
hanlong Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:47:22

Originally posted by TGD:
Sometimes you can be asking for outstanding reps that are highly unreasonable and if you do the other alliance isn't even going to pay back what is logically owes you because you won't budge

It is a 2 way street and something happened that reps were not paid (if in fact that was the case)

You forget Hanlong, you have a reasponsibilty to your alliance and PDM's leaders have a responsibilty to theirs. That is what it comes down too

You guys need to find someway to get past your grudges or like I stated PDM is going to hassle you over and over again, or you will eventually run people from the game it will be who ever breaks first and both outcomes are bad outcomes

we had a fluffing pact for the GoSu incident you retard. it wasn't unreasonable at all. if you guys thought it was unreasonable, then say so during the pact signing process and not after you suicided on our asses. it was outlined in our fluffing pact and you refused to pay up because PDM was acting like major douchebags that time. and sorry again for only bringing up the 2003 incident, but like i said i can only say things in which i have first hand experience about.

you just can't admit that your leadership fluffed up big time back in 2003 when they were one of the major alliances at that time and because of those boneheaded moves made PDM into the crap alliance it is today.

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 3rd 2011, 19:56:09
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia