
Mini Game profile


Dec 23rd 2012, 9:39:15

How is a 60 member MD and a 30 member TIE, two-half sized alliances?

Basically the reason we called in LaF (well actually SoF and LaF were both going to enter no matter how decent the strike was) was to ruin MD's warset. After seeing logs from MD's leadership laughing about ruining our netting reunion set, it seemed appropiate to salvage as much of it as we could, while destroying MD's set... an eye for eye.

Yes we could have fought 1vs1, but
1) That would require a lot of effort over christmas
2) We don't let other people dictate our warring schedule
3) See the above.

Please Inform the community as to where, and how you got a hold of MD Logs mentioned.

Point 1# - Irrelevant. It's Holiday Season globally, and affects every clan. And needs to stop being referred to as it yields no benefit to either side.

your point No.# 2. Is How your Clan plays - Why should any other clan do differently.

Don't like the taste of your Own medicine? Neither does anyone else. :)

Im not trolling you Flamey (bar that last anecdote), i honestly would just to see the logs and how your clan came into getting them.

Edited By: Mini on Dec 23rd 2012, 9:41:46
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