
BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:09:01

Earlier in the set EVO and me agreed to a mutual DNH. Recently me and a friend from EVO exchanged grabs that were mutually beneficial and pre planned (certainly not landtrading in the traditional sense, as I was untagged I couldn't drop D, the guy asked if he could hit me even tho EVO/me had a DNH and we agreed to a few attacks that would net us both some ghost acres). Then, while jumping as an MBR I was grabbed by an EVO country (#202) and told by EVO FA's that I have no basis to ask for compensation for the hit as I'm just a single country despite our DNH agreement...

So anyways, they are right I'm not gonna suicide on EVO, and as a single country clan thats about all I can do. Instead I will continue to try to net as well as I can this set, while bringing it to the attention of the server that EVO deems DNH of little importance if you are a 1 member clan. Who is the bully now EVO?

Kingme Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:20:24

What sort of compensation do you want for the 250 acres you lost?
(after you took your retal)

Did you lose any stock?

How many tech points/dollars/food etc?

bore Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:24:39

methinks evo should say sorry.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:33:00

I lost:

3,766,766 Bushels
30,128 Technology Points

But I don't want FA from u kingme, u have a good country this set (and that is so rare:P)

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:35:05

So you're basing an alliance's attitude on DNH on single-country clans on a single hit that you didn't agree on? If I remember correctly, you retalled that hit pretty handily, but lost a couple hundred acres because of nw differences (plus whatever else was lost due to the attacks). And then you run to AT, claiming they're bullies because they hit you one time (because the FA didn't know how to set single countries to DNH in the site).


Sometimes, I think the Bible was mistranslated where it talks about Jesus turning the slaughter into whine...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:41:38

Mistakes happen Nukevil, the hit is not the issue, although it is a pain in the ass to get hit when you are 32M NW lol. The problem is EVO bullying people while claiming SOL/SOF/etc. are the bullies of the server. I'm merely here to point out hypocrisy (and as always make the boards entertaining). Earlier this set an EVO country 3 tapped me, and I was given 48 hours to retal. More bullying...

Detmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:42:07

How are prearranged land exchanges not land trading?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:43:52

usually landtrading u also drop D, its a minor point Detmer...I was just trying to make clear what hit was at issue

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2011, 1:46:00

it's still land trading IMO... I wouldn't NOT call it land trading :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:46:32

lol is that really what we are gonna discuss=) Sure its landtrading then!

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:47:58

So I guess Evolution is also landtrading with PDM/SoF then?

Good to know...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Detmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:51:27

Originally posted by NukEvil:
So I guess Evolution is also landtrading with PDM/SoF then?

Good to know...

Evo has not approached us about any organized hitting to my knowledge.

And ok, so Bobby is a land trader.

Why is Evo so two-timing?

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2011, 1:52:33

Originally posted by NukEvil:
So I guess Evolution is also landtrading with PDM/SoF then?

Good to know...

Is it done with the explicit purpose of just creating land, and both sides agree to all hits which are exchanged?

If so, then yes -- based on the criteria I personally believe :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

hanlong Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:53:07

if you want to be treated as a clan, do your FA talks with EVO on ICQ/IRC instead of on AT ;)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Detmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 1:55:35

Originally posted by hanlong:
if you want to be treated as a clan, do your FA talks with EVO on ICQ/IRC instead of on AT ;)

I disagree. There is no reason not to prove your point where all can see. The AT court has spoken! Evo must award Bobby an apology or forever be known as shifty, two-faced carp!

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2011, 2:16:33

if there was an AT on FA Olympics, PDM would take the gold! :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

gwagers Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 2:18:03

Strange as it is for me to agree with Detmer, I don't think the place where foreign affairs is handled has anything to do with how legitimate a clan is. In the case of a one-member clan, there's a good chance that private talks would resolve nothing. Therefore, that one-member clan's only recourse is to go to the court of public opinion, because nothing more meaningful or beneficial is going to come out of the situation.

Well, either that or suicide the larger clan, but that would only make the rest of the server look down on them (in addition to getting their country killed).
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 2:28:48

Originally posted by Pang:
if there was an AT on FA Olympics, PDM would take the gold! :p

We have our niches!

