
crest23 Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 4:28:39

Oh, makes sense now. I stopped reading the date at Nov 2,.....

So he can only win with a tech leech? Has he ever won as a techer?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 8:29:35

He had won with tech leech crest. And not just winning the set, he also set a rep casher record in the process. I remember there was a loud applause after the set end everybody was gawking at how great JJ is but then applause turned into smite after it was confirmed he gained 'unfair' advantage in tech leech. Im sure most ppl here could understand the significant of compounding effect of tech early in the set all the way towards the end.

If everybody in express spends their time running a tech leech 'roommate' and play earth while their gf goes down on them, JJ would rank no higher than 150. Every set.

So no he hasnt won anything.
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

braden Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 12:39:15

"but having someone run a country with the sole purpose to aid you in doing better then everyone else IS unfair."

Just like you couldn't do it for me, pain, as it would be against the express server rules. you can't run a lansfarm for me, you can't even sit there and take out my enemies for me, looking through my news.. well we can't now, at least :P

Pain Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 16:21:57

what i did for you wasnt unfair. all i did was played a country with your name so the guy trying to suicide you would ruin my set and not yours lol
Your mother is a nice woman


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 19:50:52

Ya!!! we dont give 2 fluffs!!! we dont need no stinkin dial up!! cause i do exist!!!

pele Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 20:37:13

Actually diffrent IP´s is no proof that one dosent cheat. It´s not that hard to acess diffrent ip´s while using only 1 computor.

But that means noone can really prove them self not gulity unless the admins know from rl that there actually are diffrent people who both plays..

So it is real hard to prove that one is not guilty.


EE Patron

Nov 22nd 2011, 20:57:07

Originally posted by pele:

Actually diffrent IP´s is no proof that one dosent cheat. It´s not that hard to acess diffrent ip´s while using only 1 computor.

But that means noone can really prove them self not gulity unless the admins know from rl that there actually are diffrent people who both plays..

So it is real hard to prove that one is not guilty.

This is totally true. Only way to tell is to look at behaviors and guess. If it looks like someone has a dedicated farm, or a suspicious leech, I dunno.. You can't know for sure, if the person is smart.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 21:31:55

JJ n me had no idea. Could you please PM me or JJ with the details about changing IPs. Now we can cancel dialup JJ! yay


New Member

Nov 22nd 2011, 21:41:49

Compulsive Lying Symptoms
It is not easy to spot symptoms of a compulsive liar, as the lies are mostly too subtle to catch ones eye or these compulsive liars are very skillful in presenting their lies. Compulsive liar symptoms become clear mostly to the near and dear ones of the patient. Things begin to open up when close ones can easily spot the lies from the truth. The compulsive liar symptoms are as follows:
•Attention Seekers: There are certain people who need to be the center of attention wherever they go. In order to maintain their high popularity rate, they begin to build up attention seeking white lies. These lies soon become a part of their personalities and they never find it necessary to shrug off the harmless lies.
•Create Stories: Creating stories of valor and great deeds about oneself all the time, is a compulsive liar symptom. They make up such great stories about themselves, that they lose their charm once the cat is out of the bag. For example, someone claims to have fought a bloody fight with a goon at the local bar, when actually he is known to get scared or has even fainted at the sight of blood.
•Covering Up: When a compulsive liar gets caught in his web of lies, he will cook up another story of how he is falsely accused or will deny it totally with another story to back up his claim of innocence.
•Same Story, Different Characters: Plagiarism becomes another part of obsessive compulsive liar symptoms. One may not realize mentioning the same lie to the same person, more than once. Each time he says the same lie, the basic concept remains the same, only the characters, place, date of occurrence, etc. may change.
•Poor Self-Esteem: The hallmark of compulsive liar disorder symptom is low self-esteem. An inferiority complex forces the person to make up stories, that makes him/her feel worthy and appreciated.
•Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): This is mostly apparent in compulsive lying disorder in children. Even adults suffering from ADHD with impulsive behavior, exhibit compulsive lying symptoms.
•Bipolar Disorder: People suffering from a bipolar disorder are always suffering from mood swings, that range from depression to a manic behavior. During this period, their impulsive behavior is switched on, that forces them to lie through their nose.
•Other Addictions: Drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers, etc. who are into similar activities that causes them to fall into trouble more than often, may exhibit compulsive liar disorder. They may keep lying to help themselves out of sticky situations, get out of financial mess, hide the truth about themselves, from their family and friends.
•Reality Denial: People who are unable to face the truth or unable to admit truth are true compulsive liars. They may turn on an elaborate emotional display that takes the attention away from their lies

Edited By: JJ23sRoommate on Nov 22nd 2011, 21:44:39
See Original Post

Pain Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 22:15:16

JJ you dont need to care what i say. read the fluffing thread slagpit flat out said you were lying and posted exactly what you did.

youre a cheating loser. and youre the worst kind, you act like youre better then people because you cheat to do well. noone cares what you have to say the proof is in plain sight.
Your mother is a nice woman

spawn Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 22:25:49

we have other means than simply IPs checks to find cheating JJ.

i wouldnt go into details, but the decision had full support of several mods, so you can complain all you want, our decision wouldnt change.


p.s. i'll read up on the other thread tomorrow, after i get a good nights sleep
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 23rd 2011, 6:57:18

If we were to give that information out then people would find ways around it.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Warster Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 7:34:46

if we did what you asked JJ23 the game would be overrun by cheaters in no time and then instead of improving the game, the admins will be busy designing new security instead
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 13:19:44

Security in this game are as good as long as no one outside the admins knows the validation and counter checking procedure.

