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Sanctions / banning only reduces player count anyways. Getting rid of player to player attacks doesn’t. It just makes the playing field completely equal for everyone and it eliminates suicides against everyone not a select few
When it was just me constantly getting suicided no one gave a damn. Once it was gerdler and his best friends then everyone noticed and cares and we are now here at this current juncture
It'll only reduce you, it'll prevent others from leaving, you already did this in another server I played, you got suicided by someone not tagged and decided to suicide an entire tag that had nothing to do with it, your excuse was "if I can't net neither will you guys" almost everyone in our 3 tags left because you went on with that bullfluff, stop trying to spin reality, now you're doing something similar here by saying you're going to PS every player, no reason whatsoever other than you are defending your actions, the game doesn't require anyone to grab anyone, you're using it to push people around, you sir are bullying people at this point, stop it already and grow up.