Look SuperGuy - I know we suck. We all know The Resistance sucks. You don't have to keep telling us.
Oh shoot. The Resistance is out hitting Apoc, Rage, and SoF on your side. We are running our own warchats (can rage, SoF, and APOC even run warchats?), and we are responsible for many big kills against you amaaaazzzzziiiinnnggg players.
Has LaF out performed us? Of course. They are SIGNIFICANTLY better.
But SuperGuy. I fluffed walled you guys two nights ago. So suck it. Bet you didn't think that could happen.
Honestly SuperGuy - I feel bad for you. It's like you've never seen someone get better right before your eyes. Every week you see me learn a new trick. It must be incredibly unsettling. Do you lay in bed at night wondering where my ceiling is. Or if I even have a ceiling?
Want to know something REALLY scary?
I've been teaching the rest of The Resistance newbies. Wait till they start learning the new tricks too!
Oh and the guy you killed last night? He literally JUST joined our clan. I knew he was going to die. It was a great learning experience for him, so thank you for that. He was absolutely awestruck that his 2mil turrets didn't save himself. I taught him about GS's.
Congratulations on that kill. Keep bragging about it. While you're patting yourself on the back for beating up newbies, I'll be training them to get all up in your @ss. You're gonna enjoy it.
Oh... one last thing. It's SUPER funny that you've gone from "LaF will never net again" to "You're not even killing us, LaF is".
Dude, that's what a loser says. You're the best warring clan in history. Stop acting like a loser.