
PapaSmurf Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 5:20:27

On Pan. It's been a good two years since we have fought you. Actually the last time we fought you I was on Pan's side. Havoc promised to name your countries after QM for each set we didn't fight you and you didn't hold up your side.

Hugs and Kisses, happy late Valentines Day :)

rebelnbk Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 5:25:20


Donny Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 5:29:22

not gonna be much of a fight i doubt panlv will even retaliate.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

gambit Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 5:32:18

they should, you never know what will happen tomorrow
Natural Born Killer

Donny Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 5:32:28

very unlike NBK. usually u guys try to make it a little fair. with no sdi youll kill 100+ in 24 hrs. so it ll be 240 vs 120. someone didnt think this through.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

gambit Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 5:38:15

well we were disappointed with your war plans also :P
Natural Born Killer

rebelnbk Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 6:29:55


SublimeNightmare Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 6:41:00

As I write this I fully understand that my point of view is in the minority. So netters can feel free to flame away.

NBK is a very strong clan filled with many talented fighting players. It was apparent that TKO/CC, the current top 2 clans were going to be involved in their own fight. Therefore, instead of just sitting on their hands and allowing PAN to grow as the largest clan in the server NBK attacked.

Now, the popular belief is this.... "You hit them on a netting set" , which is said in a negative light.

I say, the only reason a clan like PAN is allowed to net is because war clans allow it. This war is case and point. Running 1 month into a set with no defense, no sdi, etc.

It's always a netting set for Pan. The point of the game is to have networth. Well, NBK just did a hell of a job, beating you at that game....

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 6:41:29

Fail quote/edit

mdevol Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 7:30:46

I was disappointed in my start ups until I just banked on your FS. Thank you for buying my insanely priced techs and oils.

Edited By: mdevol on Feb 26th 2013, 9:08:44
See Original Post
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis



Feb 26th 2013, 9:16:47

Good luck to both.
Xyle - SoF



Feb 26th 2013, 9:22:14

Good luck guys!

Juusto Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 9:37:00

Originally posted by PapaSmurf:
On Pan. It's been a good two years since we have fought you. Actually the last time we fought you I was on Pan's side. Havoc promised to name your countries after QM for each set we didn't fight you and you didn't hold up your side.

Hugs and Kisses, happy late Valentines Day :)

i think it was country/pact/set, might be wrong ;)

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 10:01:07

Originally posted by SublimeNightmare:
As I write this I fully understand that my point of view is in the minority. So netters can feel free to flame away.

NBK is a very strong clan filled with many talented fighting players. It was apparent that TKO/CC, the current top 2 clans were going to be involved in their own fight. Therefore, instead of just sitting on their hands and allowing PAN to grow as the largest clan in the server NBK attacked.

Now, the popular belief is this.... "You hit them on a netting set" , which is said in a negative light.

I say, the only reason a clan like PAN is allowed to net is because war clans allow it. This war is case and point. Running 1 month into a set with no defense, no sdi, etc.

It's always a netting set for Pan. The point of the game is to have networth. Well, NBK just did a hell of a job, beating you at that game....

couldnt have said it better myself :-)
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Warster Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 10:15:01

it certainly sucks for Pan, but since warring alliances have pretty much allowed TKO and pan to net freely for a while now, so its fair that we should have to give up a reset to war some of them :)
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

synoder Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 11:28:54

yeah, unfortunately the war clans are few and far between. We would much rather hit a warring tag than a netting tag but our plan A didn't work out so we had to scramble and figure something else out. Hopefully in the end everyone has a little fun this set and then you guys can get back to your netting :)

rebelnbk Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 12:39:30

Warring CC every time is a bit borring. IMP are allies. Not much to choose since TKO will fight CC.

Rockman Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 13:21:39

Originally posted by rebelnbk:
Warring CC every time is a bit borring. IMP are allies. Not much to choose since TKO will fight CC.

If the war alliances would be willing to fight their allies, they wouldn't have fewer targets. Netters are willing to landtrade, why aren't alliances willing to have a friendly with their allies, or even to split their own alliance up into two tags and have a fight?

Heck, I don't think TKO and CC are enemies, yet they are having a fairly friendly war. Why no IMP versus NBK war?

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 13:27:05

Actually NBK hasn't signed any pacts this set.... :-P
NBKers dont like friendly arranged wars, we never have in all the years i've been here. we do vote on it on occasion, but it never sits well. If we dont have a reason to fight...(usually) we don't enjoy it as much :-P
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Rip It Up Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 13:29:30

on the allies thing..i didnt think we had..but i could be wrong! ask Dark Demon lol
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 26th 2013, 13:38:52

I will take out one or two back at least.

