
clintonista Game profile


Apr 7th 2016, 21:55:38

As you all know, Express has always had a rule against posting the results of spy ops on the forum.

The rule clearly and specifically states do not post spy ops.

As you may also know, Warster using his authority as a moderator recently amended the rule to allow this post,
"#11 is a hack player with turrets accounting for 20% of his military".
He made this ruling so that netters who can not retaliate with their own weak offenses can nonetheless exact revenge.
However, like many flaming liberals who change the rules willy nilly to help their friends, he forgot about the unintended consequences.
He has set a precedent for what spy ops may now be posted going forward.

As a consequence of this precedent, you may now post spy ops if you first state whether or not the person hit you, you describe the country in two words or less and depict his military in terms of percentages. The depiction must be in percentages as Warster has ruled that percentages are not "real information". Please do not ask me to decipher what he means by that cryptic phrase.

As a result, we can now publicly share the spy ops of target countries so that we do not waste countless turns spying on unfit targets.
Note this is not the cheating pooling of spy ops that some clans used to practice because it is public information (real or imagined) shared on the forum and open to all.

So here we go,

#76 did not attack me, he is a farmer and turrets make up roughly 33% of his military.
Note that this post is allowed because it first states whether or not an attack occurred, briefly describes the target and uses percentages.

#30 did not attack me, he is a rainbow and turrets make up approximately 95% of his military.
Again note the mandatory statement of whether or not an attack occurred, the brief description and the use of percentages to describe him.

More later as I get my spies revved up.
Thank you Warster for making this possible.

Xninja Game profile


Apr 7th 2016, 22:10:09

Hi Clint, thanks for posting this!

My country is #5, my country is 100% garbage, consisting of 60%spies and turrets with 40% remaining for troops, jets and tanks. I am hitting like a complete DBag.

Ninja out!
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

clintonista Game profile


Apr 7th 2016, 22:15:23

ooooh, wait.
Not sure if Warster will allow that one because you neglected to say whether you hit yourself.

we will see.

victor victoria


Apr 7th 2016, 22:23:54

oh, if you know him, you know full well he's hit himself two or three times today and has yet to put on pants

Cable Game profile


Apr 7th 2016, 22:58:27

I like how you posted he's a rainbow, that information requires a spy op so self delete now.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 7th 2016, 23:14:14

I would like to join in this new game. Here is my contribution: Rat Bastard (#6). I do not know how much military he has nor do I care. I will however penetrate him violently and without his consent in the poop shoot for what he has done....

Edited By: SuperFly on Apr 7th 2016, 23:16:21
See Original Post

beerdrinker75 Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 7th 2016, 23:16:43

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I would like to join in this new game. Here is my contribution: Rat Bastard (#6). I do not know how much military he has nor do I care. I will however penetrate violently and without his consent in the poop shoot for what he has done....

I owe that one too. Save some for me. :)
Just shut up and have another beer

cronie Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 0:31:29


SuperFly Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 3:31:22

Message from Rat Bastard (#6) sent on Apr 08, 0:08
Report this message
Holy fluff! Batman ! What did you expect? This Express, its fast. And its kill or be killed, No Time to do a tech type country, you did didn't even build a defense? I thought you were a bot.

haha he has the "be killed" part right lol

Hammer Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 3:38:24

and the "fast" part..wonder why it's called Express?

mrford Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 3:54:11

Go the fluff away Clint.

I have seen teenagers fluff less the you. Seriously. This isn't highschool. Stop complaining all the time. Act like a grown motherfluffer that understands fluff.

Act like you arnt the anti social flufftard that we all know you are.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Guthix Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 5:12:25

What fluff is this fluff stuff just say what he'll you want dam ..Is there fluffing police force or something?

clintonista Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 7:06:43

sorry mrford, you gave the game away when you said you did not care if everyone on line thinks that you are a jerk
and that you will argue even when you know you are wrong.

Besides, this board is not a complaint, it is a celebration of Warster opening up the game.

mrford Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 14:07:19

Originally posted by Guthix:
What fluff is this fluff stuff just say what he'll you want dam ..Is there fluffing police force or something?

It is an automatic swear filter. The forums are broke so you can't turn it iff
If "fluff" is pink, they actually said fluff. If it is normal, then it is censoring a bad word

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

mrford Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 14:07:47

Originally posted by clintonista:
sorry mrford, you gave the game away when you said you did not care if everyone on line thinks that you are a jerk
and that you will argue even when you know you are wrong.

Besides, this board is not a complaint, it is a celebration of Warster opening up the game.

