
NukEvil Game profile


Apr 30th 2012, 14:06:26

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Give me vivas next country name- i promise you he will either get deleted or will not finish first. Done deal. I can stop him. :) Either i stop him or he cheats and gets deleted.

Unless it's JJ, then you'll just ineffectively suicide on him, he'll still end up in top 5, and you'll self-delete and leave your allies high and dry again.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

tduong Game profile


Apr 30th 2012, 16:43:59

lmao!! got him!
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

crest23 Game profile


May 19th 2012, 4:33:42

Didn't someone pass my dict record last set? What ever happened to this? To many deletions cause Seth to give up on this?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

smlandau84 Game profile


May 21st 2012, 2:16:39

I'll update it in a few.. anyone know who won the last few rounds and who the people that broke 30mil are?

smlandau84 Game profile


May 21st 2012, 2:39:27

New updates:

Round 127 - None

Round 128 - Theocracy Top 5
4. 30,938,144 NW (Round 128 - To the Top #74) - ??

Round 128 - Dictatorship Top 5
2. 22,784,937 NW (Round 128 - While You Dance To Purple Rain #135) - ??

Round 129 - Communism Top 5
5. 33,515,252 NW (Round 129 - Porn KING #88) - ??

Round 129 - Democoracy top 5
1. 31,758,808 NW (Round 129 - Ruby and her idiot brother Max #82) - ??

New additions to the 30mil club:
6. 33,515,252 NW (Communism, Round 129 - Porn KING #88) - ??
13. 31,758,808 NW (Democoracy, Round 129 - Ruby and her idiot brother Max #82) - ??
21. 30,938,144 NW (Theocracy, Round 128 - To the Top #74) - ??
25. 30,190,180 NW (Communism, Round 129 -Tokyo Drift #18)- ??

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 1:26:43

Congrats to Shanelee for winning Round #130 and Berkowitz for winning #131

Also a congrats to Getafix for making the top 10 all explore list:
9. 24,567,297 NW (Replublic, Round 131 - Twelve Dreams of Dr Sardonicus #67) - Getafix

And a congrats due to Berkowitz for #1 All time Demo and #4 all time overall - Welcome to the 30mil club
1. 35,806,109 NW (Democracy Round 131 - Dem Farmer De Israel #92) - Berkowitz



Jun 4th 2012, 1:37:21

Thank you great round fun game

I aspire for more records

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 3:25:14

Congratts, Berkowitz!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 14:23:56

lol "Berkowitz"
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

crest23 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 14:28:43

It must suck cos he forever cannot use his real name to take credit for it, haha!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 19:22:03

Ummm...I'm pretty sure almost NO ONE ELSE uses their real name to take credit for stuff done here...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.


EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 19:42:38

He can't use his regular Earth nick to claim it - although he can really, if he feels like it. All that would happen is everyone would know he was as bad a leecher as JJ.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 19:44:06

It's kind of annoying having people who obviously don't take solo servers seriously drop in here and abuse the crap out of em for laughs or ego or whatever. Some people prefer solo servers and don't appreciate that
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.



Jun 4th 2012, 19:44:59

Originally posted by blid:
He can't use his regular Earth nick to claim it - although he can really, if he feels like it. All that would happen is everyone would know he was as bad a leecher as JJ.

blid is still mad about his inability to make the 30m nw club. and since JJ cost him his entry, blid takes his frustrations out on JJ.


EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 19:47:04

You're JJ, why talk in the third person?

And I couldn't be less mad about it. I won the set, got 30m enough for my own peace of mind, and have barely even tried to net since.
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

OmarEVP Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:01:33

blid. why are you so angry.

you think its sad that certain people create multiple countries/profiles and go thru all of this trouble cheating... well most of us think its sad that you create all these threads and uselessly complain.

if you dont like the game, then stop playing. or for once in your life follow what the mods say and just click report. i have never seen a bigger whiner in my life.

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:03:07

crest23 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:16:54

JJ, your ban is hereby extended. Warster will be by shortly to confirm this.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

OmarEVP Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:17:58

blid currently.

check him out. ultimate ladies man right here.


EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 20:18:09

Originally posted by OmarEVP:
well most of us think its sad that you create all these threads and uselessly complain.
By most of us, do you mean OmarEVP, JJ23, TheTruth, smlandau84, Mr.Titanium, and Berkowitz?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

OmarEVP Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:18:52

theres plenty more..

you could even do a poll right now. i bet i have more friends/supporters here in the EE community than u do!

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:25:20

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by OmarEVP:
well most of us think its sad that you create all these threads and uselessly complain.
By most of us, do you mean OmarEVP, JJ23, TheTruth, smlandau84, Mr.Titanium, and Berkowitz?

You're 1 for 3 on me blid, not sure about JJ. What other genius accusations do you have?

crest23 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:26:01

This forum is back to life now!
The Nigerian Nightmare.

