
Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 16th 2023, 1:04:58

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Mmmmm. Random adult convo. I'll bite.

We're seeing redditors like LordMilk and BlackHole show up and give it a whirl

I keep telling everybody i been here since swirve just never took it serious

That's insane. Did you take any breaks? Lol

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
And even that is saying too much, without clan GDI fixed and corrected the game will lose 40% if it's population in the next two months. The only remaining question is if QZ is active enough to fix it. Honestly every single day that goes by while the exploits are both tolerated by admin and the mods won't ever be recovered from.

Out of curiousity, and while this may seem like a knock on you, it isn't, but does some part of that make you feel a bit smug? Like the amount of work you put into it only to see development stagnate in your absense?

Part of me thinks you and I would agree on what ClanGDI or even instead of ClanGDI, pacting and war are built into tag admin mechanic, should actually look like, if you genuinely cared. But there's that other part of me that thinks you're enjoying watching it burn.

I only care about the family.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2023, 3:53:44

Yeah. All the times I've said it, but it always remains true. Game has always needed a ton of work, and looking at something like Utopia where it happened, the game aspect just bums me out.

I don't want to lose the reasons I think about bomber and Vicvixvi tho. I want to see KoH persevere and defeat cancer. I want to make fun of Reku for being 20 years older than my mom, etc. This community for better or worse has been a part of my life on and off for 25 of the 35 years I've been alive. When I was homeless, members here paid for me to eat, etc.

Maybe I'm the one with the best fortune having friends on both sides. These type of conversations are, I think, the only ones I have in life where I'd prefer a level of group think over vitriol haha.

I'm glad you returned and I know people who missed you. I think it's my misfortune I'm not one of them haha.



Jul 16th 2023, 12:42:59

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah. All the times I've said it, but it always remains true. Game has always needed a ton of work, and looking at something like Utopia where it happened, the game aspect just bums me out.

I don't want to lose the reasons I think about bomber and Vicvixvi tho. I want to see KoH persevere and defeat cancer. I want to make fun of Reku for being 20 years older than my mom, etc. This community for better or worse has been a part of my life on and off for 25 of the 35 years I've been alive. When I was homeless, members here paid for me to eat, etc.

Maybe I'm the one with the best fortune having friends on both sides. These type of conversations are, I think, the only ones I have in life where I'd prefer a level of group think over vitriol haha.

I'm glad you returned and I know people who missed you. I think it's my misfortune I'm not one of them haha.

HA HA HA oh Derrick …Derrick… Derrick …

bless your heart. Allow Daddy chevs to explain it to you AGAIN

Things TC didn’t mean when he said “the family”

>the game itself
>any other player not in LaF

Things TC meant when he said “the family”

>LAFAMIGLIA === The family

your stupidity/willful ignorance knows no bounds my dear friend.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m


EE Patron

Jul 16th 2023, 14:12:37

Originally posted by Real Man:
TC…The server is/was self policing you retard. And then you cried because you didn’t like the result.

I must give you credit though TC, at least you have the courage to show your face on AT. The rest of your tag hide from public debate like gutless cowards all the while crying to admins in back room discord channels to make the game PVE.

spoiler alert. If you make this game PVE theBOMB will win EVERY SINGLE SET, and there will be NOTHING you can do about it.



Honestly. They can barely do anything about it now. The sweet desperation gives me fuel to continue.

Let's do impressions. I'll say something and you guess who it is.

"Uben duben gubin, I like to play game yah. One day i may kiss a girl/boy. Probably not though. I wish I was better than 3rd place."

Next one.

"We are the best. I think nothing of anyone here. I only care about the 3rd best netgaining alliance. I am a cheating POS that got caught abusing my access to the game. F ALL OF YOU"

Last one.

"I like to sign the pact yah. I'm so sneaky yah. My 3rd best netgaining mod buddy told me about the new changes so I don't care about signing any pacts yah. I love meatballs, shrimp sandwiches and pea soup & pancakes. My metal sucks compared to Finnish metal yah. I like to "DON" my wooden shoes and dance around issues and harfully spy op the best netgaining and current record holder in the game yah"

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2023, 16:22:33

New rule. All Swedish players need to say the word "yah" at the end of every sentence for me and CNB's entertainment.

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2023, 19:20:30

[quote poster=DerrickICN; 51987; 1016448]New rule. All Swedish players need to say the word "yah" at the end of every sentence for me and CNB's entertainment. [/quote

On behalf of SoL's pride and joy, our Swede, we reprimand and lobby against such rule. Our Swede > yours
Catch me on ir c

Suicidal Game profile


Jul 16th 2023, 20:22:08

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
New rule. All Swedish players need to say the word "yah" at the end of every sentence for me and CNB's entertainment.

Always the "community" with the new rules.....stop being a dique

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Jul 16th 2023, 21:34:47

Hey hey just b/c im older than your mother Derrick doesnt mean i wont still try to chase some tail on that. You know that feeling you get when you turn around your wife has her house shoe in her hands and you didnt know she was standing there like the whole time...yeah i feel that most days.

myerr21 Game profile


Jul 17th 2023, 16:40:47

you thought this was a normal war, but it was me, Dio!

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

Scourge Game profile


Jul 17th 2023, 23:34:06

Am I still considered a player if not currently playing? In that case... yah?

forgot to mention.. wz smells

Edited By: Scourge on Jul 17th 2023, 23:40:49
See Original Post

Joker111555 Game profile


Jul 17th 2023, 23:40:00

I just want my Bonus points if thats okay with yall