Rockman Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 2:52:20

I nominate Bobby to do FA for me. I like his style.

anoniem Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:08:10

BobbyATA, retalled evo outside of the 48hr window at the beginning of the reset and this is a quote from a message he sent me (dec 14th):

"We can take this the AT/me suiciding/you guys KR me route if you like or we can leave it here=)"

the only time i even mentioned a dnh (dec 13th):
"the only reason im actually talking to you is because you used to be in evo- so really regardless of whether you wanted a low profile - you should have said something to yank or someone at the start of the set. because if you were just a standard untagged i would have just told you to retal 6:3 in 48hrs and that we wouldnt hit you again within that time frame. or offered you a temp DNH to reduce the retals"

i never signed a dnh hit with you and there was definitely no unap or terms. regardless, i put you on 'suicide watch' and made a notice about not grabbing your country, which clearly nobody has done for a month. i didn't know how to add single countries to DNH, so your country was listed as neutral and suicide watch.

msgs between you and i this week:
last msg from me:
why would i need an excuse? i told u what happened. believe it or not it's your prerogative.
and you can do as you please, you normally do.

----Original Message----
From: Dr. BobbyATA
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: hello
Date: Jan/10/11 16:08
I was told I was on DNH, I"m not sure how "well I couldn't actually put you on DNH" is a legitimate excuse. I got hit when I was 32M NW, so I'm not sure it not being worth it really means much to you guys. Anyways, I will no longer ask to be back in EVO, this is the last straw with u guys...

----Original Message----
From: Dr. anoniem [HFA]
Subject: RE: RE: RE: hello
Date: Jan/10/11 15:32
Suicide Watch are listed and pink and are neutral.

Nobody attacked you for about month. I didn't know how to put countries on dnh or friend until this week when slagpit told me on.

I'm sure nobody else will attack you, but I have SoF/PDM on DNH and people still attack them. You're 34mil nw now. I don't think you have much to worry about, considering military losses outweigh gaining land from you.

Now that I know how to put countries on DNH. I'll put yours on DNH and Suicide Watch. So you have double protection from us hitting you.

Happy? :)

----Original Message----
From: Dr. BobbyATA
Subject: RE: RE: hello
Date: Jan/10/11 00:48

Message from Oden:

"You show up as neutral. You have any problem with this you better contact our FA."

----Original Message----
From: Dr. anoniem [HFA]
Subject: RE: hello
Date: Jan/09/11 18:36
i put you on suicide watch, as i didnt know how to add single countries to DNH.

regardless, ppl in evo hit clans listed as dnh anyway, cos they can't read ;/

----Original Message----
From: Dr. BobbyATA
Subject: hello
Date: Jan/09/11 15:44
I thought we had a DNH?

anoniem Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:12:23

Where in those messages did you ask about compensation?
Where in those messages did I say you have no rights as a single country?
Where has "EVO" claimed that SoL/SoF are "bullying" people?

If you're going to post something, then make sure you have some facts to back up what you're saying. Your hard done by act is getting boring.

Detmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:23:32

Oh fluff! Bobby is a fluffing liar!

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:33:26

I think I'll let your logs speak for themselves anon. They answer your first two questions. As for your third, it has been the EVO/LaF/etc. standard message on AT for a while now.

Furthermore yes you gave me a 48 hour retal window, and yes I disregarded it and retalled 50 hours after hit (or so) b/c it was a 48 hour retal for a 3-tap. We have different policies I guess on 3-tap retal windows...

anoniem Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:35:48

Where in those messages did you ask about compensation?
Where in those messages did I say you have no rights as a single country?

The questions begin with 'where' yet you have failed to point those instances out to me, despite having the messages above.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:39:42

1 member clans will always get bullied until they make people fear them.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:41:18

I guess when you tell me that despite being put on DNH I shouldn't have actually expected that meant I wouldn't be hit, as EVO ers disregard such postings (and well what can you do?), that asking for any compensation was a fools errand. Was I wrong?

anoniem Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:47:19

Where did I tell you that you had been put on DNH? Please, show me one message where I say that?

Quoting myself: "I'm sure nobody else will attack you, but I have SoF/PDM on DNH and people still attack them."

Evo don't have pacts with SoF or PDM, which was my point. I'd rather people didn't landgrab them (hence the DNH status), but if they do then that's up to them.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2011, 3:58:02

I haven't read a single post in this thread, but do you even know the difference between a UNAP and a DNH?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:00:13

"i'm sure lenshark would be willing to work something out with you, that would be mutually beneficial and i would add you to DNH."

was in your first message to me but I agree that that message is not 100% clear that you would put me on DNH especially as its before I rejected your retal window.

I will admit that I seem to be going crazy now in that I can't find such a statement from you where I remember it. Still in response to my first message you seem to be saying "yes we had you on DNH as best we could", if that was incorrect then then would have been the time to say so?

Detmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:03:01

When I put someone on DNH it means do not hit them.

