
Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 1:27:34

That's not true diez. A country with 0 D would become a very attractive grab whenever it isn't in 30% immunity (which has a sliding window of the last 24 hours worth of losses like current DR), and stand to lose even more land. The key thing is, if you spend enough turns and gained enough NW, you could exit immunity (say you entered immunity at 31% loss, you logged on and built 100 acres bringing you to 29%, you have exited immunity, and can be hit again.

The main problem with (A) is the loss of land generation, making all-explorers more powerful, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. L:L will need to be scraped in this situation, focusing on 1:1 retals instead, because you can't overretal a country past 30%, and (B) the game becomes more about looking for the best land trading exchanges (gain land by benefiting more after the retal) - ghost acres need to be significantly reduced or removed. (C) Pacts will be changed to allow single hits between countries, but no double taps.

This motivates countries to actually defend their land, because they can always be grabbed (but not double tapped). The end result of this tends to be the countries on top will tend to stay on top.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Dec 20th 2011, 1:30:08
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