The reason you kept flaunting about 'DIFFERENT IP' between you and your 'roommate' in every one of your post is proof that you 'KNOW' how they catch cheaters, but in actual they have include some other measures than just cross referencing ips.

The best way to solve this problem with JJ23 is to check every server JJ23 plays in (esp express) and ban him and his room mate country if they allied to each other, attacked even once on each other, spy ops for each other. The admins can choose to give him 1 or x number amount of bans before perma ban his account. Then they should check all his allies in every express set for newly created account thats allied to him if he dumps his 'roommate' cause of the scrutiny on the pairing of those 2.

Lastly, you are right JJ23. Nobody gives a fluff about you . But everyone cares about the game. Who would waste time trying to play a game he/she knows that their effort counts for nothing compare to unfair and illegal tactics by individuals in the game.

If the admins flag his account and its allies in express every set and checks them, nobody would remember JJ23 a few sets later cause you could only view until rank 100.
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 23rd 2011, 17:07:25

And this point folks, I think the best solution on the forum side is just for you all to ignore the posts. The more you respond, the more JJ and friend respond, thus aggravating everyone on the forums and in the game.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 17:11:01

galleri will you be my roommate so we can play together?

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 20:23:22

LOL, now JJ thats the funniest thing you said...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2011, 22:52:00

Originally posted by SuperFly:
galleri will you be my roommate so we can play together?

Cochino!,lol,sick puppy :p
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

trep Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 4:29:43

The sad thing is he actually did get someone else to run his multi and it really was his roommate.

TNTroXxor Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 4:53:01

Originally posted by trep:
The sad thing is he actually did get someone else to run his multi and it really was his roommate.

So... are you implying that having an actual 'person' clicking the mouse and running the numpad is somehow ok compare to 1 guy running multi ? @_@
Originally posted by JJ23:
i havent been deleted since last set

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 9:15:50

WTF?? its not a multi if theres 1 person per country... and yes it would be completely diferent IMO... as its no longer in the realm of multi... its rule bending/breaking far from cheating

bertz Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 9:42:15

Having your "real" roomate play to take advantage is still cheating.

Post the detail so I could learn from my mistakes!
So I could have some work around on my cheating deeds!!

Yeah Right

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 9:59:43

ok so running 10 multis to kill your competition is just as bad?

Pain Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 9:59:47

Originally posted by Jackelope:
WTF?? its not a multi if theres 1 person per country... and yes it would be completely diferent IMO... as its no longer in the realm of multi... its rule bending/breaking far from cheating

taken right from the rules page under the safelisting section

"Countries associated with each other through the safelist are not allowed to interact with each other in-game."

it most certainly is cheating

Your mother is a nice woman

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 10:08:02

"broke" a rule, got deleted.
slipping another hotel on boardwalk, is cheating
Is cheating on your wife... just kissing another woman? or is that line crossed at sex??
holding hands? or eye contact??
maybe the mods have shared more info with you... but i think were at holding hands

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 24th 2011, 10:13:33
See Original Post

Menion Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 11:11:11

As pain stated above, he has broke a rule. You cannot be associated with each other (in game) when you are on the safe list.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 11:15:40

that name seems to suit you.. menion. thanks for pointing out that very obvious post atop of mine that i have already responded too. Maybe you have something original you'ld like to share instead of simply pointing out the obvious... my point simply put is, not all sins are equal... can you comprende?

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 24th 2011, 12:24:44
See Original Post

PowerOfLight Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 11:39:18

If you work together to benefit your countries while safe listed , and that's "holding hands" then holding hands is cheating. Game rules are written out for players to follow. It's not a hit or miss guideline, it's a rule. When you break game rules it is cheating.

Menion Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 12:14:13

Jackelope, your post suggested that you didn't understand that he had broken the rules. I merely pointed out to you again that he had.

As for my name, the word you are thinking of is minion, not Menion. You may not be aware (although presume) I have no relationship with any of the mods. I doubt they have ever even heard of me.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 12:15:00

Stealing a banana because youre hungry?... or stabbing someone 50 times to death for a few dollars?... both are sins, according to the bible they will both get you sent to hell... but are they both equal... there have been things done in this game far worse than what JJ did, from what we know, and you would think JJ is hitler from the way some talk about him... me thinks some are a little too harsh...