Hey Papa, wanna give me some your guys breaks for me and at least give me a chance?

vern Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 13:52:32

lol some "war" this is

Donny Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 14:01:05

RIU why wouldn't you include someone else to make it more even though..:/

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

Donny Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 14:04:48

listen i dont disagree with your decision at all. but they are netting theyll need 2 days to get their fluff together,,, you could have done one of 2 things.

1. DOWd on a 80-130 member clan and you would have looked like gods.

2. gave them a 1 week notice to get some fluffing defense.

at this point in the set you should have 500+ chems.
500 chems is roughly 8 kills with no SDI.

240vs 220 after fs will be 240 vs 120 due to NO sdi.

like i said i dont disagree but i am disappointed.

i threw my bag o pop corn away.

Dear Asians who say they're not ninjas just because they're Asian,
That's exactly what a ninja would say.

ZIP Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 14:23:10

donny nailed it - disappointing not that they hit PAN, but how lopsided it is.

you should have put your mil and Sdi up at way high prices then give them 24 hr notice.
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

Bigwiggle Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 16:00:27

Screw you guys. You cant kill for crap. Rabble! Rabble rabble!

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

RonnC Game profile

New Member

Feb 26th 2013, 16:01:24

let me say this.. NBK you will lose, not cool at all to FS us with no warning. and yea we will hit you and you will feel it. we are PANLV

Bigwiggle Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 16:14:05

I like that attitude ronn ;-) I actually prefer no warning tho.. thats hlw wars should be. Plus it gives us motivation

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 26th 2013, 16:37:25

The only complaints i see here are from non Pan members O.o
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

AndrewMose Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 16:39:18

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
The only complaints i see here are from non Pan members O.o

we are trying to find a way to survive a couple of days... then we can start complaining.

Twain Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 17:00:41

Well, that sucks.

Sadly, I won't have time to put the hurtin' on NBK that I was able to be part of last time, but nevertheless, I expected we wouldn't be allowed to netgain peacefully perpetually.

So at least I'll try to figure out what countries are gambits, and I'll pee in all the jets' fuel tanks.

Bigwiggle Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 17:07:13

Get onsite Twain. You wanker

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 17:17:34

lol @ rabble rabble rabble

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 26th 2013, 20:03:02

only 70 dead on an outnumbered, zero defense, and totally blindsided opponent?

smells like epic fail to me.

Magellaan Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 20:06:59

Not MD, fake Magellaan.

rebelnbk Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 20:08:21

NBK = Noob Bambi Killers
157 HPK, you cant do much better then that.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 20:20:50

Depends on whether your opponent is there to defend or not, yes?

One would expect such HPK numbers for hitting an undefended, unprepped tag. Nothing to brag about there.

Just sayin'

smegma Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 26th 2013, 21:04:59

Originally posted by rebelnbk:
NBK = Noob Bambi Killers
157 HPK, you cant do much better then that.

Against opponents with 0 SDI, no defense, not around to wall?

I love your sense of humor.

Epic fail boys.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 21:17:39

Originally posted by SublimeNightmare:
As I write this I fully understand that my point of view is in the minority. So netters can feel free to flame away.

NBK is a very strong clan filled with many talented fighting players. It was apparent that TKO/CC, the current top 2 clans were going to be involved in their own fight. Therefore, instead of just sitting on their hands and allowing PAN to grow as the largest clan in the server NBK attacked.

Now, the popular belief is this.... "You hit them on a netting set" , which is said in a negative light.

I say, the only reason a clan like PAN is allowed to net is because war clans allow it. This war is case and point. Running 1 month into a set with no defense, no sdi, etc.

It's always a netting set for Pan. The point of the game is to have networth. Well, NBK just did a hell of a job, beating you at that game....

So basically, what you are saying is that it's good gamesmanship to enjoy yourself at the expense of others. Even the unprepared and unwilling. You'll excuse me if I disagree.

Maybe you can explain to me exactly where the "challenge" is in FSing a netting tag who certainly was not prepping for a war against a clan that is known for killing ability who attacked unprovoked. I'm not getting this twisted, fluffed up logic of yours.

NBK has arguably the best fighters on the server. So explain to me exactly WHY they jump a unsuspecting NETTING clan as opposed to splitting up and testing/honing their abilities amongst themselves?

The only conclusion that can be drawn is that NBK wants to be the Captain of a sinking ship. Woo Hoo. fluffing Legends. Yay NBK.

rebelnbk Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 21:44:59

Originally posted by smegma:
Originally posted by rebelnbk:
NBK = Noob Bambi Killers
157 HPK, you cant do much better then that.

