
General Earl Game profile


Nov 4th 2011, 13:00:25

Seeing how this is one of the few forums that administrators and developers read fully, there are some general guidelines for people who post so that we don't have the same discussions over again, or pointless posts with no real input, both of which waste everyone's time.

1.) A lot of posts start off with "this has probably been suggested..." etc. If you already have that feeling, then please, use the forum SEARCH under the Gear dropdown in the top RIGHT.

2.) In general, if you are going to make a suggestion about changes in game play, come prepared with logic and well thought out statements on what you hope your change would accomplish; try to make clear exactly why you feel your suggested change(s) would benefit the game.

3.) If you are new or a returning vet, having a new point of view can be great for finding bugs or offering suggestions; However, don't suggest big changes until you've had some experience with the new game interface or changes that have already been made. You should get a reasonable idea of how the game works now before posting.

4.) Create useful and descriptive titles for your thread. Using a tag like [Bug] or [Sug] at the beginning of a post topic is very helpful. Try to state the actual problem in the post title (space permitting). Titles like "[Bug] I have a problem" are a bad, titles like "[Bug] Login screen errors" would be good. [Typo], [Display] and [Forum] can also be used respectively for those types of problems.

5.) When creating a new bug report, it is essential to provide the game developers with as much information as possible. Sometimes, the actual errors the pages are giving are critical in determining the source of a bug. Please provide the following information:

- The server(s) the bug is affecting
- Steps to reproduce the bug
- Cut and paste the full error output on the page (if any)
- Your browser information (Version, OS/Platform, Mobile?) <-- HELPFUL FOR DISPLAY ISSUES!

6.) If bugs are of a severe enough nature, for example where game security is compromised, or exploits have been found, please pm qzjul, pang or slagpit immediately. See the contacts page for more information: DO NOT POST SECURITY PROBLEMS OR EXPLOITS IN THE FORUMS!!

Edited By: qzjul on Dec 3rd 2013, 22:48:31
See Original Post
General Earl
Every time I read AT:
︻╦╤─✮ ┄ ┄ RatttaTaatataatat!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 4th 2011, 21:11:39

You just wanted credit for my awesome rules! (that few ever read or followed)

General Earl Game profile


Nov 4th 2011, 21:53:48

I don't want credit for 'your rules' :).. But, they have become THE rules over time. They're great rules! thanks! ;), something I can enforce!

I wasn't trying to steal your thunder though.. I just didn't want to add things to your post that you didn't say :p.
General Earl
Every time I read AT:
︻╦╤─✮ ┄ ┄ RatttaTaatataatat!

Stryke Game profile


Jun 7th 2016, 6:29:44

When making posts in B&S, please have the post bearing some relevance to either a bug in the game so it can be fixed, or a suggestion. While comments are welcome, spamming isn't.
SOTA (President/HFA) • Elders • Darkness

a.k.a. NightShade
Originally posted by kemo:
this dudes either a great troll or a seriously stupid fluff. the kind that takes the pepsi challenge and chooses jiff