OmarEVP Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:27:21

crest23 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:41:24

What are you? 5 yrs old?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 20:42:08

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:43:44

KoH, that is exactly why I want to be in a 2 man express alliance with you!

It was hard to stop laughing after Omar's last post but you topped it off :)

OmarEVP Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:46:42

which post of mine was so funny?

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:48:08

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 20:48:19

I'm having more fun reading you guys going at it, than a human being should be allowed to :p
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

crest23 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:52:30

Gotta do something while we wait for Express to start, aye?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

OmarEVP Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:53:06

lunch break earthing FTW

crest23 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:56:21

Koh, more fun than a tornado in a trailer park?
The Nigerian Nightmare.

OmarEVP Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 20:58:38



Jun 4th 2012, 22:01:31

I think my next time I go for Tyranny Casher record

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 22:12:14

Originally posted by crest23:
Koh, more fun than a tornado in a trailer park?

LMFAO!, dunno, hey DH, is it? :p
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Rockman Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 22:12:34

Originally posted by OmarEVP:
theres plenty more..

you could even do a poll right now. i bet i have more friends/supporters here in the EE community than u do!

Under which of your aliases?

Just because you can create aliases to support you doesn't make you have more friends than other people, anymore than using 4+ countries to get 10%-20% better networth than someone using 1 country gets makes you a better player than them.



Jun 4th 2012, 22:30:07

JJ... MEOW!!
•The Anti Cheat•

Originally posted by JJ23:
do this to me again next reset, and you will all get run into the ground. ill create 40 countries on this server discretely if i have to do end you fools.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 4th 2012, 22:31:29

No.. its SQUEAK!!!

Deerhunter Game profile


Jun 5th 2012, 17:14:26

Originally posted by OmarEVP:

LMFAO- THAT was funny. Also, when you consider the name Deerhunter- How many black folks do you think actually derr hunt>? In my life, and i have done a lot of hunting i have only met one. I have invited black friends to come and hunt with me. They always look at me like i was crazy and ask "you want me to go out into the woods with a bunch of armed white guys?" I laugh and say their my friends and family and they will be safe. Then they remind me there are other white guys with gunsd in the woods too. I can not argue that point so as of this date no black friends have gone hunting with me.

So, no i am not a black kid. Good try though.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Deerhunter Game profile


Jun 5th 2012, 17:16:45

Does anyone else here ever wonder if even JJ gets confused as to which account/name he is using when he speaks in forums? I am betting he has to print them all out so he can keep them separate and remember them all.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!


EE Patron

Jun 5th 2012, 18:13:38

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Does anyone else here ever wonder if even JJ gets confused as to which account/name he is using when he speaks in forums? I am betting he has to print them all out so he can keep them separate and remember them all.
That's Mr.Titanium who once posted as smlandau84 by accident, heh
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.


EE Patron

Jun 5th 2012, 18:30:49

JJ doesn't care which name he uses because they're all openly JJ at this point, he just has a lot of them from trying to post during various bannings
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Deerhunter Game profile


Jun 6th 2012, 0:06:25

Yes, until his rantings he mods have never been so popular. Now, with all the JJ banning, the mods have never been more popular. Everyone loves them.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!



Jun 6th 2012, 4:28:13

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Does anyone else here ever wonder if even JJ gets confused as to which account/name he is using when he speaks in forums? I am betting he has to print them all out so he can keep them separate and remember them all.
That's Mr.Titanium who once posted as smlandau84 by accident, heh

Have the link? I can really use it!


•The Anti Cheat•

Originally posted by JJ23:
do this to me again next reset, and you will all get run into the ground. ill create 40 countries on this server discretely if i have to do end you fools.

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 6th 2012, 5:06:15

Deerhunter, please just post under Deerhunter or Ifoundyoucheating. It's confusing to other.



Jun 6th 2012, 5:35:01

Seth, please just post under smlandau84 or MrTitanium. Its confusing to other
•The Anti Cheat•

Originally posted by JJ23:
do this to me again next reset, and you will all get run into the ground. ill create 40 countries on this server discretely if i have to do end you fools.

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 11th 2012, 4:25:12

New Updates for Round #132:

Congrats to Getafix for getting 5th all time on the Republic list:

5. 29,352,43677 NW (Round 132 - Gremlin #68) - Getafix

And congrats to Berkowitz for his back to back 1st place finishes, including #1 all time commie and #1 all time overall express score.

1. 38,730,208 NW (Communist, Round 132 - AMSKM #15) - Berkowitz

Iolanthe Game profile


Jun 15th 2012, 15:22:15

remove my dict record, please...

smlandau84 Game profile


Jun 25th 2012, 3:25:36

Records updated for Round #133 & #134

Congrats to AzNiZe on his first win in round #133

And congrats to whoever ran AzN #67, (not AzN?) in round #134. Also the newest member of the 30mil club with the 22nd highest score overall

22. 30,981,404 NW (Communism, Round 134 - AzN #67) - ??