Against opponents with 0 SDI, no defense, not around to wall?

I love your sense of humor.

Epic fail boys.

I am not bragging you are suggesting we are doing a bad FS. I reply to that. If you are killing with 157 HPK you are not doing a bad job, no matter if your target has no defense and is to lazy to wall.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 21:49:39

And, SublimeNightmare, we don't net gain on this server simply because Godly NBK or CC (or whoever) deems is benevolent to allow it.

Brain damage aside, the OBVIOUS conclusion a thinking person should draw is that once the Killers no longer "permit" net gaining clans to exist in peace on the server is that the population gets whittled down first to nothing but killers, and then those who don't tire of doing restarts.

Yours is the logic of idiocy. And the more I think about it, the more pissed off I get. Thanks for supporting the very logic that will kill this game.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 21:52:07

Originally posted by rebelnbk:
I am not bragging you are suggesting we are doing a bad FS. I reply to that. If you are killing with 157 HPK you are not doing a bad job, no matter if your target has no defense and is to lazy to wall.

Are you listening to yourself? You're shooting fish in a barrel and it appears that's ok with you.

How fluffed up is that?

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 21:56:50

Originally posted by Dragon:
And, SublimeNightmare, we don't net gain on this server simply because Godly NBK or CC (or whoever) deems is benevolent to allow it.

Brain damage aside, the OBVIOUS conclusion a thinking person should draw is that once the Killers no longer "permit" net gaining clans to exist in peace on the server is that the population gets whittled down first to nothing but killers, and then those who don't tire of doing restarts.

Yours is the logic of idiocy. And the more I think about it, the more pissed off I get. Thanks for supporting the very logic that will kill this game.

My point is that NBK is better at netting this set than PANLV....

If the goal of the game is to get the highest networth, does it matter if that is achieved through military means or diplomatic means? Why is one considered better or more noble than the other? It's a war game and when a strong clan stomps a weak one it's the strong clans fault?

Man oh man.... if only the real world was this nice

Edited By: SublimeNightmare on Feb 26th 2013, 22:02:32
See Original Post

Dragon Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 22:00:18

Yeah. You're right, Einstein. They can kill off the entire server and have a negative TNW and still be "better at netting".

Are you fluffing stupid? Wait. I don't need to ask that.

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 22:05:53

Originally posted by Dragon:
Yeah. You're right, Einstein. They can kill off the entire server and have a negative TNW and still be "better at netting".

Are you fluffing stupid? Wait. I don't need to ask that.

Realpolitik at work this set in FFA. Diplomacy by power. If you want a seat at the table... you best find some fighters to back it up.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 22:08:07

Ride that train down the drain. When NBK is the only clan on the server, guess what the next step is?

You ARE fluffing stupid. Oh well.

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 22:18:52

Earth must be the only online war game where when you get beat you run away... instead of fighting back.

Dragon Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 22:52:51

Originally posted by SublimeNightmare:
Earth must be the only online war game where when you get beat you run away... instead of fighting back.

And tell me who exactly you are going to fight once you run everyone off.

fluffing idiot. Karma will pay you a visit eventually.

Twain Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 22:57:10

I'm not here to complain about being FS'ed, but I do take offense to the idea that those of us who have lost countries are lazy.

PAN is a clan of netgainers and our countries are built in that way. My countries took the brunt of the first assault, and when I logged in about 4 hours ago, I was down to 3 of 16 countries.

Instead of logging on to wall, I actually was doing my job. Instead of logging in tonight to wall, I'll be in my grad class.

I play this game the way I do because I don't have time to be 20 seconds away from my portal page at all times in case of a war.

Again--I'm not sore that NBK declared on us. I'm actually surprised PAN has had such a span of peaceful sets since having issues with IMP and NBK probably close to 2 years ago now.

But the very notion that rebel is bringing up that because they're working over our generally undefended countries played by people who don't buy into the philosophy that warring is the most fun way to play is a bit silly.

It's along the lines of PAN celebrating because we've smoked NBK and CC in netting the last however many sets. We measure ourselves against TKO, ESD and our own past sets--not against people who play the game in a completely different way.

SublimeNightmare Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 23:23:44

Originally posted by Dragon:
Originally posted by SublimeNightmare:
Earth must be the only online war game where when you get beat you run away... instead of fighting back.

And tell me who exactly you are going to fight once you run everyone off.

fluffing idiot. Karma will pay you a visit eventually.

Now that karma is out to get me I am doomed.