I would rather be a jerk than a whiney fluff like yourself.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 8th 2016, 14:43:31

Saying 20% turrets or 30% turrets is not giving out spy ops.

The rule has been sitting here since 2014.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Warster Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Apr 8th 2016, 17:04:44


i don't make the rules i just enforce them the way i was instructed to enforce them by slagpit then martain and qz.

i cant help it if your lack of understanding of game concepts is making it hard for you to figure out what is and isn't spy op info.

don't like it?? actually i don't care if you like it or not,

Edited By: Warster on Apr 8th 2016, 17:08:50
See Original Post
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Kingme Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 17:50:26

mrford just made it worth reading these boards today.

Hammer Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 19:00:17

I'd bet my last tank that if everyone would stop playing his "game" by commenting, this character would go away. This is an experienced player who likes to debate, such as blid, braden, and a few others did. Good people, who cared about the game, but liked a debate. That is the purpose of this new character - to get a response. That's his game.

Edited By: Hammer on Apr 8th 2016, 19:02:29

clintonista Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 22:35:46

True enough.

The response I want is an injection of enthusiasm and excitement into a game people say is stale, dead and cadaverous.

I say it need not be that way. A few simple tweaks and BOOM.

randus711 Game profile


Apr 9th 2016, 14:06:00

JayR, country # UNK, did not attack me military is 50% each defense/offense. tax rate is 0.00%

Xninja Game profile


Apr 9th 2016, 14:50:51

Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

Ratski Game profile


Apr 9th 2016, 23:59:51

Super Fly , your the homo and that said he wanted rape my, fluff ? You sick bass=tard ! I you didn't kill me yet. and I I am waiting. pay back is truly a be och !

Syko_Killa Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 1:32:24

I'm not playing a country this set, but I like where this word game is going.

I am country #0, I have no country so I cannot hit anyone..nor can anyone hit me, but if I did, I would hit every single one of you bastards and there would be nothing you could do about it. Military units make up 0% of my country, probably because I don't have a country on this server.

P.S. I drive a ford ranger and today I hit the battery terminal with a crow bar to get it to start over. ~Tip of the day.
Do as I say, not as I do.

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 3:32:29

Originally posted by Ratski:
Super Fly , your the homo and that said he wanted rape my, fluff ? You sick bass=tard ! I you didn't kill me yet. and I I am waiting. pay back is truly a be och !

The only be och (besides obviously you) is the fact that you are so small in NW that I can't kill you.

Guess that's what I get for playing the game not as "fast paced" as you...

mrford Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 4:46:56

You hit a battery with a crow bar? Just when you think it doesn't get any dumber....
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

clintonista Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 8:49:07

A guy, who did not play this round, who plays like a bot and whose only posts are insults feels the need to once again pollute the forum.

The percentages are that he too hits himself, is a grandiose boaster and has 80% loose screws..

cronie Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 12:53:58

Seriously, everybody is getting trolled hard by clintonista.

This is at the heart of it trolling 101 by the book. Pissing you guys off and getting you to respond. Hence long whiny posts, often on ridiculous nonsense topics like crusading against GDI and moderators. Hence why his threads have lots of replies and bickering. #Winning for him.

Xninja Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 14:26:41

Some people enjoy the attention :-P
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 15:22:05

Clintonista has wormed himself into my heart to the point that I would miss him if he stopped posting

Xninja Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 15:24:41

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Clintonista has wormed himself into my heart to the point that I would miss him if he stopped posting

That's not your heart he wormed into :-P
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

mrford Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 15:26:37

Originally posted by clintonista:
A guy, who did not play this round, who plays like a bot and whose only posts are insults feels the need to once again pollute the forum.

The percentages are that he too hits himself, is a grandiose boaster and has 80% loose screws..

The best part is my "bot countries" are better than yours.

And I was running landfarm before bots. The bots play like me. Other than the fact that i actually have spies, and hit back. Get it right. I understand that when you make up the majority of what you say it is hard to keep everything straight, but do better.

Edited By: mrford on Apr 10th 2016, 15:36:58
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

clintonista Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 15:55:03


"I hit back". lmfao

mrford Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 16:08:34

You might want to talk to all those dead and/or flattened countries.

The problem with new tryhards like you is your sample size. It isn't big enough. You don't know enough to know you don't know enough.

It is the best part imo.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

clintonista Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 16:40:42

Suiciding on one particular unlucky guy while letting the other 20 go is not the same as hitting back.
It is just suiciding.

macdaddy Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 16:50:39

He's got you there Ford.

mrford Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 17:09:12

Wrong. I hit those that over grab. It is pretty simple fluff. Usually a warning is issued first. When there is more than one over farmer, I let the in game dialog decide who gets it first.

