
Alin Game profile


Dec 19th 2012, 10:00:37

Lol at Sov ( and Sof ) pretending to be the good guys protecting and playing the game in "the right way".


After the hanlong episode( which is a shame for your alliance) you plaid the "bully" politics intimidating alliances who care about their communities. People had to choose btw "being your lapdogs" or having their communities "fluffed up" with set after set blindsiding wars or "receiving" unwanted visits from your "puppies".

Those who bend over and took it in the fluff from your side are enjoying a good period in the game :

RIVAL : 60 + members
RD : 40 members ( and no multies - had to say that )
Recently Sol with a fluffed leadership

Those who stood up are not doing well:

EVO - from 50++ members to 30
PDM - from 55++ members to 30
TIE - from 45++ members to 30
Even LCN suffered a lot and i bet they regret the "neutral" part.
MD - "will be taken care of - working on it"

Therefore dear Sov don`t go on that mined ground, because you really sound like a hooker who yells "RAPE".

Don`t - just DON'T.

Edited By: Alin on Dec 19th 2012, 10:44:36
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