edited By: Kahuna on Oct 20th 2019, 0:25:09

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2019, 0:32:15

This is a forum for a free online game, I don't need to ask you nor anyone else for permission to post my opinion, as long as I'm not breaking any rules it's fair game.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 0:50:16

Asking me to play w/o GDI is like me asking you to play w/ GDI, lol. I think playing w/o GDI is absolutely idiotic so why would I step down to your level? Although, I might if you can demonstrate to me that you can competently play a war-worthy country. That fluffty Tyr you're running this round can barely stay on its feet w/o me screwing w/ you.

Join GDI and outnet me. Dare ya.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 2:35:38

Kahula, you fail the basics.

Know your enemy, and know yourself. Then, lick your lips, because just about everyone here wants a smooth entry. No one lookin for your crusty ass lips cutting up a well-manicured shaft.

My ass is kinda lackluster lately, but I swing a pretty decent stick. Its been a while since I tried, so my shot might be pretty big. You think you could take it all?

I may be tempted to play. Vs 2 people you could surely out net one of them?

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 3:01:26

Ok KoH...😑 and this is the United States of America and the 1st amendment grants me freedom of speech so I can talk shid to you or anyone one else on this thread lol.Atticus Rex shut your weak az up, you do a little too much pretending you wont say fluff to me nor look at me if you to see me, you would crap your pants at the sight of me. Tf up youre too obsessed with az fluffing guys too go walk onto oncoming traffic.. Play next set puh c boi. I ll war you or C....I would net on express but everytime I try I get to fighting or suicided or ABed idk why but I do... Remember also youre critizing my country after your ABed me so ya..I really dont feel like netting after this set but I ll try.

ebert00 Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 3:24:09

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Ok KoH...😑 and this is the United States of America and the 1st amendment grants me freedom of speech so I can talk shid to you or anyone one else on this thread lol.Atticus Rex shut your weak az up, you do a little too much pretending you wont say fluff to me nor look at me if you to see me, you would crap your pants at the sight of me. Tf up youre too obsessed with az fluffing guys too go walk onto oncoming traffic.. Play next set puh c boi. I ll war you or C....I would net on express but everytime I try I get to fighting or suicided or ABed idk why but I do... Remember also youre critizing my country after your ABed me so ya..I really dont feel like netting after this set but I ll try.

1st piece of advice:join gdi
2nd piece of advice: only land grab bots(retalling humans is fine, but land grabbing them is stupid)
3rd piece of advice: buy some lube because you vs cx isnt gonna be pretty.

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 4:21:04

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Ok KoH...😑 and this is the United States of America and the 1st amendment grants me freedom of speech so I can talk shid to you or anyone one else on this thread lol.Atticus Rex shut your weak az up, you do a little too much pretending you wont say fluff to me nor look at me if you to see me, you would crap your pants at the sight of me. Tf up youre too obsessed with az fluffing guys too go walk onto oncoming traffic.. Play next set puh c boi. I ll war you or C....I would net on express but everytime I try I get to fighting or suicided or ABed idk why but I do... Remember also youre critizing my country after your ABed me so ya..I really dont feel like netting after this set but I ll try.

I generally try not to notice the 'help'. Dipshiits get defensive when they're told they're terrible at the things I don't want to do.

But please, continue to tell me how much of a badass you are IRL. Im super interested in your perception of yourself, and how it translates to your being nothing but a cumrag in this game.

I'll save us both the effort now, express war is just punishment. We don't need to punish since CX already did. You need enlightenment, and the only thing left is to prove you are incompetent at netting. It'll be hard for you to not be a dumbass, but if you try, you might be able to prove you're a failure at everything.

Rokkie Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 5:17:21

Must post on forums how amazing i am and how everyone else sucks :)

AtticusRex Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 5:24:22

Originally posted by Rokkie:
Must post on forums how amazing i am and how everyone else sucks :)

I was bored. If it goes on long enough I get ingame bonus again.

trumpoz Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 9:35:53

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Ok KoH...😑 and this is the United States of America and the 1st amendment grants me freedom of speech so I can talk shid to you or anyone one else on this thread lol.Atticus Rex shut your weak az up, you do a little too much pretending you wont say fluff to me nor look at me if you to see me, you would crap your pants at the sight of me. Tf up youre too obsessed with az fluffing guys too go walk onto oncoming traffic.. Play next set puh c boi. I ll war you or C....I would net on express but everytime I try I get to fighting or suicided or ABed idk why but I do... Remember also youre critizing my country after your ABed me so ya..I really dont feel like netting after this set but I ll try.

