


Aug 13th 2010, 3:36:33

let us, the express community, do something constructive over the next five days

let us come to a community consensus for the key words and content to seo this server
not the whole site
just this one particular server

i propose we start with this question

if EE Express closed tomorrow and you had to find a new game
using only google and bing
how would you go about finding that new game??

what search phrases would you use?
how would you describe your ideal game?

then we can construct our server specific landing page with those phrases
I am no seo expert but i have worked with them on the construction of five sites and this is how they start

if you find yourself incapable of a helpful response
please do not post




Aug 13th 2010, 3:41:55

i will start and subject myself to the ensuing ridicule

i would search
turn based multi-player war game

i see that i am probably playing the wrong game
but let's skip that

turn based multi-player economic simulation game
text turn based economic scenario game

i would also try to find a game that takes a week to complete
so i might add that in an attempted drill down

ok i am done for now

kemo Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 5:12:51

id play twister with one legged people so id always win
all praised to ra

locket Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 5:28:16

SS loses to kemo again

bore Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 9:23:53

i would just google kemo and stalk him all over the internet.

the only scenario i can think of where i would google "mulltiplayer turnbased mathoriented browserbased country simulation game" to find another game like this i would be paralyzed from the neck down and i would have watched all the lolcatvideos and all the porn on the web. no wait, i would still work through the gutenberg project first. so by the time i would be ready to google this scientists would have me up and running and i would be out playing with my jetpack.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 13th 2010, 10:05:01

i think the genre is tick based

though that may refer to muds as well

M m i x X Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 15:21:54

for me... i will be searching for "browser based multi-player game"
-=(M m i x X)=-

Havoc Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 16:32:27

anddd he's back
Unholy Monks | The Omega

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 18:07:24

1. This belongs in General Talk (or perhaps Bugs/Suggestions)

2. The mods have been doing a lot of keyword testing with their advertising from what I have seen.

3. Why not just use analytics to resolve this? There are volumes of information on EXACTLY how internet users find websites, including this one and similar ones to it. Who cares what WE think we would use to find this game - we need to know what people who DON'T know about EE would use to find it.

4. Quite frankly, the 100 or so of us here do not represent a big enough sampling to provide any overly meaningful suggestions on bulk advertising, especially since the data is already out there (and in the hands of the mods).

You're not worth ridiculing - you do fine making a joke of yourself.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 18:08:54

The thing that seperates this game from a lot of others is the combination of politics, human interaction, and the market economy.

Mrredmanbhs Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 18:59:40

Interesting question because several years ago I did google some phrases and ended up finding the old Earth 2025 network. I remember specifically that I was searching for...

"Risk Global Domination Free"

I was on a Risk kick back then and was looking to play online. On of the links lead me to earth 2025.

deepcode Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 22:33:56

"online turn based strategy game"

fits all the bills.

online - no download required.
turn based - not a "twitch" game, so i have time to think.
strategy - be it war/economics, whatever.
game - thats just a given, simulators are boring.

edit: I found this game when browsing swirve, after playing utopia a bit -> which I found when I saw a college mate playing it.



Aug 13th 2010, 22:49:26

thanks for the serious responses

having started our description the next step is of course analytics

even HWCNG knows that

i will run them tonight and see what we find


A-Rod Game profile


Aug 13th 2010, 23:48:19

i find myself agreeing with now3p

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 2:43:17

lol...running analytics? Really?

Once again, why are we reinventing the wheel here? Are you really so pompous to think that the extremely talented set of developers behind EE haven't already plugged EE into analytics tools and done search engine optimization?

I mean really now, this is web development 101 fluff here, and I think I know where it's going....

I can't wait to see what the angle on this is....I'm quite interested to see how gregg turns this into an end run attack on the EE staff's competence.

*Additionally, you don't "run analytics tonight" on a website. Analytics on a website's advertising and search engine rankings require, at a minimum, 3 things:

1. Time (to test keyword hit success)
2. Hits (specifically number, type, location, browser type, and time on site)
3. Access to a site's statistics - number of hits, source of hits, conversion of hits, time on site, etc (none of which you have).

Please stop being a conceited ass and using the thinly veiled guise of trying to improve the game as a campaign to change the game to your personal tastes.

Edited By: NOW3P on Aug 14th 2010, 5:49:01
See Original Post

mrford Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 2:46:45

if i was searching for a game like express, i would search "gregg" hes the master of any game even remotely similar to this, its what the rumors are anyways
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Aug 14th 2010, 6:06:13

no distractions from helping the site

Edited By: lincoln on Aug 14th 2010, 6:20:08
See Original Post

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 14th 2010, 17:58:32

in that case, please delete all 4 of your aliases, and leave the game.....and if it gets tough, just remind yourself it's for the good of the game.



Aug 17th 2010, 21:21:40

ok i have a draft landing page ready
thx for the tip on tick based and mud



Aug 17th 2010, 22:21:53

i was able to find utopia, mars2025 and even swirve on cuil but our game is tougher to find than it should be
which is why the admins have asked for help from the community

the results from analytics show that thousands of people do in fact search for games like EE on google and bing every month, so the nattering negative nancy nabobs were wrong to insult the admins for seeking help with a landing page


NOW3P Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 4:13:06

but of course you're not going to share those analytics you "ran", now are you? That'd require doing something besides talking outta your ass, eh?