Bobby, could you please post your retal policy?

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:06:21

my retal policy is to retal according to each clans retal policy except for 3-taps in which case I reserve the right to a 72 hour retal window:P It's how I've been retalling all set lol I think I've been giving up retals b/c I'm too lazy to find FA's and learn what there clan's retal policies are heh...

anoniem Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:09:12

Detmer, if you aren't going to read the facts then I see no point in you chiming you.

There was no pact and there was no agreement of a DNH, so I really couldn't care about what your definition of a DNH is.

anoniem Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:11:55

"i'm sure lenshark would be willing to work something out with you, that would be mutually beneficial and i would add you to DNH."

Did you work something out with lenshark or did you just take as many retals as you could fit in and go outside of the 48hr window?

You didn't live up to your end of the bargain, so there was no DNH. Is it that hard to understand?

Detmer Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:14:57

Originally posted by anoniem:
Detmer, if you aren't going to read the facts then I see no point in you chiming you.

What facts have I ignored?

"Evo don't have pacts with SoF or PDM, which was my point. I'd rather people didn't landgrab them (hence the DNH status), but if they do then that's up to them."

The point of me chiming in is because I play this game for fun.

There was no pact and there was no agreement of a DNH, so really couldn't care about what your definition of a DNH is.

Ok, that is fine. I never told you to use my definition. Do Not Help or Dang Nab Hanlong fine definitions for DNH.

Bobby, that seems very reasonable. You should post that in the Policies thread which you advocate using.

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:17:11

Slagpit, I guess a DNH to you means we will try to remember to not hit you but if we fluff up oh well. I see a distinction between setting a clan to DNH and setting a clan to DNH and telling them they are DNH.

Fine I now understand how EVO views DNHs, my mistake. BTW do you guys want me to set you to DNH next set? I happily will. There it is done. I will be sure to DNH you a lot heh (the last point is to merely get my point across I will actually be in a clan most likely nap'd to evo next set...)

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:22:39

anoniem, in regards to your last post, that is fine, I believe now you never told me I was on DNH and I somehow made that up in my mind. If you had reminded me after my first message that I was incorrect in believing we had agreed to a DNH, then I would have said "thanks" retalled as I did 1:1 and moved on...

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2011, 4:24:35

i feel like I should make a thread discussing what "suiciding" is in case the feds come to the forum any time soon....

Or the media for that matter...
"The Arizona gunman belonged to online suicide cult!" :-(
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 4:25:07

lmao good point Pang

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2011, 5:07:47

UNAPs are unbreakable.

DNHs are breakable.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 5:20:49

Everything is breakable. It just hurts your reputation a lot more to break a UNAP than to break a DNH.

anoniem Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 6:39:08

Luckily, EVO didn't break anything.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 6:44:33

Originally posted by Pang:
i feel like I should make a thread discussing what "suiciding" is in case the feds come to the forum any time soon....

Or the media for that matter...
"The Arizona gunman belonged to online suicide cult!" :-(

might want to add it to terminology on the wiki while you're at it.
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Elvis has left the building.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 14:01:12

Originally posted by Rockman:
Everything is breakable. It just hurts your reputation a lot more to break a UNAP than to break a DNH.

Tell that to SOL and SoF...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 14:51:04

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Originally posted by Pang:
i feel like I should make a thread discussing what "suiciding" is in case the feds come to the forum any time soon....

Or the media for that matter...
"The Arizona gunman belonged to online suicide cult!" :-(

might want to add it to terminology on the wiki while you're at it.

And you people say I make no contribution...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 14:58:29

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Originally posted by Pang:
i feel like I should make a thread discussing what "suiciding" is in case the feds come to the forum any time soon....

Or the media for that matter...
"The Arizona gunman belonged to online suicide cult!" :-(

might want to add it to terminology on the wiki while you're at it.

And you people say I make no contribution...

cool beans. i was thinking about doing it, but i usually come here to procrastinate, and it would sorta defeat the purpose.
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Kingme Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 15:05:37

So just to be clear...

I can hit Bobby?

CaptainTenacious Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 15:08:23

like a red headed step child
~The Saucy Buccaneer~
I drink in moderation.
Moderation being an imaginary place i go to when i drink.

Ron Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 15:21:55

come on, is all these stuff necessary between an ex-member and an alliance?

Kingme Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 15:23:23

When it's Bobby...


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 15:46:08

Originally posted by Ron:
come on, is all these stuff necessary between an ex-member and an alliance?

yeah, at least until 10am tomorrow, when the snow is suppossed to stop.
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