My eyes hurt reading this - reminds me never to look at these threads

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 14:12:10

I was mocking KoH..Ok Ebert they said that already quite a few times in this thread n ya amma tear CX's netting az up..AR am terrible at this game, based on CX's atack on me? Then war me, if you re soo bored. Prove it then, so I can put that big mouth to good use afterward. I ve never fuggd old ppl before but a mouth is a mouth fk it. Its like am arguing with the half of earthplayers that prefer netting and are terrible at war( not all of them).

Original Skywise L Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 15:18:49

I got a name drop. Win!

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 15:28:53

I have played no GDI a few times. It’s a waste of time with all the trash bag suiciders that attack you for no reason.

Brigg Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 16:33:50

I don't go past 100 turns until I get 16 Bonus Points for that Free GDI.
Check out my Novel Before they ban it!

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 17:21:51

Shout to Skywise. Its a risk but I like having the option to fugg their az up at willl. Ive gotten a few kills in some sets.

Kevro Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 17:56:36

Typical kahuna. Does dumb fluff... Loses.... Talks fluff
...calls everyone a fluff....weekly reset ends. Repeat.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2019, 18:27:23

Originally posted by Kahuna:
I was mocking KoH..Ok Ebert they said that already quite a few times in this thread n ya amma tear CX's netting az up..AR am terrible at this game, based on CX's atack on me? Then war me, if you re soo bored. Prove it then, so I can put that big mouth to good use afterward. I ve never fuggd old ppl before but a mouth is a mouth fk it. Its like am arguing with the half of earthplayers that prefer netting and are terrible at war( not all of them).

You need to do better.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

CX LaE Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 19:49:31

Smart man.

Originally posted by Brigg:
I don't go past 100 turns until I get 16 Bonus Points for that Free GDI.
LaE | Monks | NA
Since 1999

Brigg Game profile


Oct 20th 2019, 21:06:03

Originally posted by CX LaE:
Smart man.

Originally posted by Brigg:
I don't go past 100 turns until I get 16 Bonus Points for that Free GDI.

Coincidentally, I made the decision to start doing that after someone suicided on me amd ruined a reset for me.
Check out my Novel Before they ban it!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2019, 15:16:00

When I play here I sit at turn 99 til I have 366(+++) and free GDI, that's the safest exit from protection.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 22nd 2019, 13:47:08

Best 3 Finishes
7 CX LaE $53,783,767

754 Kahuna $11,701,681


Kahuna Game profile


Oct 22nd 2019, 16:41:58

Originally posted by UgolinoII:

Best 3 Finishes
7 CX LaE $53,783,767

754 Kahuna $11,701,681


I got suicided that set too. Lotsa grievers.

Kevro Game profile


Oct 22nd 2019, 17:01:26

Originally posted by Kahuna:
Originally posted by UgolinoII:

Best 3 Finishes
7 CX LaE $53,783,767

754 Kahuna $11,701,681


I got suicided that set too. Lotsa grievers.

You got suicided on your top 3 finishes? Maybe you need to change your play style lol

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 22nd 2019, 20:53:18

Oh please kahuna, you are not that stupid... are you?

Best Finish: Eighteenth

Top 100 64 #121
Top 10 Unranked N/A
Best 3 $11,701,681 #754

64 finishes in top 100 and not one t10?

Kahuna Game profile


Oct 22nd 2019, 22:26:21

Check the kills as netting usually isn't one of my priorities I got more than LaE which shows me he prefers netting to war. Also note that I came back to this game in 2016-17ish and been playing on and off so if I woulda kept playing this game like some of you netters I would probably have a lot more kills n better finishes. N yes I usually get suicided by grivers or have to fight someone over land maybe I should incorporate gdi into my strategy. Awww youre a fluff dude why would you show that. Most of mine are tyrs with low land when I can easily get over 10k acres, signs of war something you wouldnt know much about. The soviet red army I was top 5 all set til I got suicided by someone who self deleted afterward. You guys need to get off my nuts already. It all started with LaE who seems to have moved on already why dont you.

Edited By: Kahuna on Oct 22nd 2019, 22:45:38

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 24th 2019, 1:15:23

Maybe if you didn't talk so much fluff I would not feel so compelled to call you out.