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 12:18:33

I didnt accuse you of knowing the mods... my post does not suggest i didnt get it... you seem to think all sins are equal... i see alot of grey in the world, your more of a black n white kinda person... that i get.
how would you pronounce that name of yours... probably sounds an awefull lot like minion.. dont ya think... but at least you knew what i was talking about that time, good for you

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 24th 2011, 12:28:46
See Original Post

Menion Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 13:06:51

Obviously we have misunderstood each other, lets leave that at that :)

Ofcourse they are not equal. The punishments that the mods can give out will be limited. Having your country deleted for breaking the rules is not a severe punishment, especially considering that JJ is a repeat offender.

If it was a first time occurance and he said that he wasn't aware of the rules then the mods may have reacted more generously.

PowerOfLight Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 13:12:55

Does it really matter how bad the infraction is ie: this incident is worse cheating than this one?? The penalty, if you're caught, is still game deletion for the round. All the name calling and accusations about every conceivable wrong a guy may or may not have committed over resets/servers is moot. That's what players always do to each other here no matter what. Trash talk is alive and well in this game setting. Put the crap talk out of your mind and the point is, if you break game rules it is cheating, and the country will be deleted.

Menion Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 13:14:22

PowerOfLight ftw.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 13:14:49

You're a cheater JJ. You're not going to convince anyone otherwise. As players we never get to see much evidence of cheating, but fortunately we've got a lot more information in this case and it's pretty clear that you're a cheater. You've been cheating for years and you finally got busted.

Pain Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 18:19:58

you guys are arguing a point under the assumption that JJ actually has a roomate playing his other country. thats not the case.

Your mother is a nice woman

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 19:05:53

I'm not here to make enemies, i think he got deleted for a reason, and he deserved that, he probably didnt have a roommate, but from what the mods have said what role his "roommate" played.. it wouldnt have added 20mil to his finish, he still would have been top 10.. at least. unless the rabbit hole goes deeper... but that would be an asumption, the mods cant share details for good reasons. And the mods and everyone else that has worked on this game has done a great job! Because when Mehul ran this, it was overrun with cheaters and it really wasnt worth playing then.. its why i quit back then. This game has sure cleaned up and its all thanks to the hard work of the people running this game!!! i'll leave this thread now, on a good note...

Helmet Game profile


Nov 25th 2011, 14:06:41

Top ten is easy. His cheating took him from random top ten spot to winning.



Nov 26th 2011, 23:43:25

I agree with Helmet. Top ten is easy, its winning that's tough.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 27th 2011, 7:43:39

ummmm?? Helmet's been playing 15yrs or so...i would think it should be easy for him. try telling that to the 100+ people that dont finish top 10.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 27th 2011, 16:05:59

The point here is that JJ23 has been deleted multiple times yet he continues to do the same behaviors over and over again. Do you know why that is? It's because he can't compete without doing the landfarms, spy countries, tech leaches, etc. He's had the option to play clean for a long time and he refuses to do it.

You're never going to have 100% proof someone is cheating in this game, but the evidence with JJ23 is about the best you can ever see. He cheated.

You ever watch someone really naive get cheated on? They have the same naive view of things. If it smells like fluff and looks like fluff, I don't need to taste it to know it's fluff. Most of us have played for over a decade and have never been deleted. If you don't want deleted, don't play like a cheater. If you play like a cheater, then you're a cheater.

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 27th 2011, 16:28:27

I'm done talking about JJ. I'll have to take your word on the evidence part, because how would i know?
You're reading to much into what i said... i 10 might be easy for you guys (experienced)... but i havent played for abit and its not that easy to make top 10. maybe there's less people now, but there's alot more skilled players out there.

Edited By: Jackelope on Nov 27th 2011, 16:34:44
See Original Post

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 27th 2011, 21:21:33

JJ23 better find a new game. Maybe in Iran :)

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Nov 27th 2011, 22:09:35

so it's ok if i get my neighbor to play my multi? we wouldn't need to be safelisted and we could just yell back and forth to communicate, assuming that i didn't walk over there to play over his shoulder...
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.


EE Patron

Nov 28th 2011, 2:28:43

Helmet I think you're wrong. I think JJ can finish top ten every single round without cheating. If he cheats, and he probably does, it's to score 30m, get first place, etc etc.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Helmet Game profile


Nov 28th 2011, 11:46:08


m0bzta Game profile


Nov 28th 2011, 12:52:48

Yeah i am a Big Deal Around EarthEmpires
-Still doing what i do since 2000-mob bot

Jackelope Game profile


Nov 28th 2011, 23:44:33

hey, blid... can you see how deep the hate goes? It's alot like the hate i have for my Ex-Girl after i caught her cheating... I wouldnt waste the brakes on my car to avoid running over her head. Its just a game guys, we dont have to burn him at the stake now?? do we??? ;)
look at top 10 this set... almost all 20mil and the hits and retals in there are brutal... i ranked 15th with a 15.4mil.. as a theo/casher.. and i found that hard.. esp with the blood y farmers and resellers setting food prices at 70+

Xtreme Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 3:26:53


Helmet Game profile


Nov 29th 2011, 22:07:53

I have no sympathy for someone that has cheated dozens of times and been deleted/warned many times. If there was a button I could click to ban him, I'd do it without pause.