I'm not sure why you are having so much trouble with this concept. Killing someone who grabs you more than 4 times isn't suiciding. It is retaliation. There is a reason the good players don't have a problem, and it is because they arnt stupid. I teach consequences for grabbing like an asshole. If they don't learn that isn't my problem.

Either way, the bots don't do that, and my landfarm predates the bots. So your original point is incorrect on all accounts. No matter how much you want to try to shift the topic to try to claw some semblance of correctness.

Edited By: mrford on Apr 10th 2016, 17:11:40
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Cable Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 18:47:45

Originally posted by clintonista:
Suiciding on one particular unlucky guy while letting the other 20 go is not the same as hitting back.
It is just suiciding.

Do like I did this set then, take as many retals as possible and kill 2 players in the process.

Ratski Game profile


Apr 11th 2016, 22:51:07

I have learned the Hard way that double tapping Phiss off a lot of people because it is a GDI Sin !
So I pay the price in the standings, So be it ! I am going to be around a long time, I like this game, and I expect to get my country's pounded, it happens its only a Game For God sakes. But w all get a chance to restart. I like the Express, lots of fun. And Oh yeah < I used to talk trash on my CB Radio's, Only difference now is I :) have to type it out !

the Temple


Apr 12th 2016, 3:35:48

Originally posted by Cable:

Do like I did this set then, take as many retals as possible and kill 2 players in the process.

Hit by 15
Unretalled 9

Syko_Killa Game profile


Apr 12th 2016, 19:41:10

Originally posted by mrford:
You hit a battery with a crow bar? Just when you think it doesn't get any dumber....
Well I have a piece of rubber over the positive terminal, it shook all the blue acid powder off and the connection between the terminal and battery was reset. The crowbar was the only took I had in my ride. Anyhow I just thought to myself, what would the russians do!? I knew they would first try to hit it with a hard metal object and guess worked!
Do as I say, not as I do.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Apr 12th 2016, 21:27:39

Originally posted by cronie:
Seriously, everybody is getting trolled hard by clintonista.

This is at the heart of it trolling 101 by the book. Pissing you guys off and getting you to respond. Hence long whiny posts, often on ridiculous nonsense topics like crusading against GDI and moderators. Hence why his threads have lots of replies and bickering. #Winning for him.
Do as I say, not as I do.

ebert00 Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 14:52:26


mrford Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 15:13:14

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by mrford:
You hit a battery with a crow bar? Just when you think it doesn't get any dumber....
Well I have a piece of rubber over the positive terminal, it shook all the blue acid powder off and the connection between the terminal and battery was reset. The crowbar was the only took I had in my ride. Anyhow I just thought to myself, what would the russians do!? I knew they would first try to hit it with a hard metal object and guess worked!

you dont know how batteries are constructed do you? you hit it like you do and you can damage a plate, you could cause 2 cells to short together, you could cause gassing, and many other things.

if you need to hit your battery with something to get it to work you need to replace your battery, or tighten your connection. this is 101 fluff. hitting it hard enough to knock acidic buildup to fall off is hilariously stupid. and more than likely it had nothing to do with the external buildup, and you have a loose plate. car batteries have 6 2.1 volt cells. if you have 2 shorting together it will cause the voltage to drop below the threshold needed to activate some starter motors or ignition systems.

but who knows. i know someone who has had a battery blow up in their face and i learned from it. maybe you need something to learn from too. hopefully not.

Edited By: mrford on Apr 17th 2016, 15:16:56
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 15:13:15

Originally posted by ebert00:

Can I have your bonus?

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 15:16:32

So I got this message and my friends in the moderator department swiftly deleted this asshole.

Message from harley (#136) sent on Apr 17, 6:58
Report this message
you have the dumbest name for a country ever. why not just name your country I R a dumbass fluff and like fluff.

Take note you fluff the moderators are out there in your inbox going thru your messages and looking for your nude pics!

clintonista Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 15:47:15

that is the key, having your friends be the mods.

mrford Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 15:53:05

or having something called social skills
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

SuperFly Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 16:09:00

Originally posted by clintonista:
that is the key, having your friends be the mods.

The mods can also be your friends if you send them PayPal donations or baked goods via FedEx next day delivery...

clintonista Game profile


Apr 17th 2016, 16:23:07


Edited By: clintonista on Apr 17th 2016, 18:01:16